use clap::{Arg, ArgAction, ArgMatches}; use std::fs; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use std::time::Duration; use std::{env, thread}; use toml_edit::Document; const CRATES_TO_PUBLISH: &[&str] = &[ "agb-macros", "agb-fixnum", "agb-image-converter", "agb-sound-converter", "agb", ]; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { FindRootDirectory, PublishCrate, Poll, CrateVersion, ReadingDependencies, CargoToml, } pub fn command() -> clap::Command<'static> { clap::Command::new("publish") .about("Publishes agb and all subcrates") .arg( Arg::new("Dry run") .long("dry-run") .help("Don't actually publish") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue), ) } pub fn publish(matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<(), Error> { let dry_run = matches.get_one::("Dry run").expect("defined by clap"); let root_directory = find_agb_root_directory()?; for crate_to_publish in CRATES_TO_PUBLISH.iter() { let crate_dir = root_directory.join(crate_to_publish); if *dry_run { println!( "Would run `cargo publish` in {}", crate_dir.to_string_lossy() ); } else { let publish_result = Command::new("cargo") .arg("publish") .current_dir(&crate_dir) .spawn(); if let Err(err) = publish_result { println!("Error while publishing crate {crate_to_publish}: {err}"); return Err(Error::PublishCrate); } } let expected_version = read_cargo_toml_version(&crate_dir)?; wait_for_release(crate_to_publish, &expected_version)?; } Ok(()) } fn find_agb_root_directory() -> Result { let mut current_path = env::current_dir().map_err(|_| Error::FindRootDirectory)?; while !current_path.clone().join("justfile").exists() { current_path = current_path .parent() .ok_or(Error::FindRootDirectory)? .to_owned(); } Ok(current_path) } fn wait_for_release(crate_to_publish: &str, expected_version: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let url_to_poll = &get_url_to_poll(crate_to_publish); for attempt in 0..15 { println!( "Polling with URL {url_to_poll} for {crate_to_publish} hoping for version {expected_version}. Attempt {attempt}" ); let curl_result = Command::new("curl") .arg(url_to_poll) .output() .map_err(|_| Error::Poll)?; if String::from_utf8_lossy(&curl_result.stdout).contains(expected_version) { return Ok(()); } thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(30)); } Ok(()) } fn get_url_to_poll(crate_name: &str) -> String { let crate_name_with_underscores = crate_name.replace('-', "_"); let crate_folder = if crate_name_with_underscores.len() == 3 { format!("3/{}", crate_name_with_underscores.chars().next().unwrap()) } else { let first_two_characters = &crate_name_with_underscores[0..2]; let second_two_characters = &crate_name_with_underscores[2..4]; format!("{first_two_characters}/{second_two_characters}") }; format!("{crate_folder}/{crate_name_with_underscores}") } fn read_cargo_toml_version(folder: &Path) -> Result { let cargo_toml = read_cargo_toml(folder)?; let version_value = cargo_toml["package"]["version"] .as_value() .ok_or(Error::CrateVersion)? .as_str() .ok_or(Error::CrateVersion)?; Ok(version_value.to_owned()) } fn get_agb_dependencies(folder: &Path) -> Result, Error> { let cargo_toml = read_cargo_toml(folder)?; let dependencies = cargo_toml["dependencies"] .as_table() .ok_or(Error::ReadingDependencies)? .get_values(); let mut result = vec![]; for (key, _) in dependencies { let dep = key[0].get(); if dep.starts_with("agb") { result.push(dep.replace('_', "-")) } } Ok(result) } fn read_cargo_toml(folder: &Path) -> Result { let cargo_toml_contents = fs::read_to_string(folder.join("Cargo.toml")).map_err(|_| Error::CargoToml)?; let cargo_toml: Document = cargo_toml_contents.parse().map_err(|_| Error::CargoToml)?; Ok(cargo_toml) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn url_to_poll_should_return_correct_url() { let test_cases = [ ["agb", "3/a/agb"], ["agb-image-converter", "ag/b_/agb_image_converter"], ["agb-fixnum", "ag/b_/agb_fixnum"], ]; for [name, result] in test_cases { let url = get_url_to_poll(name); assert_eq!( url, format!( "{result}", ) ) } } #[test] fn should_find_root_directory() -> Result<(), Error> { assert_ne!(find_agb_root_directory()?.to_string_lossy(), ""); Ok(()) } #[test] fn should_read_version() -> Result<(), Error> { let root_directory = find_agb_root_directory()?; let my_version = read_cargo_toml_version(&root_directory.join("tools"))?; assert_eq!(my_version, "0.1.0"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn should_detect_dependencies() -> Result<(), Error> { let root_directory = find_agb_root_directory()?; let deps = get_agb_dependencies(&root_directory.join("agb"))?; assert_eq!( deps, &[ "agb-image-converter", "agb-sound-converter", "agb-macros", "agb-fixnum" ] ); Ok(()) } }