use std::{collections::HashMap, error::Error, fs, path::Path}; use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use proc_macro_error::abort; use quote::quote; use syn::LitStr; use agb_fixnum::Num; use xmrs::{prelude::*, xm::xmmodule::XmModule}; pub fn agb_xm_core(args: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input = match syn::parse::(args.into()) { Ok(input) => input, Err(err) => return proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(err.to_compile_error()), }; let filename = input.value(); let root = std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect("Failed to get cargo manifest dir"); let path = Path::new(&root).join(&*filename); let include_path = path.to_string_lossy(); let module = match load_module_from_file(&path) { Ok(track) => track, Err(e) => abort!(input, e), }; let parsed = parse_module(&module); quote! { { const _: &[u8] = include_bytes!(#include_path); #parsed } } } pub fn load_module_from_file(xm_path: &Path) -> Result> { let file_content = fs::read(xm_path)?; Ok(XmModule::load(&file_content)?.to_module()) } pub fn parse_module(module: &Module) -> TokenStream { let instruments = &module.instrument; let mut instruments_map = HashMap::new(); let mut samples = vec![]; for (instrument_index, instrument) in instruments.iter().enumerate() { let InstrumentType::Default(ref instrument) = instrument.instr_type else { continue; }; for (sample_index, sample) in instrument.sample.iter().enumerate() { let sample = match & { SampleDataType::Depth8(depth8) => depth8 .iter() .map(|value| *value as u8) .collect::>() .clone(), SampleDataType::Depth16(depth16) => depth16 .iter() .map(|sample| (sample >> 8) as i8 as u8) .collect::>(), }; instruments_map.insert((instrument_index, sample_index), samples.len()); samples.push(sample); } } let mut patterns = vec![]; let mut pattern_data = vec![]; for pattern in &module.pattern { let mut num_channels = 0; for row in pattern.iter() { for slot in row { let sample = if slot.instrument == 0 { 0 } else { let instrument_index = (slot.instrument - 1) as usize; if let InstrumentType::Default(ref instrument) = module.instrument[instrument_index].instr_type { let sample_slot = instrument.sample_for_note[slot.note as usize] as usize; instruments_map .get(&(instrument_index, sample_slot)) .cloned() .unwrap_or(0) } else { 0 } }; let volume = Num::new( if slot.volume == 0 { 64 } else { slot.volume as i16 } / 64, ); let speed = Num::new(1); // TODO: Calculate speed for the correct note here let panning = Num::new(0); pattern_data.push(agb_tracker_interop::PatternSlot { volume, speed, panning, sample, }); } num_channels = row.len(); } patterns.push(agb_tracker_interop::Pattern { num_channels }); } let samples: Vec<_> = samples .iter() .map(|sample| agb_tracker_interop::Sample { data: &sample }) .collect(); let interop = agb_tracker_interop::Track { samples: &samples, pattern_data: &pattern_data, patterns: &patterns, }; quote!(#interop) }