#![no_std] #![no_main] #![cfg_attr(test, feature(custom_test_frameworks))] #![cfg_attr(test, reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main")] #![cfg_attr(test, test_runner(agb::test_runner::test_runner))] extern crate alloc; mod sfx; use core::cmp::Ordering; use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec::Vec}; use agb::{ display::{ object::{Graphics, Object, ObjectController, Sprite, Tag, TagMap}, tiled::{ InfiniteScrolledMap, RegularBackgroundSize, TileFormat, TileSet, TileSetting, VRamManager, }, Priority, HEIGHT, WIDTH, }, fixnum::{num, FixedNum, Rect, Vector2D}, input::{Button, ButtonController, Tri}, interrupt::VBlank, rng, sound::mixer::Frequency, }; use generational_arena::Arena; use sfx::Sfx; const GRAPHICS: &Graphics = agb::include_aseprite!("gfx/objects.aseprite", "gfx/boss.aseprite"); const TAG_MAP: &TagMap = GRAPHICS.tags(); const LONG_SWORD_IDLE: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Idle - longsword"); const LONG_SWORD_WALK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Walk - longsword"); const LONG_SWORD_JUMP: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Jump - longsword"); const LONG_SWORD_ATTACK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Attack - longsword"); const LONG_SWORD_JUMP_ATTACK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Jump attack - longsword"); const SHORT_SWORD_IDLE: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Idle - shortsword"); const SHORT_SWORD_WALK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Walk - shortsword"); const SHORT_SWORD_JUMP: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("jump - shortsword"); const SHORT_SWORD_ATTACK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("attack - shortsword"); const SHORT_SWORD_JUMP_ATTACK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("jump attack - shortsword"); const KNIFE_IDLE: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("idle - knife"); const KNIFE_WALK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("walk - knife"); const KNIFE_JUMP: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("jump - knife"); const KNIFE_ATTACK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("attack - knife"); const KNIFE_JUMP_ATTACK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("jump attack - knife"); const SWORDLESS_IDLE: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("idle swordless"); const SWORDLESS_WALK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("walk swordless"); const SWORDLESS_JUMP: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("jump swordless"); const SWORDLESS_ATTACK: &Tag = KNIFE_ATTACK; const SWORDLESS_JUMP_ATTACK: &Tag = KNIFE_JUMP_ATTACK; agb::include_gfx!("gfx/background.toml"); type Number = FixedNum<8>; struct Level<'a> { background: InfiniteScrolledMap<'a>, foreground: InfiniteScrolledMap<'a>, clouds: InfiniteScrolledMap<'a>, slime_spawns: Vec<(u16, u16)>, bat_spawns: Vec<(u16, u16)>, emu_spawns: Vec<(u16, u16)>, } impl<'a> Level<'a> { fn load_level( mut backdrop: InfiniteScrolledMap<'a>, mut foreground: InfiniteScrolledMap<'a>, mut clouds: InfiniteScrolledMap<'a>, start_pos: Vector2D, vram: &mut VRamManager, sfx: &mut Sfx, ) -> Self { let vblank = VBlank::get(); let mut between_updates = || { sfx.frame(); vblank.wait_for_vblank(); }; backdrop.init(vram, start_pos, &mut between_updates); foreground.init(vram, start_pos, &mut between_updates); clouds.init(vram, start_pos / 4, &mut between_updates); backdrop.commit(vram); foreground.commit(vram); clouds.commit(vram); backdrop.show(); foreground.show(); clouds.show(); let slime_spawns = tilemap::SLIME_SPAWNS_X .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, x)| (*x, tilemap::SLIME_SPAWNS_Y[i])) .collect(); let bat_spawns = tilemap::BAT_SPAWNS_X .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, x)| (*x, tilemap::BAT_SPAWNS_Y[i])) .collect(); let emu_spawns = tilemap::EMU_SPAWNS_X .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, x)| (*x, tilemap::EMU_SPAWNS_Y[i])) .collect(); Self { background: backdrop, foreground, clouds, slime_spawns, bat_spawns, emu_spawns, } } fn collides(&self, v: Vector2D) -> Option> { let factor: Number = Number::new(1) / Number::new(8); let (x, y) = (v * factor).floor().get(); if !(0..=tilemap::WIDTH).contains(&x) || !(0..=tilemap::HEIGHT).contains(&y) { return Some(Rect::new((x * 8, y * 8).into(), (8, 8).into())); } let position = tilemap::WIDTH as usize * y as usize + x as usize; let tile_foreground = tilemap::FOREGROUND_MAP[position]; let tile_background = tilemap::BACKGROUND_MAP[position]; let tile_foreground_property = tilemap::TILE_TYPES[tile_foreground as usize]; let tile_background_property = tilemap::TILE_TYPES[tile_background as usize]; if tile_foreground_property == 1 || tile_background_property == 1 { Some(Rect::new((x * 8, y * 8).into(), (8, 8).into())) } else { None } } fn clear(&mut self, vram: &mut VRamManager) { self.background.clear(vram); self.foreground.clear(vram); self.clouds.clear(vram); } } struct Entity<'a> { sprite: Object<'a>, position: Vector2D, velocity: Vector2D, collision_mask: Rect, visible: bool, } impl<'a> Entity<'a> { fn new(object_controller: &'a ObjectController, collision_mask: Rect) -> Self { let s = object_controller.sprite(LONG_SWORD_IDLE.sprite(0)); let mut sprite = object_controller.object(s); sprite.set_priority(Priority::P1); Entity { sprite, collision_mask, position: (0, 0).into(), velocity: (0, 0).into(), visible: true, } } fn update_position(&mut self, level: &Level) -> Vector2D { let initial_position = self.position; let y = self.velocity.y.to_raw().signum(); if y != 0 { let (delta, collided) = self.collision_in_direction((0, y).into(), self.velocity.y.abs(), |v| { level.collides(v) }); self.position += delta; if collided { self.velocity.y = 0.into(); } } let x = self.velocity.x.to_raw().signum(); if x != 0 { let (delta, collided) = self.collision_in_direction((x, 0).into(), self.velocity.x.abs(), |v| { level.collides(v) }); self.position += delta; if collided { self.velocity.x = 0.into(); } } self.position - initial_position } fn update_position_without_collision(&mut self) -> Vector2D { self.position += self.velocity; self.velocity } fn collider(&self) -> Rect { let mut number_collision = self.collision_mask; number_collision.position = self.position + number_collision.position - number_collision.size / 2; number_collision } fn collision_in_direction( &mut self, direction: Vector2D, distance: Number, collision: impl Fn(Vector2D) -> Option>, ) -> (Vector2D, bool) { let number_collision = self.collider(); let center_collision_point: Vector2D = number_collision.position + number_collision.size / 2 + number_collision.size.hadamard(direction) / 2; let direction_transpose: Vector2D = direction.swap(); let small = direction_transpose * Number::new(4) / 64; let triple_collider: [Vector2D; 2] = [ center_collision_point + number_collision.size.hadamard(direction_transpose) / 2 - small, center_collision_point - number_collision.size.hadamard(direction_transpose) / 2 + small, ]; let original_distance = direction * distance; let mut final_distance = original_distance; let mut has_collided = false; for edge_point in triple_collider { let point = edge_point + original_distance; if let Some(collider) = collision(point) { let center = collider.position + collider.size / 2; let edge = center - collider.size.hadamard(direction) / 2; let new_distance = (edge - center_collision_point) .hadamard((direction.x.abs(), direction.y.abs()).into()); if final_distance.manhattan_distance() > new_distance.manhattan_distance() { final_distance = new_distance; } has_collided = true; } } (final_distance, has_collided) } fn commit_with_fudge(&mut self, offset: Vector2D, fudge: Vector2D) { if !self.visible { self.sprite.hide(); } else { let position = (self.position - offset + fudge + Vector2D::new(num!