* push_next and Extends traits are generated for all root structs. root structs are now all structs that are extended by other structs! root structs used to be all structs that don't extend any other structs. * the root_structs local variable that is passed around is now a set of Ident (and no String). fixes https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash/issues/229
2966 lines
98 KiB
2966 lines
98 KiB
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
use heck::{CamelCase, ShoutySnakeCase, SnakeCase};
use itertools::Itertools;
use nom::{
alt, char,
character::complete::{digit1, hex_digit1, multispace1},
complete, delimited, do_parse, many1, map, named, none_of, one_of, opt, pair, preceded, tag,
terminated, value,
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use proc_macro2::{Delimiter, Group, Literal, Span, TokenStream, TokenTree};
use quote::*;
use regex::Regex;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::hash::BuildHasher;
use std::path::Path;
use syn::Ident;
pub trait ExtensionExt {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum CType {
impl CType {
fn to_string(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::USize => "usize",
Self::U32 => "u32",
Self::U64 => "u64",
Self::Float => "f32",
Self::Bool32 => "Bool32",
impl quote::ToTokens for CType {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
format_ident!("{}", self.to_string()).to_tokens(tokens);
named!(ctype<&str, CType>,
value!(CType::U64, complete!(tag!("ULL"))) |
value!(CType::U32, complete!(tag!("U")))
named!(cexpr<&str, (CType, String)>,
map!(cfloat, |f| (CType::Float, format!("{:.2}", f))) |
inverse_number |
decimal_number |
named!(decimal_number<&str, (CType, String)>,
num: digit1 >>
typ: ctype >>
((typ, num.to_string()))
named!(hexadecimal_number<&str, (CType, String)>,
alt!(tag!("0x") | tag!("0X")),
pair!(hex_digit1, ctype),
|(num, typ)| (typ, format!("0x{}{}", num.to_ascii_lowercase(), typ.to_string())
named!(inverse_number<&str, (CType, String)>,
preceded!(tag!("~"), decimal_number),
opt!(preceded!(tag!("-"), digit1))
|((ctyp, num), minus_num)| {
let expr = if let Some(minus) = minus_num {
format!("!{}-{}", num, minus)
format!("!{}", num)
(ctyp, expr)
named!(cfloat<&str, f32>,
terminated!(nom::number::complete::float, one_of!("fF"))
// Like a C string, but does not support quote escaping and expects at least one character.
// If needed, use https://github.com/Geal/nom/blob/8e09f0c3029d32421b5b69fb798cef6855d0c8df/tests/json.rs#L61-L81
named!(c_include_string<&str, String>,
|chars| chars.iter().map(char::to_string).join("")
named!(c_include<&str, String>,
preceded!(tag!("#include"), preceded!(multispace1, c_include_string))
fn khronos_link<S: Display + ?Sized>(name: &S) -> Literal {
name = name
pub fn define_handle_macro() -> TokenStream {
quote! {
macro_rules! define_handle{
($name: ident, $ty: ident) => {
define_handle!($name, $ty, doc = "");
($name: ident, $ty: ident, $doc_link: meta) => {
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy, Hash)]
pub struct $name(*mut u8);
impl Default for $name {
fn default() -> $name {
impl Handle for $name {
const TYPE: ObjectType = ObjectType::$ty;
fn as_raw(self) -> u64 { self.0 as u64 }
fn from_raw(x: u64) -> Self { $name(x as _) }
unsafe impl Send for $name {}
unsafe impl Sync for $name {}
impl $name{
pub const fn null() -> Self{
impl fmt::Pointer for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Pointer::fmt(&self.0, f)
impl fmt::Debug for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.0, f)
pub fn handle_nondispatchable_macro() -> TokenStream {
quote! {
macro_rules! handle_nondispatchable {
($name: ident, $ty: ident) => {
handle_nondispatchable!($name, $ty, doc = "");
($name: ident, $ty: ident, $doc_link: meta) => {
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy, Hash, Default)]
pub struct $name(u64);
impl Handle for $name {
const TYPE: ObjectType = ObjectType::$ty;
fn as_raw(self) -> u64 { self.0 as u64 }
fn from_raw(x: u64) -> Self { $name(x as _) }
impl $name{
pub const fn null() -> $name{
impl fmt::Pointer for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "0x{:x}", self.0)
impl fmt::Debug for $name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "0x{:x}", self.0)
pub fn vk_bitflags_wrapped_macro() -> TokenStream {
quote! {
macro_rules! vk_bitflags_wrapped {
($name: ident, $all: expr, $flag_type: ty) => {
impl Default for $name{
fn default() -> $name {
impl $name {
pub const fn empty() -> $name {
pub const fn all() -> $name {
pub const fn from_raw(x: $flag_type) -> Self { $name(x) }
pub const fn as_raw(self) -> $flag_type { self.0 }
pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
self == $name::empty()
pub fn is_all(self) -> bool {
self & $name::all() == $name::all()
pub fn intersects(self, other: $name) -> bool {
self & other != $name::empty()
/// Returns whether `other` is a subset of `self`
pub fn contains(self, other: $name) -> bool {
self & other == other
impl ::std::ops::BitOr for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn bitor(self, rhs: $name) -> $name {
$name (self.0 | rhs.0 )
impl ::std::ops::BitOrAssign for $name {
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: $name) {
*self = *self | rhs
impl ::std::ops::BitAnd for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn bitand(self, rhs: $name) -> $name {
$name (self.0 & rhs.0)
impl ::std::ops::BitAndAssign for $name {
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, rhs: $name) {
*self = *self & rhs
impl ::std::ops::BitXor for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn bitxor(self, rhs: $name) -> $name {
$name (self.0 ^ rhs.0 )
impl ::std::ops::BitXorAssign for $name {
fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, rhs: $name) {
*self = *self ^ rhs
impl ::std::ops::Sub for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn sub(self, rhs: $name) -> $name {
self & !rhs
impl ::std::ops::SubAssign for $name {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: $name) {
*self = *self - rhs
impl ::std::ops::Not for $name {
type Output = $name;
fn not(self) -> $name {
self ^ $name::all()
fn is_opaque_type(ty: &str) -> bool {
| "wl_display"
| "wl_surface"
| "Display"
| "xcb_connection_t"
| "ANativeWindow"
| "AHardwareBuffer"
| "CAMetalLayer"
| "IDirectFB"
| "IDirectFBSurface"
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ConstVal {
impl ConstVal {
pub fn bits(&self) -> u64 {
match self {
ConstVal::U64(n) => *n,
_ => panic!("Constval not supported"),
pub trait ConstantExt {
fn constant(&self, enum_name: &str) -> Constant;
fn variant_ident(&self, enum_name: &str) -> Ident;
fn notation(&self) -> Option<&str>;
fn is_alias(&self) -> bool {
impl ConstantExt for vkxml::ExtensionEnum {
fn constant(&self, _enum_name: &str) -> Constant {
fn variant_ident(&self, enum_name: &str) -> Ident {
variant_ident(enum_name, &self.name)
fn notation(&self) -> Option<&str> {
impl ConstantExt for vk_parse::Enum {
fn constant(&self, enum_name: &str) -> Constant {
Constant::from_vk_parse_enum_spec(&self.spec, Some(enum_name), None)
fn variant_ident(&self, enum_name: &str) -> Ident {
variant_ident(enum_name, &self.name)
fn notation(&self) -> Option<&str> {
fn is_alias(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.spec, vk_parse::EnumSpec::Alias { .. })
impl ConstantExt for vkxml::Constant {
fn constant(&self, _enum_name: &str) -> Constant {
fn variant_ident(&self, enum_name: &str) -> Ident {
variant_ident(enum_name, &self.name)
fn notation(&self) -> Option<&str> {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Constant {
impl quote::ToTokens for Constant {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
match *self {
Constant::Number(n) => {
let number = interleave_number('_', 3, &n.to_string());
syn::LitInt::new(&number, Span::call_site()).to_tokens(tokens);
Constant::Hex(ref s) => {
let number = interleave_number('_', 4, s);
syn::LitInt::new(&format!("0x{}", number), Span::call_site()).to_tokens(tokens);
