/* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Jeffrey Pfau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef GB_MEMORY_H #define GB_MEMORY_H #include <mgba-util/common.h> CXX_GUARD_START #include <mgba/core/log.h> #include <mgba/core/timing.h> #include <mgba/gb/interface.h> mLOG_DECLARE_CATEGORY(GB_MBC); mLOG_DECLARE_CATEGORY(GB_MEM); struct GB; enum { GB_BASE_CART_BANK0 = 0x0000, GB_BASE_CART_BANK1 = 0x4000, GB_BASE_CART_HALFBANK1 = 0x4000, GB_BASE_CART_HALFBANK2 = 0x6000, GB_BASE_VRAM = 0x8000, GB_BASE_EXTERNAL_RAM = 0xA000, GB_BASE_EXTERNAL_RAM_HALFBANK0 = 0xA000, GB_BASE_EXTERNAL_RAM_HALFBANK1 = 0xB000, GB_BASE_WORKING_RAM_BANK0 = 0xC000, GB_BASE_WORKING_RAM_BANK1 = 0xD000, GB_BASE_OAM = 0xFE00, GB_BASE_UNUSABLE = 0xFEA0, GB_BASE_IO = 0xFF00, GB_BASE_HRAM = 0xFF80, GB_BASE_IE = 0xFFFF }; enum { GB_REGION_CART_BANK0 = 0x0, GB_REGION_CART_BANK1 = 0x4, GB_REGION_VRAM = 0x8, GB_REGION_EXTERNAL_RAM = 0xA, GB_REGION_WORKING_RAM_BANK0 = 0xC, GB_REGION_WORKING_RAM_BANK1 = 0xD, GB_REGION_WORKING_RAM_BANK1_MIRROR = 0xE, GB_REGION_OTHER = 0xF, }; enum { GB_SIZE_CART_BANK0 = 0x4000, GB_SIZE_CART_HALFBANK = 0x2000, GB_SIZE_CART_MAX = 0x800000, GB_SIZE_VRAM = 0x4000, GB_SIZE_VRAM_BANK0 = 0x2000, GB_SIZE_EXTERNAL_RAM = 0x2000, GB_SIZE_EXTERNAL_RAM_HALFBANK = 0x1000, GB_SIZE_WORKING_RAM = 0x8000, GB_SIZE_WORKING_RAM_BANK0 = 0x1000, GB_SIZE_OAM = 0xA0, GB_SIZE_IO = 0x80, GB_SIZE_HRAM = 0x7F, GB_SIZE_MBC6_FLASH = 0x100000, }; enum { GB_SRAM_DIRT_NEW = 1, GB_SRAM_DIRT_SEEN = 2 }; struct GBMemory; typedef void (*GBMemoryBankControllerWrite)(struct GB*, uint16_t address, uint8_t value); typedef uint8_t (*GBMemoryBankControllerRead)(struct GBMemory*, uint16_t address); DECL_BITFIELD(GBMBC7Field, uint8_t); DECL_BIT(GBMBC7Field, CS, 7); DECL_BIT(GBMBC7Field, CLK, 6); DECL_BIT(GBMBC7Field, DI, 1); DECL_BIT(GBMBC7Field, DO, 0); enum GBMBC7MachineState { GBMBC7_STATE_IDLE = 0, GBMBC7_STATE_READ_COMMAND = 1, GBMBC7_STATE_DO = 2, GBMBC7_STATE_EEPROM_EWDS = 0x10, GBMBC7_STATE_EEPROM_WRAL = 0x11, GBMBC7_STATE_EEPROM_ERAL = 0x12, GBMBC7_STATE_EEPROM_EWEN = 0x13, GBMBC7_STATE_EEPROM_WRITE = 0x14, GBMBC7_STATE_EEPROM_READ = 0x18, GBMBC7_STATE_EEPROM_ERASE = 0x1C, }; enum GBTAMA5Register { GBTAMA5_BANK_LO = 0x0, GBTAMA5_BANK_HI = 0x1, GBTAMA5_WRITE_LO = 0x4, GBTAMA5_WRITE_HI = 0x5, GBTAMA5_CS = 0x6, GBTAMA5_ADDR_LO = 0x7, GBTAMA5_MAX = 0x8, GBTAMA5_ACTIVE = 0xA, GBTAMA5_READ_LO = 0xC, GBTAMA5_READ_HI = 0xD, }; struct GBMBC1State { int mode; int multicartStride; uint8_t bankLo; uint8_t bankHi; }; struct GBMBC6State { int