Split vk.rs into multiple files (#286)
* Allow the generator to be run from project root dir * Split vk.rs into multiple files * Breakup and remove generated vk/prelude.rs Generator changes: - No longer convert current dir to a string when checking if the path ends with 'generator' - Pass the 'ash/src' dir instead of the 'vk.rs' path Generated and generated output changes: - The majority of prelude.rs has been moved to macros.rs - The pointer chain and Handle are now included in vk.rs - Platform types has been moved to its own file.
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 83381 additions and 83180 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
pub type GeometryFlagsNV = GeometryFlagsKHR;
pub type GeometryInstanceFlagsNV = GeometryInstanceFlagsKHR;
pub type BuildAccelerationStructureFlagsNV = BuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR;
pub type DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateFlagsKHR = DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateFlags;
pub type SemaphoreWaitFlagsKHR = SemaphoreWaitFlags;
pub type PeerMemoryFeatureFlagsKHR = PeerMemoryFeatureFlags;
pub type MemoryAllocateFlagsKHR = MemoryAllocateFlags;
pub type CommandPoolTrimFlagsKHR = CommandPoolTrimFlags;
pub type ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsKHR = ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags;
pub type ExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsKHR = ExternalMemoryFeatureFlags;
pub type ExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagsKHR = ExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags;
pub type ExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagsKHR = ExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags;
pub type SemaphoreImportFlagsKHR = SemaphoreImportFlags;
pub type ExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagsKHR = ExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags;
pub type ExternalFenceFeatureFlagsKHR = ExternalFenceFeatureFlags;
pub type FenceImportFlagsKHR = FenceImportFlags;
pub type DescriptorBindingFlagsEXT = DescriptorBindingFlags;
pub type ResolveModeFlagsKHR = ResolveModeFlags;
pub type DescriptorUpdateTemplateKHR = DescriptorUpdateTemplate;
pub type SamplerYcbcrConversionKHR = SamplerYcbcrConversion;
pub type AccelerationStructureNV = AccelerationStructureKHR;
pub type DescriptorUpdateTemplateTypeKHR = DescriptorUpdateTemplateType;
pub type PointClippingBehaviorKHR = PointClippingBehavior;
pub type SemaphoreTypeKHR = SemaphoreType;
pub type CopyAccelerationStructureModeNV = CopyAccelerationStructureModeKHR;
pub type AccelerationStructureTypeNV = AccelerationStructureTypeKHR;
pub type GeometryTypeNV = GeometryTypeKHR;
pub type RayTracingShaderGroupTypeNV = RayTracingShaderGroupTypeKHR;
pub type AccelerationStructureMemoryRequirementsTypeNV =
pub type TessellationDomainOriginKHR = TessellationDomainOrigin;
pub type SamplerYcbcrModelConversionKHR = SamplerYcbcrModelConversion;
pub type SamplerYcbcrRangeKHR = SamplerYcbcrRange;
pub type ChromaLocationKHR = ChromaLocation;
pub type SamplerReductionModeEXT = SamplerReductionMode;
pub type ShaderFloatControlsIndependenceKHR = ShaderFloatControlsIndependence;
pub type DriverIdKHR = DriverId;
pub type PhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR = PhysicalDeviceFeatures2;
pub type PhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR = PhysicalDeviceProperties2;
pub type FormatProperties2KHR = FormatProperties2;
pub type ImageFormatProperties2KHR = ImageFormatProperties2;
pub type PhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2KHR = PhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2;
pub type QueueFamilyProperties2KHR = QueueFamilyProperties2;
pub type PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2KHR = PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2;
pub type SparseImageFormatProperties2KHR = SparseImageFormatProperties2;
pub type PhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2KHR = PhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2;
pub type ConformanceVersionKHR = ConformanceVersion;
pub type PhysicalDeviceDriverPropertiesKHR = PhysicalDeviceDriverProperties;
pub type PhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeaturesKHR = PhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeaturesKHR = PhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeatures = PhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures;
pub type ExternalMemoryPropertiesKHR = ExternalMemoryProperties;
pub type PhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfoKHR = PhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfo;
pub type ExternalImageFormatPropertiesKHR = ExternalImageFormatProperties;
pub type PhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfoKHR = PhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo;
pub type ExternalBufferPropertiesKHR = ExternalBufferProperties;
pub type PhysicalDeviceIDPropertiesKHR = PhysicalDeviceIDProperties;
pub type ExternalMemoryImageCreateInfoKHR = ExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo;
pub type ExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfoKHR = ExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfo;
pub type ExportMemoryAllocateInfoKHR = ExportMemoryAllocateInfo;
pub type PhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfoKHR = PhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo;
pub type ExternalSemaphorePropertiesKHR = ExternalSemaphoreProperties;
pub type ExportSemaphoreCreateInfoKHR = ExportSemaphoreCreateInfo;
pub type PhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfoKHR = PhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo;
pub type ExternalFencePropertiesKHR = ExternalFenceProperties;
pub type ExportFenceCreateInfoKHR = ExportFenceCreateInfo;
pub type PhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeaturesKHR = PhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceMultiviewPropertiesKHR = PhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties;
pub type RenderPassMultiviewCreateInfoKHR = RenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo;
pub type PhysicalDeviceGroupPropertiesKHR = PhysicalDeviceGroupProperties;
pub type MemoryAllocateFlagsInfoKHR = MemoryAllocateFlagsInfo;
pub type BindBufferMemoryInfoKHR = BindBufferMemoryInfo;
pub type BindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfoKHR = BindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfo;
pub type BindImageMemoryInfoKHR = BindImageMemoryInfo;
pub type BindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfoKHR = BindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfo;
pub type DeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfoKHR = DeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo;
pub type DeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfoKHR = DeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo;
pub type DeviceGroupSubmitInfoKHR = DeviceGroupSubmitInfo;
pub type DeviceGroupBindSparseInfoKHR = DeviceGroupBindSparseInfo;
pub type DeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfoKHR = DeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo;
pub type DescriptorUpdateTemplateEntryKHR = DescriptorUpdateTemplateEntry;
pub type DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfoKHR = DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo;
pub type InputAttachmentAspectReferenceKHR = InputAttachmentAspectReference;
pub type RenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfoKHR = RenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfo;
pub type PhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeaturesKHR = PhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeaturesKHR =
pub type BufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR = BufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2;
pub type ImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR = ImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2;
pub type ImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2KHR = ImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2;
pub type MemoryRequirements2KHR = MemoryRequirements2;
pub type SparseImageMemoryRequirements2KHR = SparseImageMemoryRequirements2;
pub type PhysicalDevicePointClippingPropertiesKHR = PhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties;
pub type MemoryDedicatedRequirementsKHR = MemoryDedicatedRequirements;
pub type MemoryDedicatedAllocateInfoKHR = MemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo;
pub type ImageViewUsageCreateInfoKHR = ImageViewUsageCreateInfo;
pub type PipelineTessellationDomainOriginStateCreateInfoKHR =
pub type SamplerYcbcrConversionInfoKHR = SamplerYcbcrConversionInfo;
pub type SamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfoKHR = SamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo;
pub type BindImagePlaneMemoryInfoKHR = BindImagePlaneMemoryInfo;
pub type ImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfoKHR = ImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfo;
pub type PhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeaturesKHR =
pub type SamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatPropertiesKHR =
pub type PhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxPropertiesEXT =
pub type SamplerReductionModeCreateInfoEXT = SamplerReductionModeCreateInfo;
pub type ImageFormatListCreateInfoKHR = ImageFormatListCreateInfo;
pub type PhysicalDeviceMaintenance3PropertiesKHR = PhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties;
pub type DescriptorSetLayoutSupportKHR = DescriptorSetLayoutSupport;
pub type PhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures = PhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParametersFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8FeaturesKHR = PhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features;
pub type PhysicalDeviceFloat16Int8FeaturesKHR = PhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features;
pub type PhysicalDeviceFloatControlsPropertiesKHR = PhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties;
pub type PhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeaturesEXT = PhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeaturesEXT = PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingPropertiesEXT = PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties;
pub type DescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfoEXT = DescriptorSetLayoutBindingFlagsCreateInfo;
pub type DescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountAllocateInfoEXT =
pub type DescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountLayoutSupportEXT =
pub type AttachmentDescription2KHR = AttachmentDescription2;
pub type AttachmentReference2KHR = AttachmentReference2;
pub type SubpassDescription2KHR = SubpassDescription2;
pub type SubpassDependency2KHR = SubpassDependency2;
pub type RenderPassCreateInfo2KHR = RenderPassCreateInfo2;
pub type SubpassBeginInfoKHR = SubpassBeginInfo;
pub type SubpassEndInfoKHR = SubpassEndInfo;
pub type PhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeaturesKHR = PhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphorePropertiesKHR = PhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreProperties;
pub type SemaphoreTypeCreateInfoKHR = SemaphoreTypeCreateInfo;
pub type TimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfoKHR = TimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo;
pub type SemaphoreWaitInfoKHR = SemaphoreWaitInfo;
