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* This scales the quad so that the screen texture fits the viewport.
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function isPowerOf2(x) {
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function stringToCharCodes(str) {
return str.split("").map(function (c) {
return c.charCodeAt(0);
var emuReady = false;
function hasEmuModule() {
return !!emuReady;
var romBuffer8 = null;
window.loadRomFromBuffer = function (_romBuffer8, filename) {
var errorOpts = { title: "Error" };
if (_romBuffer8.length < 512) {
gtag("event", "load_tiny_rom_1", {
event_label: filename,
return modal("That file isn't a GBA ROM. (It's too small to be a ROM.)", errorOpts);
// Check if it's a real rom
var romCode = String.fromCharCode(
_romBuffer8[0xAC], _romBuffer8[0xAD], _romBuffer8[0xAE], _romBuffer8[0xAF]
var gbMagic = [
_romBuffer8[0x0104], _romBuffer8[0x0105], _romBuffer8[0x0106], _romBuffer8[0x0107],
_romBuffer8[0x0108], _romBuffer8[0x0109], _romBuffer8[0x010A], _romBuffer8[0x010B],
].map(function (v) {
return v.toString(16);
if (filename.search(/\.zip$/i) !== -1) {
gtag("event", "load_zip_rom_1", {
event_label: filename,
return modal("You need to extract the rom file from the zip.", errorOpts);
if (String.fromCharCode(_romBuffer8[0], _romBuffer8[1]) === "PK") {
gtag("event", "load_zip_rom_1", {
event_label: filename + " (non-dot-zip-file)",
return modal("You need to extract the rom file.", errorOpts);
if (filename.search(/\.sav$/i) !== -1) {
gtag("event", "load_sav_rom_1", {
event_label: filename,
return modal("That's not a ROM, it's a savegame file. GBA ROM files usually end in '.gba'.", errorOpts);
if (filename.search(/\.smc$/i) !== -1 || filename.search(/\.sfc$/i) !== -1) {
gtag("event", "load_smc_rom_1", {
event_label: filename,
return modal("That's a SNES ROM, this emulator runs Gameboy Advance ROMs.", errorOpts);
if (gbMagic === "ce,ed,66,66,cc,d,0,b") {
gtag("event", "load_gb_rom_1", {
event_label: filename,
var colorMaybe = "";
if (filename.search(/\.gbc$/i) !== -1) {
colorMaybe = "Color ";
return modal("That's a Gameboy " + colorMaybe + "ROM, this emulator only runs Gameboy Advance ROMs.", errorOpts);
if (!isPowerOf2(_romBuffer8.length)) {
// Some roms are actually non-pot, so don't enforce this.
gtag("event", "non_pot_rom_1", {
event_label: stringToCharCodes(romCode) + " " + filename + " " + _romBuffer8.length,
// Don't return
function ok() {
romBuffer8 = _romBuffer8;
function waitForEmuLoad() {
if (hasEmuModule()) {
} else {
gtag("event", "emu_file_missing_at_load_rom_1", {});
var interval;
var modalOpts = modal("The emulator module isn't loaded yet. Give it a moment.", {
title: "Waiting For Emulator Module",
leftButtonText: "Back",
leftButtonFn: function () {
function progress() {
if (window.emuScriptProgress === -1) {
return modal("There was an error while loading the emulator module. You'll need to refresh the page.", {
title: "Error",
leftButtonText: "Ok",
leftButtonFn: function () {
} else {
interval = setInterval(function () {
if (window.emuScriptProgress >= 100) {
}, 100);
if (romCode.search(/^[A-Z0-9]{4}$/) && !qs.ignoreInvalidRomCode) {
gtag("event", "invalid_rom_code_1", {
event_label: stringToCharCodes(romCode) + " " + filename,
return modal("That file doesn't look like a GBA ROM. (Couldn't find a rom code in the file.)", {
title: "Error",
rightButtonText: "Run it anyway",
rightButtonFn: waitForEmuLoad,
} else {
window.loadRomFromFile = function (e) {
var binaryFile = e.currentTarget.files[0];
var filename = binaryFile.name;
if (!binaryFile) {
var modalOpts = modal(filename, {
title: "Loading File",
leftButtonFn: null,
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function () {
var _romBuffer8 = new Uint8Array(fr.result);
loadRomFromBuffer(_romBuffer8, binaryFile.name);
window.loadRomFromNetwork = function (url) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
let loadingModalSettings = {
title: "Loading",
leftButtonText: "Cancel",
leftButtonFn: function () {
if (qs.exclusive) {
loadingModalSettings.leftButtonFn = null;
var modalOpts = modal("Loading " + url, loadingModalSettings);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
window.loadRomFromBuffer(new Uint8Array(xhr.response), url);
xhr.onprogress = function (e) {
modalOpts.setProgress((e.loaded / e.total) * 100);
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
let errorModalSettings = {
title: "Error",
leftButtonText: "Ok",
if (qs.exclusive) {
errorModalSettings.leftButtonFn = function () {
errorModalSettings.leftButtonText = "Reload Page";
modal("There was an error loading the ROM.", errorModalSettings);
xhr.open("GET", url);
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
window.gbaninja = {
onRuntimeInitialized: function () {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
document.addEventListener("mousedown", function () {
if (window.vbaSound.audioCtx.state === "suspended") {
onReady("document", function () {
if (window.init) {
} else {
document.querySelector(".pixels").innerHTML = "<p style='margin: 20px;'>A required file failed to load.</p>";
if (qs.autorun) {
onReady("emu", function () {
emuReady = true;
onReady("document", function () {
onReady("cartridge", function () {
// ------ VBA ENTRY POINTS -------
var VBAInterface = {};
VBAInterface.VBA_get_emulating = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_emulating", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_start = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_start", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_do_cycles = function (cycles) {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_do_cycles", "int", ["int"], [cycles]);
