#![no_std] #![no_main] #![cfg_attr(test, feature(custom_test_frameworks))] #![cfg_attr(test, reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main")] #![cfg_attr(test, test_runner(agb::test_runner::test_runner))] extern crate alloc; use agb::{ display::{ object::{Graphics, Object, ObjectController, Tag, TagMap}, tiled::{ InfiniteScrolledMap, PartialUpdateStatus, RegularBackgroundSize, TileFormat, TileSet, TileSetting, TiledMap, VRamManager, }, Priority, HEIGHT, WIDTH, }, fixnum::{FixedNum, Vector2D}, input::{self, Button, ButtonController}, sound::mixer::Frequency, }; use alloc::boxed::Box; use sfx::SfxPlayer; mod enemies; mod level_display; mod sfx; mod splash_screen; pub struct Level { background: &'static [u16], foreground: &'static [u16], dimensions: Vector2D, collision: &'static [u32], slimes: &'static [(i32, i32)], snails: &'static [(i32, i32)], enemy_stops: &'static [(i32, i32)], start_pos: (i32, i32), } mod map_tiles { use super::Level; pub const LEVELS: &[Level] = &[ l1_1::get_level(), l1_2::get_level(), l1_3::get_level(), l1_4::get_level(), l1_5::get_level(), l1_7::get_level(), // these are intentionally this way round l1_6::get_level(), l1_8::get_level(), l2_3::get_level(), // goes 2-3, 2-1 then 2-2 l2_1::get_level(), l2_2::get_level(), l2_4::get_level(), ]; pub mod l1_1 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/1-1.json.rs")); } pub mod l1_2 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/1-2.json.rs")); } pub mod l1_3 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/1-3.json.rs")); } pub mod l1_4 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/1-4.json.rs")); } pub mod l1_5 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/1-5.json.rs")); } pub mod l1_6 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/1-6.json.rs")); } pub mod l1_7 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/1-7.json.rs")); } pub mod l2_1 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/2-1.json.rs")); } pub mod l1_8 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/1-8.json.rs")); } pub mod l2_2 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/2-2.json.rs")); } pub mod l2_3 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/2-3.json.rs")); } pub mod l2_4 { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/2-4.json.rs")); } pub mod tilemap { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/tilemap.rs")); } } agb::include_gfx!("gfx/tile_sheet.toml"); const GRAPHICS: &Graphics = agb::include_aseprite!("gfx/sprites.aseprite"); const TAG_MAP: &TagMap = GRAPHICS.tags(); const WALKING: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Walking"); const JUMPING: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Jumping"); const FALLING: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Falling"); const PLAYER_DEATH: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("Player Death"); const HAT_SPIN_1: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("HatSpin"); const HAT_SPIN_2: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("HatSpin2"); const HAT_SPIN_3: &Tag = TAG_MAP.get("HatSpin3"); type FixedNumberType = FixedNum<10>; pub struct Entity<'a> { sprite: Object<'a>, position: Vector2D, velocity: Vector2D, collision_mask: Vector2D, } impl<'a> Entity<'a> { pub fn new(object: &'a ObjectController, collision_mask: Vector2D) -> Self { let dummy_sprite = object.sprite(WALKING.sprite(0)); let mut sprite = object.object(dummy_sprite); sprite.set_priority(Priority::P1); Entity { sprite, collision_mask, position: (0, 0).into(), velocity: (0, 0).into(), } } fn something_at_point bool>( &self, position: Vector2D, something_fn: T, ) -> bool { let left = (position.x - self.collision_mask.x as i32 / 2).floor() / 8; let right = (position.x + self.collision_mask.x as i32 / 2 - 1).floor() / 8; let top = (position.y - self.collision_mask.y as i32 / 2).floor() / 8; let bottom = (position.y + self.collision_mask.y as i32 / 2 - 1).floor() / 8; for x in left..