(0.5), num!(0.5))).floor(); self.sprite.set_position(position - (8, 8).into()); if position.x < -8 || position.x > WIDTH + 8 || position.y < -8 || position.y > HEIGHT + 8 { self.sprite.hide(); } else { self.sprite.show(); } } } fn commit_with_size(&mut self, offset: Vector2D, size: Vector2D) { if !self.visible { self.sprite.hide(); } else { let position = (self.position - offset).floor(); self.sprite.set_position(position - size / 2); if position.x < -8 || position.x > WIDTH + 8 || position.y < -8 || position.y > HEIGHT + 8 { self.sprite.hide(); } else { self.sprite.show(); } } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] enum PlayerState { OnGround, InAir, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum SwordState { LongSword, ShortSword, Dagger, Swordless, } impl SwordState { fn ground_walk_force(self) -> Number { match self { SwordState::LongSword => Number::new(4) / 16, SwordState::ShortSword => Number::new(5) / 16, SwordState::Dagger => Number::new(6) / 16, SwordState::Swordless => Number::new(6) / 16, } } fn jump_impulse(self) -> Number { match self { SwordState::LongSword => Number::new(32) / 16, SwordState::ShortSword => Number::new(35) / 16, SwordState::Dagger => Number::new(36) / 16, SwordState::Swordless => Number::new(42) / 16, } } fn air_move_force(self) -> Number { match self { SwordState::LongSword => Number::new(4) / 256, SwordState::ShortSword => Number::new(5) / 256, SwordState::Dagger => Number::new(6) / 256, SwordState::Swordless => Number::new(6) / 256, } } fn idle_animation(self, counter: u16) -> &'static Sprite { let counter = counter as usize; match self { SwordState::LongSword => LONG_SWORD_IDLE.animation_sprite(counter / 8), SwordState::ShortSword => SHORT_SWORD_IDLE.animation_sprite(counter / 8), SwordState::Dagger => KNIFE_IDLE.animation_sprite(counter / 8), SwordState::Swordless => SWORDLESS_IDLE.animation_sprite(counter / 8), } } fn jump_tag(self) -> &'static Tag { match self { SwordState::LongSword => LONG_SWORD_JUMP, SwordState::ShortSword => SHORT_SWORD_JUMP, SwordState::Dagger => KNIFE_JUMP, SwordState::Swordless => SWORDLESS_JUMP, } } fn walk_animation(self, counter: u16) -> &'static Sprite { let counter = counter as usize; match self { SwordState::LongSword => LONG_SWORD_WALK.animation_sprite(counter / 4), SwordState::ShortSword => SHORT_SWORD_WALK.animation_sprite(counter / 4), SwordState::Dagger => KNIFE_WALK.animation_sprite(counter / 4), SwordState::Swordless => SWORDLESS_WALK.animation_sprite(counter / 4), } } fn attack_duration(self) -> u16 { match self { SwordState::LongSword => 60, SwordState::ShortSword => 40, SwordState::Dagger => 20, SwordState::Swordless => 0, } } fn jump_attack_duration(self) -> u16 { match self { SwordState::LongSword => 34, SwordState::ShortSword => 28, SwordState::Dagger => 20, SwordState::Swordless => 0, } } fn attack_frame(self, timer: u16) -> u16 { match self { SwordState::LongSword => (self.attack_duration().saturating_sub(timer)) / 8, SwordState::ShortSword => (self.attack_duration().saturating_sub(timer)) / 8, SwordState::Dagger => (self.attack_duration().saturating_sub(timer)) / 8, SwordState::Swordless => (self.attack_duration().saturating_sub(timer)) / 8, } } fn jump_attack_tag(self) -> &'static Tag { match self { SwordState::LongSword => LONG_SWORD_JUMP_ATTACK, SwordState::ShortSword => SHORT_SWORD_JUMP_ATTACK, SwordState::Dagger => KNIFE_JUMP_ATTACK, SwordState::Swordless => SWORDLESS_JUMP_ATTACK, } } fn jump_attack_frame(self, timer: u16) -> u16 { (self.jump_attack_duration().saturating_sub(timer)) / 8 } fn hold_frame(self) -> u16 { 7 } fn cooldown_time(self) -> u16 { match self { SwordState::LongSword => 20, SwordState::ShortSword => 10, SwordState::Dagger => 1, SwordState::Swordless => 0, } } fn attack_tag(self) -> &'static Tag { match self { SwordState::LongSword => LONG_SWORD_ATTACK, SwordState::ShortSword => SHORT_SWORD_ATTACK, SwordState::Dagger => KNIFE_ATTACK, SwordState::Swordless => SWORDLESS_ATTACK, } } fn fudge(self, frame: u16) -> i32 { match self { SwordState::LongSword => long_sword_fudge(frame), SwordState::ShortSword => short_sword_fudge(frame), SwordState::Dagger => 0, SwordState::Swordless => 0, } } // origin at top left pre fudge boxes fn ground_attack_hurtbox(self, frame: u16) -> Option> { match self { SwordState::LongSword => long_sword_hurtbox(frame), SwordState::ShortSword => short_sword_hurtbox(frame), SwordState::Dagger => dagger_hurtbox(frame), SwordState::Swordless => None, } } fn air_attack_hurtbox(self, _frame: u16) -> Option> { Some(Rect::new((0, 0).into(), (16, 16).into())) } } fn dagger_hurtbox(_frame: u16) -> Option> { Some(Rect::new((9, 5).into(), (7, 9).into())) } fn long_sword_hurtbox(frame: u16) -> Option> { match frame { 0 => Some(Rect::new((1, 10).into(), (6, 3).into())), 1 => Some(Rect::new((0, 9).into(), (7, 2).into())), 2 => Some(Rect::new((0, 1).into(), (6, 8).into())), 3 => Some(Rect::new((3, 0).into(), (6, 8).into())), 4 => Some(Rect::new((6, 3).into(), (10, 8).into())), 5 => Some(Rect::new((6, 5).into(), (10, 9).into())), 6 => Some(Rect::new((6, 5).into(), (10, 9).into())), 7 => Some(Rect::new((6, 5).into(), (10, 9).into())), _ => None, } } fn short_sword_hurtbox(frame: u16) -> Option> { match frame { 0 => None, 1 => Some(Rect::new((10, 5).into(), (3, 5).into())), 2 => Some(Rect::new((8, 5).into(), (6, 6).into())), 3 => Some(Rect::new((8, 6).into(), (8, 8).into())), 4 => Some(Rect::new((8, 7).into(), (5, 7).into())), 5 => Some(Rect::new((8, 7).into(), (7, 7).into())), 6 => Some(Rect::new((8, 5).into(), (7, 8).into())), 7 => Some(Rect::new((8, 4).into(), (4, 7).into())), _ => None, } } fn short_sword_fudge(frame: u16) -> i32 { match frame { 0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 3, 5 => 3, 6 => 3, 7 => 3, _ => 0, } } fn long_sword_fudge(frame: u16) -> i32 { match frame { 0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 1, 3 => 4, 4 => 5, 5 => 5, 6 => 5, 7 => 4, _ => 