use crate::level_generation::generate_enemy_health; use crate::sfx::Sfx; use crate::{ graphics::SELECT_BOX, level_generation::generate_attack, Agb, EnemyAttackType, Face, PlayerDice, }; use agb::display::tiled::{RegularMap, TiledMap}; use agb::{hash_map::HashMap, input::Button}; use alloc::vec; use alloc::vec::Vec; use self::display::BattleScreenDisplay; mod display; pub(super) const MALFUNCTION_COOLDOWN_FRAMES: u32 = 3 * 60; const ROLL_TIME_FRAMES_ALL: u32 = 2 * 60; const ROLL_TIME_FRAMES_ONE: u32 = 60 / 8; /// A face of the rolled die and it's cooldown (should it be a malfunction) #[derive(Debug)] struct RolledDie { face: Face, cooldown: u32, } impl RolledDie { fn new(face: Face) -> Self { let cooldown = if face == Face::Malfunction { MALFUNCTION_COOLDOWN_FRAMES } else { 0 }; Self { face, cooldown } } fn update(&mut self) { self.cooldown = self.cooldown.saturating_sub(1); } fn can_reroll(&self) -> bool { self.face != Face::Malfunction || self.cooldown == 0 } fn can_reroll_after_accept(&self) -> bool { self.face != Face::Malfunction } fn cooldown(&self) -> Option<u32> { if self.face == Face::Malfunction && self.cooldown > 0 { Some(self.cooldown) } else { None } } } #[derive(Debug)] enum DieState { Rolling(u32, Face, Face), Rolled(RolledDie), } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Action { PlayerActivateShield { amount: u32 }, PlayerShoot { damage: u32, piercing: u32 }, PlayerDisrupt { amount: u32 }, PlayerHeal { amount: u32 }, PlayerBurstShield { multiplier: u32 }, PlayerSendBurstShield { damage: u32 }, EnemyShoot { damage: u32 }, EnemyShield { amount: u32 }, EnemyHeal { amount: u32 }, } #[derive(Debug)] struct RolledDice { rolls: Vec<DieState>, } impl RolledDice { fn update(&mut self, player_dice: &PlayerDice) { self.rolls .iter_mut() .zip(player_dice.dice.iter()) .for_each(|(die_state, player_die)| match die_state { DieState::Rolling(ref mut timeout, ref mut face, previous_face) => { if *timeout == 0 { let mut number_of_rolls = 0; *die_state = DieState::Rolled(RolledDie::new(loop { let next_face = player_die.roll(); number_of_rolls += 1; if *previous_face != Face::Malfunction || next_face != *previous_face || number_of_rolls > 16 { break next_face; } })); } else { if *timeout % 2 == 0 { *face = player_die.roll(); } *timeout -= 1; } } DieState::Rolled(ref mut rolled_die) => rolled_die.update(), }); } fn faces_for_accepting(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Face> + '_ { self.rolls.iter().filter_map(|state| match state { DieState::Rolled(rolled_die) => Some(rolled_die.face), _ => None, }) } fn faces_to_render(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Face, Option<u32>)> + '_ { self.rolls.iter().map(|rolled_die| match rolled_die { DieState::Rolling(_, face, _previous_face) => (*face, None), DieState::Rolled(rolled_die) => (rolled_die.face, rolled_die.cooldown()), }) } fn accept_rolls(&mut self, player_dice: &PlayerDice) -> Vec<Action> { let mut actions = vec![]; let mut face_counts: HashMap<Face, u32> = HashMap::new(); let mut shield_multiplier = 1; let mut shoot_multiplier = 1; for face in self.faces_for_accepting() { match face { Face::DoubleShot => *face_counts.entry(Face::Shoot).or_default() += 2, Face::TripleShot => *face_counts.entry(Face::Shoot).or_default() += 3, Face::DoubleShield => *face_counts.entry(Face::Shield).or_default() += 2, Face::TripleShield => *face_counts.entry(Face::Shield).or_default() += 3, Face::DoubleShieldValue => shield_multiplier *= 2, Face::DoubleShotValue => shoot_multiplier *= 2, Face::TripleShotValue => shoot_multiplier *= 3, other => *face_counts.entry(other).or_default() += 1, } } let invert = *face_counts.entry(Face::Invert).or_default() % 2 == 1; // shield let mut shield_amount = *face_counts.entry(Face::Shield).or_default() * shield_multiplier; // shooting let shoot = *face_counts.entry(Face::Shoot).or_default(); let shoot_power = (shoot * (shoot + 1)) / 2; let malfunction_shots = *face_counts.entry(Face::MalfunctionShot).or_default(); let malfunctions = *face_counts.entry(Face::Malfunction).or_default(); let malfunction_shoot = (malfunction_shots * (malfunction_shots + 1)) / 2 * (malfunctions * (malfunctions + 1)) / 2; if malfunction_shoot != 0 { for roll in self.rolls.iter_mut().filter_map(|face| match face { DieState::Rolled(rolled_die) if rolled_die.face == Face::Malfunction => { Some(rolled_die) } _ => None, }) { roll.face = Face::Blank; } } let mut shoot_power = (shoot_power + malfunction_shoot) * shoot_multiplier; if invert { (shoot_power, shield_amount) = (shield_amount, shoot_power); } if shoot_power > 0 { actions.push(Action::PlayerShoot { damage: shoot_power, piercing: *face_counts.entry(Face::Bypass).or_default(), }); } if shield_amount > 0 { actions.push(Action::PlayerActivateShield { amount: shield_amount.min(5), }); } // burst shield if face_counts.contains_key(&Face::BurstShield) { actions.push(Action::PlayerBurstShield { multiplier: shoot_multiplier, }); } // disrupt let disrupt = *face_counts.entry(Face::Disrupt).or_default(); let disrupt_power = (disrupt * (disrupt + 1)) / 2; if disrupt_power > 0 { actions.push(Action::PlayerDisrupt { amount: disrupt_power, }); } let heal = *face_counts.entry(Face::Heal).or_default(); if heal != 0 { actions.push(Action::PlayerHeal { amount: (heal * (heal + 1)) / 2, }); } let mut malfunction_all = false; for roll in self.rolls.iter_mut().filter_map(|face| match face { DieState::Rolled(rolled_die) => Some(rolled_die), _ => None, }) { if roll.face == Face::DoubleShot || roll.face == Face::DoubleShield || roll.face == Face::DoubleShotValue { roll.cooldown = MALFUNCTION_COOLDOWN_FRAMES; roll.face = Face::Malfunction; } if roll.face == Face::TripleShot || roll.face == Face::TripleShield || roll.face == Face::TripleShotValue || roll.face == Face::BurstShield { malfunction_all = true; } } if malfunction_all { for roll in self.rolls.iter_mut().filter_map(|face| match face { DieState::Rolled(rolled_die) => Some(rolled_die), _ => None, }) { roll.cooldown = MALFUNCTION_COOLDOWN_FRAMES; roll.face = Face::Malfunction; } } // reroll non-malfunctions after accepting for i in 0..player_dice.dice.len() { self.roll_die(i, ROLL_TIME_FRAMES_ALL, true, player_dice); } actions } fn roll_die( &mut self, die_index: usize, time: u32, is_after_accept: bool, player_dice: &PlayerDice, ) { if let DieState::Rolled(ref selected_rolled_die) = self.rolls[die_index] { let can_reroll = if is_after_accept { selected_rolled_die.can_reroll_after_accept() } else { selected_rolled_die.can_reroll() }; if can_reroll { self.rolls[die_index] = DieState::Rolling( time, player_dice.dice[die_index].roll(), selected_rolled_die.face, ); } } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct PlayerState { shield_count: u32, health: u32, max_health: u32, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum EnemyAttack { Shoot(u32), Shield(u32), Heal(u32), } impl EnemyAttack { fn apply_effect(&self) -> Action { match self { EnemyAttack::Shoot(damage) => Action::EnemyShoot { damage: *damage }, EnemyAttack::Shield(shield) => Action::EnemyShield { amount: *shield }, EnemyAttack::Heal(amount) => Action::EnemyHeal { amount: *amount }, } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct EnemyAttackState { attack: EnemyAttack, cooldown: u32, max_cooldown: u32, } impl EnemyAttackState { fn attack_type(&self) -> EnemyAttackType { match self.attack { EnemyAttack::Shoot(_) => EnemyAttackType::Attack, EnemyAttack::Shield(_) => EnemyAttackType::Shield, EnemyAttack::Heal(_) => EnemyAttackType::Heal, } } fn value_to_show(&self) -> Option<u32> { match self.attack { EnemyAttack::Shoot(i) => Some(i), EnemyAttack::Heal(i) => Some(i), EnemyAttack::Shield(i) => Some(i), } } #[must_use] fn update(&mut self) -> Option<Action> { if self.cooldown == 0 { return Some(self.attack.apply_effect()); } self.cooldown -= 1; None } } #[derive(Debug)] struct EnemyState { shield_count: u32, health: u32, max_health: u32, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CurrentBattleState { player: PlayerState, enemy: EnemyState, rolled_dice: RolledDice, player_dice: PlayerDice, attacks: [Option<EnemyAttackState>; 2], current_level: u32, } impl CurrentBattleState { fn accept_rolls(&mut self) -> Vec<Action> { self.rolled_dice.accept_rolls(&self.player_dice) } fn roll_die(&mut self, die_index: usize, time: u32, is_after_accept: bool) { self.rolled_dice .roll_die(die_index, time, is_after_accept, &self.player_dice); } fn update(&mut self) -> Vec<Action> { let mut actions = vec![]; for attack in self.attacks.iter_mut() { if let Some(attack_state) = attack { if let Some(action) = attack_state.update() { attack.take(); actions.push(action); } } else if let Some(generated_attack) = generate_attack(self.current_level) { attack.replace(EnemyAttackState { attack: generated_attack.attack, cooldown: generated_attack.cooldown, max_cooldown: generated_attack.cooldown, }); } } actions } fn update_dice(&mut self) { self.rolled_dice.update(&self.player_dice); } fn apply_action(&mut self, action: Action, sfx: &mut Sfx) -> Option<Action> { match action { Action::PlayerActivateShield { amount } => { if amount > self.player.shield_count { sfx.shield_up(); } self.player.shield_count = self.player.shield_count.max(amount); None } Action::PlayerShoot { damage, piercing } => { if self.enemy.shield_count <= piercing { =; sfx.shot_hit(); } else if self.enemy.shield_count <= damage { self.enemy.shield_count = 0; // TODO: Dispatch action of drop shield to animate that sfx.shield_down(); } else { sfx.shield_defend(); } None } Action::PlayerDisrupt { amount } => { for attack in self.attacks.iter_mut().flatten() { attack.cooldown += amount * 240; attack.max_cooldown = attack.cooldown.max(attack.max_cooldown); } sfx.disrupt(); None } Action::PlayerHeal { amount } => { = self.player.max_health.min( + amount); sfx.heal(); None } Action::EnemyShoot { damage } => { if self.player.shield_count == 0 { =; sfx.shot_hit(); } else if self.player.shield_count <= damage { self.player.shield_count = 0; // TODO: Dispatch action of drop shield to animate that sfx.shield_down(); } else { sfx.shield_defend(); } None } Action::EnemyShield { amount } => { if amount > self.enemy.shield_count { sfx.shield_up(); } self.enemy.shield_count = self.enemy.shield_count.max(amount); None } Action::EnemyHeal { amount } => { = self.enemy.max_health.min( + amount); sfx.heal(); None } Action::PlayerBurstShield { multiplier } => { let damage = self.player.shield_count * (self.player.shield_count + 1) * multiplier / 2; self.player.shield_count = 0; sfx.send_burst_shield(); Some(Action::PlayerSendBurstShield { damage }) } Action::PlayerSendBurstShield { damage } => { self.enemy.shield_count = 0; =; sfx.burst_shield_hit(); sfx.shield_down(); None } } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub(crate) enum BattleResult { Win, Loss, } pub(crate) fn battle_screen( agb: &mut Agb, player_dice: PlayerDice, current_level: u32, help_background: &mut RegularMap, ) -> BattleResult { agb.sfx.battle(); agb.sfx.frame(); help_background.set_scroll_pos((-16i16, -97i16)); crate::background::load_help_text(&mut agb.vram, help_background, 1, (0, 0)); crate::background::load_help_text(&mut agb.vram, help_background, 2, (0, 1)); let obj = &agb.obj; let mut select_box_obj = agb.obj.object_sprite(SELECT_BOX.sprite(0));; let num_dice = player_dice.dice.len(); let enemy_health = generate_enemy_health(current_level); let mut current_battle_state = CurrentBattleState { player: PlayerState { shield_count: 0, health: 20, max_health: 20, }, enemy: EnemyState { shield_count: 0, health: enemy_health, max_health: enemy_health, }, rolled_dice: RolledDice { rolls: player_dice .dice .iter() .map(|die| DieState::Rolling(ROLL_TIME_FRAMES_ALL, die.roll(), Face::Blank)) .collect(), }, player_dice: player_dice.clone(), attacks: [None, None], current_level, }; let mut battle_screen_display = BattleScreenDisplay::new(obj, ¤t_battle_state); agb.sfx.frame(); let mut selected_die = 0usize; let mut input = agb::input::ButtonController::new(); let mut counter = 0usize; loop { counter = counter.wrapping_add(1); for action_to_apply in battle_screen_display.update(obj, ¤t_battle_state) { if let Some(action_to_return) = current_battle_state.apply_action(action_to_apply, &mut agb.sfx) { battle_screen_display.add_action(action_to_return, obj, &mut agb.sfx); } } for action in current_battle_state.update() { battle_screen_display.add_action(action, obj, &mut agb.sfx); } current_battle_state.update_dice(); input.update(); if input.is_just_pressed(Button::LEFT) { if selected_die == 0 { selected_die = num_dice - 1; } else { selected_die -= 1; } agb.sfx.move_cursor(); } if input.is_just_pressed(Button::RIGHT) { if selected_die == num_dice - 1 { selected_die = 0; } else { selected_die += 1; } agb.sfx.move_cursor(); } if input.is_just_pressed(Button::A) { current_battle_state.roll_die(selected_die, ROLL_TIME_FRAMES_ONE, false); agb.sfx.roll(); } if input.is_just_pressed(Button::START) { for action in current_battle_state.accept_rolls() { battle_screen_display.add_action(action, obj, &mut agb.sfx); } agb.sfx.roll_multi(); } select_box_obj .set_y(120 - 4) .set_x(selected_die as u16 * 40 + 28 - 4) .set_sprite(agb.obj.sprite(SELECT_BOX.animation_sprite(counter / 10))); agb.star_background.update(); agb.sfx.frame(); agb.vblank.wait_for_vblank(); help_background.commit(&mut agb.vram); help_background.set_visible(true); if == 0 { agb.sfx.ship_explode(); help_background.set_visible(false); crate::background::load_help_text(&mut agb.vram, help_background, 3, (0, 0)); crate::background::load_help_text(&mut agb.vram, help_background, 3, (0, 1)); return BattleResult::Win; } if == 0 { agb.sfx.ship_explode(); help_background.set_visible(false); crate::background::load_help_text(&mut agb.vram, help_background, 3, (0, 0)); crate::background::load_help_text(&mut agb.vram, help_background, 3, (0, 1)); return BattleResult::Loss; } agb.obj.commit(); agb.star_background.commit(&mut agb.vram); } }