=right { for y in top..=bottom { if something_fn(x, y) { return true; } } } false } fn collision_at_point(&self, level: &Level, position: Vector2D) -> bool { self.something_at_point(position, |x, y| level.collides(x, y)) } fn killision_at_point(&self, level: &Level, position: Vector2D) -> bool { self.something_at_point(position, |x, y| level.kills(x, y)) } fn completion_at_point(&self, level: &Level, position: Vector2D) -> bool { self.something_at_point(position, |x, y| level.wins(x, y)) } fn enemy_collision_at_point( &self, enemies: &[enemies::Enemy], position: Vector2D, ) -> bool { for enemy in enemies { if enemy.collides_with_hat(position) { return true; } } false } // returns the distance actually moved fn update_position(&mut self, level: &Level) -> Vector2D { let old_position = self.position; let x_velocity = (self.velocity.x, 0.into()).into(); if !self.collision_at_point(level, self.position + x_velocity) { self.position += x_velocity; } else { self.position += self.binary_search_collision(level, (1, 0).into(), self.velocity.x); } let y_velocity = (0.into(), self.velocity.y).into(); if !self.collision_at_point(level, self.position + y_velocity) { self.position += y_velocity; } else { self.position += self.binary_search_collision(level, (0, 1).into(), self.velocity.y); } self.position - old_position } fn update_position_with_enemy( &mut self, level: &Level, enemies: &[enemies::Enemy], ) -> (Vector2D, bool) { let mut was_enemy_collision = false; let old_position = self.position; let x_velocity = (self.velocity.x, 0.into()).into(); if !(self.collision_at_point(level, self.position + x_velocity) || self.enemy_collision_at_point(enemies, self.position + x_velocity)) { self.position += x_velocity; } else if self.enemy_collision_at_point(enemies, self.position + x_velocity) { self.position -= x_velocity; was_enemy_collision = true; } let y_velocity = (0.into(), self.velocity.y).into(); if !(self.collision_at_point(level, self.position + y_velocity) || self.enemy_collision_at_point(enemies, self.position + y_velocity)) { self.position += y_velocity; } else if self.enemy_collision_at_point(enemies, self.position + y_velocity) { self.position -= y_velocity; was_enemy_collision = true; } (self.position - old_position, was_enemy_collision) } fn binary_search_collision( &self, level: &Level, unit_vector: Vector2D, initial: FixedNumberType, ) -> Vector2D { let mut low: FixedNumberType = 0.into(); let mut high = initial; let one: FixedNumberType = 1.into(); while (high - low).abs() > one / 8 { let mid = (low + high) / 2; let new_vel: Vector2D = unit_vector * mid; if self.collision_at_point(level, self.position + new_vel) { high = mid; } else { low = mid; } } unit_vector * low } fn commit_position(&mut self, offset: Vector2D) { let position = (self.position - offset).floor(); self.sprite.set_position(position - (8, 8).into()); if position.x < -8 || position.x > WIDTH + 8 || position.y < -8 || position.y > HEIGHT + 8 { self.sprite.hide(); } else { self.sprite.show(); } } } struct Map<'a, 'b> { background: &'a mut InfiniteScrolledMap<'b>, foreground: &'a mut InfiniteScrolledMap<'b>, position: Vector2D, level: &'a Level, } impl<'a, 'b> Map<'a, 'b> { pub fn commit_position(&mut self, vram: &mut VRamManager) { self.background.set_pos(vram, self.position.floor()); self.foreground.set_pos(vram, self.position.floor()); self.background.commit(vram); self.foreground.commit(vram); } pub fn init_background(&mut self, vram: &mut VRamManager) -> PartialUpdateStatus { self.background.init_partial(vram, self.position.floor()) } pub fn init_foreground(&mut self, vram: &mut VRamManager) -> PartialUpdateStatus { self.foreground.init_partial(vram, self.position.floor()) } } impl Level { fn collides(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool { self.at_point(x, y, map_tiles::tilemap::COLLISION_TILE as u32) } fn kills(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool { self.at_point(x, y, map_tiles::tilemap::KILL_TILE as u32) } fn at_point(&self, x: i32, y: i32, tile: u32) -> bool { if (x < 0 || x >= self.dimensions.x as i32) || (y < 0 || y >= self.dimensions.y as i32) { return true; } let pos = (self.dimensions.x as i32 * y + x) as usize; let tile_foreground = self.foreground[pos]; let tile_background = self.background[pos]; let foreground_tile_property = self.collision[tile_foreground as usize]; let background_tile_property = self.collision[tile_background as usize]; foreground_tile_property == tile || background_tile_property == tile } fn wins(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool { self.at_point(x, y, map_tiles::tilemap::WIN_TILE as u32) } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum HatState { OnHead, Thrown, WizardTowards, } struct Player<'a> { wizard: Entity<'a>, hat: Entity<'a>, hat_state: HatState, hat_left_range: bool, hat_slow_counter: i32, wizard_frame: u8, num_recalls: i8, is_on_ground: bool, facing: input::Tri, } fn ping_pong(i: i32, n: i32) -> i32 { let cycle = 2 * (n - 1); let i = i % cycle; if i >= n { cycle - i } else { i } } impl<'a> Player<'a> { fn new(controller: &'a ObjectController, start_position: Vector2D) -> Self { let mut wizard = Entity::new(controller, (6_u16, 14_u16).into()); let mut hat = Entity::new(controller, (6_u16, 6_u16).into()); wizard .sprite .set_sprite(controller.sprite(HAT_SPIN_1.sprite(0))); hat.sprite .set_sprite(controller.sprite(HAT_SPIN_1.sprite(0))); wizard.sprite.show(); hat.sprite.show(); hat.sprite.set_z(-1); wizard.position = start_position; hat.position = start_position - (0, 10).into(); Player { wizard, hat, hat_slow_counter: 0, hat_state: HatState::OnHead, hat_left_range: false, wizard_frame: 0, num_recalls: 0, is_on_ground: true, facing: input::Tri::Zero, } } fn update_frame( &mut self, input: &ButtonController, controller: &'a ObjectController, timer: i32, level: &Level, enemies: &[enemies::Enemy], sfx_player: &mut sfx::SfxPlayer, ) { // throw or recall if input.is_just_pressed(Button::A) { if self.hat_state == HatState::OnHead { let direction: Vector2D = { let up_down = input.y_tri() as i32; let left_right = if up_down == 0 { self.facing as i32 } else { input.x_tri() as i32 }; (left_right, up_down).into() }; if direction != (0, 0).into() { let mut velocity = direction.normalise() * 5; if velocity.y > 0.into() { velocity.y *= FixedNumberType::new(4) / 3; } self.hat.velocity = velocity; self.hat_state = HatState::Thrown; sfx_player.throw(); } } else if self.hat_state == HatState::Thrown { self.num_recalls += 1; if self.num_recalls < 3 { self.hat.velocity = (0, 0).into(); self.wizard.velocity = (0, 0).into(); self.hat_state = HatState::WizardTowards; } } else if self.hat_state == HatState::WizardTowards { self.hat_state = HatState::Thrown; self.wizard.velocity /= 8; } } let was_on_ground = self.is_on_ground; let is_on_ground = self .wizard .collision_at_point(level, self.wizard.position + (0, 1).into()); if is_on_ground && !was_on_ground && self.wizard.velocity.y > 1.into() { sfx_player.land(); } self.is_on_ground = is_on_ground; if self.hat_state != HatState::WizardTowards { if is_on_ground { self.num_recalls = 0; } if is_on_ground { self.wizard.velocity.x += FixedNumberType::new(input.x_tri() as i32) / 16; self.wizard.velocity = self.wizard.velocity * 54 / 64; if input.is_just_pressed(Button::B) { self.wizard.velocity.y = -FixedNumberType::new(3) / 2; sfx_player.jump(); } } else { self.wizard.velocity.x += FixedNumberType::new(input.x_tri() as i32) / 64; self.wizard.velocity = self.wizard.velocity * 63 / 64; let gravity: Vector2D = (0, 1).into(); let gravity = gravity / 16; self.wizard.velocity += gravity; } self.wizard.velocity = self.wizard.update_position(level); if self.wizard.velocity.x.abs() > 0.into() { let offset = (ping_pong(timer / 16, 4)) as usize; self.wizard_frame = offset as u8; let frame = WALKING.animation_sprite(offset); let sprite = controller.sprite(frame); self.wizard.