Constant::Text(ref text) => text.to_tokens(tokens),
Constant::CExpr(ref expr) => {
let (_, (_, rexpr)) = cexpr(expr).expect("Unable to parse cexpr");
Constant::BitPos(pos) => {
let value = 1u64 << pos;
let bit_string = format!("{:b}", value);
let bit_string = interleave_number('_', 4, &bit_string);
syn::LitInt::new(&format!("0b{}", bit_string), Span::call_site()).to_tokens(tokens);
Constant::Alias(ref value) => tokens.extend(quote!(Self::#value)),
impl quote::ToTokens for ConstVal {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
match self {
ConstVal::U32(n) => n.to_tokens(tokens),
ConstVal::U64(n) => n.to_tokens(tokens),
ConstVal::Float(f) => f.to_tokens(tokens),
// Interleaves a number, for example 100000 => 100_000. Mostly used to make clippy happy
fn interleave_number(symbol: char, count: usize, n: &str) -> String {
let number: String = n
.fold(String::new(), |mut acc, (idx, next)| {
if idx != 0 && idx % count == 0 {
impl Constant {
pub fn value(&self) -> Option<ConstVal> {
match *self {
Constant::Number(n) => Some(ConstVal::U64(n as u64)),
Constant::Hex(ref hex) => u64::from_str_radix(&hex, 16).ok().map(ConstVal::U64),
Constant::BitPos(pos) => Some(ConstVal::U64(1u64 << pos)),
_ => None,
pub fn ty(&self) -> CType {
match self {
Constant::Number(_) | Constant::Hex(_) => CType::USize,
Constant::CExpr(expr) => {
let (_, (ty, _)) = cexpr(expr).expect("Unable to parse cexpr");
_ => unimplemented!(),
pub fn from_extension_enum(constant: &vkxml::ExtensionEnum) -> Option<Self> {
let number = constant.number.map(Constant::Number);
let hex = constant.hex.as_ref().map(|hex| Constant::Hex(hex.clone()));
let bitpos = constant.bitpos.map(Constant::BitPos);
let expr = constant
.map(|e| Constant::CExpr(e.clone()));
pub fn from_constant(constant: &vkxml::Constant) -> Self {
let number = constant.number.map(Constant::Number);
let hex = constant.hex.as_ref().map(|hex| Constant::Hex(hex.clone()));
let bitpos = constant.bitpos.map(Constant::BitPos);
let expr = constant
.map(|e| Constant::CExpr(e.clone()));
/// Returns (Constant, optional base type, is_alias)
pub fn from_vk_parse_enum_spec(
spec: &vk_parse::EnumSpec,
enum_name: Option<&str>,
extension_number: Option<i64>,
) -> Option<(Self, Option<String>, bool)> {
use vk_parse::EnumSpec;
match spec {
EnumSpec::Bitpos { bitpos, extends } => {
Some((Self::BitPos(*bitpos as u32), extends.clone(), false))
EnumSpec::Offset {
dir: positive,
} => {
let ext_base = 1_000_000_000;
let ext_block_size = 1000;
let extnumber = extnumber
.expect("Need an extension number");
let value = ext_base + (extnumber - 1) * ext_block_size + offset;
let value = if *positive { value } else { -value };
Some((Self::Number(value as i32), Some(extends.clone()), false))
EnumSpec::Value { value, extends } => {
let value = value
.map(|hex| Self::Hex(hex.to_owned()))
.or_else(|| value.parse::<i32>().ok().map(Self::Number))?;
Some((value, extends.clone(), false))
EnumSpec::Alias { alias, extends } => {
let base_type = extends.as_deref().or(enum_name)?;
let key = variant_ident(base_type, &alias);
if key == "DISPATCH_BASE" {
} else {
Some((Self::Alias(key), Some(base_type.to_owned()), true))
_ => None,
pub trait FeatureExt {
fn version_string(&self) -> String;
fn is_version(&self, major: u32, minor: u32) -> bool;
impl FeatureExt for vkxml::Feature {
fn is_version(&self, major: u32, minor: u32) -> bool {
let self_major = self.version as u32;
let self_minor = (self.version * 10.0) as u32 - self_major * 10;
major == self_major && self_minor == minor
fn version_string(&self) -> String {
let mut version = format!("{}", self.version);
if version.len() == 1 {
version = format!("{}_0", version)
version.replace(".", "_")
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum FunctionType {
pub trait CommandExt {
/// Returns the ident in snake_case and without the 'vk' prefix.
fn function_type(&self) -> FunctionType;
/// Returns true if the command is a device level command. This is indicated by
/// the type of the first parameter.
fn command_ident(&self) -> Ident;
impl CommandExt for vkxml::Command {
fn command_ident(&self) -> Ident {
format_ident!("{}", self.name.strip_prefix("vk").unwrap().to_snake_case())
fn function_type(&self) -> FunctionType {
let is_first_param_device = self
.map(|field| {
"VkDevice" | "VkCommandBuffer" | "VkQueue"
match self.name.as_str() {
"vkGetInstanceProcAddr" => FunctionType::Static,
| "vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties"
| "vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties"
| "vkEnumerateInstanceVersion" => FunctionType::Entry,
// This is actually not a device level function
"vkGetDeviceProcAddr" => FunctionType::Instance,
_ => {
if is_first_param_device {
} else {
pub trait FieldExt {
/// Returns the name of the parameter that doesn't clash with Rusts reserved
/// keywords
fn param_ident(&self) -> Ident;
/// The inner type of this field, with one level of pointers removed
fn inner_type_tokens(&self) -> TokenStream;
/// Returns reference-types wrapped in their safe variant. (Dynamic) arrays become
/// slices, pointers become Rust references.
fn safe_type_tokens(&self, lifetime: TokenStream) -> TokenStream;
/// Returns the basetype ident and removes the 'Vk' prefix. When `is_ffi_param` is `true`
/// array types (e.g. `[f32; 3]`) will be converted to pointer types (e.g. `&[f32; 3]`),
/// which is needed for `C` function parameters. Set to `false` for struct definitions.
fn type_tokens(&self, is_ffi_param: bool) -> TokenStream;
fn is_clone(&self) -> bool;
/// Whether this is C's `void` type (not to be mistaken with a void _pointer_!)
fn is_void(&self) -> bool;
pub trait ToTokens {
fn to_tokens(&self, is_const: bool) -> TokenStream;
/// Returns the topmost pointer as safe reference
fn to_safe_tokens(&self, is_const: bool, lifetime: TokenStream) -> TokenStream;
impl ToTokens for vkxml::ReferenceType {
fn to_tokens(&self, is_const: bool) -> TokenStream {
let r = if is_const {
} else {
match self {
vkxml::ReferenceType::Pointer => quote!(#r),
vkxml::ReferenceType::PointerToPointer => quote!(#r *mut),
vkxml::ReferenceType::PointerToConstPointer => quote!(#r *const),
fn to_safe_tokens(&self, is_const: bool, lifetime: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let r = if is_const {
} else {
quote!(&#lifetime mut)
match self {
vkxml::ReferenceType::Pointer => quote!(#r),
vkxml::ReferenceType::PointerToPointer => quote!(#r *mut),
vkxml::ReferenceType::PointerToConstPointer => quote!(#r *const),
fn name_to_tokens(type_name: &str) -> Ident {
let new_name = match type_name {
"uint8_t" => "u8",
"uint16_t" => "u16",
"uint32_t" => "u32",
"uint64_t" => "u64",
"int8_t" => "i8",
"int16_t" => "i16",
"int32_t" => "i32",
"int64_t" => "i64",
"size_t" => "usize",
"int" => "c_int",
"void" => "c_void",
"char" => "c_char",
"float" => "f32",
"double" => "f64",
"long" => "c_ulong",
_ => type_name.strip_prefix("Vk").unwrap_or(type_name),
let new_name = new_name.replace("FlagBits", "Flags");
format_ident!("{}", new_name.as_str())
/// Parses and rewrites a C literal into Rust
/// If no special pattern is recognized the original literal is returned.
/// Any new conversions need to be added to the [`cexpr()`] [`nom`] parser.
/// Examples:
/// - `0x3FFU` -> `0x3ffu32`
fn convert_c_literal(lit: Literal) -> Literal {
if let Ok((_, (_, rexpr))) = cexpr(&lit.to_string()) {
// lit::SynInt uses the same `.parse` method to create hexadecimal
// literals because there is no `Literal` constructor for it.
let mut stream = rexpr.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap().into_iter();
// If expression rewriting succeeds this should parse into a single literal
match (stream.next(), stream.next()) {
(Some(TokenTree::Literal(l)), None) => l,
x => panic!("Stream must contain a single literal, not {:?}", x),
} else {
/// Parse and yield a C expression that is valid to write in Rust
/// Identifiers are replaced with their Rust vk equivalent.