pub type SemaphoreSignalInfoKHR = SemaphoreSignalInfo;
pub type PhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeaturesKHR = PhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeaturesKHR = PhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64FeaturesKHR = PhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64Features;
pub type PhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolvePropertiesKHR =
pub type SubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolveKHR = SubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolve;
pub type BindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoNV = BindAccelerationStructureMemoryInfoKHR;
pub type WriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureNV = WriteDescriptorSetAccelerationStructureKHR;
pub type ImageStencilUsageCreateInfoEXT = ImageStencilUsageCreateInfo;
pub type PhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeaturesEXT = PhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceUniformBufferStandardLayoutFeaturesKHR =
pub type PhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesKHR = PhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures;
pub type PhysicalDeviceBufferAddressFeaturesEXT = PhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeaturesEXT;
pub type BufferDeviceAddressInfoKHR = BufferDeviceAddressInfo;
pub type BufferDeviceAddressInfoEXT = BufferDeviceAddressInfo;
pub type BufferOpaqueCaptureAddressCreateInfoKHR = BufferOpaqueCaptureAddressCreateInfo;
pub type PhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeaturesKHR = PhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeatures;
pub type FramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfoKHR = FramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo;
pub type FramebufferAttachmentImageInfoKHR = FramebufferAttachmentImageInfo;
pub type RenderPassAttachmentBeginInfoKHR = RenderPassAttachmentBeginInfo;
pub type QueryPoolCreateInfoINTEL = QueryPoolPerformanceQueryCreateInfoINTEL;
pub type PhysicalDeviceSeparateDepthStencilLayoutsFeaturesKHR =
pub type AttachmentReferenceStencilLayoutKHR = AttachmentReferenceStencilLayout;
pub type AttachmentDescriptionStencilLayoutKHR = AttachmentDescriptionStencilLayout;
pub type MemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressAllocateInfoKHR = MemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressAllocateInfo;
pub type DeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressInfoKHR = DeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressInfo;
pub type AabbPositionsNV = AabbPositionsKHR;
pub type TransformMatrixNV = TransformMatrixKHR;
pub type AccelerationStructureInstanceNV = AccelerationStructureInstanceKHR;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkPipelineCacheCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct PipelineCacheCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(PipelineCacheCreateFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl PipelineCacheCreateFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkCullModeFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct CullModeFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(CullModeFlags, 0b11, Flags);
impl CullModeFlags {
pub const NONE: Self = CullModeFlags(0);
pub const FRONT: Self = CullModeFlags(0b1);
pub const BACK: Self = CullModeFlags(0b10);
pub const FRONT_AND_BACK: Self = CullModeFlags(0x0000_0003);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkQueueFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct QueueFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(QueueFlags, 0b1111, Flags);
impl QueueFlags {
#[doc = "Queue supports graphics operations"]
pub const GRAPHICS: Self = QueueFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Queue supports compute operations"]
pub const COMPUTE: Self = QueueFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Queue supports transfer operations"]
pub const TRANSFER: Self = QueueFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Queue supports sparse resource memory management operations"]
pub const SPARSE_BINDING: Self = QueueFlags(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkRenderPassCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct RenderPassCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(RenderPassCreateFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl RenderPassCreateFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDeviceQueueCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct DeviceQueueCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DeviceQueueCreateFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl DeviceQueueCreateFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct MemoryPropertyFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(MemoryPropertyFlags, 0b1_1111, Flags);
impl MemoryPropertyFlags {
#[doc = "If otherwise stated, then allocate memory on device"]
pub const DEVICE_LOCAL: Self = MemoryPropertyFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Memory is mappable by host"]
pub const HOST_VISIBLE: Self = MemoryPropertyFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Memory will have i/o coherency. If not set, application may need to use vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges and vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges to flush/invalidate host cache"]
pub const HOST_COHERENT: Self = MemoryPropertyFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Memory will be cached by the host"]
pub const HOST_CACHED: Self = MemoryPropertyFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Memory may be allocated by the driver when it is required"]
pub const LAZILY_ALLOCATED: Self = MemoryPropertyFlags(0b1_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkMemoryHeapFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct MemoryHeapFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(MemoryHeapFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl MemoryHeapFlags {
#[doc = "If set, heap represents device memory"]
pub const DEVICE_LOCAL: Self = MemoryHeapFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkAccessFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct AccessFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(AccessFlags, 0b1_1111_1111_1111_1111, Flags);
impl AccessFlags {
#[doc = "Controls coherency of indirect command reads"]
pub const INDIRECT_COMMAND_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of index reads"]
pub const INDEX_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of vertex attribute reads"]
pub const VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of uniform buffer reads"]
pub const UNIFORM_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of input attachment reads"]
pub const INPUT_ATTACHMENT_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of shader reads"]
pub const SHADER_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of shader writes"]
pub const SHADER_WRITE: Self = AccessFlags(0b100_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of color attachment reads"]
pub const COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b1000_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of color attachment writes"]
pub const COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE: Self = AccessFlags(0b1_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of depth/stencil attachment reads"]
pub const DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b10_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of depth/stencil attachment writes"]
pub const DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_WRITE: Self = AccessFlags(0b100_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of transfer reads"]
pub const TRANSFER_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b1000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of transfer writes"]
pub const TRANSFER_WRITE: Self = AccessFlags(0b1_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of host reads"]
pub const HOST_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b10_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of host writes"]
pub const HOST_WRITE: Self = AccessFlags(0b100_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of memory reads"]
pub const MEMORY_READ: Self = AccessFlags(0b1000_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Controls coherency of memory writes"]
pub const MEMORY_WRITE: Self = AccessFlags(0b1_0000_0000_0000_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkBufferUsageFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct BufferUsageFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(BufferUsageFlags, 0b1_1111_1111, Flags);
impl BufferUsageFlags {
#[doc = "Can be used as a source of transfer operations"]
pub const TRANSFER_SRC: Self = BufferUsageFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Can be used as a destination of transfer operations"]
pub const TRANSFER_DST: Self = BufferUsageFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Can be used as TBO"]
pub const UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER: Self = BufferUsageFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Can be used as IBO"]
pub const STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER: Self = BufferUsageFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Can be used as UBO"]
pub const UNIFORM_BUFFER: Self = BufferUsageFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Can be used as SSBO"]
pub const STORAGE_BUFFER: Self = BufferUsageFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Can be used as source of fixed-function index fetch (index buffer)"]
pub const INDEX_BUFFER: Self = BufferUsageFlags(0b100_0000);
#[doc = "Can be used as source of fixed-function vertex fetch (VBO)"]
pub const VERTEX_BUFFER: Self = BufferUsageFlags(0b1000_0000);
#[doc = "Can be the source of indirect parameters (e.g. indirect buffer, parameter buffer)"]
pub const INDIRECT_BUFFER: Self = BufferUsageFlags(0b1_0000_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkBufferCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct BufferCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(BufferCreateFlags, 0b111, Flags);
impl BufferCreateFlags {
#[doc = "Buffer should support sparse backing"]
pub const SPARSE_BINDING: Self = BufferCreateFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Buffer should support sparse backing with partial residency"]
pub const SPARSE_RESIDENCY: Self = BufferCreateFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Buffer should support constent data access to physical memory ranges mapped into multiple locations of sparse buffers"]
pub const SPARSE_ALIASED: Self = BufferCreateFlags(0b100);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkShaderStageFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ShaderStageFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
impl ShaderStageFlags {
pub const VERTEX: Self = ShaderStageFlags(0b1);
pub const TESSELLATION_CONTROL: Self = ShaderStageFlags(0b10);
pub const TESSELLATION_EVALUATION: Self = ShaderStageFlags(0b100);
pub const GEOMETRY: Self = ShaderStageFlags(0b1000);
pub const FRAGMENT: Self = ShaderStageFlags(0b1_0000);
pub const COMPUTE: Self = ShaderStageFlags(0b10_0000);
pub const ALL_GRAPHICS: Self = ShaderStageFlags(0x0000_001F);
pub const ALL: Self = ShaderStageFlags(0x7FFF_FFFF);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkImageUsageFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ImageUsageFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ImageUsageFlags, 0b1111_1111, Flags);
