use std::{collections::HashMap, hash::BuildHasher}; use crate::{colour::Colour, image_loader::Image}; pub struct Transformation { pub vflip: bool, pub hflip: bool, } impl Transformation { pub fn none() -> Self { Self { vflip: false, hflip: false, } } pub fn vflipped() -> Self { Self { vflip: true, hflip: false, } } pub fn hflipped() -> Self { Self { vflip: false, hflip: true, } } pub fn vhflipped() -> Self { Self { vflip: true, hflip: true, } } } pub struct DeduplicatedData { pub new_index: usize, pub transformation: Transformation, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] struct Tile { data: [Colour; 64], } impl Tile { fn split_image(input: &Image) -> Vec { let mut ret = vec![]; for y in 0..(input.height / 8) { for x in 0..(input.width / 8) { let mut tile_data = Vec::with_capacity(64); for j in 0..8 { for i in 0..8 { tile_data.push(input.colour(x * 8 + i, y * 8 + j)); } } ret.push(Tile { data: tile_data.try_into().unwrap(), }); } } ret } fn vflipped(&self) -> Self { let mut new_data =; for y in 0..4 { for x in 0..8 { new_data.swap(y * 8 + x, (7 - y) * 8 + x); } } Self { data: new_data } } fn hflipped(&self) -> Self { let mut new_data =; for y in 0..8 { for x in 0..4 { new_data.swap(y * 8 + x, y * 8 + (7 - x)); } } Self { data: new_data } } } pub(crate) fn deduplicate_image(input: &Image, can_flip: bool) -> (Image, Vec) { let mut resulting_tiles = vec![]; let mut deduplication_data = vec![]; let all_tiles = Tile::split_image(input); let mut existing_tiles = HashMap::new(); let hasher = std::collections::hash_map::RandomState::new(); for tile in all_tiles { let (tile, transformation) = if can_flip { let vflipped = tile.vflipped(); let hflipped = tile.hflipped(); let vhflipped = vflipped.hflipped(); // find the one with the smallest hash let tile_hash = hasher.hash_one(&tile); let vflipped_hash = hasher.hash_one(&vflipped); let hflipped_hash = hasher.hash_one(&hflipped); let vhflipped_hash = hasher.hash_one(&vhflipped); let minimum = tile_hash .min(vflipped_hash) .min(hflipped_hash) .min(vhflipped_hash); if minimum == tile_hash { (tile, Transformation::none()) } else if minimum == vflipped_hash { (vflipped, Transformation::vflipped()) } else if minimum == hflipped_hash { (hflipped, Transformation::hflipped()) } else { (vhflipped, Transformation::vhflipped()) } } else { (tile, Transformation::none()) }; let index = *existing_tiles.entry(tile.clone()).or_insert_with(|| { resulting_tiles.push(tile); resulting_tiles.len() - 1 }); deduplication_data.push(DeduplicatedData { new_index: index, transformation, }); } let image_data = resulting_tiles .iter() .flat_map(|tile| .collect::>(); (Image::from_colour_data(image_data), deduplication_data) }