/* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Jeffrey Pfau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef GB_VIDEO_H #define GB_VIDEO_H #include <mgba-util/common.h> CXX_GUARD_START #include <mgba/core/log.h> #include <mgba/core/timing.h> #include <mgba/gb/interface.h> mLOG_DECLARE_CATEGORY(GB_VIDEO); enum { GB_VIDEO_HORIZONTAL_PIXELS = 160, GB_VIDEO_VERTICAL_PIXELS = 144, GB_VIDEO_VBLANK_PIXELS = 10, GB_VIDEO_VERTICAL_TOTAL_PIXELS = 154, // TODO: Figure out exact lengths GB_VIDEO_MODE_2_LENGTH = 80, GB_VIDEO_MODE_3_LENGTH_BASE = 172, GB_VIDEO_MODE_0_LENGTH_BASE = 204, GB_VIDEO_HORIZONTAL_LENGTH = 456, GB_VIDEO_TOTAL_LENGTH = 70224, GB_VIDEO_MAX_OBJ = 40, GB_VIDEO_MAX_LINE_OBJ = 10, GB_BASE_MAP = 0x1800, GB_SIZE_MAP = 0x0400, SGB_SIZE_CHAR_RAM = 0x2000, SGB_SIZE_MAP_RAM = 0x1000, SGB_SIZE_PAL_RAM = 0x1000, SGB_SIZE_ATF_RAM = 0x1000 }; DECL_BITFIELD(GBObjAttributes, uint8_t); DECL_BITS(GBObjAttributes, CGBPalette, 0, 3); DECL_BIT(GBObjAttributes, Bank, 3); DECL_BIT(GBObjAttributes, Palette, 4); DECL_BIT(GBObjAttributes, XFlip, 5); DECL_BIT(GBObjAttributes, YFlip, 6); DECL_BIT(GBObjAttributes, Priority, 7); DECL_BITFIELD(SGBBgAttributes, uint16_t); DECL_BITS(SGBBgAttributes, Tile, 0, 10); DECL_BITS(SGBBgAttributes, Palette, 10, 3); DECL_BIT(SGBBgAttributes, Priority, 13); DECL_BIT(SGBBgAttributes, XFlip, 14); DECL_BIT(SGBBgAttributes, YFlip, 15); struct GBObj { uint8_t y; uint8_t x; uint8_t tile; GBObjAttributes attr; }; union GBOAM { struct GBObj obj[GB_VIDEO_MAX_OBJ]; uint8_t raw[GB_VIDEO_MAX_OBJ * 4]; }; struct mCacheSet; struct GBVideoRenderer { void (*init)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, enum GBModel model, bool borders); void (*deinit)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer); uint8_t (*writeVideoRegister)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, uint16_t address, uint8_t value); void (*writeSGBPacket)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, uint8_t* data); void (*writeVRAM)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, uint16_t address); void (*writePalette)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, int index, uint16_t value); void (*writeOAM)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, uint16_t oam); void (*drawRange)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, int startX, int endX, int y); void (*finishScanline)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, int y); void (*finishFrame)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer); void (*enableSGBBorder)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, bool enable); void (*getPixels)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, size_t* stride, const void** pixels); void (*putPixels)(struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer, size_t stride, const void* pixels); uint8_t* vram; union GBOAM* oam; struct mCacheSet* cache; uint8_t* sgbCharRam; uint8_t* sgbMapRam; uint8_t* sgbPalRam; int sgbRenderMode; uint8_t* sgbAttributes; uint8_t* sgbAttributeFiles; bool disableBG; bool disableOBJ; bool disableWIN; bool highlightBG; bool highlightOBJ[GB_VIDEO_MAX_OBJ]; bool highlightWIN; color_t highlightColor; uint8_t highlightAmount; }; DECL_BITFIELD(GBRegisterLCDC, uint8_t); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterLCDC, BgEnable, 0); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterLCDC, ObjEnable, 1); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterLCDC, ObjSize, 2); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterLCDC, TileMap, 3); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterLCDC, TileData, 4); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterLCDC, Window, 5); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterLCDC, WindowTileMap, 6); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterLCDC, Enable, 7); DECL_BITFIELD(GBRegisterSTAT, uint8_t); DECL_BITS(GBRegisterSTAT, Mode, 0, 2); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterSTAT, LYC, 2); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterSTAT, HblankIRQ, 3); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterSTAT, VblankIRQ, 4); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterSTAT, OAMIRQ, 5); DECL_BIT(GBRegisterSTAT, LYCIRQ, 6); struct GBVideo { struct GB* p; struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer; int x; int ly; GBRegisterSTAT stat; int mode; struct mTimingEvent modeEvent; struct mTimingEvent frameEvent; int32_t dotClock; uint8_t* vram; uint8_t* vramBank; int vramCurrentBank; union GBOAM oam; int objMax; int bcpIndex; bool bcpIncrement; int ocpIndex; bool ocpIncrement; uint8_t sgbCommandHeader; int sgbBufferIndex; uint8_t sgbPacketBuffer[128]; uint16_t dmgPalette[12]; uint16_t palette[64]; bool sgbBorders; int32_t frameCounter; int frameskip; int frameskipCounter; }; void GBVideoInit(struct GBVideo* video); void GBVideoReset(struct GBVideo* video); void GBVideoDeinit(struct GBVideo* video); void GBVideoDummyRendererCreate(struct GBVideoRenderer*); void GBVideoAssociateRenderer(struct GBVideo* video, struct GBVideoRenderer* renderer); void GBVideoSkipBIOS(struct GBVideo* video); void GBVideoProcessDots(struct GBVideo* video, uint32_t cyclesLate); void GBVideoWriteLCDC(struct GBVideo* video, GBRegisterLCDC value); void GBVideoWriteSTAT(struct GBVideo* video, GBRegisterSTAT value); void GBVideoWriteLYC(struct GBVideo* video, uint8_t value); void GBVideoWritePalette(struct GBVideo* video, uint16_t address, uint8_t value); void GBVideoSwitchBank(struct GBVideo* video, uint8_t value); void GBVideoDisableCGB(struct GBVideo* video); void GBVideoSetPalette(struct GBVideo* video, unsigned index, uint32_t color); void GBVideoWriteSGBPacket(struct GBVideo* video, uint8_t* data); struct GBSerializedState; void GBVideoSerialize(const struct GBVideo* video, struct GBSerializedState* state); void GBVideoDeserialize(struct GBVideo* video, const struct GBSerializedState* state); CXX_GUARD_END #endif