impl ImageUsageFlags {
#[doc = "Can be used as a source of transfer operations"]
pub const TRANSFER_SRC: Self = ImageUsageFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Can be used as a destination of transfer operations"]
pub const TRANSFER_DST: Self = ImageUsageFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Can be sampled from (SAMPLED_IMAGE and COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER descriptor types)"]
pub const SAMPLED: Self = ImageUsageFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Can be used as storage image (STORAGE_IMAGE descriptor type)"]
pub const STORAGE: Self = ImageUsageFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Can be used as framebuffer color attachment"]
pub const COLOR_ATTACHMENT: Self = ImageUsageFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Can be used as framebuffer depth/stencil attachment"]
pub const DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: Self = ImageUsageFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Image data not needed outside of rendering"]
pub const TRANSIENT_ATTACHMENT: Self = ImageUsageFlags(0b100_0000);
#[doc = "Can be used as framebuffer input attachment"]
pub const INPUT_ATTACHMENT: Self = ImageUsageFlags(0b1000_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkImageCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ImageCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ImageCreateFlags, 0b1_1111, Flags);
impl ImageCreateFlags {
#[doc = "Image should support sparse backing"]
pub const SPARSE_BINDING: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Image should support sparse backing with partial residency"]
pub const SPARSE_RESIDENCY: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Image should support constent data access to physical memory ranges mapped into multiple locations of sparse images"]
pub const SPARSE_ALIASED: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Allows image views to have different format than the base image"]
pub const MUTABLE_FORMAT: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Allows creating image views with cube type from the created image"]
pub const CUBE_COMPATIBLE: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b1_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkImageViewCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ImageViewCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ImageViewCreateFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl ImageViewCreateFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSamplerCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct SamplerCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SamplerCreateFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl SamplerCreateFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkPipelineCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct PipelineCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(PipelineCreateFlags, 0b111, Flags);
impl PipelineCreateFlags {
pub const DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION: Self = PipelineCreateFlags(0b1);
pub const ALLOW_DERIVATIVES: Self = PipelineCreateFlags(0b10);
pub const DERIVATIVE: Self = PipelineCreateFlags(0b100);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkPipelineShaderStageCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct PipelineShaderStageCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(PipelineShaderStageCreateFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl PipelineShaderStageCreateFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkColorComponentFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ColorComponentFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ColorComponentFlags, 0b1111, Flags);
impl ColorComponentFlags {
pub const R: Self = ColorComponentFlags(0b1);
pub const G: Self = ColorComponentFlags(0b10);
pub const B: Self = ColorComponentFlags(0b100);
pub const A: Self = ColorComponentFlags(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkFenceCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct FenceCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(FenceCreateFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl FenceCreateFlags {
pub const SIGNALED: Self = FenceCreateFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSemaphoreCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct SemaphoreCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SemaphoreCreateFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl SemaphoreCreateFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkFormatFeatureFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct FormatFeatureFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(FormatFeatureFlags, 0b1_1111_1111_1111, Flags);
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
#[doc = "Format can be used for sampled images (SAMPLED_IMAGE and COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER descriptor types)"]
pub const SAMPLED_IMAGE: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Format can be used for storage images (STORAGE_IMAGE descriptor type)"]
pub const STORAGE_IMAGE: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Format supports atomic operations in case it is used for storage images"]
pub const STORAGE_IMAGE_ATOMIC: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Format can be used for uniform texel buffers (TBOs)"]
pub const UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Format can be used for storage texel buffers (IBOs)"]
pub const STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Format supports atomic operations in case it is used for storage texel buffers"]
pub const STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_ATOMIC: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Format can be used for vertex buffers (VBOs)"]
pub const VERTEX_BUFFER: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b100_0000);
#[doc = "Format can be used for color attachment images"]
pub const COLOR_ATTACHMENT: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b1000_0000);
#[doc = "Format supports blending in case it is used for color attachment images"]
pub const COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BLEND: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b1_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Format can be used for depth/stencil attachment images"]
pub const DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b10_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Format can be used as the source image of blits with vkCmdBlitImage"]
pub const BLIT_SRC: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b100_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Format can be used as the destination image of blits with vkCmdBlitImage"]
pub const BLIT_DST: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b1000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Format can be filtered with VK_FILTER_LINEAR when being sampled"]
pub const SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b1_0000_0000_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkQueryControlFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct QueryControlFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(QueryControlFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl QueryControlFlags {
#[doc = "Require precise results to be collected by the query"]
pub const PRECISE: Self = QueryControlFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkQueryResultFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct QueryResultFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(QueryResultFlags, 0b1111, Flags);
impl QueryResultFlags {
#[doc = "Results of the queries are written to the destination buffer as 64-bit values"]
pub const TYPE_64: Self = QueryResultFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Results of the queries are waited on before proceeding with the result copy"]
pub const WAIT: Self = QueryResultFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Besides the results of the query, the availability of the results is also written"]
pub const WITH_AVAILABILITY: Self = QueryResultFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Copy the partial results of the query even if the final results are not available"]
pub const PARTIAL: Self = QueryResultFlags(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkCommandBufferUsageFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct CommandBufferUsageFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(CommandBufferUsageFlags, 0b111, Flags);
impl CommandBufferUsageFlags {
pub const ONE_TIME_SUBMIT: Self = CommandBufferUsageFlags(0b1);
pub const RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE: Self = CommandBufferUsageFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Command buffer may be submitted/executed more than once simultaneously"]
pub const SIMULTANEOUS_USE: Self = CommandBufferUsageFlags(0b100);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkQueryPipelineStatisticFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct QueryPipelineStatisticFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(QueryPipelineStatisticFlags, 0b111_1111_1111, Flags);
impl QueryPipelineStatisticFlags {
#[doc = "Optional"]
pub const INPUT_ASSEMBLY_VERTICES: Self = QueryPipelineStatisticFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Optional"]
pub const INPUT_ASSEMBLY_PRIMITIVES: Self = QueryPipelineStatisticFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Optional"]
pub const VERTEX_SHADER_INVOCATIONS: Self = QueryPipelineStatisticFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Optional"]
pub const GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS: Self = QueryPipelineStatisticFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Optional"]
pub const GEOMETRY_SHADER_PRIMITIVES: Self = QueryPipelineStatisticFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Optional"]
pub const CLIPPING_INVOCATIONS: Self = QueryPipelineStatisticFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Optional"]
pub const CLIPPING_PRIMITIVES: Self = QueryPipelineStatisticFlags(0b100_0000);
#[doc = "Optional"]
pub const FRAGMENT_SHADER_INVOCATIONS: Self = QueryPipelineStatisticFlags(0b1000_0000);
#[doc = "Optional"]
#[doc = "Optional"]
#[doc = "Optional"]
pub const COMPUTE_SHADER_INVOCATIONS: Self = QueryPipelineStatisticFlags(0b100_0000_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkImageAspectFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ImageAspectFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ImageAspectFlags, 0b1111, Flags);
impl ImageAspectFlags {
pub const COLOR: Self = ImageAspectFlags(0b1);
pub const DEPTH: Self = ImageAspectFlags(0b10);
pub const STENCIL: Self = ImageAspectFlags(0b100);
pub const METADATA: Self = ImageAspectFlags(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSparseImageFormatFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct SparseImageFormatFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SparseImageFormatFlags, 0b111, Flags);
impl SparseImageFormatFlags {
#[doc = "Image uses a single mip tail region for all array layers"]
pub const SINGLE_MIPTAIL: Self = SparseImageFormatFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Image requires mip level dimensions to be an integer multiple of the sparse image block dimensions for non-tail mip levels."]