/// Examples:
/// - `VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 2, VK_HEADER_VERSION)` -> `make_version(1, 2, HEADER_VERSION)`
/// - `2*VK_UUID_SIZE` -> `2 * UUID_SIZE`
fn convert_c_expression(c_expr: &str, identifier_renames: &BTreeMap<String, Ident>) -> TokenStream {
fn rewrite_token_stream(
stream: TokenStream,
identifier_renames: &BTreeMap<String, Ident>,
) -> TokenStream {
.map(|tt| match tt {
TokenTree::Group(group) => TokenTree::Group(Group::new(
rewrite_token_stream(group.stream(), identifier_renames),
TokenTree::Ident(term) => {
let name = term.to_string();
.unwrap_or_else(|| format_ident!("{}", constant_name(&name)))
TokenTree::Literal(lit) => TokenTree::Literal(convert_c_literal(lit)),
tt => tt,
let c_expr = c_expr
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to parse `{}` as Rust", c_expr));
rewrite_token_stream(c_expr, identifier_renames)
fn discard_outmost_delimiter(stream: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let stream = stream.into_iter().collect_vec();
// Discard the delimiter if this stream consists of a single top-most group
if let [TokenTree::Group(group)] = stream.as_slice() {
TokenTree::Group(Group::new(Delimiter::None, group.stream())).into()
} else {
impl FieldExt for vkxml::Field {
fn is_clone(&self) -> bool {
fn param_ident(&self) -> Ident {
let name = self.name.as_deref().unwrap_or("field");
let name_corrected = match name {
"type" => "ty",
_ => name,
format_ident!("{}", name_corrected.to_snake_case().as_str())
fn inner_type_tokens(&self) -> TokenStream {
let ty = name_to_tokens(&self.basetype);
match self.reference {
Some(vkxml::ReferenceType::PointerToPointer) => quote!(*mut #ty),
Some(vkxml::ReferenceType::PointerToConstPointer) => quote!(*const #ty),
_ => quote!(#ty),
fn safe_type_tokens(&self, lifetime: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
match self.array {
// The outer type fn type_tokens() returns is [], which fits our "safe" prescription
Some(vkxml::ArrayType::Static) => self.type_tokens(false),
Some(vkxml::ArrayType::Dynamic) => {
let ty = self.inner_type_tokens();
None => {
let ty = name_to_tokens(&self.basetype);
let pointer = self
.map(|r| r.to_safe_tokens(self.is_const, lifetime));
quote!(#pointer #ty)
fn type_tokens(&self, is_ffi_param: bool) -> TokenStream {
let ty = name_to_tokens(&self.basetype);
match self.array {
Some(vkxml::ArrayType::Static) => {
let size = self
.or_else(|| self.size_enumref.as_ref())
.expect("Should have size");
// Make sure we also rename the constant, that is
// used inside the static array
let size: TokenStream = constant_name(size).parse().unwrap();
// arrays in c are always passed as a pointer
if is_ffi_param {
quote!(*const [#ty; #size])
} else {
quote!([#ty; #size])
_ => {
let pointer = self.reference.as_ref().map(|r| r.to_tokens(self.is_const));
quote!(#pointer #ty)
fn is_void(&self) -> bool {
self.basetype == "void" && self.reference.is_none()
pub type CommandMap<'a> = HashMap<vkxml::Identifier, &'a vkxml::Command>;
fn generate_function_pointers<'a>(
ident: Ident,
commands: &[&'a vkxml::Command],
aliases: &HashMap<String, String, impl BuildHasher>,
fn_cache: &mut HashSet<&'a str, impl BuildHasher>,
) -> TokenStream {
// Commands can have duplicates inside them because they are declared per features. But we only
// really want to generate one function pointer.
let commands = commands
.unique_by(|cmd| cmd.name.as_str())
struct Command {
type_needs_defining: bool,
type_name: Ident,
function_name_c: String,
function_name_rust: Ident,
parameter_names: TokenStream,
parameters: TokenStream,
parameters_unused: TokenStream,
returns: TokenStream,
let commands = commands
.map(|cmd| {
let type_name = format_ident!("PFN_{}", cmd.name);
let function_name_c = if let Some(alias_name) = aliases.get(&cmd.name) {
} else {
let function_name_rust = format_ident!(
let params: Vec<_> = cmd
.map(|field| {
let name = field.param_ident();
let ty = field.type_tokens(true);
(name, ty)
let params_iter = params.iter().map(|(param_name, _)| param_name);
let parameter_names = quote!(#(#params_iter,)*);
let params_iter = params
.map(|(param_name, param_ty)| quote!(#param_name: #param_ty));
let parameters = quote!(#(#params_iter,)*);
let params_iter = params.iter().map(|(param_name, param_ty)| {
let unused_name = format_ident!("_{}", param_name);
quote!(#unused_name: #param_ty)
let parameters_unused = quote!(#(#params_iter,)*);
Command {
// PFN function pointers are global and can not have duplicates.
// This can happen because there are aliases to commands
type_needs_defining: fn_cache.insert(cmd.name.as_str()),
returns: if cmd.return_type.is_void() {
} else {
let ret_ty_tokens = cmd.return_type.type_tokens(true);
quote!(-> #ret_ty_tokens)
struct CommandToType<'a>(&'a Command);
impl<'a> quote::ToTokens for CommandToType<'a> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let type_name = &self.0.type_name;
let parameters = &self.0.parameters;
let returns = &self.0.returns;
pub type #type_name = unsafe extern "system" fn(#parameters) #returns;
struct CommandToMember<'a>(&'a Command);
impl<'a> quote::ToTokens for CommandToMember<'a> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let type_name = &self.0.type_name;
let type_name = if self.0.type_needs_defining {
// Type is defined in local scope
} else {
// Type is usually defined in another module
let function_name_rust = &self.0.function_name_rust;
quote!(pub #function_name_rust: #type_name).to_tokens(tokens)
struct CommandToLoader<'a>(&'a Command);
impl<'a> quote::ToTokens for CommandToLoader<'a> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let function_name_rust = &self.0.function_name_rust;
let parameters_unused = &self.0.parameters_unused;
let returns = &self.0.returns;
let byte_function_name =
Literal::byte_string(format!("{}\0", self.0.function_name_c).as_bytes());
#function_name_rust: unsafe {
unsafe extern "system" fn #function_name_rust (#parameters_unused) #returns {
panic!(concat!("Unable to load ", stringify!(#function_name_rust)))
let cname = ::std::ffi::CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(#byte_function_name);
let val = _f(cname);
if val.is_null() {
} else {
struct CommandToBody<'a>(&'a Command);
impl<'a> quote::ToTokens for CommandToBody<'a> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let function_name_rust = &self.0.function_name_rust;
let parameters = &self.0.parameters;
let parameter_names = &self.0.parameter_names;
let returns = &self.0.returns;
let khronos_link = khronos_link(&self.0.function_name_c);
#[doc = #khronos_link]
pub unsafe fn #function_name_rust(&self, #parameters) #returns {
let pfn_typedefs = commands
.filter(|pfn| pfn.type_needs_defining)
.map(|pfn| CommandToType(pfn));
let members = commands.iter().map(|pfn| CommandToMember(pfn));
let loaders = commands.iter().map(|pfn| CommandToLoader(pfn));
let bodies = commands.iter().map(|pfn| CommandToBody(pfn));
quote! {
pub struct #ident {
unsafe impl Send for #ident {}
unsafe impl Sync for #ident {}
impl #ident {
pub fn load<F>(mut _f: F) -> Self
where F: FnMut(&::std::ffi::CStr) -> *const c_void
#ident {
pub struct ExtensionConstant<'a> {
pub name: &'a str,
pub constant: Constant,
impl<'a> ConstantExt for ExtensionConstant<'a> {
fn constant(&self, _enum_name: &str) -> Constant {
fn variant_ident(&self, enum_name: &str) -> Ident {
variant_ident(enum_name, self.name)
fn notation(&self) -> Option<&str> {
pub fn generate_extension_constants<'a>(
extension_name: &str,
extension_number: i64,
extension_items: &'a [vk_parse::ExtensionChild],
const_cache: &mut HashSet<&'a str, impl BuildHasher>,
const_values: &mut BTreeMap<Ident, ConstantTypeInfo>,
) -> TokenStream {
let items = extension_items
.filter_map(|item| match item {
vk_parse::ExtensionChild::Require { items, .. } => Some(items.iter()),
_ => None,
.flat_map(|iter| iter);
let enum_tokens = items.filter_map(|item| match item {
vk_parse::InterfaceItem::Enum(enum_) => {
if !const_cache.insert(enum_.name.as_str()) {
return None;
let (constant, extends, is_alias) =
Constant::from_vk_parse_enum_spec(&enum_.spec, None, Some(extension_number))?;
let extends = extends?;
let ext_constant = ExtensionConstant {
name: &enum_.name,
let ident = name_to_tokens(&extends);
.push(ConstantMatchInfo {
ident: ext_constant.variant_ident(&extends),
let impl_block = bitflags_impl_block(ident, &extends, &[&ext_constant]);
let doc_string = format!("Generated from '{}'", extension_name);
let q = quote! {