0, } } enum AttackTimer { Idle, Attack(u16), Cooldown(u16), } struct Player<'a> { entity: Entity<'a>, facing: Tri, state: PlayerState, sprite_offset: u16, attack_timer: AttackTimer, damage_cooldown: u16, sword: SwordState, fudge_factor: Vector2D, hurtbox: Option>, controllable: bool, } impl<'a> Player<'a> { fn new(object_controller: &'a ObjectController<'a>) -> Player { let mut entity = Entity::new(object_controller, Rect::new((0, 1).into(), (5, 10).into())); let s = object_controller.sprite(LONG_SWORD_IDLE.sprite(0)); entity.sprite.set_sprite(s); entity.sprite.show(); entity.position = (144, 0).into(); Player { entity, facing: Tri::Positive, state: PlayerState::OnGround, sword: SwordState::LongSword, sprite_offset: 0, attack_timer: AttackTimer::Idle, fudge_factor: (0, 0).into(), hurtbox: None, damage_cooldown: 0, controllable: true, } } fn update( &mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController, buttons: &ButtonController, level: &Level, sfx: &mut sfx::Sfx, ) -> UpdateInstruction { let mut instruction = UpdateInstruction::None; let x = if self.controllable { buttons.x_tri() } else { Tri::Zero }; let b_press = buttons.is_just_pressed(Button::B) && self.controllable; let a_press = buttons.is_just_pressed(Button::A) && self.controllable; self.fudge_factor = (0, 0).into(); let mut hurtbox = None; match self.state { PlayerState::OnGround => { self.entity.velocity.x = self.entity.velocity.x * 40 / 64; match &mut self.attack_timer { AttackTimer::Idle => { if x != Tri::Zero { self.facing = x; } self.entity.sprite.set_hflip(self.facing == Tri::Negative); self.entity.velocity.x += self.sword.ground_walk_force() * x as i32; if self.entity.velocity.x.abs() > Number::new(1) / 10 { let sprite = controller.sprite(self.sword.walk_animation(self.sprite_offset)); self.entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); } else { let sprite = controller.sprite(self.sword.idle_animation(self.sprite_offset)); self.entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); } if b_press && self.sword != SwordState::Swordless { self.attack_timer = AttackTimer::Attack(self.sword.attack_duration()); sfx.sword(); } else if a_press { self.entity.velocity.y -= self.sword.jump_impulse(); self.state = PlayerState::InAir; self.sprite_offset = 0; sfx.jump(); } } AttackTimer::Attack(a) => { *a -= 1; let frame = self.sword.attack_frame(*a); self.fudge_factor.x = (self.sword.fudge(frame) * self.facing as i32).into(); let tag = self.sword.attack_tag(); let sprite = controller.sprite(tag.animation_sprite(frame as usize)); self.entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); hurtbox = self.sword.ground_attack_hurtbox(frame); if *a == 0 { self.attack_timer = AttackTimer::Cooldown(self.sword.cooldown_time()); } } AttackTimer::Cooldown(a) => { *a -= 1; let frame = self.sword.hold_frame(); self.fudge_factor.x = (self.sword.fudge(frame) * self.facing as i32).into(); let tag = self.sword.attack_tag(); let sprite = controller.sprite(tag.animation_sprite(frame as usize)); self.entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); if *a == 0 { self.attack_timer = AttackTimer::Idle; } } } } PlayerState::InAir => { self.entity.velocity.x = self.entity.velocity.x * 63 / 64; match &mut self.attack_timer { AttackTimer::Idle => { let frame = if self.sprite_offset < 3 * 4 { self.sprite_offset / 4 } else if self.entity.velocity.y.abs() < Number::new(1) / 5 { 3 } else if self.entity.velocity.y > 1.into() { 5 } else if self.entity.velocity.y > 0.into() { 4 } else { 2 }; let tag = self.sword.jump_tag(); let sprite = controller.sprite(tag.animation_sprite(frame as usize)); self.entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); if x != Tri::Zero { self.facing = x; } self.entity.sprite.set_hflip(self.facing == Tri::Negative); self.entity.velocity.x += self.sword.air_move_force() * x as i32; if b_press && self.sword != SwordState::LongSword && self.sword != SwordState::Swordless { sfx.sword(); self.attack_timer = AttackTimer::Attack(self.sword.jump_attack_duration()); } } AttackTimer::Attack(a) => { *a -= 1; let frame = self.sword.jump_attack_frame(*a); let tag = self.sword.jump_attack_tag(); let sprite = controller.sprite(tag.animation_sprite(frame as usize)); self.entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); hurtbox = self.sword.air_attack_hurtbox(frame); if *a == 0 { self.attack_timer = AttackTimer::Idle; } } AttackTimer::Cooldown(_) => { self.attack_timer = AttackTimer::Idle; } } } } let gravity: Number = 1.into(); let gravity = gravity / 16; self.entity.velocity.y += gravity; self.fudge_factor.x -= num!(1.5) * (self.facing as i32); let fudge_number = (self.fudge_factor.x, self.fudge_factor.y).into(); // convert the hurtbox to a location in the game self.hurtbox = hurtbox.map(|h| { let mut b = Rect::new(h.position - (8, 8).into(), h.size); if self.facing == Tri::Negative { b.position.x = -b.position.x - b.size.x; } b.position += self.entity.position + fudge_number; b }); let prior_y_velocity = self.entity.velocity.y; self.entity.update_position(level); let (_, collided_down) = self .entity .collision_in_direction((0, 1).into(), 1.into(), |v| level.collides(v)); if collided_down { if self.state == PlayerState::InAir && prior_y_velocity > 2.into() { instruction = UpdateInstruction::CreateParticle( ParticleData::new_dust(), self.entity.position + (2 * self.facing as i32, 0).into(), ); sfx.player_land(); } self.state = PlayerState::OnGround; } else { self.state = PlayerState::InAir; } if self.damage_cooldown > 0 { self.damage_cooldown -= 1; } self.sprite_offset += 1; instruction } // returns true if the player is alive and false otherwise fn damage(&mut self) -> (bool, bool) { if self.damage_cooldown != 0 { return (true, false); } self.damage_cooldown = 120; let new_sword = match self.sword { SwordState::LongSword => Some(SwordState::ShortSword), SwordState::ShortSword => Some(SwordState::Dagger), SwordState::Dagger => None, SwordState::Swordless => Some(SwordState::Swordless), }; if let Some(sword) = new_sword { self.sword = sword; (true, true) } else { (false, true) } } fn heal(&mut self) { let new_sword = match self.sword { SwordState::LongSword => None, SwordState::ShortSword => Some(SwordState::LongSword), SwordState::Dagger => Some(SwordState::ShortSword), SwordState::Swordless => Some(SwordState::Swordless), }; if let Some(sword) = new_sword { self.sword = sword; } self.damage_cooldown = 30; } fn commit(&mut self, offset: Vector2D) { self.entity.commit_with_fudge(offset, self.fudge_factor); } } enum EnemyData { Slime(SlimeData), Bat(BatData), MiniFlame(MiniFlameData), Emu(EmuData), } struct BatData { sprite_offset: u16, bat_state: BatState, } enum BatState { Idle, Chasing(u16), Dead, } struct SlimeData { sprite_offset: u16, slime_state: SlimeState, } impl BatData { fn new() -> Self { Self { sprite_offset: 0, bat_state: BatState::Idle, } } fn