pub const ALIGNED_MIP_SIZE: Self = SparseImageFormatFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Image uses a non-standard sparse image block dimensions"]
pub const NONSTANDARD_BLOCK_SIZE: Self = SparseImageFormatFlags(0b100);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSparseMemoryBindFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct SparseMemoryBindFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SparseMemoryBindFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl SparseMemoryBindFlags {
#[doc = "Operation binds resource metadata to memory"]
pub const METADATA: Self = SparseMemoryBindFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkPipelineStageFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct PipelineStageFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(PipelineStageFlags, 0b1_1111_1111_1111_1111, Flags);
impl PipelineStageFlags {
#[doc = "Before subsequent commands are processed"]
pub const TOP_OF_PIPE: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Draw/DispatchIndirect command fetch"]
pub const DRAW_INDIRECT: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Vertex/index fetch"]
pub const VERTEX_INPUT: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Vertex shading"]
pub const VERTEX_SHADER: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Tessellation control shading"]
pub const TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Tessellation evaluation shading"]
pub const TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Geometry shading"]
pub const GEOMETRY_SHADER: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b100_0000);
#[doc = "Fragment shading"]
pub const FRAGMENT_SHADER: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b1000_0000);
#[doc = "Early fragment (depth and stencil) tests"]
pub const EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b1_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Late fragment (depth and stencil) tests"]
pub const LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b10_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Color attachment writes"]
pub const COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b100_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Compute shading"]
pub const COMPUTE_SHADER: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b1000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Transfer/copy operations"]
pub const TRANSFER: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b1_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "After previous commands have completed"]
pub const BOTTOM_OF_PIPE: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b10_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Indicates host (CPU) is a source/sink of the dependency"]
pub const HOST: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b100_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "All stages of the graphics pipeline"]
pub const ALL_GRAPHICS: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b1000_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "All stages supported on the queue"]
pub const ALL_COMMANDS: Self = PipelineStageFlags(0b1_0000_0000_0000_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkCommandPoolCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct CommandPoolCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(CommandPoolCreateFlags, 0b11, Flags);
impl CommandPoolCreateFlags {
#[doc = "Command buffers have a short lifetime"]
pub const TRANSIENT: Self = CommandPoolCreateFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Command buffers may release their memory individually"]
pub const RESET_COMMAND_BUFFER: Self = CommandPoolCreateFlags(0b10);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkCommandPoolResetFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct CommandPoolResetFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(CommandPoolResetFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl CommandPoolResetFlags {
#[doc = "Release resources owned by the pool"]
pub const RELEASE_RESOURCES: Self = CommandPoolResetFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkCommandBufferResetFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct CommandBufferResetFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(CommandBufferResetFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl CommandBufferResetFlags {
#[doc = "Release resources owned by the buffer"]
pub const RELEASE_RESOURCES: Self = CommandBufferResetFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSampleCountFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct SampleCountFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SampleCountFlags, 0b111_1111, Flags);
impl SampleCountFlags {
#[doc = "Sample count 1 supported"]
pub const TYPE_1: Self = SampleCountFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Sample count 2 supported"]
pub const TYPE_2: Self = SampleCountFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Sample count 4 supported"]
pub const TYPE_4: Self = SampleCountFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Sample count 8 supported"]
pub const TYPE_8: Self = SampleCountFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Sample count 16 supported"]
pub const TYPE_16: Self = SampleCountFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Sample count 32 supported"]
pub const TYPE_32: Self = SampleCountFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Sample count 64 supported"]
pub const TYPE_64: Self = SampleCountFlags(0b100_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkAttachmentDescriptionFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct AttachmentDescriptionFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(AttachmentDescriptionFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl AttachmentDescriptionFlags {
#[doc = "The attachment may alias physical memory of another attachment in the same render pass"]
pub const MAY_ALIAS: Self = AttachmentDescriptionFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkStencilFaceFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct StencilFaceFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(StencilFaceFlags, 0b11, Flags);
impl StencilFaceFlags {
#[doc = "Front face"]
pub const FRONT: Self = StencilFaceFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Back face"]
pub const BACK: Self = StencilFaceFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Front and back faces"]
pub const FRONT_AND_BACK: Self = StencilFaceFlags(0x0000_0003);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDescriptorPoolCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct DescriptorPoolCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DescriptorPoolCreateFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl DescriptorPoolCreateFlags {
#[doc = "Descriptor sets may be freed individually"]
pub const FREE_DESCRIPTOR_SET: Self = DescriptorPoolCreateFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDependencyFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct DependencyFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DependencyFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl DependencyFlags {
#[doc = "Dependency is per pixel region "]
pub const BY_REGION: Self = DependencyFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSemaphoreWaitFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct SemaphoreWaitFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SemaphoreWaitFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl SemaphoreWaitFlags {
pub const ANY: Self = SemaphoreWaitFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDisplayPlaneAlphaFlagBitsKHR.html>"]
pub struct DisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR, 0b1111, Flags);
impl DisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR {
pub const OPAQUE: Self = DisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR(0b1);
pub const GLOBAL: Self = DisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR(0b10);
pub const PER_PIXEL: Self = DisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR(0b100);
pub const PER_PIXEL_PREMULTIPLIED: Self = DisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkCompositeAlphaFlagBitsKHR.html>"]
pub struct CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR, 0b1111, Flags);
impl CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR {
pub const OPAQUE: Self = CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR(0b1);
pub const PRE_MULTIPLIED: Self = CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR(0b10);
pub const POST_MULTIPLIED: Self = CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR(0b100);
pub const INHERIT: Self = CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSurfaceTransformFlagBitsKHR.html>"]
pub struct SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR, 0b1_1111_1111, Flags);
impl SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR {
pub const IDENTITY: Self = SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(0b1);
pub const ROTATE_90: Self = SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(0b10);
pub const ROTATE_180: Self = SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(0b100);
pub const ROTATE_270: Self = SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(0b1000);
pub const HORIZONTAL_MIRROR: Self = SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(0b1_0000);
pub const HORIZONTAL_MIRROR_ROTATE_90: Self = SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(0b10_0000);
pub const HORIZONTAL_MIRROR_ROTATE_180: Self = SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(0b100_0000);
pub const HORIZONTAL_MIRROR_ROTATE_270: Self = SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(0b1000_0000);
pub const INHERIT: Self = SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR(0b1_0000_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSwapchainImageUsageFlagBitsANDROID.html>"]
pub struct SwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID, 0b1, Flags);
impl SwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID {
pub const SHARED: Self = SwapchainImageUsageFlagsANDROID(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDebugReportFlagBitsEXT.html>"]
pub struct DebugReportFlagsEXT(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DebugReportFlagsEXT, 0b1_1111, Flags);
impl DebugReportFlagsEXT {
pub const INFORMATION: Self = DebugReportFlagsEXT(0b1);
pub const WARNING: Self = DebugReportFlagsEXT(0b10);
pub const PERFORMANCE_WARNING: Self = DebugReportFlagsEXT(0b100);
pub const ERROR: Self = DebugReportFlagsEXT(0b1000);
pub const DEBUG: Self = DebugReportFlagsEXT(0b1_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBitsNV.html>"]
pub struct ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV, 0b1111, Flags);
impl ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagsNV {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBitsNV.html>"]
pub struct ExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV, 0b111, Flags);
impl ExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV {
pub const EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_DEDICATED_ONLY_NV: Self = ExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV(0b1);
pub const EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_EXPORTABLE_NV: Self = ExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV(0b10);
pub const EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_IMPORTABLE_NV: Self = ExternalMemoryFeatureFlagsNV(0b100);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct SubgroupFeatureFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SubgroupFeatureFlags, 0b1111_1111, Flags);
impl SubgroupFeatureFlags {
#[doc = "Basic subgroup operations"]
pub const BASIC: Self = SubgroupFeatureFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Vote subgroup operations"]
pub const VOTE: Self = SubgroupFeatureFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Arithmetic subgroup operations"]
pub const ARITHMETIC: Self = SubgroupFeatureFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Ballot subgroup operations"]
pub const BALLOT: Self = SubgroupFeatureFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Shuffle subgroup operations"]
pub const SHUFFLE: Self = SubgroupFeatureFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Shuffle relative subgroup operations"]
pub const SHUFFLE_RELATIVE: Self = SubgroupFeatureFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Clustered subgroup operations"]
pub const CLUSTERED: Self = SubgroupFeatureFlags(0b100_0000);
#[doc = "Quad subgroup operations"]
pub const QUAD: Self = SubgroupFeatureFlags(0b1000_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkIndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagBitsNV.html>"]
pub struct IndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(IndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV, 0b111, Flags);
impl IndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV {
pub const EXPLICIT_PREPROCESS: Self = IndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV(0b1);
pub const INDEXED_SEQUENCES: Self = IndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV(0b10);
pub const UNORDERED_SEQUENCES: Self = IndirectCommandsLayoutUsageFlagsNV(0b100);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkIndirectStateFlagBitsNV.html>"]
pub struct IndirectStateFlagsNV(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(IndirectStateFlagsNV, 0b1, Flags);
impl IndirectStateFlagsNV {
pub const FLAG_FRONTFACE: Self = IndirectStateFlagsNV(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct DescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl DescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags, 0b111_1111, Flags);
impl ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags {
pub const EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD: Self = ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags(0b1);
pub const EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32: Self = ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlags(0b10);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkExternalMemoryFeatureFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ExternalMemoryFeatureFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ExternalMemoryFeatureFlags, 0b111, Flags);
