mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 12:36:35 +11:00
Allocator growth (#407)
Adds growth to the block allocator. - [x] No changelog update needed
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 562 additions and 152 deletions
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ use core::convert::TryInto;
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use crate::interrupt::free;
use bare_metal::{CriticalSection, Mutex};
use bare_metal::Mutex;
use super::bump_allocator::{BumpAllocator, StartEnd};
use super::bump_allocator::{BumpAllocatorInner, StartEnd};
use super::SendNonNull;
struct Block {
@ -37,170 +37,309 @@ impl Block {
.expect("too large allocation")
pub fn layout() -> Layout {
struct BlockAllocatorState {
first_free_block: Option<SendNonNull<Block>>,
struct BlockAllocatorInner {
inner_allocator: BumpAllocatorInner,
state: BlockAllocatorState,
pub struct BlockAllocator {
inner_allocator: BumpAllocator,
state: Mutex<RefCell<BlockAllocatorState>>,
inner: Mutex<RefCell<BlockAllocatorInner>>,
impl BlockAllocator {
pub(crate) const unsafe fn new(start: StartEnd) -> Self {
Self {
inner_allocator: BumpAllocator::new(start),
state: Mutex::new(RefCell::new(BlockAllocatorState {
first_free_block: None,
inner: Mutex::new(RefCell::new(BlockAllocatorInner::new(start))),
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))]
pub unsafe fn number_of_blocks(&self) -> u32 {
free(|key| {
let mut state = self.state.borrow(key).borrow_mut();
let mut count = 0;
let mut list_ptr = &mut state.first_free_block;
while let Some(mut current) = list_ptr {
count += 1;
list_ptr = &mut current.as_mut().next;
/// Requests a brand new block from the inner bump allocator
fn new_block(&self, layout: Layout, cs: CriticalSection) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
let overall_layout = Block::either_layout(layout);
self.inner_allocator.alloc_critical(overall_layout, cs)
/// Merges blocks together to create a normalised list
unsafe fn normalise(&self) {
free(|key| {
let mut state = self.state.borrow(key).borrow_mut();
let mut list_ptr = &mut state.first_free_block;
while let Some(mut current) = list_ptr {
if let Some(next_elem) = current.as_mut().next {
let difference = next_elem
let usize_difference: usize = difference
.expect("distances in alloc'd blocks must be positive");
if usize_difference == current.as_mut().size {
let current = current.as_mut();
let next = next_elem.as_ref();
current.size += next.size;
current.next = next.next;
list_ptr = &mut current.as_mut().next;
free(|key| self.inner.borrow(key).borrow_mut().number_of_blocks())
pub unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
// find a block that this current request fits in
let full_layout = Block::either_layout(layout);
let (block_after_layout, block_after_layout_offset) = full_layout
free(|key| {
let mut state = self.state.borrow(key).borrow_mut();
let mut current_block = state.first_free_block;
let mut list_ptr = &mut state.first_free_block;
// This iterates the free list until it either finds a block that
// is the exact size requested or a block that can be split into
// one with the desired size and another block header.
while let Some(mut current) = current_block {
let block_to_examine = current.as_mut();
if block_to_examine.size == full_layout.size() {
*list_ptr = block_to_examine.next;
return Some(current.cast());
} else if block_to_examine.size >= block_after_layout.size() {
// can split block
let split_block = Block {
size: block_to_examine.size - block_after_layout_offset,
next: block_to_examine.next,
let split_ptr = current
*split_ptr = split_block;
*list_ptr = NonNull::new(split_ptr).map(SendNonNull);
return Some(current.cast());
current_block = block_to_examine.next;
list_ptr = &mut block_to_examine.next;
self.new_block(layout, key)
free(|key| self.inner.borrow(key).borrow_mut().alloc(layout))
pub unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
free(|key| self.inner.borrow(key).borrow_mut().dealloc(ptr, layout));
pub unsafe fn dealloc_no_normalise(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
free(|key| {
.dealloc_no_normalise(ptr, layout);
pub unsafe fn grow(
ptr: *mut u8,
layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout,
) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
free(|key| {
.grow(ptr, layout, new_layout)
impl BlockAllocatorInner {
pub(crate) const unsafe fn new(start: StartEnd) -> Self {
Self {
inner_allocator: BumpAllocatorInner::new(start),
state: BlockAllocatorState {
first_free_block: None,
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "testing"))]
pub unsafe fn number_of_blocks(&mut self) -> u32 {
let mut count = 0;
let mut list_ptr = &mut self.state.first_free_block;
while let Some(mut current) = list_ptr {
count += 1;
list_ptr = &mut current.as_mut().next;
/// Requests a brand new block from the inner bump allocator
fn new_block(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
let overall_layout = Block::either_layout(layout);
/// Merges blocks together to create a normalised list
unsafe fn normalise(&mut self) {
let mut list_ptr = &mut self.state.first_free_block;
while let Some(mut current) = list_ptr {
if let Some(next_elem) = current.as_mut().next {
let difference = next_elem
let usize_difference: usize = difference
.expect("distances in alloc'd blocks must be positive");
if usize_difference == current.as_mut().size {
let current = current.as_mut();
let next = next_elem.as_ref();
current.size += next.size;
current.next = next.next;
list_ptr = &mut current.as_mut().next;
pub unsafe fn alloc(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
// find a block that this current request fits in
let full_layout = Block::either_layout(layout);
let mut list_ptr = &mut self.state.first_free_block;
// This iterates the free list until it either finds a block that
// is the exact size requested or a block that can be split into
// one with the desired size and another block header.