update<'a>( &mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController, entity: &mut Entity<'a>, player: &Player, level: &Level, sfx: &mut sfx::Sfx, ) -> UpdateInstruction { let mut instruction = UpdateInstruction::None; let should_die = player .hurtbox .as_ref() .map(|hurtbox| hurtbox.touches(entity.collider())) .unwrap_or(false); let should_damage = entity.collider().touches(player.entity.collider()); const BAT_IDLE: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("bat"); match &mut self.bat_state { BatState::Idle => { self.sprite_offset += 1; if self.sprite_offset >= 9 * 8 { self.sprite_offset = 0; } if self.sprite_offset == 8 * 5 { sfx.bat_flap(); } let sprite = BAT_IDLE.sprite(self.sprite_offset as usize / 8); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); if (entity.position - player.entity.position).manhattan_distance() < 50.into() { self.bat_state = BatState::Chasing(300); self.sprite_offset /= 4; } if should_die { self.bat_state = BatState::Dead; sfx.bat_death(); } else if should_damage { instruction = UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer; } entity.velocity *= Number::new(15) / 16; entity.update_position(level); } BatState::Chasing(count) => { self.sprite_offset += 1; let speed = Number::new(1) / Number::new(4); let target_velocity = player.entity.position - entity.position; if target_velocity.manhattan_distance() > 1.into() { entity.velocity = target_velocity.normalise() * speed; } else { entity.velocity = (0, 0).into(); } if self.sprite_offset >= 9 * 2 { self.sprite_offset = 0; } let sprite = BAT_IDLE.sprite(self.sprite_offset as usize / 2); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); if self.sprite_offset == 2 * 5 { sfx.bat_flap(); } entity.update_position(level); if *count == 0 { self.bat_state = BatState::Idle; self.sprite_offset *= 4; } else { *count -= 1; } if should_die { self.bat_state = BatState::Dead; sfx.bat_death(); } else if should_damage { instruction = UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer; } } BatState::Dead => { const BAT_DEAD: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("bat dead"); let sprite = BAT_DEAD.sprite(0); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); let gravity: Number = 1.into(); let gravity = gravity / 16; entity.velocity.x = 0.into(); entity.velocity.y += gravity; let original_y_velocity = entity.velocity.y; let move_amount = entity.update_position(level); let just_landed = move_amount.y != 0.into() && original_y_velocity != move_amount.y; if just_landed { instruction = UpdateInstruction::CreateParticle( ParticleData::new_health(), entity.position, ); } } } instruction } } enum SlimeState { Idle, Chasing(Tri), Dead(u16), } impl SlimeData { fn new() -> Self { Self { sprite_offset: 0, slime_state: SlimeState::Idle, } } fn update<'a>( &mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController, entity: &mut Entity<'a>, player: &Player, level: &Level, sfx: &mut sfx::Sfx, ) -> UpdateInstruction { let mut instruction = UpdateInstruction::None; let should_die = player .hurtbox .as_ref() .map(|h| h.touches(entity.collider())) .unwrap_or(false); let should_damage = entity.collider().touches(player.entity.collider()); match &mut self.slime_state { SlimeState::Idle => { self.sprite_offset += 1; if self.sprite_offset >= 32 { self.sprite_offset = 0; } const IDLE: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("slime idle"); let sprite = IDLE.sprite(self.sprite_offset as usize / 16); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); if (player.entity.position - entity.position).manhattan_distance() < 40.into() { let direction = match player.entity.position.x.cmp(&entity.position.x) { Ordering::Equal => Tri::Zero, Ordering::Greater => Tri::Positive, Ordering::Less => Tri::Negative, }; self.slime_state = SlimeState::Chasing(direction); self.sprite_offset = 0; } if should_die { self.slime_state = SlimeState::Dead(0); } else if should_damage { instruction = UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer } let gravity: Number = 1.into(); let gravity = gravity / 16; entity.velocity.y += gravity; entity.velocity *= Number::new(15) / 16; entity.update_position(level); } SlimeState::Chasing(direction) => { self.sprite_offset += 1; if self.sprite_offset >= 7 * 6 { self.slime_state = SlimeState::Idle; } else { let frame = ping_pong(self.sprite_offset / 6, 5); if frame == 0 { sfx.slime_boing(); } const CHASE: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Slime jump"); let sprite = CHASE.sprite(frame as usize); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); entity.velocity.x = match frame { 2 | 3 | 4 => (Number::new(1) / 5) * Number::new(*direction as i32), _ => 0.into(), }; let gravity: Number = 1.into(); let gravity = gravity / 16; entity.velocity.y += gravity; let updated_position = entity.update_position(level); if updated_position.y > 0.into() && self.sprite_offset > 2 * 6 { // we're falling self.sprite_offset = 6 * 6; } } if should_die { self.slime_state = SlimeState::Dead(0); sfx.slime_dead(); } else if should_damage { instruction = UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer } } SlimeState::Dead(count) => { if *count < 5 * 4 { const DEATH: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Slime death"); let sprite = DEATH.sprite(*count as usize / 4); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); *count += 1; } else { return UpdateInstruction::Remove; } } } instruction } } enum MiniFlameState { Idle(u16), Chasing(u16), Dead, } struct MiniFlameData { state: MiniFlameState, sprite_offset: u16, } impl MiniFlameData { fn new() -> Self { Self { state: MiniFlameState::Chasing(90), sprite_offset: 0, } } fn update<'a>( &mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController, entity: &mut Entity<'a>, player: &Player, _level: &Level, sfx: &mut sfx::Sfx, ) -> UpdateInstruction { let mut instruction = UpdateInstruction::None; let should_die = player .hurtbox .as_ref() .map(|h| h.touches(entity.collider())) .unwrap_or(false); let should_damage = entity.collider().touches(player.entity.collider()); self.sprite_offset += 1; const ANGRY: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("angry boss"); match &mut self.state { MiniFlameState::Idle(frames) => { *frames -= 1; if *frames == 0 { let resulting_direction = player.entity.position - entity.position; if resulting_direction.manhattan_distance() < 1.into() { self.state = MiniFlameState::Idle(30); } else { sfx.flame_charge(); self.state = MiniFlameState::Chasing(90); entity.velocity = resulting_direction.normalise() * Number::new(2); } } else { let sprite = ANGRY.animation_sprite(self.sprite_offset as usize / 8); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); entity.velocity = (0.into(), Number::new(-1) / Number::new(4)).into(); } if should_die { self.sprite_offset = 0; self.state = MiniFlameState::Dead; if rng::gen() % 4 == 0 { instruction = UpdateInstruction::CreateParticle( ParticleData::new_health(), entity.position, ); } } else