use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap, io::Cursor, rc::Rc}; use addr2line::gimli; use object::Object; use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum LoadDwarfError { #[error("Gba file is empty")] GbaFileEmpty, #[error("Failed to load debug information from ROM file, it might not have been included?")] NoDebugInformation, #[error("Failed to load debug information: {0}")] DeserializationError(#[from] rmp_serde::decode::Error), #[error(transparent)] GimliError(#[from] gimli::Error), } pub type GimliDwarf = gimli::Dwarf>; pub fn load_dwarf(file_content: &[u8]) -> Result { if let Ok(object) = object::File::parse(file_content) { return Ok(load_from_object(&object)?); } // the file might have been padded, so ensure we skip any padding before continuing let last_non_zero_byte = file_content .iter() .rposition(|&b| b != 0) .ok_or(LoadDwarfError::GbaFileEmpty)?; let file_content = &file_content[..last_non_zero_byte + 1]; let last_8_bytes = &file_content[file_content.len() - 8..]; let len = u32::from_le_bytes( last_8_bytes[0..4] .try_into() .or(Err(LoadDwarfError::NoDebugInformation))?, ) as usize; let version = &last_8_bytes[4..]; if version != b"agb1" { return Err(LoadDwarfError::NoDebugInformation); } let compressed_debug_data = &file_content[file_content.len() - len - 8..file_content.len() - 8]; let decompressing_reader = lz4_flex::frame::FrameDecoder::new(Cursor::new(compressed_debug_data)); let debug_info: HashMap> = rmp_serde::decode::from_read(decompressing_reader)?; let dwarf = gimli::Dwarf::load(|id| { let data = debug_info .get( .map(|data| Cow::Borrowed(data.as_slice())) .unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed(&[])); Result::<_, gimli::Error>::Ok(gimli::EndianRcSlice::new( Rc::from(&*data), gimli::RunTimeEndian::Little, )) })?; Ok(dwarf) } fn load_from_object<'file>( object: &object::File<'file, &'file [u8]>, ) -> Result { let endian = if object.is_little_endian() { gimli::RunTimeEndian::Little } else { gimli::RunTimeEndian::Big }; fn load_section<'data, Endian>( id: gimli::SectionId, file: &impl object::Object<'data>, endian: Endian, ) -> Result, gimli::Error> where Endian: gimli::Endianity, { use object::ObjectSection; let data = file .section_by_name( .and_then(|section| section.uncompressed_data().ok()) .unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed(&[])); Ok(gimli::EndianRcSlice::new(Rc::from(&*data), endian)) } let dwarf = gimli::Dwarf::load(|id| load_section(id, object, endian))?; Ok(dwarf) }