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); } if self.wizard.velocity.y < -FixedNumberType::new(1) / 16 { // going up self.wizard_frame = 5; let frame = JUMPING.animation_sprite(0); let sprite = controller.sprite(frame); self.wizard.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); } else if self.wizard.velocity.y > FixedNumberType::new(1) / 16 { // going down let offset = if self.wizard.velocity.y * 2 > 3.into() { (timer / 4) as usize } else { // Don't flap beard unless going quickly 0 }; self.wizard_frame = 0; let frame = FALLING.animation_sprite(offset); let sprite = controller.sprite(frame); self.wizard.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); } if input.x_tri() != agb::input::Tri::Zero { self.facing = input.x_tri(); } } let hat_base_tile = match self.num_recalls { 0 => HAT_SPIN_1, 1 => HAT_SPIN_2, _ => HAT_SPIN_3, }; let hat_resting_position = match self.wizard_frame { 1 | 2 => (0, 9).into(), 5 => (0, 10).into(), _ => (0, 8).into(), }; match self.facing { agb::input::Tri::Negative => { self.wizard.sprite.set_hflip(true); self.hat .sprite .set_sprite(controller.sprite(hat_base_tile.sprite(5))); } agb::input::Tri::Positive => { self.wizard.sprite.set_hflip(false); self.hat .sprite .set_sprite(controller.sprite(hat_base_tile.sprite(0))); } _ => {} } match self.hat_state { HatState::Thrown => { // hat is thrown, make hat move towards wizard let distance_vector = self.wizard.position - self.hat.position - hat_resting_position; let distance = distance_vector.magnitude(); let direction = if distance == 0.into() { (0, 0).into() } else { distance_vector / distance }; let hat_sprite_divider = match self.num_recalls { 0 => 1, 1 => 2, _ => 4, }; let hat_sprite_offset = (timer / hat_sprite_divider) as usize; self.hat.sprite.set_sprite( controller.sprite(hat_base_tile.animation_sprite(hat_sprite_offset)), ); if self.hat_slow_counter < 30 && self.hat.velocity.magnitude() < 2.into() { self.hat.velocity = (0, 0).into(); self.hat_slow_counter += 1; } else { self.hat.velocity += direction / 4; } let (new_velocity, enemy_collision) = self.hat.update_position_with_enemy(level, enemies); self.hat.velocity = new_velocity; if enemy_collision { sfx_player.snail_hat_bounce(); } if distance > 16.into() { self.hat_left_range = true; } if self.hat_left_range && distance < 16.into() { sfx_player.catch(); self.hat_state = HatState::OnHead; } } HatState::OnHead => { // hat is on head, place hat on head self.hat_slow_counter = 0; self.hat_left_range = false; self.hat.position = self.wizard.position - hat_resting_position; } HatState::WizardTowards => { self.hat.sprite.set_sprite( controller.sprite(hat_base_tile.animation_sprite(timer as usize / 2)), ); let distance_vector = self.hat.position - self.wizard.position + hat_resting_position; let distance = distance_vector.magnitude(); if distance != 0.into() { let v = self.wizard.velocity.magnitude() + 1; self.wizard.velocity = distance_vector / distance * v; } self.wizard.velocity = self.wizard.update_position(level); if distance < 16.into() { self.wizard.velocity /= 8; self.hat_state = HatState::OnHead; sfx_player.catch(); } } } } } struct PlayingLevel<'a, 'b> { timer: i32, background: Map<'a, 'b>, input: ButtonController, player: Player<'a>, enemies: [enemies::Enemy<'a>; 16], } enum UpdateState { Normal, Dead, Complete, } impl<'a, 'b> PlayingLevel<'a, 'b> { fn open_level( level: &'a Level, object_control: &'a