further triangle progress
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,31 +14,6 @@ use vk_loader2 as vk;
use load;
use load;
use shared_library::dynamic_library::DynamicLibrary;
use shared_library::dynamic_library::DynamicLibrary;
type VkResult<T> = Result<T, vk::Result>;
type VkResult<T> = Result<T, vk::Result>;
// use fence;
// use extensions::*;
// use surface;
// use device::*;
// macro_rules! vk_error(
// ($err_name: ident, $($raw_name: ident => $name: ident,)*) => {
// #[derive(Debug)]
// pub enum $err_name {
// $(
// $name,
// )*
// }
// impl From<vk::Result> for $err_name {
// fn from(r: vk::Result) -> $err_name {
// match r {
// $(
// vk::Result::$raw_name => $err_name::$name,
// )*
// _ => panic!("Missing error case for '{}', please open an issue.", stringify!($err_name)),
// }
// }
// }
// }
// );
fn get_path() -> &'static Path {
fn get_path() -> &'static Path {
@ -171,6 +146,111 @@ impl Device {
self.device_fn.destroy_device(self.handle, ptr::null());
self.device_fn.destroy_device(self.handle, ptr::null());
pub fn destroy_command_pool(&self, pool: vk::CommandPool) {
unsafe {
self.device_fn.destroy_command_pool(self.handle, pool, ptr::null());
pub fn destroy_swapchain_khr(&self, swapchain: vk::SwapchainKHR) {
unsafe {
self.device_fn.destroy_swapchain_khr(self.handle, swapchain, ptr::null());
pub fn destroy_image_view(&self, image_view: vk::ImageView) {
unsafe {
self.device_fn.destroy_image_view(self.handle, image_view, ptr::null());
pub fn get_device_queue(&self, queue_family_index: u32, queue_index: u32) -> vk::Queue {
unsafe {
let mut queue = mem::uninitialized();
.get_device_queue(self.handle, queue_family_index, queue_index, &mut queue);
pub fn create_image_view(&self,
create_info: &vk::ImageViewCreateInfo)
-> VkResult<vk::ImageView> {
unsafe {
let mut image_view = mem::uninitialized();
let err_code = self.device_fn
.create_image_view(self.handle, create_info, ptr::null(), &mut image_view);
match err_code {
vk::Result::Success => Ok(image_view),
_ => Err(err_code),
pub fn get_swapchain_images_khr(&self,
swapchain: vk::SwapchainKHR)
-> VkResult<Vec<vk::Image>> {
unsafe {
let mut count = 0;
.get_swapchain_images_khr(self.handle, swapchain, &mut count, ptr::null_mut());
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(count as usize);
let err_code = self.device_fn
.get_swapchain_images_khr(self.handle, swapchain, &mut count, v.as_mut_ptr());
v.set_len(count as usize);
match err_code {
vk::Result::Success => Ok(v),
_ => Err(err_code),
pub fn allocate_command_buffers<I: Into<vk::CommandBufferAllocateInfo>>
i: I)
-> VkResult<Vec<vk::CommandBuffer>> {
let create_info = i.into();
unsafe {
let mut buffers = Vec::with_capacity(create_info.command_buffer_count as usize);
let err_code = self.device_fn
.allocate_command_buffers(self.handle, &create_info, buffers.as_mut_ptr());
buffers.set_len(create_info.command_buffer_count as usize);
match err_code {
vk::Result::Success => Ok(buffers),
_ => Err(err_code),
pub fn create_command_pool<I: Into<vk::CommandPoolCreateInfo>>(&self,
i: I)
-> VkResult<vk::CommandPool> {
let create_info = i.into();
unsafe {
let mut pool = mem::uninitialized();
let err_code = self.device_fn
.create_command_pool(self.handle, &create_info, ptr::null(), &mut pool);
match err_code {
vk::Result::Success => Ok(pool),
_ => Err(err_code),
pub fn create_swapchain_khr<I: Into<vk::SwapchainCreateInfoKHR>>
i: I)
-> VkResult<vk::SwapchainKHR> {
let create_info = i.into();
unsafe {
let mut swapchain = mem::uninitialized();
let err_code = self.device_fn
.create_swapchain_khr(self.handle, &create_info, ptr::null(), &mut swapchain);
match err_code {
vk::Result::Success => Ok(swapchain),
_ => Err(err_code),
impl<'r> Instance<'r> {
impl<'r> Instance<'r> {
@ -180,6 +260,70 @@ impl<'r> Instance<'r> {
pub fn get_physical_device_surface_present_modes_khr(&self,