#[doc = #doc_string]
_ => None,
quote! {
pub fn generate_extension_commands<'a>(
extension_name: &str,
items: &[vk_parse::ExtensionChild],
cmd_map: &CommandMap<'a>,
cmd_aliases: &HashMap<String, String, impl BuildHasher>,
fn_cache: &mut HashSet<&'a str, impl BuildHasher>,
) -> TokenStream {
let mut commands = Vec::new();
let mut aliases = HashMap::new();
.filter_map(|ext_item| match ext_item {
vk_parse::ExtensionChild::Require { items, .. } => {
Some(items.iter().filter_map(|item| match item {
vk_parse::InterfaceItem::Command { ref name, .. } => Some(name),
_ => None,
_ => None,
.for_each(|name| {
if let Some(cmd) = cmd_map.get(name).copied() {
} else if let Some(cmd) = cmd_aliases
.and_then(|alias_name| cmd_map.get(alias_name).copied())
aliases.insert(cmd.name.clone(), name.to_string());
let ident = format_ident!(
let fp = generate_function_pointers(ident.clone(), &commands, &aliases, fn_cache);
let byte_name = format!("{}\0", extension_name);
let spec_version = items
.find_map(|ext_item| match ext_item {
vk_parse::ExtensionChild::Require { items, .. } => {
items.iter().find_map(|item| match item {
vk_parse::InterfaceItem::Enum(ref e) if e.name.contains("SPEC_VERSION") => {
_ => None,
_ => None,
.and_then(|e| {
if let vk_parse::EnumSpec::Value { value, .. } = &e.spec {
let v: u32 = str::parse(value).unwrap();
Some(quote!(pub const SPEC_VERSION: u32 = #v;))
} else {
let byte_name_ident = syn::LitByteStr::new(byte_name.as_bytes(), Span::call_site());
let extension_cstr = quote! {
impl #ident {
pub fn name() -> &'static ::std::ffi::CStr {
::std::ffi::CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(#byte_name_ident).expect("Wrong extension string")
quote! {
pub fn generate_extension<'a>(
extension: &'a vk_parse::Extension,
cmd_map: &CommandMap<'a>,
const_cache: &mut HashSet<&'a str, impl BuildHasher>,
const_values: &mut BTreeMap<Ident, ConstantTypeInfo>,
cmd_aliases: &HashMap<String, String, impl BuildHasher>,
fn_cache: &mut HashSet<&'a str, impl BuildHasher>,
) -> Option<TokenStream> {
// Okay this is a little bit odd. We need to generate all extensions, even disabled ones,
// because otherwise some StructureTypes won't get generated. But we don't generate extensions
// that are reserved
if extension.name.contains("RESERVED") {
return None;
let extension_tokens = generate_extension_constants(
let fp = generate_extension_commands(
let q = quote! {
pub fn generate_define(
define: &vkxml::Define,
identifier_renames: &mut BTreeMap<String, Ident>,
) -> TokenStream {
let name = constant_name(&define.name);
let ident = format_ident!("{}", name);
if name == "NULL_HANDLE" {
} else if let Some(value) = &define.value {
str::parse::<u32>(value).map_or(quote!(), |v| quote!(pub const #ident: u32 = #v;))
} else if let Some(c_expr) = &define.c_expression {
if define.name.contains(&"VERSION".to_string()) {
let link = khronos_link(&define.name);
let c_expr = c_expr.trim_start_matches('\\');
let c_expr = c_expr.replace("(uint32_t)", "");
let c_expr = convert_c_expression(&c_expr, &identifier_renames);
let c_expr = discard_outmost_delimiter(c_expr);
let deprecated = define
.and_then(|c| c.strip_prefix("DEPRECATED: "))
.map(|comment| quote!(#[deprecated = #comment]));
let (code, ident) = if define.parameters.is_empty() {
(quote!(pub const #ident: u32 = #c_expr;), ident)
} else {
let params = define
.map(|param| format_ident!("{}", param))
.map(|i| quote!(#i: u32));
let ident = format_ident!("{}", name.to_lowercase());
quote!(pub const fn #ident(#(#params),*) -> u32 { #c_expr }),
identifier_renames.insert(define.name.clone(), ident);
quote! {
#[doc = #link]
} else {
} else {
pub fn generate_typedef(typedef: &vkxml::Typedef) -> TokenStream {
if typedef.basetype.is_empty() {
// Ignore forward declarations
quote! {}
} else {
let typedef_name = name_to_tokens(&typedef.name);
let typedef_ty = name_to_tokens(&typedef.basetype);
let khronos_link = khronos_link(&typedef.name);
quote! {
#[doc = #khronos_link]
pub type #typedef_name = #typedef_ty;
pub fn generate_bitmask(
bitmask: &vkxml::Bitmask,
bitflags_cache: &mut HashSet<Ident, impl BuildHasher>,
const_values: &mut BTreeMap<Ident, ConstantTypeInfo>,
) -> Option<TokenStream> {
// Workaround for empty bitmask
if bitmask.name.is_empty() {
return None;
// If this enum has constants, then it will generated later in generate_enums.
if bitmask.enumref.is_some() {
return None;
let name = bitmask.name.strip_prefix("Vk").unwrap();
let ident = format_ident!("{}", name);
if !bitflags_cache.insert(ident.clone()) {
return None;
const_values.insert(ident.clone(), Default::default());
let khronos_link = khronos_link(&bitmask.name);
let type_ = name_to_tokens(&bitmask.basetype);
Some(quote! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = #khronos_link]
pub struct #ident(pub(crate) #type_);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(#ident, 0b0, #type_);
pub enum EnumType {
fn is_enum_variant_with_typo(variant_name: &str) -> bool {
// All these names are aliases and make little sense in our
// enum structure, they are better omitted entirely.
static TRAILING_NUMBER: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new("(\\d+)$").unwrap());
pub fn variant_ident(enum_name: &str, variant_name: &str) -> Ident {
let variant_name = variant_name.to_uppercase();
let _name = enum_name.replace("FlagBits", "");
// TODO: Should be read from vk.xml id:2
// TODO: Also needs to be more robust, vendor names can be substrings from itself, id:4
// like NVX and NV
let vendors = [
"_NVX", "_KHR", "_EXT", "_NV", "_AMD", "_ANDROID", "_GOOGLE", "_INTEL",
let struct_name = _name.to_shouty_snake_case();
let vendor = vendors
.find(|&vendor| struct_name.ends_with(vendor))
let struct_name = struct_name.strip_suffix(vendor).unwrap();
let struct_name = TRAILING_NUMBER.replace(struct_name, "_$1");
let variant_name = variant_name
.unwrap_or_else(|| variant_name.as_str());
let new_variant_name = variant_name
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
if enum_name == "VkResult" || is_enum_variant_with_typo(variant_name) {
} else if variant_name == "VK_VIDEO_DECODE_H264_PROGRESSIVE_PICTURES_ONLY" {
// https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs/issues/1531
} else if struct_name == "VK_VIDEO_ENCODE_H264_CAPABILITIES" {
// https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs/issues/1531
} else {
"Failed to strip {} prefix from enum variant {}",
struct_name, variant_name
// Both of the above strip_prefix leave a leading `_`:
let new_variant_name = new_variant_name.strip_prefix("_").unwrap();
// Replace _BIT anywhere in the string, also works when there's a trailing
// vendor extension in the variant name that's not in the enum/type name:
let new_variant_name = new_variant_name.replace("_BIT", "");
let is_digit = new_variant_name
.map(|c| c.is_digit(10))
if is_digit {
format_ident!("TYPE_{}", new_variant_name)
} else {
format_ident!("{}", new_variant_name)
pub fn bitflags_impl_block(
ident: Ident,
enum_name: &str,
constants: &[&impl ConstantExt],
) -> TokenStream {
let variants = constants
.map(|constant| {
let variant_ident = constant.variant_ident(enum_name);
let constant = constant.constant(enum_name);
let tokens = if let Constant::Alias(_) = &constant {
} else {
(variant_ident, tokens)
let notations = constants.iter().map(|constant| {
constant.notation().map(|n| {
if n.to_lowercase().contains("backwards") {
quote!(#[deprecated = #n])
} else {
quote!(#[doc = #n])
let variants =
.map(|((variant_ident, value), ref notation)| {
quote! {
pub const #variant_ident: Self = #value;
quote! {
impl #ident {
pub fn generate_enum<'a>(
enum_: &'a vk_parse::Enums,
const_cache: &mut HashSet<&'a str, impl BuildHasher>,
const_values: &mut BTreeMap<Ident, ConstantTypeInfo>,
bitflags_cache: &mut HashSet<Ident, impl BuildHasher>,
) -> EnumType {
let name = enum_.name.as_ref().unwrap();
let clean_name = name.strip_prefix("Vk").unwrap();
let _name = clean_name.replace("FlagBits", "Flags");
let ident = format_ident!("{}", _name.as_str());
let constants = enum_
.filter_map(|elem| match *elem {
vk_parse::EnumsChild::Enum(ref constant) => Some(constant),
_ => None,
.filter(|constant| match &constant.spec {
vk_parse::EnumSpec::Alias { alias, .. } => {
// Remove any alias whose name is identical after name de-mangling. For example
// the XML contains compatibility aliases for variants without _BIT postfix
// which are removed by the generator anyway, after which they become identical.