impl ExternalMemoryFeatureFlags {
pub const EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_DEDICATED_ONLY: Self = ExternalMemoryFeatureFlags(0b1);
pub const EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_EXPORTABLE: Self = ExternalMemoryFeatureFlags(0b10);
pub const EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FEATURE_IMPORTABLE: Self = ExternalMemoryFeatureFlags(0b100);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags, 0b1_1111, Flags);
impl ExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeFlags {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags, 0b11, Flags);
impl ExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags {
pub const EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_FEATURE_EXPORTABLE: Self = ExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags(0b1);
pub const EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_FEATURE_IMPORTABLE: Self = ExternalSemaphoreFeatureFlags(0b10);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSemaphoreImportFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct SemaphoreImportFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SemaphoreImportFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl SemaphoreImportFlags {
pub const TEMPORARY: Self = SemaphoreImportFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkExternalFenceHandleTypeFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags, 0b1111, Flags);
impl ExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags {
pub const EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD: Self = ExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags(0b1);
pub const EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_WIN32: Self = ExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags(0b10);
pub const EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD: Self = ExternalFenceHandleTypeFlags(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkExternalFenceFeatureFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ExternalFenceFeatureFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ExternalFenceFeatureFlags, 0b11, Flags);
impl ExternalFenceFeatureFlags {
pub const EXTERNAL_FENCE_FEATURE_EXPORTABLE: Self = ExternalFenceFeatureFlags(0b1);
pub const EXTERNAL_FENCE_FEATURE_IMPORTABLE: Self = ExternalFenceFeatureFlags(0b10);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkFenceImportFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct FenceImportFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(FenceImportFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl FenceImportFlags {
pub const TEMPORARY: Self = FenceImportFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSurfaceCounterFlagBitsEXT.html>"]
pub struct SurfaceCounterFlagsEXT(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SurfaceCounterFlagsEXT, 0b1, Flags);
impl SurfaceCounterFlagsEXT {
pub const VBLANK: Self = SurfaceCounterFlagsEXT(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct PeerMemoryFeatureFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(PeerMemoryFeatureFlags, 0b1111, Flags);
impl PeerMemoryFeatureFlags {
#[doc = "Can read with vkCmdCopy commands"]
pub const COPY_SRC: Self = PeerMemoryFeatureFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Can write with vkCmdCopy commands"]
pub const COPY_DST: Self = PeerMemoryFeatureFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Can read with any access type/command"]
pub const GENERIC_SRC: Self = PeerMemoryFeatureFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Can write with and access type/command"]
pub const GENERIC_DST: Self = PeerMemoryFeatureFlags(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkMemoryAllocateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct MemoryAllocateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(MemoryAllocateFlags, 0b1, Flags);
impl MemoryAllocateFlags {
#[doc = "Force allocation on specific devices"]
pub const DEVICE_MASK: Self = MemoryAllocateFlags(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDeviceGroupPresentModeFlagBitsKHR.html>"]
pub struct DeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR, 0b1111, Flags);
impl DeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR {
#[doc = "Present from local memory"]
pub const LOCAL: Self = DeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR(0b1);
#[doc = "Present from remote memory"]
pub const REMOTE: Self = DeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR(0b10);
#[doc = "Present sum of local and/or remote memory"]
pub const SUM: Self = DeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR(0b100);
#[doc = "Each physical device presents from local memory"]
pub const LOCAL_MULTI_DEVICE: Self = DeviceGroupPresentModeFlagsKHR(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSwapchainCreateFlagBitsKHR.html>"]
pub struct SwapchainCreateFlagsKHR(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SwapchainCreateFlagsKHR, 0b0, Flags);
impl SwapchainCreateFlagsKHR {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkSubpassDescriptionFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct SubpassDescriptionFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(SubpassDescriptionFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl SubpassDescriptionFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT.html>"]
pub struct DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT, 0b1_0001_0001_0001, Flags);
impl DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT {
pub const VERBOSE: Self = DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT(0b1);
pub const INFO: Self = DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT(0b1_0000);
pub const WARNING: Self = DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT(0b1_0000_0000);
pub const ERROR: Self = DebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT(0b1_0000_0000_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagBitsEXT.html>"]
pub struct DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT, 0b111, Flags);
impl DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT {
pub const GENERAL: Self = DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT(0b1);
pub const VALIDATION: Self = DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT(0b10);
pub const PERFORMANCE: Self = DebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT(0b100);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDescriptorBindingFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct DescriptorBindingFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DescriptorBindingFlags, 0b1111, Flags);
impl DescriptorBindingFlags {
pub const UPDATE_AFTER_BIND: Self = DescriptorBindingFlags(0b1);
pub const UPDATE_UNUSED_WHILE_PENDING: Self = DescriptorBindingFlags(0b10);
pub const PARTIALLY_BOUND: Self = DescriptorBindingFlags(0b100);
pub const VARIABLE_DESCRIPTOR_COUNT: Self = DescriptorBindingFlags(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkConditionalRenderingFlagBitsEXT.html>"]
pub struct ConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT, 0b1, Flags);
impl ConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT {
pub const INVERTED: Self = ConditionalRenderingFlagsEXT(0b1);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkResolveModeFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ResolveModeFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ResolveModeFlags, 0b1111, Flags);
impl ResolveModeFlags {
pub const NONE: Self = ResolveModeFlags(0);
pub const SAMPLE_ZERO: Self = ResolveModeFlags(0b1);
pub const AVERAGE: Self = ResolveModeFlags(0b10);
pub const MIN: Self = ResolveModeFlags(0b100);
pub const MAX: Self = ResolveModeFlags(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkGeometryInstanceFlagBitsKHR.html>"]
pub struct GeometryInstanceFlagsKHR(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(GeometryInstanceFlagsKHR, 0b1111, Flags);
impl GeometryInstanceFlagsKHR {
pub const TRIANGLE_FACING_CULL_DISABLE: Self = GeometryInstanceFlagsKHR(0b1);
pub const TRIANGLE_FRONT_COUNTERCLOCKWISE: Self = GeometryInstanceFlagsKHR(0b10);
pub const FORCE_OPAQUE: Self = GeometryInstanceFlagsKHR(0b100);
pub const FORCE_NO_OPAQUE: Self = GeometryInstanceFlagsKHR(0b1000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkGeometryFlagBitsKHR.html>"]
pub struct GeometryFlagsKHR(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(GeometryFlagsKHR, 0b11, Flags);
impl GeometryFlagsKHR {
pub const OPAQUE: Self = GeometryFlagsKHR(0b1);
pub const NO_DUPLICATE_ANY_HIT_INVOCATION: Self = GeometryFlagsKHR(0b10);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagBitsKHR.html>"]
pub struct BuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(BuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR, 0b1_1111, Flags);
impl BuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR {
pub const ALLOW_UPDATE: Self = BuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR(0b1);
pub const ALLOW_COMPACTION: Self = BuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR(0b10);
pub const PREFER_FAST_TRACE: Self = BuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR(0b100);
pub const PREFER_FAST_BUILD: Self = BuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR(0b1000);
pub const LOW_MEMORY: Self = BuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR(0b1_0000);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkFramebufferCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct FramebufferCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(FramebufferCreateFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl FramebufferCreateFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkDeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagBitsNV.html>"]
pub struct DeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(DeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV, 0b111, Flags);
impl DeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV {
pub const ENABLE_SHADER_DEBUG_INFO: Self = DeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV(0b1);
pub const ENABLE_RESOURCE_TRACKING: Self = DeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV(0b10);
pub const ENABLE_AUTOMATIC_CHECKPOINTS: Self = DeviceDiagnosticsConfigFlagsNV(0b100);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkPipelineCreationFeedbackFlagBitsEXT.html>"]
pub struct PipelineCreationFeedbackFlagsEXT(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(PipelineCreationFeedbackFlagsEXT, 0b111, Flags);
impl PipelineCreationFeedbackFlagsEXT {
pub const VALID: Self = PipelineCreationFeedbackFlagsEXT(0b1);
pub const APPLICATION_PIPELINE_CACHE_HIT: Self = PipelineCreationFeedbackFlagsEXT(0b10);
pub const BASE_PIPELINE_ACCELERATION: Self = PipelineCreationFeedbackFlagsEXT(0b100);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkPerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagBitsKHR.html>"]
pub struct PerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(PerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR, 0b11, Flags);
impl PerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR {
pub const PERFORMANCE_IMPACTING: Self = PerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR(0b1);
pub const CONCURRENTLY_IMPACTED: Self = PerformanceCounterDescriptionFlagsKHR(0b10);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkAcquireProfilingLockFlagBitsKHR.html>"]
pub struct AcquireProfilingLockFlagsKHR(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(AcquireProfilingLockFlagsKHR, 0b0, Flags);
impl AcquireProfilingLockFlagsKHR {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagBitsAMD.html>"]
pub struct ShaderCorePropertiesFlagsAMD(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ShaderCorePropertiesFlagsAMD, 0b0, Flags);
impl ShaderCorePropertiesFlagsAMD {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkShaderModuleCreateFlagBits.html>"]
pub struct ShaderModuleCreateFlags(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ShaderModuleCreateFlags, 0b0, Flags);
impl ShaderModuleCreateFlags {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkPipelineCompilerControlFlagBitsAMD.html>"]
pub struct PipelineCompilerControlFlagsAMD(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(PipelineCompilerControlFlagsAMD, 0b0, Flags);
impl PipelineCompilerControlFlagsAMD {}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkToolPurposeFlagBitsEXT.html>"]
pub struct ToolPurposeFlagsEXT(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(ToolPurposeFlagsEXT, 0b1_1111, Flags);
impl ToolPurposeFlagsEXT {
pub const VALIDATION: Self = ToolPurposeFlagsEXT(0b1);
pub const PROFILING: Self = ToolPurposeFlagsEXT(0b10);
pub const TRACING: Self = ToolPurposeFlagsEXT(0b100);
pub const ADDITIONAL_FEATURES: Self = ToolPurposeFlagsEXT(0b1000);
pub const MODIFYING_FEATURES: Self = ToolPurposeFlagsEXT(0b1_0000);
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
pub const MAX_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_NAME_SIZE: usize = (256);
pub const UUID_SIZE: usize = (16);
pub const LUID_SIZE: usize = (8);
pub const MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE: usize = (256);
pub const MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE: usize = (256);
pub const MAX_MEMORY_TYPES: usize = (32);
pub const MAX_MEMORY_HEAPS: usize = (16);
pub const LOD_CLAMP_NONE: f32 = (1000.00);
pub const REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS: u32 = (!0);
pub const REMAINING_ARRAY_LAYERS: u32 = (!0);
pub const WHOLE_SIZE: u64 = (!0);
pub const ATTACHMENT_UNUSED: u32 = (!0);
pub const TRUE: Bool32 = (1);
pub const FALSE: Bool32 = (0);
pub const QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED: u32 = (!0);
pub const QUEUE_FAMILY_EXTERNAL: u32 = (!0 - 1);
pub const QUEUE_FAMILY_FOREIGN_EXT: u32 = (!0 - 2);
pub const SUBPASS_EXTERNAL: u32 = (!0);
pub const MAX_DEVICE_GROUP_SIZE: usize = (32);
pub const MAX_DRIVER_NAME_SIZE: usize = (256);
pub const MAX_DRIVER_INFO_SIZE: usize = (256);
pub const SHADER_UNUSED_KHR: u32 = (!0);