physical_device: vk::PhysicalDevice,
surface: vk::SurfaceKHR)
-> VkResult<Vec<vk::PresentModeKHR>> {
unsafe {
let mut count = 0;
&mut count,
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(count as usize);
let err_code = self.instance_fn
&mut count,
v.set_len(count as usize);
match err_code {
vk::Result::Success => Ok(v),
_ => Err(err_code),
pub fn get_physical_device_surface_capabilities_khr(&self,
physical_device: vk::PhysicalDevice,
surface: vk::SurfaceKHR)
-> VkResult<vk::SurfaceCapabilitiesKHR> {
unsafe {
let mut surface_capabilities = mem::uninitialized();
let err_code = self.instance_fn
&mut surface_capabilities);
match err_code {
vk::Result::Success => Ok(surface_capabilities),
_ => Err(err_code),
pub fn get_physical_device_surface_formats_khr(&self,
physical_device: vk::PhysicalDevice,
surface: vk::SurfaceKHR)
-> VkResult<Vec<vk::SurfaceFormatKHR>> {
unsafe {
let mut count = 0;
&mut count,
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(count as usize);
let err_code = self.instance_fn
&mut count,
v.set_len(count as usize);
match err_code {
vk::Result::Success => Ok(v),
_ => Err(err_code),
pub fn destroy_surface_khr(&self, surface: vk::SurfaceKHR) {
pub fn destroy_surface_khr(&self, surface: vk::SurfaceKHR) {
unsafe {
unsafe {
self.instance_fn.destroy_surface_khr(self.handle, surface, ptr::null());
self.instance_fn.destroy_surface_khr(self.handle, surface, ptr::null());
@ -300,208 +444,3 @@ impl<'r> Instance<'r> {
// pub struct DebugCallback {
// handle: vk::DebugReportCallbackEXT,
// f: *mut Fn(String),
// }
// #[derive(Clone)]
// pub struct Instance {
// pub inner: Arc<InstanceImpl>,
// }
// pub struct InstanceImpl {
// pub instance: vk::Instance,
// pub ip: vk::InstancePointers,
// callback: Option<DebugCallback>,
// }
// impl Instance{
// pub fn handle(&self) -> usize{
// self.inner.instance
// }
// pub fn ip(&self) -> &vk::InstancePointers {
// &self.inner.ip
// }
// }
// unsafe impl Send for Instance {}
// unsafe impl Sync for Instance {}
// impl Drop for InstanceImpl {
// fn drop(&mut self) {
// unsafe {
// if let Some(ref callback) = self.callback {
// self.ip.DestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT(self.instance, callback.handle, ptr::null());
// Box::from_raw(callback.f);
// }
// self.ip.DestroyInstance(self.instance, ptr::null());
// }
// }
// }
// pub struct ApplicationInfo {
// pub name: String,
// }
// impl Instance {
// pub fn create_surface<S: surface::VulkanSurface>(&self, s: &S) -> surface::Surface {
// surface::Surface {
// instance: self.clone(),
// handle: s.create_surface(self),
// }
// }
// pub fn extenstion_properties() -> InstanceExtension {
// let entry_points = load::entry_points().unwrap();
// let extension_props = unsafe {
// let mut num = 0;
// entry_points.EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(ptr::null(), &mut num, ptr::null_mut());
// let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(num as usize);
// entry_points.EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(ptr::null(), &mut num, data.as_mut_ptr());
// data.set_len(num as usize);
// InstanceExtensionProperties { ext_props: data }
// };
// extension_props.into()
// }
// pub fn device_extension_properties(&self, device: vk::PhysicalDevice) -> DeviceExtension {
// let extension_props = unsafe {
// let mut num = 0;
// self.inner.ip
// .EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(device, ptr::null(), &mut num, ptr::null_mut());
// let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(num as usize);
// self.inner.ip.EnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties(device,
// ptr::null(),
// &mut num,
// data.as_mut_ptr());
// data.set_len(num as usize);
// DeviceExtensionProperties { ext_props: data }
// };
// extension_props.into()
// }
// pub fn new<F: Fn(String) + 'static>(app_info: &ApplicationInfo,