let alias_name = constant.variant_ident(name);
let aliases_to = variant_ident(name, alias);
alias_name != aliases_to
_ => true,
let mut values = Vec::with_capacity(constants.len());
for constant in &constants {
values.push(ConstantMatchInfo {
ident: constant.variant_ident(name),
is_alias: constant.is_alias(),
ConstantTypeInfo {
bitwidth: enum_.bitwidth,
let khronos_link = khronos_link(name);
if clean_name.contains("Bit") {
let ident = format_ident!("{}", _name.as_str());
let all_bits = constants
.filter_map(|constant| constant.constant(name).value())
.fold(0, |acc, next| acc | next.bits());
let type_ = if enum_.bitwidth == Some(64u32) {
} else {
let bit_string = format!("{:b}", all_bits);
let bit_string = interleave_number('_', 4, &bit_string);
let all_bits_term = syn::LitInt::new(&format!("0b{}", bit_string), Span::call_site());
if !bitflags_cache.insert(ident.clone()) {
EnumType::Bitflags(quote! {})
} else {
let impl_bitflags = bitflags_impl_block(ident.clone(), name, &constants);
let q = quote! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[doc = #khronos_link]
pub struct #ident(pub(crate) #type_);
vk_bitflags_wrapped!(#ident, #all_bits_term, #type_);
} else {
let (struct_attribute, special_quote) = match _name.as_str() {
//"StructureType" => generate_structure_type(&_name, _enum, create_info_constants),
"Result" => (quote!(#[must_use]), generate_result(ident.clone(), enum_)),
_ => (quote!(), quote!()),
let impl_block = bitflags_impl_block(ident.clone(), name, &constants);
let enum_quote = quote! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Default)]
#[doc = #khronos_link]
pub struct #ident(pub(crate) i32);
impl #ident {
pub const fn from_raw(x: i32) -> Self { #ident(x) }
pub const fn as_raw(self) -> i32 { self.0 }
let q = quote! {
pub fn generate_result(ident: Ident, enum_: &vk_parse::Enums) -> TokenStream {
let notation = enum_.children.iter().filter_map(|elem| {
let (variant_name, notation) = match *elem {
vk_parse::EnumsChild::Enum(ref constant) => (
_ => {
return None;
let variant_ident = variant_ident(&enum_.name.as_ref().unwrap(), variant_name);
Some(quote! {
#ident::#variant_ident => Some(#notation)
quote! {
impl ::std::error::Error for #ident {}
impl fmt::Display for #ident {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let name = match *self {
_ => None,
if let Some(x) = name {
} else {
// If we don't have a nice message to show, call the generated `Debug` impl
// which includes *all* enum variants, including those from extensions.
<Self as fmt::Debug>::fmt(&self, fmt)
fn is_static_array(field: &vkxml::Field) -> bool {
.map(|ty| matches!(ty, vkxml::ArrayType::Static))
pub fn derive_default(_struct: &vkxml::Struct) -> Option<TokenStream> {
let name = name_to_tokens(&_struct.name);
let members = _struct.elements.iter().filter_map(|elem| match *elem {
vkxml::StructElement::Member(ref field) => Some(field),
_ => None,
let is_structure_type = |field: &vkxml::Field| field.basetype == "VkStructureType";
// This are also pointers, and therefor also don't implement Default. The spec
// also doesn't mark them as pointers
let handles = ["LPCWSTR", "HANDLE", "HINSTANCE", "HWND", "HMONITOR"];
let contains_ptr = members.clone().any(|field| field.reference.is_some());
let contains_structure_type = members.clone().any(is_structure_type);
let contains_static_array = members.clone().any(is_static_array);
if !(contains_ptr || contains_structure_type || contains_static_array) {
return None;
let default_fields = members.clone().map(|field| {
let param_ident = field.param_ident();
if is_structure_type(field) {
let ty = field
.and_then(|ty| ty.split(',').next());
if let Some(variant) = ty {
let variant_ident = variant_ident("VkStructureType", variant);
quote! {
#param_ident: StructureType::#variant_ident
} else {
quote! {
#param_ident: unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
} else if let Some(ref reference) = field.reference {
match reference {
vkxml::ReferenceType::Pointer => {
if field.is_const {
quote! {
#param_ident: ::std::ptr::null()
} else {
quote! {
#param_ident: ::std::ptr::null_mut()
vkxml::ReferenceType::PointerToPointer => {
quote! {
#param_ident: ::std::ptr::null_mut()
vkxml::ReferenceType::PointerToConstPointer => {
if field.is_const {
quote! {
#param_ident: ::std::ptr::null()
} else {
quote! {
#param_ident: ::std::ptr::null_mut()
} else if is_static_array(field) || handles.contains(&field.basetype.as_str()) {
quote! {
#param_ident: unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
} else {
let ty = field.type_tokens(false);
quote! {
#param_ident: #ty::default()
let q = quote! {
impl ::std::default::Default for #name {
fn default() -> #name {
#name {
pub fn derive_debug(
_struct: &vkxml::Struct,
union_types: &HashSet<&str, impl BuildHasher>,
) -> Option<TokenStream> {
let name = name_to_tokens(&_struct.name);
let members = _struct.elements.iter().filter_map(|elem| match *elem {
vkxml::StructElement::Member(ref field) => Some(field),
_ => None,
let contains_pfn = members.clone().any(|field| {
.map(|n| n.contains("pfn"))
let contains_static_array = members
.any(|x| is_static_array(x) && x.basetype == "char");
let contains_union = members
.any(|field| union_types.contains(field.basetype.as_str()));
if !(contains_union || contains_static_array || contains_pfn) {
return None;
let debug_fields = members.clone().map(|field| {
let param_ident = field.param_ident();
let param_str = param_ident.to_string();
let debug_value = if is_static_array(field) && field.basetype == "char" {
quote! {
&unsafe {
::std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(self.#param_ident.as_ptr() as *const c_char)
} else if param_str.contains("pfn") {
quote! {
&(self.#param_ident.map(|x| x as *const ()))
} else if union_types.contains(field.basetype.as_str()) {
} else {
quote! {
quote! {
.field(#param_str, #debug_value)
let name_str = name.to_string();
let q = quote! {
impl fmt::Debug for #name {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
pub fn derive_setters(
_struct: &vkxml::Struct,
root_structs: &HashSet<Ident, impl BuildHasher>,
) -> Option<TokenStream> {
if &_struct.name == "VkBaseInStructure"
|| &_struct.name == "VkBaseOutStructure"
|| &_struct.name == "VkTransformMatrixKHR"
|| &_struct.name == "VkAccelerationStructureInstanceKHR"
return None;
let name = name_to_tokens(&_struct.name);
let name_builder = name_to_tokens(&(_struct.name.clone() + "Builder"));
let members = _struct.elements.iter().filter_map(|elem| match *elem {
vkxml::StructElement::Member(ref field) => Some(field),
_ => None,
let has_next = members.clone().any(|field| field.param_ident() == "p_next");
let nofilter_count_members = [
let filter_members: Vec<String> = members
.filter_map(|field| {
let field_name = field.name.as_ref().unwrap();
// Associated _count members
if field.array.is_some() {
if let Some(ref array_size) = field.size {
if !array_size.starts_with("latexmath")
&& !nofilter_count_members
.any(|&n| n == (_struct.name.clone() + "." + field_name))
return Some((*array_size).clone());
// VkShaderModuleCreateInfo requiers a custom setter
if field_name == "codeSize" {
return Some(field_name.clone());
let setters = members.clone().filter_map(|field| {
let param_ident = field.param_ident();
let param_ty_tokens = field.safe_type_tokens(quote!('a));
let param_ident_string = param_ident.to_string();
if param_ident_string == "s_type" || param_ident_string == "p_next" {
return None;
let param_ident_short = param_ident_string
.or_else(|| param_ident_string.strip_prefix("pp_"))
.unwrap_or_else(|| param_ident_string.as_str());
let param_ident_short = format_ident!("{}", ¶m_ident_short);
if let Some(name) = field.name.as_ref() {
// Fiter
if filter_members.iter().any(|n| *n == *name) {
return None;
// Unique cases
if name == "pCode" {
return Some(quote!{
pub fn code(mut self, code: &'a [u32]) -> Self {
self.inner.code_size = code.len() * 4;
self.inner.p_code = code.as_ptr() as *const u32;
if name == "pSampleMask" {
return Some(quote!{
/// Sets `p_sample_mask` to `null` if the slice is empty. The mask will
/// be treated as if it has all bits set to `1`.
