use std::{ borrow::Cow, fs::{self, File}, io::Read, path::PathBuf, time::SystemTime, }; use addr2line::gimli; use clap::Parser; use colored::Colorize; use load_dwarf::load_dwarf; mod gwilym_encoding; mod load_dwarf; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// The filename of the elf file elf_path: PathBuf, /// The output of agb's dump dump: String, } struct Location { filename: String, line: u32, col: u32, } impl Default for Location { fn default() -> Self { Self { filename: "??".to_string(), line: 0, col: 0, } } } fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let cli = Args::parse(); let modification_time = fs::metadata(&cli.elf_path)? .modified() .unwrap_or(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH); let file = fs::read(&cli.elf_path)?; let dwarf = load_dwarf(&file)?; let ctx = addr2line::Context::from_dwarf(dwarf)?; for (i, address) in gwilym_encoding::gwilym_decode(&cli.dump)?.enumerate() { print_address(&ctx, i, address.into(), modification_time)?; } Ok(()) } fn print_address( ctx: &addr2line::Context, index: usize, address: u64, elf_modification_time: SystemTime, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut frames = ctx.find_frames(address).skip_all_loads()?; let mut is_first = true; while let Some(frame) = { let function_name = if let Some(ref func) = frame.function { func.demangle()?.into_owned() } else { "unknown function".to_string() }; let location = frame .location .as_ref() .map(|location| Location { filename: location.file.unwrap_or("??").to_owned(), line: location.line.unwrap_or(0), col: location.column.unwrap_or(0), }) .unwrap_or_default(); let is_interesting = is_interesting_function(&function_name, &location.filename); let function_name_to_print = if is_interesting { function_name.bold() } else { function_name.normal() }; if is_first { print!("{index}:\t{function_name_to_print}"); } else { print!("\t(inlined into) {function_name_to_print}"); } println!( " {}:{}", prettify_path(&location.filename).green(), location.line.to_string().green() ); if location.line != 0 && is_interesting { print_line_of_code(&frame, location, elf_modification_time)?; } is_first = false; } Ok(()) } fn print_line_of_code( frame: &addr2line::Frame<'_, impl gimli::Reader>, location: Location, elf_modification_time: SystemTime, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let Some(filename) = frame.location.as_ref().and_then(|location| location.file) else { return Ok(()); }; let Ok(mut file) = File::open(filename) else { return Ok(()); }; let modification_time = fs::metadata(filename)? .modified() .unwrap_or(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH); if modification_time > elf_modification_time { eprintln!("Warning: File {filename} modified more recently than the binary, line info may be incorrect"); } let mut content = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut content)?; let Some(line_of_code) = content.split('\n').nth(location.line as usize - 1) else { eprintln!("File {filename} does not have line {}", location.line); return Ok(()); }; let trimmed = line_of_code.trim_start(); let trimmed_len = line_of_code.len() - trimmed.len(); println!("\t\t{}", trimmed); if location.col != 0 { println!( "\t\t{}{}", " ".repeat(location.col as usize - trimmed_len - 1), "^".bright_blue() ); } Ok(()) } fn prettify_path(path: &str) -> Cow<'_, str> { if let Some(src_index) = path.rfind("/src/") { let crate_name_start = path[0..src_index].rfind('/'); let crate_name = crate_name_start .map(|crate_name_start| &path[crate_name_start + 1..src_index]) .unwrap_or(""); Cow::Owned(format!("<{crate_name}>/{}", &path[src_index + 5..])) } else { Cow::Borrowed(path) } } fn is_interesting_function(function_name: &str, path: &str) -> bool { if function_name == "rust_begin_unwind" { return false; // this is the unwind exception call } if path.ends_with("") { return false; // probably part of rust's internal panic mechanisms } true }