// extensions: &InstanceExtension,
// f: F)
// -> Instance {
// let entry_points = load::entry_points().unwrap();
// unsafe {
// let mut num = 0;
// entry_points.EnumerateInstanceLayerProperties(&mut num, ptr::null_mut());
// let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(num as usize);
// entry_points.EnumerateInstanceLayerProperties(&mut num, v.as_mut_ptr());
// v.set_len(num as usize);
// for p in v {
// // println!("layer {}", CStr::from_ptr(p.layerName.as_ptr()).to_str().unwrap());
// }
// }
// let layername = CString::new("VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation").unwrap();
// let layer = [layername.as_ptr()];
// let c = CString::new(app_info.name.clone()).unwrap();
// let raw_name = c.as_ptr();
// let appinfo = vk::ApplicationInfo {
// pApplicationName: raw_name,
// pNext: ptr::null(),
// applicationVersion: 0,
// pEngineName: raw_name,
// engineVersion: 0,
// apiVersion: 0,
// };
// let extension_list = extensions.extension_list();
// let extension_list_raw =
// extension_list.iter().map(|extension| extension.as_ptr()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
// let create_info = vk::InstanceCreateInfo {
// pApplicationInfo: &appinfo,
// pNext: ptr::null(),
// ppEnabledLayerNames: layer.as_ptr(),
// enabledLayerCount: layer.len() as u32,
// ppEnabledExtensionNames: extension_list_raw.as_ptr(),
// enabledExtensionCount: extension_list_raw.len() as u32,
// flags: 0,
// };
// let mut instance: vk::Instance = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
// unsafe {
// entry_points.CreateInstance(&create_info, ptr::null(), &mut instance);
// }
// let vk: vk::InstancePointers = {
// let f = load::static_functions().unwrap();
// vk::InstancePointers::load(|name| unsafe {
// mem::transmute(f.GetInstanceProcAddr(instance, name.as_ptr()))
// })
// };
// extern "system" fn debug_callback<F: Fn(String)>(flags: vk::DebugReportFlagsEXT,
// obj: vk::DebugReportObjectTypeEXT,
// u: u64,
// u1: usize,
// i: i32,
// chars: *const c_char,
// chars1: *const c_char,
// data: *mut c_void)
// -> u32 {
// unsafe {
// let f = &*(data as *mut F);
// f(CStr::from_ptr(chars).to_str().unwrap().to_owned());
// f(CStr::from_ptr(chars1).to_str().unwrap().to_owned());
// }
// 1
// }
// let raw_boxed_f = Box::into_raw(Box::new(f));
// let debug = vk::DebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT {
// sType: 1000011000,
// pNext: ptr::null(),
// pfnCallback: debug_callback::<F>,
// pUserData: raw_boxed_f as *mut c_void,
// };
// let callback = unsafe {
// let mut callback: vk::DebugReportCallbackEXT = mem::uninitialized();
// assert!(vk.CreateDebugReportCallbackEXT(instance,
// &debug,
// ptr::null(),
// &mut callback) == 0,
// "Debug");
// DebugCallback {
// f: raw_boxed_f,
// handle: callback,
// }
// };
// Instance {
// inner: Arc::new(InstanceImpl {
// ip: vk,
// instance: instance,
// callback: Some(callback),
// }),
// }
// }
// pub fn get_pysical_devices(&self) -> Vec<PhysicalDevice> {
// unsafe {
// let mut num = 0;
// self.inner.ip
// .EnumeratePhysicalDevices(self.inner.instance, &mut num, ptr::null_mut());
// let mut physical_devices = Vec::<vk::PhysicalDevice>::with_capacity(num as usize);
// self.inner.ip
// .EnumeratePhysicalDevices(self.inner.instance, &mut num, physical_devices.as_mut_ptr());
// physical_devices.set_len(num as usize);
// physical_devices.into_iter()
// .map(|handle| {
// PhysicalDevice {
// instance: self.clone(),
// handle: handle,
// }
// })
// .collect()
// }
// }
// }
@ -12,18 +12,26 @@ use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::mem;
use std::mem;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::Path;
use std::os::raw::c_void;
use std::os::raw::c_void;
macro_rules! printlndb{
($arg: tt) => {
println!("{:?}", $arg);
fn handle_window_event(window: &mut glfw::Window, event: glfw::WindowEvent) {
