Somewhere along the path I didn’t mark some functions as `#[inline]` which they should probably be. Small but visible benchmark improvements, but within ε so low confidence.
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158 lines
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//! The different types of `Any` for use in a map.
//! This stuff is all based on `std::any`, but goes a little further, with `CloneAny` being a
//! cloneable `Any` and with the `Send` and `Sync` bounds possible on both `Any` and `CloneAny`.
use std::fmt;
use std::any::Any as StdAny;
pub trait CloneToAny {
/// Clone `self` into a new `Box<CloneAny>` object.
fn clone_to_any(&self) -> Box<CloneAny>;
/// Clone `self` into a new `Box<CloneAny + Send>` object.
fn clone_to_any_send(&self) -> Box<CloneAny + Send> where Self: Send;
/// Clone `self` into a new `Box<CloneAny + Sync>` object.
fn clone_to_any_sync(&self) -> Box<CloneAny + Sync> where Self: Sync;
/// Clone `self` into a new `Box<CloneAny + Send + Sync>` object.
fn clone_to_any_send_sync(&self) -> Box<CloneAny + Send + Sync> where Self: Send + Sync;
impl<T: Any + Clone> CloneToAny for T {
fn clone_to_any(&self) -> Box<CloneAny> {
fn clone_to_any_send(&self) -> Box<CloneAny + Send> where Self: Send {
fn clone_to_any_sync(&self) -> Box<CloneAny + Sync> where Self: Sync {
fn clone_to_any_send_sync(&self) -> Box<CloneAny + Send + Sync> where Self: Send + Sync {
macro_rules! define {
(CloneAny) => {
/// A type to emulate dynamic typing.
/// Every type with no non-`'static` references implements `Any`.
define!(CloneAny remainder);
(Any) => {
/// A type to emulate dynamic typing with cloning.
/// Every type with no non-`'static` references that implements `Clone` implements `Any`.
define!(Any remainder);
($t:ident remainder) => {
/// See the [`std::any` documentation]( for
/// more details on `Any` in general.
/// This trait is not `std::any::Any` but rather a type extending that for this library’s
/// purposes so that it can be combined with marker traits like
/// <code><a class=trait title=core::marker::Send
/// href=>Send</a></code> and
/// <code><a class=trait title=core::marker::Sync
/// href=>Sync</a></code>.
define!($t trait);
(CloneAny trait) => {
/// See also [`Any`](trait.Any.html) for a version without the `Clone` requirement.
pub trait CloneAny: Any + CloneToAny { }
impl<T: StdAny + Clone> CloneAny for T { }
(Any trait) => {
/// See also [`CloneAny`](trait.CloneAny.html) for a cloneable version of this trait.
pub trait Any: StdAny { }
impl<T: StdAny> Any for T { }
macro_rules! impl_clone {
($t:ty, $method:ident) => {
impl Clone for Box<$t> {
fn clone(&self) -> Box<$t> {
#[allow(missing_docs)] // Bogus warning (it’s not public outside the crate), ☹
pub trait UncheckedAnyExt: Any {
unsafe fn downcast_ref_unchecked<T: Any>(&self) -> &T;
unsafe fn downcast_mut_unchecked<T: Any>(&mut self) -> &mut T;
unsafe fn downcast_unchecked<T: Any>(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<T>;
/// A trait for the conversion of an object into a boxed trait object.
pub trait IntoBox<A: ?Sized + UncheckedAnyExt>: Any {
/// Convert self into the appropriate boxed form.
fn into_box(self) -> Box<A>;
macro_rules! implement {
($base:ident, $(+ $bounds:ident)*) => {
impl fmt::Debug for $base $(+ $bounds)* {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.pad(stringify!($base $(+ $bounds)*))
impl UncheckedAnyExt for $base $(+ $bounds)* {
unsafe fn downcast_ref_unchecked<T: 'static>(&self) -> &T {
&*(self as *const Self as *const T)
unsafe fn downcast_mut_unchecked<T: 'static>(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut *(self as *mut Self as *mut T)
unsafe fn downcast_unchecked<T: 'static>(self: Box<Self>) -> Box<T> {
Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(self) as *mut T)
impl<T: $base $(+ $bounds)*> IntoBox<$base $(+ $bounds)*> for T {
fn into_box(self) -> Box<$base $(+ $bounds)*> {
implement!(Any, + Send);
implement!(Any, + Sync);
implement!(Any, + Send + Sync);
implement!(CloneAny, + Send);
implement!(CloneAny, + Sync);
implement!(CloneAny, + Send + Sync);
impl_clone!(CloneAny, clone_to_any);
impl_clone!((CloneAny + Send), clone_to_any_send);
impl_clone!((CloneAny + Sync), clone_to_any_sync);
impl_clone!((CloneAny + Send + Sync), clone_to_any_send_sync);