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synced 2025-01-11 01:21:34 +11:00
390 lines
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390 lines
11 KiB
use quote::{quote, TokenStreamExt};
use std::{
io::{BufWriter, Write},
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
const LEVEL_NAMES: &[&str] = &[
fn main() {
let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR environment variable must be specified");
let mut tile_loader = tiled::Loader::new();
let ui_map = load_tmx(&mut tile_loader, "maps/UI.tmx");
let ui_tiles = export_ui_tiles(&ui_map, quote!(ui));
let levels = LEVEL_NAMES
.map(|level| load_level(&mut tile_loader, &format!("maps/levels/{level}.tmx")))
let levels_tiles = levels.iter().map(|level| &level.0);
let levels_data = levels.iter().map(|level| &level.1);
let tilemaps_output = quote! {
use agb::display::tiled::TileSetting;
pub const UI_BACKGROUND_MAP: &[TileSetting] = #ui_tiles;
pub const LEVELS_MAP: &[&[TileSetting]] = &[#(#levels_tiles),*];
let levels_output = quote! {
pub const LEVELS: &[Level] = &[#(#levels_data),*];
let tilemaps_output_file = File::create(format!("{out_dir}/tilemaps.rs"))
.expect("Failed to open tilemaps.rs for writing");
let mut tilemaps_writer = BufWriter::new(tilemaps_output_file);
write!(&mut tilemaps_writer, "{tilemaps_output}").unwrap();
let levels_output_file = File::create(format!("{out_dir}/levels.rs"))
.expect("Failed to open levels.rs for writing");
let mut levels_output_writer = BufWriter::new(levels_output_file);
write!(&mut levels_output_writer, "{levels_output}").unwrap();
fn load_level(loader: &mut tiled::Loader, filename: &str) -> (TokenStream, Level) {
let level_map = load_tmx(loader, filename);
let tiles = export_tiles(&level_map, quote!(level));
let data = export_level(&level_map);
(tiles, data)
fn load_tmx(loader: &mut tiled::Loader, filename: &str) -> tiled::Map {
loader.load_tmx_map(filename).expect("failed to load map")
enum Entity {
impl FromStr for Entity {
type Err = ();
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
use Entity::*;
Ok(match s {
"SWORD" => Sword,
"SLIME" => Slime,
"HERO" => Hero,
"STAIRS" => Stairs,
"DOOR" => Door,
"KEY" => Key,
"SWITCH" => Switch,
"SWITCH_PRESSED" => SwitchPressed,
"DOOR_SWITCHED" => SwitchedClosedDoor,
"DOOR_SWITCHED_OPEN" => SwitchedOpenDoor,
"SPIKES" => SpikesUp,
"SPIKES_DOWN" => SpikesDown,
"SQUID_UP" => SquidUp,
"SQUID_DOWN" => SquidDown,
_ => return Err(()),
impl quote::ToTokens for Entity {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
use Entity::*;
tokens.append_all(match self {
Sword => quote!(Item::Sword),
Slime => quote!(Item::Slime),
Hero => quote!(Item::Hero),
Stairs => quote!(Item::Stairs),
Door => quote!(Item::Door),
Key => quote!(Item::Key),
Switch => quote!(Item::Switch),
SwitchPressed => quote!(Item::SwitchPressed),
SwitchedOpenDoor => quote!(Item::SwitchedOpenDoor),
SwitchedClosedDoor => quote!(Item::SwitchedClosedDoor),
SpikesUp => quote!(Item::SpikesUp),
SpikesDown => quote!(Item::SpikesDown),
SquidUp => quote!(Item::SquidUp),
SquidDown => quote!(Item::SquidDown),
enum Direction {
impl TryFrom<char> for Direction {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(c: char) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
use Direction::*;
Ok(match c {
'U' => Up,
'D' => Down,
'L' => Left,
'R' => Right,
_ => return Err(()),
impl quote::ToTokens for Direction {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
use Direction::*;
tokens.append_all(match self {
Up => quote!(Direction::Up),
Down => quote!(Direction::Down),
Left => quote!(Direction::Left),
Right => quote!(Direction::Right),
struct EntityWithPosition(Entity, (i32, i32));
impl quote::ToTokens for EntityWithPosition {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let pos_x = self.1 .0;
let pos_y = self.1 .1;
let location = quote!(Vector2D::new(#pos_x, #pos_y));
let item = &self.0;
tokens.append_all(quote!(Entity(#item, #location)))
struct Level {
starting_items: Vec<Entity>,
fixed_positions: Vec<EntityWithPosition>,
directions: Vec<Direction>,
wall_bitmap: Vec<u8>,
name: String,