VBAInterface.VBA_stop = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_stop", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_bios = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_bios", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_rom = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_rom", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_internalRAM = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_internalRAM", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_workRAM = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_workRAM", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_paletteRAM = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_paletteRAM", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_vram = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_vram", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_pix = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_pix", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_oam = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_oam", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_ioMem = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_ioMem", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_systemColorMap16 = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_systemColorMap16", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_systemColorMap32 = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_systemColorMap32", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_systemFrameSkip = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_systemFrameSkip", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_set_systemFrameSkip = function (n) {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_set_systemFrameSkip", "int", ["int"], [n]);
VBAInterface.VBA_get_systemSaveUpdateCounter = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_get_systemSaveUpdateCounter", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_reset_systemSaveUpdateCounter = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_reset_systemSaveUpdateCounter", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_emuWriteBattery = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_emuWriteBattery", "int", [], []);
VBAInterface.VBA_agbPrintFlush = function () {
return gbaninja.ccall("VBA_agbPrintFlush", "int", [], []);
// ------- VBA EXIT POINTS --------
VBAInterface.NYI = function (feature) {
console.log("Feature is NYI: ", feature);
VBAInterface.getAudioSampleRate = function () {
return window.vbaSound.getSampleRate();
VBAInterface.getRomSize = function (startPointer8) {
return romBuffer8.byteLength;
VBAInterface.copyRomToMemory = function (startPointer8) {
var gbaHeap8 = gbaninja.HEAP8;
var byteLength = romBuffer8.byteLength;
for (var i = 0; i < byteLength; i++) {
gbaHeap8[startPointer8 + i] = romBuffer8[i];
VBAInterface.renderFrame = function (pixPointer8) {
VBAInterface.initSound = function () {
VBAInterface.pauseSound = function () {
VBAInterface.resetSound = function () {
VBAInterface.resumeSound = function () {
VBAInterface.writeSound = function (pointer8, length16) {
return window.vbaSound.writeSound(pointer8, length16);
VBAInterface.setThrottleSound = function (pointer8, length16) {
VBAInterface.getSaveSize = function () {
return vbaSaves.getSaveSize();
VBAInterface.commitFlash = VBAInterface.commitEeprom = function (pointer8, size) {
return vbaSaves.softCommit(pointer8, size);
VBAInterface.restoreSaveMemory = function (pointer8, targetBufferSize) {
return vbaSaves.restoreSaveMemory(pointer8, targetBufferSize);
VBAInterface.getJoypad = function (joypadNum) {
return vbaInput.getJoypad(joypadNum);
VBAInterface.dbgOutput = function (textPointer8, unknownPointer8) {
return console.log("dbgOutput", textPointer8, unknownPointer8);
function ajaxScript(url, progressCallback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function (e) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.text = xhr.responseText;
xhr.onprogress = function (e) {
progressCallback((e.loaded / e.total) * 100);
xhr.onerror = function () {
gtag("event", "emu_load_error", {});
xhr.open("GET", url);
xhr.responseType = "text";
window.emuScriptProgress = 0;
ajaxScript("./emu.js", function (progress, text) {
window.emuScriptProgress = progress;
<script src="./app.js"></script>
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<div class="ui-border-2">
<img src="./logo.png" style="height: 50px; padding-bottom: 6px; padding-right: 90px;" />
<section class="load-rom-section">
<h2>Load a Gameboy Advance ROM</h2>
<div class="gap"></div>
<label class="btn" for="load-rom-from-file">From File</label>
<div class="gap"></div>
<input id="load-rom-from-file" type="file" onchange="window.loadRomFromFile(event);" />
<section class="paused-section" style="display: none;">
<p style="padding-top: 8px;">
Press <span class="unpause-key-prompt"></span> to resume.
<label class="btn" for="load-rom-from-url" onclick="window.loadCartridgeFromURL(event);window.onReady('cartridge', function () {start()});">From URL</label>
<input id="load-rom-from-url" type="text"/>
<section class="savegames-section">
<div class="gap"></div>
<div class="saves-list"></div>
<div class="gap"></div>
<label class="btn" for="import-save-file">Import Save File</label>
<input id="import-save-file" type="file"
onchange="vbaSaves.onFileImportInputChanged(event, window.vbaUI.reset.bind(vbaUI));" />
<h2>Keyboard Bindings</h2>
<div class="gap"></div>
<div class="keyboard-bindings"></div>
<div class="gap"></div>
<button class="btn reset-bindings-button" onclick="window.vbaUI.resetBindings();">Reset
<div style="position: absolute; right: 10px; bottom: 10px;">
<a class="report-bug-button" target="_blank"
href="https://github.com/simon-paris/gba.ninja/blob/master/embed.md">embed gba.ninja</a>
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<span class="perf-left">Game</span><span class="perf-right perf-game">-</span><br />
<span class="perf-left">Speed</span><span class="perf-right perf-percentage">-</span><br />
<span class="perf-left">On-Time Renders</span><span class="perf-right perf-render-deadlines">-</span><br />
<span class="perf-left">On-Time Audio Events</span><span class="perf-right perf-audio-deadlines">-</span><br />
<span class="perf-left">Timesteps/Second</span><span class="perf-right perf-timesteps">-</span><br />
<span class="perf-left">Audio Lag</span><span class="perf-right perf-audio-lag">-</span><br />
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