// This macro is based very heavily on the entry one in rust-embedded use proc_macro::TokenStream; use proc_macro2::Span; use quote::{quote, ToTokens}; use syn::{FnArg, Ident, ItemFn, Pat, ReturnType, Token, Type, Visibility}; use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; fn token_stream_with_string_error(mut tokens: TokenStream, error_str: &str) -> TokenStream { tokens.extend(TokenStream::from(quote! { compile_error!(#error_str); })); tokens } #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn entry(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let f: ItemFn = match syn::parse(input.clone()) { Ok(it) => it, Err(_) => return input, }; // Check that the function signature is correct if !(f.sig.constness.is_none() && f.vis == Visibility::Inherited && f.sig.abi.is_none() && f.sig.generics.params.is_empty() && f.sig.generics.where_clause.is_none() && match f.sig.output { ReturnType::Type(_, ref ty) => matches!(**ty, Type::Never(_)), _ => false, }) { return token_stream_with_string_error( input, "#[agb::entry] must have signature [unsafe] fn (mut agb::Gba) -> !", ); } // Check that the function signature takes 1 argument, agb::Gba let arguments: Vec<_> = f.sig.inputs.iter().collect(); if arguments.len() != 1 { return token_stream_with_string_error( input, &format!( "#[agb::entry] must have signature [unsafe] fn (mut agb::Gba) -> !, but got {} arguments", arguments.len() ) ); } let (argument_type, (argument_name, is_mutable)) = match arguments[0] { FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => ( pat_type.ty.to_token_stream(), match &*pat_type.pat { Pat::Ident(ident) => { if !(ident.attrs.is_empty() && ident.by_ref.is_none() && ident.subpat.is_none()) { return token_stream_with_string_error( input, "#[agb::entry] must have signature [unsafe] fn (mut agb::Gba) -> !", ); } (ident.ident.clone(), ident.mutability.is_some()) } _ => { return token_stream_with_string_error( input, "Expected first argument to #[agb::entry] to be a basic identifier", ) } }, ), _ => { return token_stream_with_string_error( input, "Expected first argument to #[agb::entry] to not be self", ) } }; if args.to_string() != "" { return token_stream_with_string_error(input, "Must pass no args to #[agb::entry] macro"); } let fn_name = hashed_ident(&f); let attrs = f.attrs; let stmts = f.block.stmts; let mutable = if is_mutable { Some(Token![mut](Span::call_site())) } else { None }; if !argument_type.to_string().ends_with("Gba") { return token_stream_with_string_error(input, "Expected first argument to have type 'Gba'"); } quote!( #[cfg(not(test))] #[export_name = "main"] #[doc(hidden)] #(#attrs)* pub extern "C" fn #fn_name() -> ! { let #mutable #argument_name = unsafe { #argument_type ::new_in_entry() }; #(#stmts)* } #[cfg(test)] #[export_name = "main"] #[doc(hidden)] #(#attrs)* pub extern "C" fn #fn_name() -> ! { let mut #argument_name = unsafe { #argument_type ::new_in_entry() }; if cfg!(test) { agb::test_runner::agb_start_tests(#argument_name, test_main); } else { #(#stmts)* } } ) .into() } #[proc_macro] pub fn num(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let f = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as syn::LitFloat); let v: f64 = f.base10_parse().expect("The number should be parsable"); let integer = v.trunc(); let fractional = v.fract() * (1_u64 << 30) as f64; let integer = integer as i32; let fractional = fractional as i32; quote!((#integer, #fractional)).into() } fn hashed_ident(f: &T) -> Ident { let hash = calculate_hash(f); Ident::new(&format!("_agb_main_func_{hash}"), Span::call_site()) } fn calculate_hash(t: &T) -> u64 { let mut s = DefaultHasher::new(); t.hash(&mut s); s.finish() }