ObjectController, background: &'a mut InfiniteScrolledMap<'b>, foreground: &'a mut InfiniteScrolledMap<'b>, input: ButtonController, ) -> Self { let mut e: [enemies::Enemy<'a>; 16] = Default::default(); let mut enemy_count = 0; for &slime in level.slimes { e[enemy_count] = enemies::Enemy::new_slime(object_control, slime.into()); enemy_count += 1; } for &snail in level.snails { e[enemy_count] = enemies::Enemy::new_snail(object_control, snail.into()); enemy_count += 1; } let start_pos: Vector2D = level.start_pos.into(); let background_position = ( (start_pos.x - WIDTH / 2) .clamp(0.into(), ((level.dimensions.x * 8) as i32 - WIDTH).into()), (start_pos.y - HEIGHT / 2) .clamp(0.into(), ((level.dimensions.y * 8) as i32 - HEIGHT).into()), ) .into(); PlayingLevel { timer: 0, background: Map { background, foreground, level, position: background_position, }, player: Player::new(object_control, start_pos), input, enemies: e, } } fn show_backgrounds(&mut self) { self.background.background.show(); self.background.foreground.show(); } fn hide_backgrounds(&mut self) { self.background.background.hide(); self.background.foreground.hide(); } fn clear_backgrounds(&mut self, vram: &mut VRamManager) { self.background.background.clear(vram); self.background.foreground.clear(vram); } fn dead_start(&mut self) { self.player.wizard.velocity = (0, -1).into(); self.player.wizard.sprite.set_priority(Priority::P0); } fn dead_update(&mut self, controller: &'a ObjectController) -> bool { self.timer += 1; let frame = PLAYER_DEATH.animation_sprite(self.timer as usize / 8); let sprite = controller.sprite(frame); self.player.wizard.velocity += (0.into(), FixedNumberType::new(1) / 32).into(); self.player.wizard.position += self.player.wizard.velocity; self.player.wizard.sprite.set_sprite(sprite); self.player.wizard.commit_position(self.background.position); self.player.wizard.position.y - self.background.position.y < (HEIGHT + 8).into() } fn update_frame( &mut self, sfx_player: &mut SfxPlayer, vram: &mut VRamManager, controller: &'a ObjectController, ) -> UpdateState { self.timer += 1; self.input.update(); let mut player_dead = false; self.player.update_frame( &self.input, controller, self.timer, self.background.level, &self.enemies, sfx_player, ); for enemy in self.enemies.iter_mut() { match enemy.update( controller, self.background.level, self.player.wizard.position, self.player.hat_state, self.timer, sfx_player, ) { enemies::EnemyUpdateState::KillPlayer => player_dead = true, enemies::EnemyUpdateState::None => {} } } self.background.position = self.get_next_map_position(); self.background.commit_position(vram); self.player.wizard.commit_position(self.background.position); self.player.hat.commit_position(self.background.position); for enemy in self.enemies.iter_mut() { enemy.commit(self.background.position); } player_dead |= self .player .wizard .killision_at_point(self.background.level, self.player.wizard.position); if player_dead { UpdateState::Dead } else if self .player .wizard .completion_at_point(self.background.level, self.player.wizard.position) { UpdateState::Complete } else { UpdateState::Normal } } fn get_next_map_position(&self) -> Vector2D { // want to ensure the player and the hat are visible if possible, so try to position the map // so the centre is at the average position. But give the player some extra priority let hat_pos = self.player.hat.position.floor(); let player_pos = self.player.wizard.position.floor(); let new_target_position = (hat_pos + player_pos * 3) / 4; let screen: Vector2D = (WIDTH, HEIGHT).into(); let half_screen = screen / 2; let current_centre = self.background.position.floor() + half_screen; let mut target_position = ((current_centre * 3 + new_target_position) / 4) - half_screen; target_position.x = target_position.x.clamp( 0, (self.background.level.dimensions.x * 8 - (WIDTH as u32)) as i32, ); target_position.y = target_position.y.clamp( 0, (self.background.level.dimensions.y * 8 - (HEIGHT as u32)) as i32, ); target_position.into() } } pub fn main(mut agb: agb::Gba) -> ! { let (tiled, mut vram) = agb.display.video.tiled0(); vram.set_background_palettes(tile_sheet::PALETTES); let mut splash_screen = tiled.background( Priority::P0, RegularBackgroundSize::Background32x32, TileFormat::FourBpp, ); let mut world_display = tiled.background( Priority::P0, RegularBackgroundSize::Background32x32, TileFormat::FourBpp, ); let tileset = TileSet::new(tile_sheet::background.tiles, TileFormat::FourBpp); for y in 0..32u16 { for x in 0..32u16 { world_display.set_tile( &mut vram, (x, y).into(), &tileset, TileSetting::from_raw(level_display::BLANK), ); } } let mut mixer = agb.mixer.mixer(Frequency::Hz10512); mixer.enable(); let mut sfx = sfx::SfxPlayer::new(&mut mixer); world_display.commit(&mut vram); world_display.show(); splash_screen::show_splash_screen( splash_screen::SplashScreen::Start, &mut sfx, &mut splash_screen, &mut vram, ); loop { world_display.commit(&mut vram); world_display.show(); vram.set_background_palettes(tile_sheet::PALETTES); let object = agb.display.object.get(); let vblank = agb::interrupt::VBlank::get(); let mut current_level = 0; loop { if current_level == map_tiles::LEVELS.len() as u32 { break; } sfx.frame(); vblank.wait_for_vblank(); level_display::write_level( &mut world_display, current_level / 8 + 1, current_level % 8 + 1, &tileset, &mut vram, ); world_display.commit(&mut vram); world_display.show(); sfx.frame(); vblank.wait_for_vblank(); let map_current_level = current_level; let mut background = InfiniteScrolledMap::new( tiled.background(Priority::P2, RegularBackgroundSize::Background32x64), Box::new(|pos: Vector2D| { let level = &map_tiles::LEVELS[map_current_level as usize]; ( &tileset, TileSetting::from_raw( *level .background .get((pos.y * level.dimensions.x as i32 + pos.x) as usize) .unwrap_or(&0), ), ) }), ); let mut foreground = InfiniteScrolledMap::new( tiled.background(Priority::P0, RegularBackgroundSize::Background64x32), Box::new(|pos: Vector2D| { let level = &map_tiles::LEVELS[map_current_level as usize]; ( &tileset, TileSetting::from_raw( *level .foreground .get((pos.y * level.dimensions.x as i32 + pos.x) as usize) .unwrap_or(&0), ), ) }), ); let mut level = PlayingLevel::open_level( &map_tiles::LEVELS[current_level as usize], &object, &mut background, &mut foreground, agb::input::ButtonController::new(), ); while level.background.init_background(&mut vram) != PartialUpdateStatus::Done { sfx.frame(); vblank.wait_for_vblank(); } while level.background.init_foreground(&mut vram) != PartialUpdateStatus::Done { sfx.frame(); vblank.wait_for_vblank(); } for _ in 0..20 { sfx.frame(); vblank.wait_for_vblank(); } object.commit(); level.show_backgrounds(); world_display.hide(); loop { match level.update_frame(&mut sfx, &mut vram, &object) { UpdateState::Normal => {} UpdateState::Dead => { level.dead_start(); while level.dead_update(&object) { sfx.frame(); vblank.wait_for_vblank(); object.commit(); } break; } UpdateState::Complete => { current_level += 1; break; } } sfx.frame(); vblank.wait_for_vblank(); object.commit(); } level.hide_backgrounds(); level.clear_backgrounds(&mut vram); } object.commit(); splash_screen::show_splash_screen( splash_screen::SplashScreen::End, &mut sfx, &mut splash_screen, &mut vram, ); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use agb::Gba; #[test_case] fn test_ping_pong(_gba: &mut Gba) { let test_cases = [ [0, 2, 0], [0, 7, 0], [1, 2, 1], [2, 2, 0], [3, 2, 1], [4, 2, 0], ]; for test_case in test_cases { assert_eq!( ping_pong(test_case[0], test_case[1]), test_case[2], "Expected ping_pong({}, {}) to equal {}", test_case[0], test_case[1], test_case[2], ); } } }