if should_damage { instruction = UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer; } } MiniFlameState::Chasing(frame) => { entity.velocity *= Number::new(63) / Number::new(64); if *frame == 0 { self.state = MiniFlameState::Idle(30); } else { *frame -= 1; } if should_die { self.sprite_offset = 0; self.state = MiniFlameState::Dead; if rng::gen() % 4 == 0 { instruction = UpdateInstruction::CreateParticle( ParticleData::new_health(), entity.position, ); } } else if should_damage { instruction = UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer; } if entity.velocity.manhattan_distance() < Number::new(1) / Number::new(4) { self.state = MiniFlameState::Idle(90); } let sprite = ANGRY.animation_sprite(self.sprite_offset as usize / 2); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); } MiniFlameState::Dead => { entity.velocity = (0, 0).into(); if self.sprite_offset >= 6 * 12 { instruction = UpdateInstruction::Remove; } const DEATH: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("angry boss dead"); let sprite = DEATH.animation_sprite(self.sprite_offset as usize / 12); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); self.sprite_offset += 1; } }; entity.update_position_without_collision(); instruction } } enum EmuState { Idle, Charging(Tri), Knockback, Dead, } struct EmuData { state: EmuState, sprite_offset: u16, } impl EmuData { fn new() -> Self { Self { state: EmuState::Idle, sprite_offset: 0, } } fn update<'a>( &mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController, entity: &mut Entity<'a>, player: &Player, level: &Level, sfx: &mut sfx::Sfx, ) -> UpdateInstruction { let mut instruction = UpdateInstruction::None; let should_die = player .hurtbox .as_ref() .map(|h| h.touches(entity.collider())) .unwrap_or(false); let should_damage = entity.collider().touches(player.entity.collider()); match &mut self.state { EmuState::Idle => { self.sprite_offset += 1; if self.sprite_offset >= 3 * 16 { self.sprite_offset = 0; } const IDLE: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("emu - idle"); let sprite = IDLE.sprite(self.sprite_offset as usize / 16); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); if (entity.position.y - player.entity.position.y).abs() < 10.into() { let velocity = Number::new(1) * (player.entity.position.x - entity.position.x) .to_raw() .signum(); entity.velocity.x = velocity; match velocity.cmp(&0.into()) { Ordering::Greater => { entity.sprite.set_hflip(true); self.state = EmuState::Charging(Tri::Positive); } Ordering::Less => { self.state = EmuState::Charging(Tri::Negative); entity.sprite.set_hflip(false); } Ordering::Equal => { self.state = EmuState::Idle; } } } if should_die { self.sprite_offset = 0; self.state = EmuState::Dead; } else if should_damage { instruction = UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer; } } EmuState::Charging(direction) => { let direction = Number::new(*direction as i32); self.sprite_offset += 1; if self.sprite_offset >= 4 * 2 { self.sprite_offset = 0; } if self.sprite_offset == 2 * 2 { sfx.emu_step(); } const WALK: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("emu-walk"); let sprite = WALK.sprite(self.sprite_offset as usize / 2); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); let gravity: Number = 1.into(); let gravity = gravity / 16; entity.velocity.y += gravity; let distance_traveled = entity.update_position(level); if distance_traveled.x == 0.into() { sfx.emu_crash(); self.state = EmuState::Knockback; entity.velocity = (-direction / 2, Number::new(-1)).into(); } if should_die { self.sprite_offset = 0; self.state = EmuState::Dead; } else if should_damage { instruction = UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer; } } EmuState::Knockback => { let gravity: Number = 1.into(); let gravity = gravity / 16; entity.velocity.y += gravity; entity.update_position(level); let (_, is_collision) = entity.collision_in_direction((0, 1).into(), gravity, |x| level.collides(x)); if is_collision { entity.velocity.x = 0.into(); self.state = EmuState::Idle; } if should_die { self.sprite_offset = 0; self.state = EmuState::Dead; } else if should_damage { instruction = UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer; } } EmuState::Dead => { if self.sprite_offset == 0 { sfx.emu_death(); } if self.sprite_offset >= 8 * 4 { instruction = UpdateInstruction::Remove; } const DEATH: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("emu - die"); let sprite = DEATH.animation_sprite(self.sprite_offset as usize / 4); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); self.sprite_offset += 1; } } instruction } } enum UpdateInstruction { None, HealBossAndRemove, HealPlayerAndRemove, Remove, DamagePlayer, CreateParticle(ParticleData, Vector2D), } impl EnemyData { fn collision_mask(&self) -> Rect { match self { EnemyData::Slime(_) => Rect::new((0.into(), num!(1.5)).into(), (4, 11).into()), EnemyData::Bat(_) => Rect::new((0, 0).into(), (12, 4).into()), EnemyData::MiniFlame(_) => Rect::new((0, 0).into(), (12, 12).into()), EnemyData::Emu(_) => Rect::new((0, 0).into(), (7, 11).into()), } } fn sprite(&self) -> &'static Sprite { const SLIME: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("slime idle"); const BAT: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("bat"); const MINI_FLAME: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("angry boss"); const EMU: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("emu - idle"); match self { EnemyData::Slime(_) => SLIME.sprite(0), EnemyData::Bat(_) => BAT.sprite(0), EnemyData::MiniFlame(_) => MINI_FLAME.sprite(0), EnemyData::Emu(_) => EMU.sprite(0), } } fn update<'a>( &mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController, entity: &mut Entity<'a>, player: &Player, level: &Level, sfx: &mut sfx::Sfx, ) -> UpdateInstruction { match self { EnemyData::Slime(data) => data.update(controller, entity, player, level, sfx), EnemyData::Bat(data) => data.update(controller, entity, player, level, sfx), EnemyData::MiniFlame(data) => data.update(controller, entity, player, level, sfx), EnemyData::Emu(data) => data.update(controller, entity, player, level, sfx), } } } struct Enemy<'a> { entity: Entity<'a>, enemy_data: EnemyData, } impl<'a> Enemy<'a> { fn new(object_controller: &'a ObjectController, enemy_data: EnemyData) -> Self { let mut entity = Entity::new(object_controller, enemy_data.collision_mask()); let sprite = enemy_data.sprite(); let sprite = object_controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.show(); Self { entity, enemy_data } } fn update( &mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController, player: &Player, level: &Level, sfx: &mut sfx::Sfx, ) -> UpdateInstruction { self.enemy_data .update(controller, &mut self.entity, player, level, sfx) } } enum ParticleData { Dust(u16), Health(u16), BossHealer(u16, Vector2D), } impl ParticleData { fn