mod log; mod vfile; use std::{ cell::UnsafeCell, ptr::NonNull, sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, }; pub use log::{LogLevel, Logger}; pub use vfile::{file::FileBacked, memory::MemoryBacked, shared::Shared, MapFlag, VFile}; use vfile::VFileAlloc; pub struct MCore { core: NonNull, video_buffer: UnsafeCell>, } impl Drop for MCore { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { self.core.as_ref().deinit.unwrap()(self.core.as_ptr()) } } } const SAMPLE_RATE: f64 = 44100.0; macro_rules! call_on_core { ($core:expr => $fn_name:ident($($arg:expr),* $(,)?)) => { $core.as_ref().$fn_name.unwrap()($core.as_ptr(), $($arg),*) }; } static GLOBAL_LOGGER_HAS_BEEN_INITIALISED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); pub fn set_global_default_logger(logger: &'static Logger) {, Ordering::SeqCst); unsafe { mgba_sys::mLogSetDefaultLogger(logger.to_mgba()) } } impl MCore { pub fn new() -> Option { if !GLOBAL_LOGGER_HAS_BEEN_INITIALISED.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { set_global_default_logger(&log::NO_LOGGER); } let core = unsafe { mgba_sys::GBACoreCreate() }; let core = NonNull::new(core)?; unsafe { mgba_sys::mCoreInitConfig(core.as_ptr(), std::ptr::null()) }; unsafe { call_on_core!(core=>init()) }; let (mut width, mut height) = (0, 0); unsafe { call_on_core!(core=>desiredVideoDimensions(&mut width, &mut height)) }; let mut video_buffer = UnsafeCell::new( vec![ 0; (width * height * mgba_sys::BYTES_PER_PIXEL) as usize / std::mem::size_of::() ] .into_boxed_slice(), ); unsafe { call_on_core!( core=>setVideoBuffer( video_buffer.get_mut().as_mut_ptr(), width as usize ) ) } unsafe { call_on_core!(core=>reset()) }; unsafe { call_on_core!(core=>setAudioBufferSize(0x4000)) }; unsafe { mgba_sys::blip_set_rates( call_on_core!(core=>getAudioChannel(0)), call_on_core!(core=>frequency()) as f64, SAMPLE_RATE, ) } unsafe { mgba_sys::blip_set_rates( call_on_core!(core=>getAudioChannel(1)), call_on_core!(core=>frequency()) as f64, SAMPLE_RATE, ) } let core_options = mgba_sys::mCoreOptions { volume: 0x100, useBios: true, ..Default::default() }; unsafe { mgba_sys::mCoreConfigLoadDefaults(&mut (*core.as_ptr()).config, &core_options) }; unsafe { mgba_sys::mCoreLoadConfig(core.as_ptr()) }; Some(MCore { core, video_buffer }) } pub fn load_rom(&mut self, vfile: V) { let vfile = VFileAlloc::new(vfile); unsafe { call_on_core!(self.core=>loadROM(vfile.into_mgba())) }; } pub fn frame(&mut self) { unsafe { call_on_core!(self.core=>runFrame()) }; } pub fn step(&mut self) { unsafe { call_on_core!(self.core=>step()) }; } pub fn set_keys(&mut self, buttons: u32) { unsafe { call_on_core!(self.core=>setKeys(buttons)) }; } pub fn load_save(&mut self, save_file: V) { let save_file = VFileAlloc::new(save_file); unsafe { call_on_core!(self.core=>loadSave(save_file.into_mgba())); } } pub fn video_buffer(&mut self) -> &[u32] { // Safety: For the duration of this borrow, mgba can't be called into, // so this reference can be taken. unsafe { &*self.video_buffer.get() } } pub fn current_cycle(&mut self) -> u64 { unsafe { mgba_sys::mTimingGlobalTime(self.core.as_ref().timing) } } pub fn read_audio(&mut self, target: &mut [i16]) -> usize { let audio_channel_left = unsafe { call_on_core!(self.core=>getAudioChannel(0)) }; let audio_channel_right = unsafe { call_on_core!(self.core=>getAudioChannel(1)) }; let samples_available = unsafe { mgba_sys::blip_samples_avail(audio_channel_left) }; if samples_available > 0 { let samples_to_read = samples_available.min(target.len() as i32 / 2); let produced = unsafe { mgba_sys::blip_read_samples( audio_channel_left, target.as_mut_ptr().cast(), samples_to_read, 1, ) }; unsafe { mgba_sys::blip_read_samples( audio_channel_right, target.as_mut_ptr().add(1).cast(), samples_to_read, 1, ) }; return produced.try_into().unwrap(); } 0 } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { static TEST_ROM: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../test.gba"); static SAVE_TEST_ROM: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../save.gba"); use super::*; #[test] fn check_running_game_for_some_frames() { let file = MemoryBacked::new_from_slice(TEST_ROM); let mut core = MCore::new().unwrap(); core.load_rom(file); for _ in 0..100 { core.frame(); } } #[test] fn check_save_file_is_initialised() { let shared_save_file = Shared::new(MemoryBacked::new(Vec::new())); { let save_file = shared_save_file.clone(); let rom_file = MemoryBacked::new_from_slice(SAVE_TEST_ROM); let mut core = MCore::new().unwrap(); core.load_rom(rom_file); core.load_save(save_file); for _ in 0..10 { core.frame(); } } let save_file = shared_save_file .try_into_inner() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("the shared references were not released")) .into_inner() .into_owned(); assert_eq!(save_file.len(), 32 * 1024, "the save file should be 32 kb"); assert_eq!( save_file[0..128], (0..128).collect::>(), "First 128 bytes should be ascending numbers" ); assert_eq!( save_file[128..], std::iter::repeat(0xFF) .take(save_file.len() - 128) .collect::>(), "Remanider of save should be 0xFF, all ones" ); } }