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SUBGROUP_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_094_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const BIND_BUFFER_MEMORY_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_157_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const BIND_IMAGE_MEMORY_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_157_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageCreateFlags {
pub const ALIAS: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b100_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_16BIT_STORAGE_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_083_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const MEMORY_DEDICATED_REQUIREMENTS: Self = StructureType(1_000_127_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const MEMORY_DEDICATED_ALLOCATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_127_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const MEMORY_ALLOCATE_FLAGS_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_060_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const DEVICE_GROUP_RENDER_PASS_BEGIN_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_060_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const DEVICE_GROUP_COMMAND_BUFFER_BEGIN_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_060_004);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const DEVICE_GROUP_SUBMIT_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_060_005);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const DEVICE_GROUP_BIND_SPARSE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_060_006);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl PipelineCreateFlags {
pub const VIEW_INDEX_FROM_DEVICE_INDEX: Self = PipelineCreateFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl PipelineCreateFlags {
pub const DISPATCH_BASE: Self = PipelineCreateFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl DependencyFlags {
pub const DEVICE_GROUP: Self = DependencyFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const BIND_BUFFER_MEMORY_DEVICE_GROUP_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_060_013);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const BIND_IMAGE_MEMORY_DEVICE_GROUP_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_060_014);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageCreateFlags {
pub const SPLIT_INSTANCE_BIND_REGIONS: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b100_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_GROUP_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_070_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const DEVICE_GROUP_DEVICE_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_070_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl MemoryHeapFlags {
pub const MULTI_INSTANCE: Self = MemoryHeapFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const BUFFER_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_INFO_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_146_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const IMAGE_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_INFO_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_146_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const IMAGE_SPARSE_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_INFO_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_146_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_146_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SPARSE_IMAGE_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_146_004);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_FEATURES_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_059_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_059_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const FORMAT_PROPERTIES_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_059_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const IMAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_059_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_IMAGE_FORMAT_INFO_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_059_004);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const QUEUE_FAMILY_PROPERTIES_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_059_005);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_MEMORY_PROPERTIES_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_059_006);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SPARSE_IMAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_059_007);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SPARSE_IMAGE_FORMAT_INFO_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_059_008);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Result {
pub const ERROR_OUT_OF_POOL_MEMORY: Self = Result(-1_000_069_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
pub const TRANSFER_SRC: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b100_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
pub const TRANSFER_DST: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b1000_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageCreateFlags {
pub const TYPE_2D_ARRAY_COMPATIBLE: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageCreateFlags {
pub const BLOCK_TEXEL_VIEW_COMPATIBLE: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b1000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageCreateFlags {
pub const EXTENDED_USAGE: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b1_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_POINT_CLIPPING_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_117_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const RENDER_PASS_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_ASPECT_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_117_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const IMAGE_VIEW_USAGE_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_117_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageLayout {
pub const DEPTH_READ_ONLY_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL: Self = ImageLayout(1_000_117_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageLayout {
pub const DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL: Self = ImageLayout(1_000_117_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const RENDER_PASS_MULTIVIEW_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_053_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_MULTIVIEW_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_053_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_MULTIVIEW_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_053_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl DependencyFlags {
pub const VIEW_LOCAL: Self = DependencyFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_VARIABLE_POINTERS_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_120_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PROTECTED_SUBMIT_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_145_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROTECTED_MEMORY_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_145_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_PROTECTED_MEMORY_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_145_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const DEVICE_QUEUE_INFO_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_145_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl QueueFlags {
pub const PROTECTED: Self = QueueFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl DeviceQueueCreateFlags {
pub const PROTECTED: Self = DeviceQueueCreateFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl MemoryPropertyFlags {
pub const PROTECTED: Self = MemoryPropertyFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl BufferCreateFlags {
pub const PROTECTED: Self = BufferCreateFlags(0b1000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageCreateFlags {
pub const PROTECTED: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b1000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl CommandPoolCreateFlags {
pub const PROTECTED: Self = CommandPoolCreateFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SAMPLER_YCBCR_CONVERSION_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_156_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SAMPLER_YCBCR_CONVERSION_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_156_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const BIND_IMAGE_PLANE_MEMORY_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_156_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const IMAGE_PLANE_MEMORY_REQUIREMENTS_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_156_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SAMPLER_YCBCR_CONVERSION_IMAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_156_005);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ObjectType {
pub const SAMPLER_YCBCR_CONVERSION: Self = ObjectType(1_000_156_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G8B8G8R8_422_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const B8G8R8G8_422_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_422_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_004);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G8_B8R8_2PLANE_422_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_005);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_444_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_006);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const R10X6_UNORM_PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_007);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const R10X6G10X6_UNORM_2PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_008);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const R10X6G10X6B10X6A10X6_UNORM_4PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_009);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G10X6B10X6G10X6R10X6_422_UNORM_4PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_010);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const B10X6G10X6R10X6G10X6_422_UNORM_4PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_011);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_012);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G10X6_B10X6R10X6_2PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_013);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_014);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G10X6_B10X6R10X6_2PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_015);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G10X6_B10X6_R10X6_3PLANE_444_UNORM_3PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_016);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const R12X4_UNORM_PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_017);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const R12X4G12X4_UNORM_2PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_018);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const R12X4G12X4B12X4A12X4_UNORM_4PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_019);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G12X4B12X4G12X4R12X4_422_UNORM_4PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_020);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const B12X4G12X4R12X4G12X4_422_UNORM_4PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_021);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_022);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G12X4_B12X4R12X4_2PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_023);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_024);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G12X4_B12X4R12X4_2PLANE_422_UNORM_3PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_025);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G12X4_B12X4_R12X4_3PLANE_444_UNORM_3PACK16: Self = Format(1_000_156_026);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G16B16G16R16_422_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_027);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const B16G16R16G16_422_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_028);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_420_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_029);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G16_B16R16_2PLANE_420_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_030);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_422_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_031);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G16_B16R16_2PLANE_422_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_032);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Format {
pub const G16_B16_R16_3PLANE_444_UNORM: Self = Format(1_000_156_033);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageAspectFlags {
pub const PLANE_0: Self = ImageAspectFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageAspectFlags {
pub const PLANE_1: Self = ImageAspectFlags(0b10_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageAspectFlags {
pub const PLANE_2: Self = ImageAspectFlags(0b100_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ImageCreateFlags {
pub const DISJOINT: Self = ImageCreateFlags(0b10_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
pub const MIDPOINT_CHROMA_SAMPLES: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b10_0000_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
pub const DISJOINT: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b100_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
pub const COSITED_CHROMA_SAMPLES: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const DESCRIPTOR_UPDATE_TEMPLATE_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_085_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl ObjectType {