new_dust() -> Self { Self::Dust(0) } fn new_health() -> Self { Self::Health(0) } fn new_boss_healer(target: Vector2D) -> Self { Self::BossHealer(0, target) } fn update<'a>( &mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController, entity: &mut Entity<'a>, player: &Player, _level: &Level, ) -> UpdateInstruction { match self { ParticleData::Dust(frame) => { if *frame == 8 * 3 { return UpdateInstruction::Remove; } const DUST: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("dust"); let sprite = DUST.sprite(*frame as usize / 3); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); *frame += 1; UpdateInstruction::None } ParticleData::Health(frame) => { if *frame > 8 * 3 * 6 { return UpdateInstruction::Remove; // have played the animation 6 times } const HEALTH: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Heath"); let sprite = HEALTH.animation_sprite(*frame as usize / 3); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); if *frame < 8 * 3 * 3 { entity.velocity.y = Number::new(-1) / 2; } else { let speed = Number::new(2); let target_velocity = player.entity.position - entity.position; if target_velocity.manhattan_distance() < 5.into() { return UpdateInstruction::HealPlayerAndRemove; } entity.velocity = target_velocity.normalise() * speed; } entity.update_position_without_collision(); *frame += 1; UpdateInstruction::None } ParticleData::BossHealer(frame, target) => { const HEALTH: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Heath"); let sprite = HEALTH.animation_sprite(*frame as usize / 3); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); if *frame < 8 * 3 * 3 { entity.velocity.y = Number::new(-1) / 2; } else if *frame < 8 * 3 * 6 { entity.velocity = (0, 0).into(); } else { let speed = Number::new(4); let target_velocity = *target - entity.position; if target_velocity.manhattan_distance() < 5.into() { return UpdateInstruction::HealBossAndRemove; } entity.velocity = target_velocity.normalise() * speed; } entity.update_position_without_collision(); *frame += 1; UpdateInstruction::None } } } } struct Particle<'a> { entity: Entity<'a>, particle_data: ParticleData, } impl<'a> Particle<'a> { fn new( object_controller: &'a ObjectController, particle_data: ParticleData, position: Vector2D, ) -> Self { let mut entity = Entity::new(object_controller, Rect::new((0, 0).into(), (0, 0).into())); entity.position = position; Self { entity, particle_data, } } fn update( &mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController, player: &Player, level: &Level, ) -> UpdateInstruction { self.entity.sprite.show(); self.particle_data .update(controller, &mut self.entity, player, level) } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] enum GameStatus { Continue, Lost, RespawnAtBoss, } enum BossState<'a> { NotSpawned, Active(Boss<'a>), Following(FollowingBoss<'a>), } impl<'a> BossState<'a> { fn update( &mut self, enemies: &mut Arena>, object_controller: &'a ObjectController, player: &Player, sfx: &mut sfx::Sfx, ) -> BossInstruction { match self { BossState::Active(boss) => boss.update(enemies, object_controller, player, sfx), BossState::Following(boss) => { boss.update(object_controller, player); BossInstruction::None } BossState::NotSpawned => BossInstruction::None, } } fn commit(&mut self, offset: Vector2D) { match self { BossState::Active(boss) => { boss.commit(offset); } BossState::Following(boss) => { boss.commit(offset); } BossState::NotSpawned => {} } } } struct FollowingBoss<'a> { entity: Entity<'a>, following: bool, to_hole: bool, timer: u32, gone: bool, } impl<'a> FollowingBoss<'a> { fn new(object_controller: &'a ObjectController, position: Vector2D) -> Self { let mut entity = Entity::new(object_controller, Rect::new((0, 0).into(), (0, 0).into())); entity.position = position; Self { entity, following: true, timer: 0, to_hole: false, gone: false, } } fn update(&mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController, player: &Player) { let difference = player.entity.position - self.entity.position; self.timer += 1; let frame = if self.to_hole { let target: Vector2D = (17 * 8, -3 * 8).into(); let difference = target - self.entity.position; if difference.manhattan_distance() < 1.into() { self.gone = true; } else { self.entity.velocity = difference.normalise() * 2; } self.timer / 8 } else if self.timer < 120 { self.timer / 20 } else if self.following { self.entity.velocity = difference / 16; if difference.manhattan_distance() < 20.into() { self.following = false; } self.timer / 8 } else { self.entity.velocity = (0, 0).into(); if difference.manhattan_distance() > 60.into() { self.following = true; } self.timer / 16 }; const BOSS: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("happy boss"); let sprite = BOSS.animation_sprite(frame as usize); let sprite = controller.sprite(sprite); self.entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); self.entity.update_position_without_collision(); } fn commit(&mut self, offset: Vector2D) { self.entity.commit_with_fudge(offset, (0, 0).into()); } } enum BossActiveState { Damaged(u8), MovingToTarget, WaitingUntilExplosion(u8), WaitingUntilDamaged(u16), WaitUntilKilled, } struct Boss<'a> { entity: Entity<'a>, health: u8, target_location: u8, state: BossActiveState, timer: u32, screen_coords: Vector2D, shake_magnitude: Number, } enum BossInstruction { None, Dead, } impl<'a> Boss<'a> { fn new(object_controller: &'a ObjectController, screen_coords: Vector2D) -> Self { let mut entity = Entity::new(object_controller, Rect::new((0, 0).into(), (28, 28).into())); entity.position = screen_coords + (144, 136).into(); Self { entity, health: 5, target_location: rng::gen().rem_euclid(5) as u8, state: BossActiveState::Damaged(60), timer: 0, screen_coords, shake_magnitude: 0.into(), } } fn update( &mut self, enemies: &mut Arena>, object_controller: &'a ObjectController, player: &Player, sfx: &mut sfx::Sfx, ) -> BossInstruction { let mut instruction = BossInstruction::None; match &mut self.state { BossActiveState::Damaged(time) => { *time -= 1; if *time == 0 { self.target_location = self.get_next_target_location(); self.state = BossActiveState::MovingToTarget; sfx.boss_move(); } } BossActiveState::MovingToTarget => { let target = self.get_target_location() + self.screen_coords; let difference = target - self.entity.position; if difference.manhattan_distance() < 1.into() { self.entity.velocity = (0, 0).into(); self.state = BossActiveState::WaitingUntilExplosion(60); } else { self.entity.velocity = difference / 16; } } BossActiveState::WaitingUntilExplosion(time) => { *time -= 1; if *time == 0 { if self.health == 0 { enemies.clear(); instruction = BossInstruction::Dead; self.state = BossActiveState::WaitUntilKilled; } else { sfx.burning(); self.explode(enemies, object_controller); self.state = BossActiveState::WaitingUntilDamaged(60 * 5); } } } BossActiveState::WaitingUntilDamaged(time) => { *time -= 1; if *time == 0 { sfx.burning(); self.explode(enemies, object_controller); self.state = BossActiveState::WaitingUntilDamaged(60 * 5); } if let Some(hurt) = &player.hurtbox { if hurt.touches(self.entity.collider()) { self.health -= 1; self.state = BossActiveState::Damaged(30); } } } BossActiveState::WaitUntilKilled => {} } let animation_rate = match self.state { BossActiveState::Damaged(_) => 6, BossActiveState::MovingToTarget => 4, BossActiveState::WaitingUntilExplosion(_) => 3, BossActiveState::WaitingUntilDamaged(_) => 8, BossActiveState::WaitUntilKilled => 12, }; self.shake_magnitude = match self.state { BossActiveState::Damaged(_) => 1.into(), BossActiveState::MovingToTarget => 0.into(), BossActiveState::WaitingUntilExplosion(_) => 5.into(), BossActiveState::WaitingUntilDamaged(time) => { if time < 60 { 5.into() } else { 0.into() } } BossActiveState::WaitUntilKilled => 3.into(), }; self.timer += 1; let frame = self.timer / animation_rate; const BOSS: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Boss"); let sprite = BOSS.animation_sprite(frame as usize); let sprite = object_controller.sprite(sprite); self.entity.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); self.entity.update_position_without_collision(); instruction } fn commit(&mut self, offset: Vector2D) { let shake = if self.shake_magnitude != 0.into() { ( Number::from_raw(rng::gen()).rem_euclid(self.shake_magnitude) - self.shake_magnitude / 2, Number::from_raw(rng::gen()).rem_euclid(self.shake_magnitude) - self.shake_magnitude / 2, ) .into() } else { (0, 0).into() }; self.entity .commit_with_size(offset + shake, (32, 32).into()); } fn explode(&self, enemies: &mut Arena>, object_controller: &'a ObjectController) { for _ in 0..(6 - self.health) { let x_offset: Number = Number::from_raw(rng::gen()).rem_euclid(2.into()) - 1; let y_offset: Number = Number::from_raw(rng::gen()).rem_euclid(2.into()) - 1; let mut flame = Enemy::new( object_controller, EnemyData::MiniFlame(MiniFlameData::new()), ); flame.entity.position = self.entity.position; flame.entity.velocity = (x_offset, y_offset).into(); enemies.insert(flame); } } fn get_next_target_location(&self) -> u8 { loop { let a = rng::gen().rem_euclid(5) as u8; if a != self.target_location { break a; } } } fn get_target_location(&self) -> Vector2D { match self.target_location { 0 => (240 / 4, 160 / 4).into(), 1 => (3 * 240 / 4, 160 / 4).into(), 2 => (240 / 4, 3 * 160 / 4).into(), 3 => (3 * 240 / 4, 3 * 160 / 4).into(), 4 => (240 / 2, 160 / 2).into(), _ => unreachable!(), } } } struct Game<'a> { player: Player<'a>, input: ButtonController, frame_count: u32, level: Level<'a>, offset: Vector2D, shake_time: u16, sunrise_timer: u16, enemies: Arena>, particles: Arena>, slime_load: usize, bat_load: usize, emu_load: usize, boss: BossState<'a>, move_state: MoveState, fade_count: u16, } enum MoveState { Advancing, PinnedAtEnd, FollowingPlayer, Ending, } impl<'a> Game<'a> { fn has_just_reached_end(&self) -> bool { match self.boss { BossState::NotSpawned => self.offset.x.floor() + 248 >= tilemap::WIDTH * 8, _ => false, } } fn clear(&mut self, vram: &mut VRamManager) { self.level.clear(vram); } fn advance_frame( &mut self, object_controller: &'a ObjectController, vram: &mut VRamManager, sfx: &mut sfx::Sfx, ) -> GameStatus { let mut state = GameStatus::Continue; match self.move_state { MoveState::Advancing => { self.offset += Into::>::into((1, 0)) / 8; if self.has_just_reached_end() { sfx.boss(); self.offset.x = (tilemap::WIDTH * 8 - 248).into(); self.move_state = MoveState::PinnedAtEnd; self.boss = BossState::Active(Boss::new(object_controller, self.offset)) } } MoveState::PinnedAtEnd => { self.offset.x = (tilemap::WIDTH * 8 - 248).into(); } MoveState::FollowingPlayer => { Game::update_sunrise(vram, self.sunrise_timer); if self.sunrise_timer < 120 { self.sunrise_timer += 1; } else { let difference = self.player.entity.position.x - (self.offset.x + WIDTH / 2); self.offset.x += difference / 8; if self.offset.x > (tilemap::WIDTH * 8 - 248).into() { self.offset.x = (tilemap::WIDTH * 8 - 248).into(); } else if self.offset.x < 8.into() { self.offset.x = 8.into(); self.move_state = MoveState::Ending; } } } MoveState::Ending => { self.player.controllable = false; if let BossState::Following(boss) = &mut self.boss { boss.to_hole = true; if boss.gone { self.fade_count += 1; self.fade_count = self.fade_count.min(600); Game::update_fade_out(vram, self.fade_count); } } } } match self .boss .update(&mut self.enemies, object_controller, &self.player, sfx) { BossInstruction::Dead => { let boss = match &self.boss { BossState::Active(b) => b, _ => unreachable!(), }; let new_particle = Particle::new( object_controller, ParticleData::new_boss_healer(boss.entity.position), self.player.entity.position, ); self.particles.insert(new_particle); sfx.stop_music(); self.player.sword = SwordState::Swordless; } BossInstruction::None => {} } self.load_enemies(object_controller); if self.player.entity.position.x < self.offset.x - 8 { let (alive, damaged) = self.player.damage(); if !alive { state = GameStatus::Lost; } if damaged { sfx.player_hurt(); self.shake_time += 20; } } let mut this_frame_offset = self.offset; if self.shake_time > 0 { let size = self.shake_time.min(4) as i32; let offset: Vector2D = ( Number::from_raw(rng::gen()) % size - Number::new(size) / 2, Number::from_raw(rng::gen()) % size - Number::new(size) / 2, ) .into(); this_frame_offset += offset; self.shake_time -= 1; } let this_frame_offset = this_frame_offset.floor().into(); self.input.update(); if let UpdateInstruction::CreateParticle(data, position) = self.player .update(object_controller, &self.input, &self.level, sfx) { let new_particle = Particle::new(object_controller, data, position); self.particles.insert(new_particle); } let mut remove = Vec::new(); for (idx, enemy) in self.enemies.iter_mut() { if enemy.entity.position.x < self.offset.x - 8 { remove.push(idx); continue; } match enemy.update(object_controller, &self.player, &self.level, sfx) { UpdateInstruction::Remove => { remove.push(idx); } UpdateInstruction::HealPlayerAndRemove => { self.player.heal(); sfx.player_heal(); remove.push(idx); } UpdateInstruction::HealBossAndRemove => {} UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer => { let (alive, damaged) = self.player.damage(); if !alive { state = GameStatus::Lost; } if damaged { sfx.player_hurt(); self.shake_time += 20; } } UpdateInstruction::CreateParticle(data, position) => { let new_particle = Particle::new(object_controller, data, position); self.particles.insert(new_particle); } UpdateInstruction::None => {} } enemy .entity .commit_with_fudge(this_frame_offset, (0, 0).into()); } self.player.commit(this_frame_offset); self.boss.commit(this_frame_offset); let background_offset = (this_frame_offset.floor().x, 8).into(); self.level.background.set_pos(vram, background_offset); self.level.foreground.set_pos(vram, background_offset); self.level.clouds.set_pos(vram, background_offset / 4); for i in remove { self.enemies.remove(i); } let mut remove = Vec::with_capacity(10); for (idx, particle) in self.particles.iter_mut() { match particle.update(object_controller, &self.player, &self.level) { UpdateInstruction::Remove => remove.push(idx), UpdateInstruction::HealBossAndRemove => { sfx.sunrise(); let location = match &self.boss { BossState::Active(b) => b.entity.position, _ => unreachable!