fn handle_window_event(window: &mut glfw::Window, event: glfw::WindowEvent) {
match event {
match event {
glfw::WindowEvent::Key(Key::Escape, _, Action::Press, _) => window.set_should_close(true),
glfw::WindowEvent::Key(Key::Escape, _, Action::Press, _) => window.set_should_close(true),
_ => {}
_ => {}
fn main() {
fn main() {
let mut glfw = glfw::init(glfw::FAIL_ON_ERRORS).unwrap();
let mut glfw = glfw::init(glfw::FAIL_ON_ERRORS).unwrap();
let (mut window, events) = glfw.create_window(1920,
let window_width = 1920;
let window_height = 1080;
let (mut window, events) = glfw.create_window(window_width,
"Hello this is window",
"Hello this is window",
.expect("Failed to create GLFW window.");
.expect("Failed to create GLFW window.");
@ -32,7 +40,6 @@ fn main() {
let entry = Entry::load_vulkan().unwrap();
let entry = Entry::load_vulkan().unwrap();
let instance_ext_props = entry.enumerate_instance_extension_properties().unwrap();
let instance_ext_props = entry.enumerate_instance_extension_properties().unwrap();
// println!("{:?}", instance_ext_props);
let app_name = CString::new("TEST").unwrap();
let app_name = CString::new("TEST").unwrap();
let raw_name = app_name.as_ptr();
let raw_name = app_name.as_ptr();
@ -97,6 +104,7 @@ fn main() {
.filter_map(|v| v)
.filter_map(|v| v)
.expect("Couldn't find suitable device.");
.expect("Couldn't find suitable device.");
let queue_family_index = queue_family_index as u32;
let device_extension_names = [CString::new("VK_KHR_swapchain").unwrap()];
let device_extension_names = [CString::new("VK_KHR_swapchain").unwrap()];
let device_extension_names_raw: Vec<*const i8> = device_extension_names.iter()
let device_extension_names_raw: Vec<*const i8> = device_extension_names.iter()
.map(|raw_name| raw_name.as_ptr())
.map(|raw_name| raw_name.as_ptr())
@ -124,8 +132,128 @@ fn main() {
p_enabled_features: &features,
p_enabled_features: &features,
let device = instance.create_device(pdevice, device_create_info).unwrap();
let device = instance.create_device(pdevice, device_create_info).unwrap();
let present_queue = device.get_device_queue(queue_family_index as u32, 0);
let surface_formats = instance.get_physical_device_surface_formats_khr(pdevice, surface)
let surface_format = surface_formats.iter()
.map(|sfmt| {
match sfmt.format {
vk::Format::Undefined => {
vk::SurfaceFormatKHR {
format: vk::Format::B8g8r8Unorm,
color_space: sfmt.color_space,
_ => sfmt.clone(),
.expect("Unable to find suitable surface format.");
let surface_capabilities =
instance.get_physical_device_surface_capabilities_khr(pdevice, surface).unwrap();
let desired_image_count = 2;
assert!(surface_capabilities.min_image_count <= desired_image_count &&
surface_capabilities.max_image_count >= desired_image_count,
"Image count err");
let surface_resoultion = match surface_capabilities.current_extent.width {
std::u32::MAX => {
vk::Extent2D {
width: window_width,
height: window_height,
_ => surface_capabilities.current_extent,
let pre_transform = if surface_capabilities.supported_transforms
} else {
let present_modes = instance.get_physical_device_surface_present_modes_khr(pdevice, surface)
let present_mode = present_modes.iter()
.find(|&mode| mode == vk::PresentModeKHR::Mailbox)
let swapchain_create_info = vk::SwapchainCreateInfoKHR {
s_type: vk::StructureType::SwapchainCreateInfoKhr,
p_next: ptr::null(),
flags: 0,
surface: surface,
min_image_count: desired_image_count,
image_color_space: surface_format.color_space,
image_format: surface_format.format,
image_extent: surface_resoultion,
image_sharing_mode: vk::SharingMode::Exclusive,
pre_transform: pre_transform,
composite_alpha: vk::COMPOSITE_ALPHA_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR,
present_mode: present_mode,
clipped: 1,
old_swapchain: unsafe { mem::transmute(0u64) },
// FIX ME: What is this?