/// See <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo.html#_description>
/// for more details.
pub fn sample_mask(mut self, sample_mask: &'a [SampleMask]) -> Self {
self.inner.p_sample_mask = if sample_mask.is_empty() {
} else {
sample_mask.as_ptr() as *const SampleMask
if name == "ppGeometries" {
return Some(quote!{
pub fn geometries_ptrs(mut self, geometries: &'a [&'a AccelerationStructureGeometryKHR]) -> Self {
self.inner.geometry_count = geometries.len() as _;
self.inner.pp_geometries = geometries.as_ptr() as *const *const _;
// TODO: Improve in future when https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/53667 is merged id:6
if field.reference.is_some() {
if field.basetype == "char" && matches!(field.reference, Some(vkxml::ReferenceType::Pointer)) {
assert_eq!(field.size, None);
return Some(quote!{
pub fn #param_ident_short(mut self, #param_ident_short: &'a ::std::ffi::CStr) -> Self {
self.inner.#param_ident = #param_ident_short.as_ptr();
if matches!(field.array, Some(vkxml::ArrayType::Dynamic)) {
if let Some(ref array_size) = field.size {
if !array_size.starts_with("latexmath") {
let mut slice_param_ty_tokens = field.safe_type_tokens(quote!('a));
let mut ptr = if field.is_const {
} else {
// Interpret void array as byte array
if field.basetype == "void" {
let mutable = if field.is_const { quote!(const) } else { quote!(mut) };
slice_param_ty_tokens = quote!([u8]);
ptr = quote!(#ptr as *#mutable c_void);
let mutable = if field.is_const { quote!() } else { quote!(mut) };
// Apply some heuristics to determine whether the size is an expression.
// If so, this is a pointer to a piece of memory with statically known size.
let set_size_stmt = if array_size.contains("ename:") || array_size.contains('*') {
// c_size should contain the same minus `ename:`-prefixed identifiers
let array_size = field.c_size.as_ref().unwrap_or(array_size);
let c_size = convert_c_expression(array_size, &BTreeMap::new());
let inner_type = field.inner_type_tokens();
slice_param_ty_tokens = quote!([#inner_type; #c_size]);
} else {
let array_size_ident = format_ident!("{}", array_size.to_snake_case().as_str());
quote!(self.inner.#array_size_ident = #param_ident_short.len() as _;)
return Some(quote! {
pub fn #param_ident_short(mut self, #param_ident_short: &'a #mutable #slice_param_ty_tokens) -> Self {
self.inner.#param_ident = #param_ident_short#ptr;
if field.basetype == "VkBool32" {
return Some(quote!{
pub fn #param_ident_short(mut self, #param_ident_short: bool) -> Self {
self.inner.#param_ident = #param_ident_short.into();
let param_ty_tokens = if is_opaque_type(&field.basetype) {
// Use raw pointers for void/opaque types
} else {
pub fn #param_ident_short(mut self, #param_ident_short: #param_ty_tokens) -> Self {
self.inner.#param_ident = #param_ident_short;
let extends_name = format_ident!("Extends{}", name);
let is_root_struct = has_next && root_structs.contains(&name);
// We only implement a next methods for root structs with a `pnext` field.
let next_function = if is_root_struct {
quote! {
/// Prepends the given extension struct between the root and the first pointer. This
/// method only exists on structs that can be passed to a function directly. Only
/// valid extension structs can be pushed into the chain.
/// If the chain looks like `A -> B -> C`, and you call `builder.push_next(&mut D)`, then the
/// chain will look like `A -> D -> B -> C`.
pub fn push_next<T: #extends_name>(mut self, next: &'a mut T) -> Self {
let next_ptr = next as *mut T as *mut BaseOutStructure;
// `next` here can contain a pointer chain. This means that we must correctly
// attach he head to the root and the tail to the rest of the chain
// For example:
// next = A -> B
// Before: `Root -> C -> D -> E`
// After: `Root -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E`
// ^^^^^^
// next chain
let last_next = ptr_chain_iter(next).last().unwrap();
(*last_next).p_next = self.inner.p_next as _;
self.inner.p_next = next_ptr as _;
} else {
// Root structs come with their own trait that structs that extend
// this struct will implement
let next_trait = if is_root_struct {
quote!(pub unsafe trait #extends_name {})
} else {
// If the struct extends something we need to implement the traits.
let impl_extend_trait = _struct
.flat_map(|extends| extends.split(','))
.map(|extends| format_ident!("Extends{}", name_to_tokens(extends)))
.map(|extends| {
quote! {
unsafe impl #extends for #name_builder<'_> {}
unsafe impl #extends for #name {}
let q = quote! {
impl #name {
pub fn builder<'a>() -> #name_builder<'a> {
#name_builder {
inner: #name::default(),
marker: ::std::marker::PhantomData,
pub struct #name_builder<'a> {
inner: #name,
marker: ::std::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>,
impl<'a> ::std::ops::Deref for #name_builder<'a> {
type Target = #name;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'a> ::std::ops::DerefMut for #name_builder<'a> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.inner
impl<'a> #name_builder<'a> {
/// Calling build will **discard** all the lifetime information. Only call this if
/// necessary! Builders implement `Deref` targeting their corresponding Vulkan struct,
/// so references to builders can be passed directly to Vulkan functions.
pub fn build(self) -> #name {
/// At the moment `Ash` doesn't properly derive all the necessary drives
/// like Eq, Hash etc.
/// To Address some cases, you can add the name of the struct that you
/// require and add the missing derives yourself.