impl quote::ToTokens for Level {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let wall_bitmap = &self.wall_bitmap;
let fixed_positions = &self.fixed_positions;
let directions = &self.directions;
let starting_items = &self.starting_items;
let name = &self.name;
tokens.append_all(quote! {
Map::new(11, 10, &[#(#wall_bitmap),*]),
fn export_level(map: &tiled::Map) -> Level {
let objects = map.get_layer(1).unwrap().as_object_layer().unwrap();
let fixed_positions = objects.objects().map(|obj| {
let entity: Entity = obj
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("unknown object type {}", obj.name));
let x = (obj.x / 16.0) as i32;
let y = (obj.y / 16.0) as i32;
EntityWithPosition(entity, (x, y))
let Some(tiled::PropertyValue::StringValue(starting_items)) = map.properties.get("ITEMS")
else {
panic!("Starting items must be a string")
let Some(tiled::PropertyValue::StringValue(level_name)) = map.properties.get("NAME") else {
panic!("Level name must be a string")
let starting_items = starting_items.split(',').map(|starting_item| {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("unknown object type {}", starting_item))
let Some(tiled::PropertyValue::StringValue(directions)) = map.properties.get("DIRECTIONS")
else {
panic!("Starting items must be a string")
let directions = directions.chars().map(|starting_item| {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("unknown object type {}", starting_item))
let Some(tiled::TileLayer::Finite(tiles)) = map.get_layer(0).unwrap().as_tile_layer() else {
panic!("Not a finite layer")
let are_walls = (0..10 * 11).map(|id| {
let tile_x = id % 11;
let tile_y = id / 11;
let is_wall = tiles
.get_tile(tile_x, tile_y)
.map(|tile| {
let tileset = tile.get_tileset();
let tile_data = &tileset.get_tile(tile.id()).unwrap();
.map(|user_type| user_type == "WALL")
Level {
starting_items: starting_items.collect(),
fixed_positions: fixed_positions.collect(),
directions: directions.collect(),
wall_bitmap: bool_to_bit(&are_walls.collect::<Vec<_>>()),
name: level_name.clone(),
fn export_tiles(map: &tiled::Map, background: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let map_tiles = map.get_layer(0).unwrap().as_tile_layer().unwrap();
let width = map_tiles.width().unwrap() * 2;
let height = map_tiles.height().unwrap() * 2;
let map_tiles = (0..(height * width)).map(|pos| {
let x = pos % width;
let y = pos / width;
let tile = map_tiles.get_tile(x as i32 / 2, y as i32 / 2);
match tile {
Some(tile) => {
let vflip = tile.flip_v;
let hflip = tile.flip_h;
// calculate the actual tile ID based on the properties here
// since the tiles in tiled are 16x16, but we want to export to 8x8, we have to work this out carefully
let tile_tileset_x = tile.id() % 9;
let tile_tileset_y = tile.id() / 9;
let x_offset = if (x % 2 == 0) ^ hflip { 0 } else { 1 };
let y_offset = if (y % 2 == 0) ^ vflip { 0 } else { 1 };
let gba_tile_id =
tile_tileset_x * 2 + x_offset + tile_tileset_y * 9 * 4 + y_offset * 9 * 2;
let gba_tile_id = gba_tile_id as u16;
quote! { backgrounds::#background.tile_settings[#gba_tile_id as usize].hflip(#hflip).vflip(#vflip) }
None => {
quote! { TileSetting::BLANK }
quote! {&[#(#map_tiles),*]}
fn export_ui_tiles(map: &tiled::Map, background: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let map_tiles = map.get_layer(0).unwrap().as_tile_layer().unwrap();
let width = map_tiles.width().unwrap();
let height = map_tiles.height().unwrap();
let map_tiles = (0..(height * width)).map(|pos| {
let x = pos % width;
let y = pos / width;
let tile = map_tiles.get_tile(x as i32, y as i32);
match tile {
Some(tile) => {
let tile_id = tile.id() as u16;
let vflip = tile.flip_v;
let hflip = tile.flip_h;
quote! { backgrounds::#background.tile_settings[#tile_id as usize].hflip(#hflip).vflip(#vflip) }
None => {
quote! { TileSetting::BLANK }
quote! {&[#(#map_tiles),*]}
fn bool_to_bit(bools: &[bool]) -> Vec<u8> {
.map(|x| {
.fold(0u8, |bits, (idx, &bit)| bits | ((bit as u8) << idx))
fn check_bool_to_bit() {
let bools = [true, false, false, false, true, true, true, true];
assert_eq!(bool_to_bit(&bools), [0b11110001]);