image_array_layers: 1,
p_queue_family_indices: ptr::null(),
queue_family_index_count: 0,
let swapchain = device.create_swapchain_khr(swapchain_create_info).unwrap();
let pool_create_info = vk::CommandPoolCreateInfo {
s_type: vk::StructureType::CommandPoolCreateInfo,
p_next: ptr::null(),
queue_family_index: queue_family_index,
let pool = device.create_command_pool(pool_create_info).unwrap();
let command_buffer_allocate_info = vk::CommandBufferAllocateInfo {
s_type: vk::StructureType::CommandBufferAllocateInfo,
p_next: ptr::null(),
command_buffer_count: 2,
command_pool: pool,
level: vk::CommandBufferLevel::Primary,
let command_buffers = device.allocate_command_buffers(command_buffer_allocate_info).unwrap();
let setup_command_buffer = command_buffers[0];
let draw_command_buffer = command_buffers[1];
let present_images = device.get_swapchain_images_khr(swapchain).unwrap();
let present_image_views: Vec<vk::ImageView> = present_images.iter()
.map(|&image| {
let create_view_info = vk::ImageViewCreateInfo {
s_type: vk::StructureType::ImageViewCreateInfo,
p_next: ptr::null(),
flags: 0,
view_type: vk::ImageViewType::Type2d,
format: surface_format.format,
components: vk::ComponentMapping {
r: vk::ComponentSwizzle::R,
g: vk::ComponentSwizzle::G,
b: vk::ComponentSwizzle::B,
a: vk::ComponentSwizzle::A,
subresource_range: vk::ImageSubresourceRange {
aspect_mask: vk::IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
base_mip_level: 0,
level_count: 1,
base_array_layer: 0,
layer_count: 1,
image: image,
for image_view in present_image_views {
@ -3732,34 +3732,6 @@ vk_functions!{
display: *mut wl_display,
display: *mut wl_display,
) -> Bool32;
) -> Bool32;
"vkCreateSwapchainKHR", create_swapchain_khr(
device: Device,
p_create_info: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR,
p_allocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
p_swapchain: *mut SwapchainKHR,
) -> Result;
"vkDestroySwapchainKHR", destroy_swapchain_khr(
device: Device,
swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
p_allocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
) -> ();
"vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR", get_swapchain_images_khr(
device: Device,
swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
p_swapchain_image_count: *mut uint32_t,
p_swapchain_images: *mut Image,
) -> Result;
"vkAcquireNextImageKHR", acquire_next_image_khr(
device: Device,
swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
timeout: uint64_t,
semaphore: Semaphore,
fence: Fence,
p_image_index: *mut uint32_t,
) -> Result;
"vkQueuePresentKHR", queue_present_khr(
"vkQueuePresentKHR", queue_present_khr(
queue: Queue,
queue: Queue,
@ -4676,4 +4648,32 @@ vk_functions!{
command_buffer_count: uint32_t,
command_buffer_count: uint32_t,
p_command_buffers: *const CommandBuffer,
p_command_buffers: *const CommandBuffer,
) -> ();
) -> ();
"vkCreateSwapchainKHR", create_swapchain_khr(
device: Device,
p_create_info: *const SwapchainCreateInfoKHR,
p_allocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
p_swapchain: *mut SwapchainKHR,
) -> Result;
"vkDestroySwapchainKHR", destroy_swapchain_khr(
device: Device,
swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
p_allocator: *const AllocationCallbacks,
) -> ();
"vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR", get_swapchain_images_khr(
device: Device,
swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
p_swapchain_image_count: *mut uint32_t,
p_swapchain_images: *mut Image,
) -> Result;
"vkAcquireNextImageKHR", acquire_next_image_khr(
device: Device,
swapchain: SwapchainKHR,
timeout: uint64_t,
semaphore: Semaphore,
fence: Fence,
p_image_index: *mut uint32_t,
) -> Result;
Reference in a new issue