pub fn manual_derives(_struct: &vkxml::Struct) -> TokenStream {
match _struct.name.as_str() {
"VkClearRect" | "VkExtent2D" | "VkExtent3D" | "VkOffset2D" | "VkOffset3D" | "VkRect2D"
| "VkSurfaceFormatKHR" => quote! {PartialEq, Eq, Hash,},
_ => quote! {},
pub fn generate_struct(
_struct: &vkxml::Struct,
root_structs: &HashSet<Ident, impl BuildHasher>,
union_types: &HashSet<&str, impl BuildHasher>,
) -> TokenStream {
let name = name_to_tokens(&_struct.name);
if &_struct.name == "VkTransformMatrixKHR" {
return quote! {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct TransformMatrixKHR {
pub matrix: [f32; 12],
if &_struct.name == "VkAccelerationStructureInstanceKHR" {
return quote! {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub union AccelerationStructureReferenceKHR {
pub device_handle: DeviceAddress,
pub host_handle: AccelerationStructureKHR,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct AccelerationStructureInstanceKHR {
pub transform: TransformMatrixKHR,
pub instance_custom_index_and_mask: u32,
pub instance_shader_binding_table_record_offset_and_flags: u32,
pub acceleration_structure_reference: AccelerationStructureReferenceKHR,
let members = _struct.elements.iter().filter_map(|elem| match *elem {
vkxml::StructElement::Member(ref field) => Some(field),
_ => None,
let params = members.clone().map(|field| {
let param_ident = field.param_ident();
let param_ty_tokens = field.type_tokens(false);
quote! {pub #param_ident: #param_ty_tokens}
let debug_tokens = derive_debug(_struct, union_types);
let default_tokens = derive_default(_struct);
let setter_tokens = derive_setters(_struct, root_structs);
let manual_derive_tokens = manual_derives(_struct);
let dbg_str = if debug_tokens.is_none() {
} else {
let default_str = if default_tokens.is_none() {
} else {
let khronos_link = khronos_link(&_struct.name);
quote! {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, #default_str #dbg_str #manual_derive_tokens)]
#[doc = #khronos_link]
pub struct #name {
pub fn generate_handle(handle: &vkxml::Handle) -> Option<TokenStream> {
if handle.name.is_empty() {
return None;
let khronos_link = khronos_link(&handle.name);
let tokens = match handle.ty {
vkxml::HandleType::Dispatch => {
let name = handle.name.strip_prefix("Vk").unwrap();
let ty = format_ident!("{}", name.to_shouty_snake_case());
let name = format_ident!("{}", name);
quote! {
define_handle!(#name, #ty, doc = #khronos_link);
vkxml::HandleType::NoDispatch => {
let name = handle.name.strip_prefix("Vk").unwrap();
let ty = format_ident!("{}", name.to_shouty_snake_case());
let name = format_ident!("{}", name);
quote! {
handle_nondispatchable!(#name, #ty, doc = #khronos_link);
fn generate_funcptr(fnptr: &vkxml::FunctionPointer) -> TokenStream {
let name = format_ident!("{}", fnptr.name.as_str());
let ret_ty_tokens = if fnptr.return_type.is_void() {
} else {
let ret_ty_tokens = fnptr.return_type.type_tokens(true);
quote!(-> #ret_ty_tokens)
let params = fnptr.param.iter().map(|field| {
let ident = field.param_ident();
let type_tokens = field.type_tokens(true);
quote! {
#ident: #type_tokens
let khronos_link = khronos_link(&fnptr.name);
quote! {
#[doc = #khronos_link]
pub type #name = Option<unsafe extern "system" fn(#(#params),*) #ret_ty_tokens>;
fn generate_union(union: &vkxml::Union) -> TokenStream {
let name = name_to_tokens(&union.name);
let fields = union.elements.iter().map(|field| {
let name = field.param_ident();
let ty = field.type_tokens(false);
quote! {
pub #name: #ty
let khronos_link = khronos_link(&union.name);
quote! {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
#[doc = #khronos_link]
pub union #name {
impl ::std::default::Default for #name {
fn default() -> #name {
unsafe { ::std::mem::zeroed() }
/// Root structs are all structs that are extended by other structs.
pub fn root_structs(definitions: &[&vkxml::DefinitionsElement]) -> HashSet<Ident> {
let mut root_structs = HashSet::new();
// Loop over all structs and collect their extends
for definition in definitions {
if let vkxml::DefinitionsElement::Struct(ref _struct) = definition {
if let Some(extends) = &_struct.extends {
pub fn generate_definition(
definition: &vkxml::DefinitionsElement,
union_types: &HashSet<&str, impl BuildHasher>,
root_structs: &HashSet<Ident, impl BuildHasher>,
bitflags_cache: &mut HashSet<Ident, impl BuildHasher>,
const_values: &mut BTreeMap<Ident, ConstantTypeInfo>,
identifier_renames: &mut BTreeMap<String, Ident>,
) -> Option<TokenStream> {
match *definition {
vkxml::DefinitionsElement::Define(ref define) => {
Some(generate_define(define, identifier_renames))
vkxml::DefinitionsElement::Typedef(ref typedef) => Some(generate_typedef(typedef)),
vkxml::DefinitionsElement::Struct(ref _struct) => {
Some(generate_struct(_struct, root_structs, union_types))
vkxml::DefinitionsElement::Bitmask(ref mask) => {
generate_bitmask(mask, bitflags_cache, const_values)
vkxml::DefinitionsElement::Handle(ref handle) => generate_handle(handle),
vkxml::DefinitionsElement::FuncPtr(ref fp) => Some(generate_funcptr(fp)),
vkxml::DefinitionsElement::Union(ref union) => Some(generate_union(union)),
_ => None,
pub fn generate_feature<'a>(
feature: &vkxml::Feature,
commands: &CommandMap<'a>,
fn_cache: &mut HashSet<&'a str, impl BuildHasher>,
) -> TokenStream {
let (static_commands, entry_commands, device_commands, instance_commands) = feature
.flat_map(|feature| {
if let vkxml::FeatureElement::Require(ref spec) = feature {
.filter_map(|feature_spec| {
if let vkxml::FeatureReference::CommandReference(ref cmd_ref) = feature_spec
} else {
} else {
.filter_map(|cmd_ref| commands.get(&cmd_ref.name))
(Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new()),
|mut acc, &cmd_ref| {
match cmd_ref.function_type() {
FunctionType::Static => {
FunctionType::Entry => {
FunctionType::Device => {
FunctionType::Instance => {
let version = feature.version_string();
let static_fn = if feature.is_version(1, 0) {
format_ident!("{}", "StaticFn"),
} else {
quote! {}
let entry = generate_function_pointers(
format_ident!("EntryFnV{}", version),
let instance = generate_function_pointers(
format_ident!("InstanceFnV{}", version),
let device = generate_function_pointers(
format_ident!("DeviceFnV{}", version),
quote! {
pub fn constant_name(name: &str) -> &str {
pub fn generate_constant<'a>(
constant: &'a vkxml::Constant,
cache: &mut HashSet<&'a str, impl BuildHasher>,
) -> TokenStream {
let c = Constant::from_constant(constant);
let name = constant_name(&constant.name);
let ident = format_ident!("{}", name);
let ty = if name == "TRUE" || name == "FALSE" {
} else {
quote! {
pub const #ident: #ty = #c;
pub fn generate_feature_extension<'a>(
registry: &'a vk_parse::Registry,
const_cache: &mut HashSet<&'a str, impl BuildHasher>,
const_values: &mut BTreeMap<Ident, ConstantTypeInfo>,
) -> TokenStream {
let constants = registry.0.iter().filter_map(|item| match item {
vk_parse::RegistryChild::Feature(feature) => Some(generate_extension_constants(
_ => None,
quote! {
pub struct ConstantMatchInfo {
pub ident: Ident,
pub is_alias: bool,
pub struct ConstantTypeInfo {
values: Vec<ConstantMatchInfo>,
bitwidth: Option<u32>,
pub fn generate_const_debugs(const_values: &BTreeMap<Ident, ConstantTypeInfo>) -> TokenStream {
let impls = const_values.iter().map(|(ty, values)| {
let ConstantTypeInfo { values, bitwidth } = values;
if ty.to_string().contains("Flags") {
let cases = values.iter().filter_map(|value| {
if value.is_alias {
} else {
let ident = &value.ident;
let name = ident.to_string();
Some(quote! { (#ty::#ident.0, #name) })
let type_ = if bitwidth == &Some(64u32) {
} else {
quote! {
impl fmt::Debug for #ty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
const KNOWN: &[(#type_, &str)] = &[#(#cases),*];
debug_flags(f, KNOWN, self.0)
} else {
let cases = values.iter().filter_map(|value| {
if value.is_alias {
} else {
let ident = &value.ident;
let name = ident.to_string();
Some(quote! { Self::#ident => Some(#name), })
quote! {
impl fmt::Debug for #ty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let name = match *self {
_ => None,
if let Some(x) = name {
} else {
quote! {
pub(crate) fn debug_flags<Value: Into<u64> + Copy>(
f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
known: &[(Value, &'static str)],
value: Value,
) -> fmt::Result {
let mut first = true;
let mut accum = value.into();
for &(bit, name) in known {
let bit = bit.into();
if bit != 0 && accum & bit == bit {
if !first {
f.write_str(" | ")?;
first = false;
accum &= !bit;
if accum != 0 {
if !first {
f.write_str(" | ")?;
write!(f, "{:b}", accum)?;
pub fn extract_native_types(registry: &vk_parse::Registry) -> (Vec<(String, String)>, Vec<String>) {
// Not a HashMap so that headers are processed in order of definition:
let mut header_includes = vec![];
let mut header_types = vec![];
let types = registry
.filter_map(|item| match item {
vk_parse::RegistryChild::Types(ref ty) => {
Some(ty.children.iter().filter_map(|child| match child {
vk_parse::TypesChild::Type(ty) => Some(ty),
_ => None,
_ => None,
for ty in types {
match ty.category.as_deref() {
Some("include") => {
// `category="include"` lacking an `#include` directive are generally "irrelevant" system headers.