pub const DESCRIPTOR_UPDATE_TEMPLATE: Self = ObjectType(1_000_085_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXTERNAL_IMAGE_FORMAT_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_071_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const EXTERNAL_IMAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_071_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXTERNAL_BUFFER_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_071_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const EXTERNAL_BUFFER_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_071_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_ID_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_071_004);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const EXTERNAL_MEMORY_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_072_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const EXTERNAL_MEMORY_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_072_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const EXPORT_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_072_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl Result {
pub const ERROR_INVALID_EXTERNAL_HANDLE: Self = Result(-1_000_072_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXTERNAL_FENCE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_112_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const EXTERNAL_FENCE_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_112_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const EXPORT_FENCE_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_113_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const EXPORT_SEMAPHORE_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_077_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_076_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_076_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_MAINTENANCE_3_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_168_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT_SUPPORT: Self = StructureType(1_000_168_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_DRAW_PARAMETERS_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_063_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_1\'"]
impl StructureType {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_VULKAN_1_1_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(49);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_VULKAN_1_1_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(50);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_VULKAN_1_2_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(51);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_VULKAN_1_2_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(52);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const IMAGE_FORMAT_LIST_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_147_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const ATTACHMENT_DESCRIPTION_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_109_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const ATTACHMENT_REFERENCE_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_109_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SUBPASS_DESCRIPTION_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_109_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SUBPASS_DEPENDENCY_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_109_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const RENDER_PASS_CREATE_INFO_2: Self = StructureType(1_000_109_004);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SUBPASS_BEGIN_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_109_005);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SUBPASS_END_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_109_006);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_8BIT_STORAGE_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_177_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DRIVER_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_196_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_ATOMIC_INT64_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_180_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SHADER_FLOAT16_INT8_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_082_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_FLOAT_CONTROLS_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_197_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const DESCRIPTOR_SET_LAYOUT_BINDING_FLAGS_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_161_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_INDEXING_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_161_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_INDEXING_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_161_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl DescriptorPoolCreateFlags {
pub const UPDATE_AFTER_BIND: Self = DescriptorPoolCreateFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl DescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags {
pub const UPDATE_AFTER_BIND_POOL: Self = DescriptorSetLayoutCreateFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl Result {
pub const ERROR_FRAGMENTATION: Self = Result(-1_000_161_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DEPTH_STENCIL_RESOLVE_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_199_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SUBPASS_DESCRIPTION_DEPTH_STENCIL_RESOLVE: Self = StructureType(1_000_199_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SCALAR_BLOCK_LAYOUT_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_221_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const IMAGE_STENCIL_USAGE_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_246_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_SAMPLER_FILTER_MINMAX_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_130_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SAMPLER_REDUCTION_MODE_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_130_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl FormatFeatureFlags {
pub const SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_MINMAX: Self = FormatFeatureFlags(0b1_0000_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_VULKAN_MEMORY_MODEL_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_211_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_IMAGELESS_FRAMEBUFFER_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_108_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENTS_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_108_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_IMAGE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_108_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const RENDER_PASS_ATTACHMENT_BEGIN_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_108_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl FramebufferCreateFlags {
pub const IMAGELESS: Self = FramebufferCreateFlags(0b1);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const ATTACHMENT_REFERENCE_STENCIL_LAYOUT: Self = StructureType(1_000_241_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const ATTACHMENT_DESCRIPTION_STENCIL_LAYOUT: Self = StructureType(1_000_241_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl ImageLayout {
pub const DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL: Self = ImageLayout(1_000_241_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl ImageLayout {
pub const DEPTH_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL: Self = ImageLayout(1_000_241_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl ImageLayout {
pub const STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL: Self = ImageLayout(1_000_241_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl ImageLayout {
pub const STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL: Self = ImageLayout(1_000_241_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_HOST_QUERY_RESET_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_261_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_207_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE_PROPERTIES: Self = StructureType(1_000_207_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SEMAPHORE_TYPE_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_207_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const TIMELINE_SEMAPHORE_SUBMIT_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_207_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SEMAPHORE_WAIT_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_207_004);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const SEMAPHORE_SIGNAL_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_207_005);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const PHYSICAL_DEVICE_BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_FEATURES: Self = StructureType(1_000_257_000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const BUFFER_DEVICE_ADDRESS_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_244_001);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const BUFFER_OPAQUE_CAPTURE_ADDRESS_CREATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_257_002);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const MEMORY_OPAQUE_CAPTURE_ADDRESS_ALLOCATE_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_257_003);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl StructureType {
pub const DEVICE_MEMORY_OPAQUE_CAPTURE_ADDRESS_INFO: Self = StructureType(1_000_257_004);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl BufferUsageFlags {
pub const SHADER_DEVICE_ADDRESS: Self = BufferUsageFlags(0b10_0000_0000_0000_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl BufferCreateFlags {
pub const DEVICE_ADDRESS_CAPTURE_REPLAY: Self = BufferCreateFlags(0b1_0000);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl MemoryAllocateFlags {
pub const DEVICE_ADDRESS: Self = MemoryAllocateFlags(0b10);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl MemoryAllocateFlags {
pub const DEVICE_ADDRESS_CAPTURE_REPLAY: Self = MemoryAllocateFlags(0b100);
#[doc = "Generated from \'VK_VERSION_1_2\'"]
impl Result {
pub const ERROR_INVALID_OPAQUE_CAPTURE_ADDRESS: Self = Result(-1_000_257_000);
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VK_MAKE_VERSION.html>"]
pub const fn make_version(major: u32, minor: u32, patch: u32) -> u32 {
(major << 22) | (minor << 12) | patch
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VK_VERSION_MAJOR.html>"]
pub const fn version_major(version: u32) -> u32 {
version >> 22
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VK_VERSION_MINOR.html>"]
pub const fn version_minor(version: u32) -> u32 {
(version >> 12) & 0x3ff
#[doc = "<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VK_VERSION_PATCH.html>"]
pub const fn version_patch(version: u32) -> u32 {
version & 0xfff
macro_rules! vk_bitflags_wrapped {
( $ name : ident , $ all : expr , $ flag_type : ty ) => {
impl Default for $name {
fn default() -> $name {
impl $name {
pub const fn empty() -> $name {
pub const fn all() -> $name {
pub const fn from_raw(x: $flag_type) -> Self {
pub const fn as_raw(self) -> $flag_type {
pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
self == $name::empty()
pub fn is_all(self) -> bool {
self & $name::all() == $name::all()
pub fn intersects(self, other: $name) -> bool {
self & other != $name::empty()
#[doc = r" Returns whether `other` is a subset of `self`"]
pub fn contains(self, other: $name) -> bool {
self & other == other
impl ::std::ops::BitOr for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn bitor(self, rhs: $name) -> $name {
$name(self.0 | rhs.0)
impl ::std::ops::BitOrAssign for $name {
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: $name) {
*self = *self | rhs
impl ::std::ops::BitAnd for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn bitand(self, rhs: $name) -> $name {
$name(self.0 & rhs.0)
impl ::std::ops::BitAndAssign for $name {
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, rhs: $name) {
*self = *self & rhs
impl ::std::ops::BitXor for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn bitxor(self, rhs: $name) -> $name {
$name(self.0 ^ rhs.0)
impl ::std::ops::BitXorAssign for $name {
fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, rhs: $name) {
*self = *self ^ rhs
impl ::std::ops::Sub for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn sub(self, rhs: $name) -> $name {
self & !rhs
impl ::std::ops::SubAssign for $name {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: $name) {
*self = *self - rhs
impl ::std::ops::Not for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn not(self) -> $name {
self ^ $name::all()
macro_rules! handle_nondispatchable {
( $ name : ident , $ ty : ident ) => {
handle_nondispatchable!($name, $ty, doc = "");
( $ name : ident , $ ty : ident , $ doc_link : meta ) => {
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy, Hash, Default)]
pub struct $name(u64);
impl Handle for $name {
const TYPE: ObjectType = ObjectType::$ty;
fn as_raw(self) -> u64 {
self.0 as u64
fn from_raw(x: u64) -> Self {
$name(x as _)
impl $name {
pub const fn null() -> $name {
impl fmt::Pointer for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "0x{:x}", self.0)
impl fmt::Debug for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "0x{:x}", self.0)
macro_rules! define_handle {
( $ name : ident , $ ty : ident ) => {
define_handle!($name, $ty, doc = "");
( $ name : ident , $ ty : ident , $ doc_link : meta ) => {
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy, Hash)]
pub struct $name(*mut u8);
impl Default for $name {
fn default() -> $name {
impl Handle for $name {
const TYPE: ObjectType = ObjectType::$ty;
fn as_raw(self) -> u64 {
self.0 as u64
fn from_raw(x: u64) -> Self {
$name(x as _)
unsafe impl Send for $name {}
unsafe impl Sync for $name {}
impl $name {
pub const fn null() -> Self {
impl fmt::Pointer for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Pointer::fmt(&self.0, f)
impl fmt::Debug for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
use std::os::raw::*;
pub type RROutput = c_ulong;
pub type VisualID = c_uint;
pub type Display = *const c_void;
pub type Window = c_ulong;
pub type xcb_connection_t = c_void;
pub type xcb_window_t = u32;
pub type xcb_visualid_t = u32;
pub type MirConnection = *const c_void;
pub type MirSurface = *const c_void;
pub type HINSTANCE = *const c_void;
pub type HWND = *const c_void;
pub type wl_display = c_void;
pub type wl_surface = c_void;
pub type HANDLE = *mut c_void;
pub type DWORD = c_ulong;
pub type LPCWSTR = *const u16;
pub type zx_handle_t = u32;
pub type ANativeWindow = c_void;
pub type AHardwareBuffer = c_void;
#[doc = r" This definition is experimental and won't adhere to semver rules."]
