use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufWriter, Write};
use std::path::Path;

use quote::quote;

fn main() {
    let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR environment variable must be specified");

    let playground_filename = "map/map.tmx";

    let map = tiled::parse_file(Path::new(playground_filename)).unwrap();

    let width = map.width;
    let height = map.height;

    let cloud_layer = &map.layers[0];
    let cloud_tiles = extract_tiles(&cloud_layer.tiles);

    let background_layer = &map.layers[1];
    let background_tiles = extract_tiles(&background_layer.tiles);

    let foreground_layer = &map.layers[2];
    let foreground_tiles = extract_tiles(&foreground_layer.tiles);

    let (slimes_x, slimes_y) = get_spawn_locations(&map.object_groups[0], "Slime Spawn");
    let (bats_x, bats_y) = get_spawn_locations(&map.object_groups[0], "Bat Spawn");
    let (emus_x, emus_y) = get_spawn_locations(&map.object_groups[0], "Emu Spawn");

    let mut tile_types = HashMap::new();

    for tile in map.tilesets[0].tiles.iter() {
        if let Some("Collision") = tile.tile_type.as_deref() {
            tile_types.insert(, 1u8);

    let tile_types =
        ([0].tilecount.unwrap()).map(|id| tile_types.get(&(id + 1)).unwrap_or(&0));

    let output = quote! {
        pub static CLOUD_MAP: &[u16] = &[#(#cloud_tiles),*];
        pub static BACKGROUND_MAP: &[u16] = &[#(#background_tiles),*];
        pub static FOREGROUND_MAP: &[u16] = &[#(#foreground_tiles),*];
        pub const WIDTH: i32 = #width as i32;
        pub const HEIGHT: i32 = #height as i32;

        pub static SLIME_SPAWNS_X: &[u16] = &[#(#slimes_x),*];
        pub static SLIME_SPAWNS_Y: &[u16] = &[#(#slimes_y),*];

        pub static BAT_SPAWNS_X: &[u16] = &[#(#bats_x),*];
        pub static BAT_SPAWNS_Y: &[u16] = &[#(#bats_y),*];

        pub static EMU_SPAWNS_X: &[u16] = &[#(#emus_x),*];
        pub static EMU_SPAWNS_Y: &[u16] = &[#(#emus_y),*];

        pub static TILE_TYPES: &[u8] = &[#(#tile_types),*];

    let output_file = File::create(format!("{out_dir}/"))
        .expect("failed to open file for writing");
    let mut writer = BufWriter::new(output_file);

    write!(&mut writer, "{output}").unwrap();

fn extract_tiles(layer: &'_ tiled::LayerData) -> impl Iterator<Item = u16> + '_ {
    match layer {
        tiled::LayerData::Finite(tiles) => {
            tiles.iter().flat_map(|row| row.iter().map(|tile| tile.gid))
        _ => unimplemented!("cannot use infinite layer"),

fn get_map_id(tile_id: u32) -> u16 {
    match tile_id {
        0 => 0,
        i => i as u16 - 1,

fn get_spawn_locations(
    object_group: &tiled::ObjectGroup,
    enemy_type: &str,
) -> (Vec<u16>, Vec<u16>) {
    let mut spawns = object_group
        .filter(|object| object.obj_type == enemy_type)
        .map(|object| (object.x as u16, object.y as u16))

    spawns.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.cmp(&b.0));

    let xs = spawns.iter().map(|pos| pos.0).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    let ys = spawns.iter().map(|pos| pos.1).collect::<Vec<_>>();

    (xs, ys)