loop {
match list_ptr {
Some(mut current_block) => {
if let Some(alloc) = Self::allocate_into_block(list_ptr, full_layout) {
return Some(alloc);
list_ptr = &mut current_block.as_mut().next;
None => return self.new_block(layout),
/// splits a block in twain
unsafe fn allocate_into_block(
reference_to_block_pointer: &mut Option<SendNonNull<Block>>,
wanted_layout: Layout,
) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
let (extended_layout, offset) = wanted_layout.extend(Block::layout()).unwrap();
let mut examination_block_ptr = reference_to_block_pointer.unwrap().0;
let examination_block = examination_block_ptr.as_mut();
if examination_block.size == wanted_layout.size() {
*reference_to_block_pointer = examination_block.next;
} else if examination_block.size >= extended_layout.size() {
let split_block = Block {
size: examination_block.size - offset,
next: examination_block.next,
let split_block_ptr = examination_block_ptr
*split_block_ptr = split_block;
*reference_to_block_pointer = NonNull::new(split_block_ptr).map(SendNonNull);
} else {
pub unsafe fn grow(
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
initial_layout: Layout,
desired_layout: Layout,
) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
let either_layout_initial = Block::either_layout(initial_layout);
let either_layout_desired = Block::either_layout(desired_layout);
let difference = Layout::from_size_align(
either_layout_desired.size() - either_layout_initial.size(),
.expect("should be able to construct difference layout");
if self.is_block_at_end(ptr, either_layout_initial) {
let _additional_space = self.inner_allocator.alloc(difference);
return NonNull::new(ptr);
// cases
// * Our block has no free block after it.
// * Our block has a free block after that we fit in.
// * Our block has a free block after that is too small.
// * UNIMPLEMENTED Out block has a free block after that is too small but that is at the end so we can bump allocate some more space.
let next_block = self.find_first_block_after(ptr);
if let Some(list_to_block) = next_block {
let is_block_directly_after = {
if let Some(block) = list_to_block {
block.0.as_ptr() == ptr.add(either_layout_initial.size()).cast()
} else {
if is_block_directly_after {
if let Some(_split) = Self::allocate_into_block(list_to_block, difference) {
return NonNull::new(ptr);
self.grow_copy(ptr, either_layout_initial, either_layout_desired)
unsafe fn grow_copy(
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
initial_layout: Layout,
desired_layout: Layout,
) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
let new_ptr = self.alloc(desired_layout)?;
core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr, new_ptr.as_ptr(), initial_layout.size());
self.dealloc(ptr, initial_layout);
unsafe fn is_block_at_end(&self, ptr: *mut u8, total_layout: Layout) -> bool {
self.inner_allocator.tip() == NonNull::new(ptr.add(total_layout.size()))
pub unsafe fn dealloc(&mut self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
self.dealloc_no_normalise(ptr, layout);
pub unsafe fn dealloc_no_normalise(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
let new_layout = Block::either_layout(layout).pad_to_align();
free(|key| {
let mut state = self.state.borrow(key).borrow_mut();
/// Returns a reference to the pointer to the next block
/// Useful because you can modify what points to the block and access the block
unsafe fn find_first_block_after(
&mut self,
ptr: *mut u8,
) -> Option<&mut Option<SendNonNull<Block>>> {
let mut list_ptr = &mut self.state.first_free_block;
// note that this is a reference to a pointer
let mut list_ptr = &mut state.first_free_block;
// This searches the free list until it finds a block further along
// than the block that is being freed. The newly freed block is then
// inserted before this block. If the end of the list is reached
// then the block is placed at the end with no new block after it.
loop {
match list_ptr {
Some(mut current_block) => {
if current_block.as_ptr().cast() > ptr {
let new_block_content = Block {
size: new_layout.size(),
next: Some(current_block),
*ptr.cast() = new_block_content;
*list_ptr = NonNull::new(ptr.cast()).map(SendNonNull);
list_ptr = &mut current_block.as_mut().next;
loop {
match list_ptr {
Some(mut current_block) => {
if current_block.as_ptr().cast() > ptr {
return Some(list_ptr);
None => {
// reached the end of the list without finding a place to insert the value
list_ptr = &mut current_block.as_mut().next;
None => return None,
pub unsafe fn dealloc_no_normalise(&mut self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
let new_layout = Block::either_layout(layout).pad_to_align();
// note that this is a reference to a pointer
let mut list_ptr = &mut self.state.first_free_block;
// This searches the free list until it finds a block further along
// than the block that is being freed. The newly freed block is then
// inserted before this block. If the end of the list is reached
// then the block is placed at the end with no new block after it.