(), }; self.boss = BossState::Following(FollowingBoss::new(object_controller, location)); self.move_state = MoveState::FollowingPlayer; remove.push(idx); } UpdateInstruction::HealPlayerAndRemove => { self.player.heal(); sfx.player_heal(); remove.push(idx); } UpdateInstruction::DamagePlayer => { let (alive, damaged) = self.player.damage(); if !alive { state = GameStatus::Lost; } if damaged { sfx.player_hurt(); self.shake_time += 20; } } UpdateInstruction::CreateParticle(_, _) => {} UpdateInstruction::None => {} } particle .entity .commit_with_fudge(this_frame_offset, (0, 0).into()); } for i in remove { self.particles.remove(i); } self.frame_count += 1; if let GameStatus::Lost = state { match self.boss { BossState::Active(_) => GameStatus::RespawnAtBoss, _ => GameStatus::Lost, } } else { state } } fn load_enemies(&mut self, object_controller: &'a ObjectController) { if self.slime_load < self.level.slime_spawns.len() { for (idx, slime_spawn) in self .level .slime_spawns .iter() .enumerate() .skip(self.slime_load) { if slime_spawn.0 as i32 > self.offset.x.floor() + 300 { break; } self.slime_load = idx + 1; let mut slime = Enemy::new(object_controller, EnemyData::Slime(SlimeData::new())); slime.entity.position = (slime_spawn.0 as i32, slime_spawn.1 as i32 - 7).into(); self.enemies.insert(slime); } } if self.bat_load < self.level.bat_spawns.len() { for (idx, bat_spawn) in self.level.bat_spawns.iter().enumerate().skip(self.bat_load) { if bat_spawn.0 as i32 > self.offset.x.floor() + 300 { break; } self.bat_load = idx + 1; let mut bat = Enemy::new(object_controller, EnemyData::Bat(BatData::new())); bat.entity.position = (bat_spawn.0 as i32, bat_spawn.1 as i32).into(); self.enemies.insert(bat); } } if self.emu_load < self.level.emu_spawns.len() { for (idx, emu_spawn) in self.level.emu_spawns.iter().enumerate().skip(self.emu_load) { if emu_spawn.0 as i32 > self.offset.x.floor() + 300 { break; } self.emu_load = idx + 1; let mut emu = Enemy::new(object_controller, EnemyData::Emu(EmuData::new())); emu.entity.position = (emu_spawn.0 as i32, emu_spawn.1 as i32 - 7).into(); self.enemies.insert(emu); } } } fn update_sunrise(vram: &mut VRamManager, time: u16) { let mut modified_palette = background::PALETTES[0].clone(); let a = modified_palette.colour(0); let b = modified_palette.colour(1); modified_palette.update_colour(0, interpolate_colour(a, 17982, time, 120)); modified_palette.update_colour(1, interpolate_colour(b, 22427, time, 120)); let modified_palettes = [modified_palette]; vram.set_background_palettes(&modified_palettes); } fn update_fade_out(vram: &mut VRamManager, time: u16) { let mut modified_palette = background::PALETTES[0].clone(); let c = modified_palette.colour(2); modified_palette.update_colour(0, interpolate_colour(17982, 0x7FFF, time, 600)); modified_palette.update_colour(1, interpolate_colour(22427, 0x7FFF, time, 600)); modified_palette.update_colour(2, interpolate_colour(c, 0x7FFF, time, 600)); let modified_palettes = [modified_palette]; vram.set_background_palettes(&modified_palettes); } fn new(object: &'a ObjectController, level: Level<'a>, start_at_boss: bool) -> Self { let mut player = Player::new(object); let mut offset = (8, 8).into(); if start_at_boss { player.entity.position = (133 * 8, 10 * 8).into(); offset = (130 * 8, 8).into(); } Self { player, input: ButtonController::new(), frame_count: 0, level, offset, shake_time: 0, enemies: Arena::with_capacity(100), slime_load: 0, bat_load: 0, emu_load: 0, particles: Arena::with_capacity(30), boss: BossState::NotSpawned, move_state: MoveState::Advancing, sunrise_timer: 0, fade_count: 0, } } } fn game_with_level(gba: &mut agb::Gba) { let vblank = agb::interrupt::VBlank::get(); vblank.wait_for_vblank(); let mut mixer = gba.mixer.mixer(Frequency::Hz18157); mixer.enable(); let mut sfx = sfx::Sfx::new(&mut mixer); sfx.purple_night(); let mut start_at_boss = false; loop { let (background, mut vram) = gba.display.video.tiled0(); vram.set_background_palettes(background::PALETTES); let tileset = TileSet::new(background::background.tiles, TileFormat::FourBpp); let object = gba.display.object.get(); let backdrop = InfiniteScrolledMap::new( background.background( Priority::P2, RegularBackgroundSize::Background32x32, TileFormat::FourBpp, ), Box::new(|pos| { ( &tileset, TileSetting::from_raw( *tilemap::BACKGROUND_MAP .get((pos.x + tilemap::WIDTH * pos.y) as usize) .unwrap_or(&0), ), ) }), ); let foreground = InfiniteScrolledMap::new( background.background( Priority::P0, RegularBackgroundSize::Background32x32, TileFormat::FourBpp, ), Box::new(|pos| { ( &tileset, TileSetting::from_raw( *tilemap::FOREGROUND_MAP .get((pos.x + tilemap::WIDTH * pos.y) as usize) .unwrap_or(&0), ), ) }), ); let clouds = InfiniteScrolledMap::new( background.background( Priority::P3, RegularBackgroundSize::Background32x32, TileFormat::FourBpp, ), Box::new(|pos| { ( &tileset, TileSetting::from_raw( *tilemap::CLOUD_MAP .get((pos.x + tilemap::WIDTH * pos.y) as usize) .unwrap_or(&0), ), ) }), ); let start_pos = if start_at_boss { (130 * 8, 8).into() } else { (8, 8).into() }; let mut game = Game::new( &object, Level::load_level(backdrop, foreground, clouds, start_pos, &mut vram, &mut sfx), start_at_boss, ); start_at_boss = loop { vblank.wait_for_vblank(); sfx.frame(); game.level.background.commit(&mut vram); game.level.foreground.commit(&mut vram); game.level.clouds.commit(&mut vram); object.commit(); match game.advance_frame(&object, &mut vram, &mut sfx) { GameStatus::Continue => {} GameStatus::Lost => { break false; } GameStatus::RespawnAtBoss => { break true; } } let _ = rng::gen(); // advance RNG to make it less predictable between runs }; game.clear(&mut vram); } } mod tilemap { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/tilemap.rs")); } pub fn main(mut gba: agb::Gba) -> ! { loop { game_with_level(&mut gba); } } fn ping_pong(i: u16, n: u16) -> u16 { let cycle = 2 * (n - 1); let i = i % cycle; if i >= n { cycle - i } else { i } } fn interpolate_colour(initial: u16, destination: u16, time_so_far: u16, total_time: u16) -> u16 { const MASK: u16 = 0b11111; fn to_components(c: u16) -> [u16; 3] { [c & MASK, (c >> 5) & MASK, (c >> 10) & MASK] } let initial_rgb = to_components(initial); let destination_rgb = to_components(destination); let mut colour = 0; for (i, c) in initial_rgb .iter() .zip(destination_rgb) .map(|(a, b)| (b - a) * time_so_far / total_time + a) .enumerate() { colour |= (c & MASK) << (i * 5); } colour }