currentBank1; uint8_t* romBank1; bool sramAccess; int currentSramBank1; uint8_t* sramBank1; bool flashBank0; bool flashBank1; }; struct GBMBC7State { enum GBMBC7MachineState state; uint16_t sr; uint8_t address; bool writable; int srBits; uint8_t access; uint8_t latch; GBMBC7Field eeprom; }; struct GBMMM01State { bool locked; int currentBank0; }; struct GBPocketCamState { bool registersActive; uint8_t registers[0x36]; }; struct GBTAMA5State { uint8_t reg; uint8_t registers[GBTAMA5_MAX]; }; struct GBPKJDState { uint8_t reg[2]; }; struct GBBBDState { int dataSwapMode; int bankSwapMode; }; union GBMBCState { struct GBMBC1State mbc1; struct GBMBC6State mbc6; struct GBMBC7State mbc7; struct GBMMM01State mmm01; struct GBPocketCamState pocketCam; struct GBTAMA5State tama5; struct GBPKJDState pkjd; struct GBBBDState bbd; }; struct mRotationSource; struct GBMemory { uint8_t* rom; uint8_t* romBase; uint8_t* romBank; enum GBMemoryBankControllerType mbcType; GBMemoryBankControllerWrite mbcWrite; GBMemoryBankControllerRead mbcRead; union GBMBCState mbcState; int currentBank; int currentBank0; uint8_t* wram; uint8_t* wramBank; int wramCurrentBank; bool sramAccess; bool directSramAccess; uint8_t* sram; uint8_t* sramBank; int sramCurrentBank; uint8_t io[GB_SIZE_IO]; bool ime; uint8_t ie; uint8_t hram[GB_SIZE_HRAM]; uint16_t dmaSource; uint16_t dmaDest; int dmaRemaining; uint16_t hdmaSource; uint16_t hdmaDest; int hdmaRemaining; bool isHdma; struct mTimingEvent dmaEvent; struct mTimingEvent hdmaEvent; size_t romSize; bool rtcAccess; int activeRtcReg; bool rtcLatched; uint8_t rtcRegs[5]; time_t rtcLastLatch; struct mRTCSource* rtc; struct mRotationSource* rotation; struct mRumble* rumble; struct mImageSource* cam; }; struct SM83Core; void GBMemoryInit(struct GB* gb); void GBMemoryDeinit(struct GB* gb); void GBMemoryReset(struct GB* gb); void GBMemorySwitchWramBank(struct GBMemory* memory, int bank); uint8_t GBLoad8(struct SM83Core* cpu, uint16_t address); void GBStore8(struct SM83Core* cpu, uint16_t address, int8_t value); int GBCurrentSegment(struct SM83Core* cpu, uint16_t address); uint8_t GBView8(struct SM83Core* cpu, uint16_t address, int segment); void GBMemoryDMA(struct GB* gb, uint16_t base); uint8_t GBMemoryWriteHDMA5(struct GB* gb, uint8_t value); void GBPatch8(struct SM83Core* cpu, uint16_t address, int8_t value, int8_t* old, int segment); struct GBSerializedState; void GBMemorySerialize(const struct GB* gb, struct GBSerializedState* state); void GBMemoryDeserialize(struct GB* gb, const struct GBSerializedState* state); CXX_GUARD_END #endif