loop {
match list_ptr {
Some(mut current_block) => {
if current_block.as_ptr().cast() > ptr {
let new_block_content = Block {
size: new_layout.size(),
next: None,
next: Some(current_block),
*ptr.cast() = new_block_content;
*list_ptr = NonNull::new(ptr.cast()).map(SendNonNull);
list_ptr = &mut current_block.as_mut().next;
None => {
// reached the end of the list without finding a place to insert the value
let new_block_content = Block {
size: new_layout.size(),
next: None,
*ptr.cast() = new_block_content;
*list_ptr = NonNull::new(ptr.cast()).map(SendNonNull);
@ -215,6 +354,24 @@ unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for BlockAllocator {
unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
self.dealloc(ptr, layout);
unsafe fn realloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout, new_size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
let new_layout = Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(new_size, layout.align());
if new_size > layout.size() {
return match self.grow(ptr, layout, new_layout) {
Some(p) => p.as_ptr(),
None => core::ptr::null_mut(),
let new_ptr = GlobalAlloc::alloc(self, new_layout);
if !new_ptr.is_null() {
core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr, new_ptr, core::cmp::min(layout.size(), new_size));
self.dealloc(ptr, layout);
unsafe impl Allocator for BlockAllocator {
@ -230,6 +387,42 @@ unsafe impl Allocator for BlockAllocator {
unsafe fn grow(
ptr: NonNull<u8>,
old_layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout,
) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, core::alloc::AllocError> {
match self.grow(ptr.as_ptr(), old_layout, new_layout) {
Some(p) => Ok(NonNull::new_unchecked(core::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(
None => Err(core::alloc::AllocError),
unsafe fn grow_zeroed(
ptr: NonNull<u8>,
old_layout: Layout,
new_layout: Layout,
) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, core::alloc::AllocError> {
let new_ptr = self
.grow(ptr.as_ptr(), old_layout, new_layout)
.write_bytes(0, new_layout.size() - old_layout.size());
unsafe fn deallocate(&self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout) {
self.dealloc(ptr.as_ptr(), layout);
@ -4,35 +4,41 @@ use core::ptr::NonNull;
use super::SendNonNull;
use crate::interrupt::free;
use bare_metal::{CriticalSection, Mutex};
use bare_metal::Mutex;
pub(crate) struct StartEnd {
pub start: fn() -> usize,
pub end: fn() -> usize,
pub(crate) struct BumpAllocator {
current_ptr: Mutex<RefCell<Option<SendNonNull<u8>>>>,
start_end: Mutex<StartEnd>,
pub(crate) struct BumpAllocatorInner {
current_ptr: Option<SendNonNull<u8>>,
start_end: StartEnd,
impl BumpAllocator {
pub(crate) struct BumpAllocator {
inner: Mutex<RefCell<BumpAllocatorInner>>,
impl BumpAllocatorInner {
pub const fn new(start_end: StartEnd) -> Self {
Self {
current_ptr: Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None)),
start_end: Mutex::new(start_end),
current_ptr: None,
impl BumpAllocator {
pub fn alloc_critical(&self, layout: Layout, cs: CriticalSection) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
let mut current_ptr = self.current_ptr.borrow(cs).borrow_mut();
pub fn tip(&self) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
self.current_ptr.map(|x| x.0)
pub fn alloc(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
let current_ptr = &mut self.current_ptr;
let ptr = if let Some(c) = *current_ptr {
c.as_ptr() as usize
} else {
let alignment_bitmask = layout.align() - 1;
@ -43,7 +49,7 @@ impl BumpAllocator {
let resulting_ptr = ptr + amount_to_add;
let new_current_ptr = resulting_ptr + layout.size();
if new_current_ptr >= (self.start_end.borrow(cs).end)() {
if new_current_ptr >= (self.start_end.end)() {
return None;
@ -51,8 +57,11 @@ impl BumpAllocator {
NonNull::new(resulting_ptr as *mut _)
pub fn alloc_safe(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
free(|key| self.alloc_critical(layout, key))
impl BumpAllocator {
fn alloc_safe(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
free(|key| self.inner.borrow(key).borrow_mut().alloc(layout))
@ -292,4 +292,18 @@ mod test {
fn growth_works(_gba: &mut crate::Gba) {
let mut growing_vector = Vec::with_capacity(1);
for i in 0..1000 {
growing_vector.reserve_exact(i + 2);
for (idx, elem) in growing_vector.iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(idx, *elem);
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