pub type GgpStreamDescriptor = u32;
#[doc = r" This definition is experimental and won't adhere to semver rules."]
pub type GgpFrameToken = u32;
pub type CAMetalLayer = c_void;
@ -2,5 +2,13 @@ use generator::write_source_code;
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
if cwd.ends_with("generator") {
write_source_code(Path::new("Vulkan-Headers/registry/vk.xml"), "../ash/src");
} else {
@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@ pub fn generate_bitmask(
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = #khronos_link]
pub struct #ident(Flags);
pub struct #ident(pub(crate) Flags);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(#ident, 0b0, Flags);
@ -2258,10 +2258,10 @@ pub fn generate_aliases_of_types<'a>(
pub fn write_source_code(path: &Path) {
pub fn write_source_code<P: AsRef<Path>>(vk_xml: &Path, src_dir: P) {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
let spec2 = vk_parse::parse_file(path);
let spec2 = vk_parse::parse_file(vk_xml);
let extensions: &Vec<vk_parse::Extension> = spec2
@ -2283,7 +2283,7 @@ pub fn write_source_code(path: &Path) {
let spec = vk_parse::parse_file_as_vkxml(path);
let spec = vk_parse::parse_file_as_vkxml(vk_xml);
let cmd_aliases: HashMap<String, String> = spec2
@ -2426,16 +2426,13 @@ pub fn write_source_code(path: &Path) {
let const_debugs = generate_const_debugs(&const_values);
let mut file = File::create("../ash/src/vk.rs").expect("vk");
let bitflags_macro = vk_bitflags_wrapped_macro();
let handle_nondispatchable_macro = handle_nondispatchable_macro();
let define_handle_macro = define_handle_macro();
let version_macros = vk_version_macros();
let platform_specific_types = platform_specific_types();
let source_code = quote! {
#![allow(clippy::too_many_arguments, clippy::cognitive_complexity, clippy::wrong_self_convention)]
use std::fmt;
use std::os::raw::*;
let ptr_chain_code = quote! {
/// Iterates through the pointer chain. Includes the item that is passed into the function.
/// Stops at the last `BaseOutStructure` that has a null `p_next` field.
pub(crate) unsafe fn ptr_chain_iter<T>(
@ -2452,27 +2449,170 @@ pub fn write_source_code(path: &Path) {
let macros_code = quote! {
let src_dir = src_dir.as_ref();
let vk_dir = src_dir.join("vk");
std::fs::create_dir_all(&vk_dir).expect("failed to create vk dir");
let mut vk_rs_file = File::create(src_dir.join("vk.rs")).expect("vk.rs");
let mut vk_macros_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("macros.rs")).expect("vk/macros.rs");
let mut vk_features_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("features.rs")).expect("vk/features.rs");
let mut vk_definitions_file =
let mut vk_platform_types_file =
let mut vk_enums_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("enums.rs")).expect("vk/enums.rs");
let mut vk_bitflags_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("bitflags.rs")).expect("vk/bitflags.rs");
let mut vk_constants_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("constants.rs")).expect("vk/constants.rs");
let mut vk_extensions_file =
let mut vk_feature_extensions_file =
let mut vk_const_debugs_file =
let mut vk_aliases_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("aliases.rs")).expect("vk/aliases.rs");
let feature_code = quote! {
use std::os::raw::*;
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
let definition_code = quote! {
use std::fmt;
use std::os::raw::*;
use crate::vk::{Handle, ptr_chain_iter};
use crate::vk::platform_types::*;
use crate::vk::aliases::*;
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::constants::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
let enum_code = quote! {
use std::fmt;
let bitflags_code = quote! {
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
let constants_code = quote! {
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
let extension_code = quote! {
use std::os::raw::*;
use crate::vk::platform_types::*;
use crate::vk::aliases::*;
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
let feature_extensions_code = quote! {
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
let const_debugs = quote! {
use std::fmt;
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
let aliases = quote! {
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
let platform_types_code = quote! {
use std::os::raw::*;
// These are defined outside of `quote!` because rustfmt doesn't seem
// to format them correctly when they contain extra spaces.
let vk_rs_clippy_lints = r#"
#![allow(clippy::too_many_arguments, clippy::cognitive_complexity, clippy::wrong_self_convention)]
let vk_rs_code = quote! {
mod macros;
pub use macros::*;
mod aliases;
pub use aliases::*;
mod bitflags;
pub use bitflags::*;
mod const_debugs;
pub(crate) use const_debugs::*;
mod constants;
pub use constants::*;
mod definitions;
pub use definitions::*;
mod enums;
pub use enums::*;
mod extensions;
pub use extensions::*;
mod feature_extensions;
pub use feature_extensions::*;
mod features;
pub use features::*;
mod platform_types;
pub use platform_types::*;
pub trait Handle {
const TYPE: ObjectType;
fn as_raw(self) -> u64;
fn from_raw(_: u64) -> Self;
write!(&mut file, "{}", source_code).expect("Unable to write to file");
write!(&mut vk_macros_file, "{}", macros_code).expect("Unable to write vk/macros.rs");
write!(&mut vk_platform_types_file, "{}", platform_types_code)
.expect("Unable to write to vk/platform_types.rs");
write!(&mut vk_features_file, "{}", feature_code).expect("Unable to write vk/features.rs");
write!(&mut vk_definitions_file, "{}", definition_code)
.expect("Unable to write vk/definitions.rs");
write!(&mut vk_enums_file, "{}", enum_code).expect("Unable to write vk/enums.rs");
write!(&mut vk_bitflags_file, "{}", bitflags_code).expect("Unable to write vk/bitflags.rs");
write!(&mut vk_constants_file, "{}", constants_code).expect("Unable to write vk/constants.rs");
write!(&mut vk_extensions_file, "{}", extension_code)
.expect("Unable to write vk/extensions.rs");
&mut vk_feature_extensions_file,
.expect("Unable to write vk/feature_extensions.rs");
write!(&mut vk_const_debugs_file, "{}", const_debugs)
.expect("Unable to write vk/const_debugs.rs");
write!(&mut vk_aliases_file, "{}", aliases).expect("Unable to write vk/aliases.rs");
write!(&mut vk_rs_file, "{} {}", vk_rs_clippy_lints, vk_rs_code)
.expect("Unable to write vk.rs");
Add table
Reference in a new issue