#![no_std] #![feature(start)] extern crate gba; use core::convert::TryInto; use gba::{ display::{object::ObjectStandard, tiled0, HEIGHT, WIDTH}, input::Button, }; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] enum State { Ground, Upwards, Flapping, } struct Character { object: ObjectStandard, position: Vector2D, velocity: Vector2D, } struct Vector2D { x: i32, y: i32, } fn tile_is_collidable(tile: u16) -> bool { let masked = tile & 0b0000001111111111; masked == 0 || masked == 4 } fn frame_ranger(count: u32, start: u32, end: u32, delay: u32) -> u32 { ((count / delay) % (end + 1 - start)) + start } #[start] fn main(_argc: isize, _argv: *const *const u8) -> isize { let map_as_grid: &[[u16; 32]; 32] = unsafe { (&MAP_MAP as *const [u16; 1024] as *const [[u16; 32]; 32]) .as_ref() .unwrap() }; let mut gba = gba::Gba::new(); let mut gfx = gba.display.video.tiled0(); let vblank = gba.display.vblank.get(); let mut input = gba::input::ButtonController::new(); gfx.set_sprite_palette(&CHICKEN_PALETTE); gfx.set_sprite_tilemap(&CHICKEN_TILES); gfx.set_background_palette(&MAP_PALETTE); gfx.set_background_tilemap(&MAP_TILES); gfx.background_0.enable(); gfx.background_0 .set_background_size(tiled0::BackgroundSize::S32x32); gfx.background_0 .set_colour_mode(tiled0::ColourMode::FourBitPerPixel); // This interface is not yet safe, as this can easily clobber the tiles. // Not sure how to make this interface safe to use gfx.background_0.set_screen_base_block(1); gfx.copy_to_map(1, &MAP_MAP); let mut object = gfx.object; object.enable(); unsafe { object.clear_objects() }; let mut chicken = Character { object: unsafe { object.get_object(0) }, position: Vector2D { x: (6 * 8) << 8, y: ((7 * 8) - 4) << 8, }, velocity: Vector2D { x: 0, y: 0 }, }; chicken.object.set_tile_id(0); chicken .object .set_x((chicken.position.x >> 8).try_into().unwrap()); chicken .object .set_y((chicken.position.y >> 8).try_into().unwrap()); chicken.object.commit(); let acceleration = 1 << 4; let gravity = 1 << 4; let flapping_gravity = gravity / 3; let jump_velocity = 1 << 9; let mut frame_count = 0; let terminal_velocity = (1 << 8) / 2; loop { vblank.wait_for_VBlank(); frame_count += 1; input.update(); // Horizontal movement chicken.velocity.x += (input.x_tri() as i32) * acceleration; chicken.velocity.x = 61 * chicken.velocity.x / 64; // Update position based on collision detection let state = handle_collision( &mut chicken, map_as_grid, gravity, flapping_gravity, terminal_velocity, ); // Jumping code if state == State::Ground && input.is_just_pressed(Button::A) { chicken.velocity.y = -jump_velocity; } restrict_to_screen(&mut chicken); update_chicken_object(&mut chicken, state, frame_count); // Commit the chicken to vram chicken.object.commit(); } } fn update_chicken_object(chicken: &mut Character, state: State, frame_count: u32) { if chicken.velocity.x > 1 { chicken.object.set_hflip(false); } else if chicken.velocity.x < -1 { chicken.object.set_hflip(true); } match state { State::Ground => { if chicken.velocity.x.abs() > 1 << 4 { chicken .object .set_tile_id(frame_ranger(frame_count, 1, 3, 10)); } else { chicken.object.set_tile_id(0); } } State::Upwards => {} State::Flapping => { chicken .object .set_tile_id(frame_ranger(frame_count, 4, 5, 5)); } } let x: u8 = (chicken.position.x >> 8).try_into().unwrap(); let y: u8 = (chicken.position.y >> 8).try_into().unwrap(); chicken.object.set_x(x - 4); chicken.object.set_y(y - 4); } fn restrict_to_screen(chicken: &mut Character) { if chicken.position.x > (WIDTH - 8 + 4) << 8 { chicken.velocity.x = 0; chicken.position.x = (WIDTH - 8 + 4) << 8; } else if chicken.position.x < 4 << 8 { chicken.velocity.x = 0; chicken.position.x = 4 << 8; } if chicken.position.y > (HEIGHT - 8 + 4) << 8 { chicken.velocity.y = 0; chicken.position.y = (HEIGHT - 8 + 4) << 8; } else if chicken.position.y < 4 << 8 { chicken.velocity.y = 0; chicken.position.y = 4 << 8; } } fn handle_collision( chicken: &mut Character, map_as_grid: &[[u16; 32]; 32], gravity: i32, flapping_gravity: i32, terminal_velocity: i32, ) -> State { let mut new_chicken_x = chicken.position.x + chicken.velocity.x; let mut new_chicken_y = chicken.position.y + chicken.velocity.y; let tile_x = ((new_chicken_x >> 8) / 8) as usize; let tile_y = ((new_chicken_y >> 8) / 8) as usize; let left = (((new_chicken_x >> 8) - 4) / 8) as usize; let right = (((new_chicken_x >> 8) + 4) / 8) as usize; let top = (((new_chicken_y >> 8) - 4) / 8) as usize; let bottom = (((new_chicken_y >> 8) + 4) / 8) as usize; if chicken.velocity.x < 0 && tile_is_collidable(map_as_grid[tile_y][left]) { new_chicken_x = (((left + 1) * 8 + 4) << 8) as i32; chicken.velocity.x = 0; } else if chicken.velocity.x > 0 && tile_is_collidable(map_as_grid[tile_y][right]) { new_chicken_x = ((right * 8 - 4) << 8) as i32; chicken.velocity.x = 0; } if chicken.velocity.y < 0 && tile_is_collidable(map_as_grid[top][tile_x]) { new_chicken_y = ((((top + 1) * 8 + 4) << 8) + 4) as i32; chicken.velocity.y = 0; } else if chicken.velocity.y > 0 && tile_is_collidable(map_as_grid[bottom][tile_x]) { new_chicken_y = ((bottom * 8 - 4) << 8) as i32; chicken.velocity.y = 0; } let mut air_animation = State::Ground; if !tile_is_collidable(map_as_grid[bottom][tile_x]) { if chicken.velocity.y < 0 { air_animation = State::Upwards; chicken.velocity.y += gravity; } else { air_animation = State::Flapping; chicken.velocity.y += flapping_gravity; if chicken.velocity.y > terminal_velocity { chicken.velocity.y = terminal_velocity; } } } chicken.position.x = new_chicken_x; chicken.position.y = new_chicken_y; air_animation } // Below is the data for the sprites static CHICKEN_TILES: [u32; 8 * 6] = [ 0x01100000, 0x11100000, 0x01100010, 0x01111110, 0x01111110, 0x00001000, 0x00001000, 0x00011000, 0x01100000, 0x11100000, 0x01100010, 0x01111110, 0x01111110, 0x00010100, 0x00100100, 0x00000010, 0x01100000, 0x11100000, 0x01100010, 0x01111110, 0x01111110, 0x00011000, 0x00100110, 0x00100000, 0x01100000, 0x11100000, 0x01100010, 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