if let vk_parse::TypeSpec::Code(code) = &ty.spec {
let name = ty
.expect("Include type must provide header name");
.all(|(other_name, _)| other_name != &name),
"Header `{}` being redefined",
let (rem, path) = c_include(&code.code)
.expect("Failed to parse `#include` from `category=\"include\"` directive");
header_includes.push((name, path));
Some(_) => {}
None => {
if let Some(header_name) = ty.requires.clone() {
if header_includes.iter().any(|(name, _)| name == &header_name) {
// Omit types from system and other headers
header_types.push(ty.name.clone().expect("Type must have a name"));
(header_includes, header_types)
pub fn generate_aliases_of_types(
types: &vk_parse::Types,
ty_cache: &mut HashSet<Ident, impl BuildHasher>,
) -> TokenStream {
let aliases = types
.filter_map(|child| match child {
vk_parse::TypesChild::Type(ty) => Some((ty.name.as_ref()?, ty.alias.as_ref()?)),
_ => None,
.filter_map(|(name, alias)| {
let name_ident = name_to_tokens(name);
if !ty_cache.insert(name_ident.clone()) {
return None;
let alias_ident = name_to_tokens(alias);
let tokens = quote! {
pub type #name_ident = #alias_ident;
quote! {
pub fn write_source_code<P: AsRef<Path>>(vk_headers_dir: &Path, src_dir: P) {
let vk_xml = vk_headers_dir.join("registry/vk.xml");
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
let (spec2, _errors) = vk_parse::parse_file(&vk_xml).expect("Invalid xml file");
let extensions: &Vec<vk_parse::Extension> = spec2
.filter_map(|item| match item {
vk_parse::RegistryChild::Extensions(ref ext) => Some(&ext.children),
_ => None,
let mut ty_cache = HashSet::new();
let aliases: Vec<_> = spec2
.filter_map(|item| match item {
vk_parse::RegistryChild::Types(ref ty) => {
Some(generate_aliases_of_types(ty, &mut ty_cache))
_ => None,
let spec = vk_parse::parse_file_as_vkxml(&vk_xml).expect("Invalid xml file.");
let cmd_aliases: HashMap<String, String> = spec2
.filter_map(|item| match item {
vk_parse::RegistryChild::Commands(cmds) => {
let cmd_tuple_iter = cmds.children.iter().filter_map(|cmd| match cmd {
vk_parse::Command::Alias { name, alias } => {
Some((name.to_string(), alias.to_string()))
_ => None,
_ => None,
let commands: HashMap<vkxml::Identifier, &vkxml::Command> = spec
.filter_map(|elem| match elem {
vkxml::RegistryElement::Commands(ref cmds) => Some(cmds),
_ => None,
.flat_map(|cmds| cmds.elements.iter().map(|cmd| (cmd.name.clone(), cmd)))
let features: Vec<&vkxml::Feature> = spec
.filter_map(|elem| match elem {
vkxml::RegistryElement::Features(ref features) => Some(features),
_ => None,
.flat_map(|features| features.elements.iter())
let definitions: Vec<&vkxml::DefinitionsElement> = spec
.filter_map(|elem| match elem {
vkxml::RegistryElement::Definitions(ref definitions) => Some(definitions),
_ => None,
.flat_map(|definitions| definitions.elements.iter())
let constants: Vec<&vkxml::Constant> = spec
.filter_map(|elem| match elem {
vkxml::RegistryElement::Constants(ref constants) => Some(constants),
_ => None,
.flat_map(|constants| constants.elements.iter())
let mut fn_cache = HashSet::new();
let mut bitflags_cache = HashSet::new();
let mut const_cache = HashSet::new();
let mut const_values: BTreeMap<Ident, ConstantTypeInfo> = BTreeMap::new();
let (enum_code, bitflags_code) = spec2
.filter_map(|item| match item {
vk_parse::RegistryChild::Enums(ref enums) if enums.kind.is_some() => Some(enums),
_ => None,
.map(|e| generate_enum(e, &mut const_cache, &mut const_values, &mut bitflags_cache))
.fold((Vec::new(), Vec::new()), |mut acc, elem| {
match elem {
EnumType::Enum(token) => acc.0.push(token),
EnumType::Bitflags(token) => acc.1.push(token),
let mut constants_code: Vec<_> = constants
.map(|constant| generate_constant(constant, &mut const_cache))
constants_code.push(quote! { pub const SHADER_UNUSED_NV : u32 = SHADER_UNUSED_KHR;});
let extension_code = extensions
.filter_map(|ext| {
&mut const_cache,
&mut const_values,
&mut fn_cache,
let union_types = definitions
.filter_map(|def| match def {
vkxml::DefinitionsElement::Union(ref union) => Some(union.name.as_str()),
_ => None,
let mut identifier_renames = BTreeMap::new();
let root_structs = root_structs(&definitions);
let definition_code: Vec<_> = definitions
.filter_map(|def| {
&mut bitflags_cache,
&mut const_values,
&mut identifier_renames,
let feature_code: Vec<_> = features
.map(|feature| generate_feature(feature, &commands, &mut fn_cache))
let feature_extensions_code =
generate_feature_extension(&spec2, &mut const_cache, &mut const_values);
let const_debugs = generate_const_debugs(&const_values);
let bitflags_macro = vk_bitflags_wrapped_macro();
let handle_nondispatchable_macro = handle_nondispatchable_macro();
let define_handle_macro = define_handle_macro();
let ptr_chain_code = quote! {
/// Iterates through the pointer chain. Includes the item that is passed into the function.
/// Stops at the last `BaseOutStructure` that has a null `p_next` field.
pub(crate) unsafe fn ptr_chain_iter<T>(
ptr: &mut T,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = *mut BaseOutStructure> {
let ptr: *mut BaseOutStructure = ptr as *mut T as _;
(0..).scan(ptr, |p_ptr, _| {
if p_ptr.is_null() {
return None;
let n_ptr = (**p_ptr).p_next as *mut BaseOutStructure;
let old = *p_ptr;
*p_ptr = n_ptr;
let macros_code = quote! {
let src_dir = src_dir.as_ref();
let vk_dir = src_dir.join("vk");
std::fs::create_dir_all(&vk_dir).expect("failed to create vk dir");
let mut vk_rs_file = File::create(src_dir.join("vk.rs")).expect("vk.rs");
let mut vk_macros_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("macros.rs")).expect("vk/macros.rs");
let mut vk_features_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("features.rs")).expect("vk/features.rs");
let mut vk_definitions_file =
let mut vk_enums_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("enums.rs")).expect("vk/enums.rs");
let mut vk_bitflags_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("bitflags.rs")).expect("vk/bitflags.rs");
let mut vk_constants_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("constants.rs")).expect("vk/constants.rs");
let mut vk_extensions_file =
let mut vk_feature_extensions_file =
let mut vk_const_debugs_file =
let mut vk_aliases_file = File::create(vk_dir.join("aliases.rs")).expect("vk/aliases.rs");
let feature_code = quote! {
use std::os::raw::*;
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
let definition_code = quote! {
use std::fmt;
use std::os::raw::*;
use crate::vk::{Handle, ptr_chain_iter};
use crate::vk::aliases::*;
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::constants::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
use crate::vk::native::*;
use crate::vk::platform_types::*;
let enum_code = quote! {
use std::fmt;
let bitflags_code = quote! {
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
let constants_code = quote! {
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
let extension_code = quote! {
use std::os::raw::*;
use crate::vk::platform_types::*;
use crate::vk::aliases::*;
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
let feature_extensions_code = quote! {
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
let const_debugs = quote! {
use std::fmt;
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
let aliases = quote! {
use crate::vk::bitflags::*;
use crate::vk::definitions::*;
use crate::vk::enums::*;
// These are defined outside of `quote!` because rustfmt doesn't seem
// to format them correctly when they contain extra spaces.
let vk_rs_clippy_lints = r#"
#![allow(clippy::too_many_arguments, clippy::cognitive_complexity, clippy::wrong_self_convention)]
let vk_rs_code = quote! {
mod macros;
pub use macros::*;
mod aliases;
pub use aliases::*;
mod bitflags;
pub use bitflags::*;
mod const_debugs;
pub(crate) use const_debugs::*;
mod constants;
pub use constants::*;
mod definitions;
pub use definitions::*;
mod enums;
pub use enums::*;
mod extensions;
pub use extensions::*;
mod feature_extensions;
pub use feature_extensions::*;
mod features;
pub use features::*;
/// Native bindings from Vulkan headers, generated by bindgen
pub mod native;
mod platform_types;
pub use platform_types::*;
pub trait Handle {
const TYPE: ObjectType;
fn as_raw(self) -> u64;
fn from_raw(_: u64) -> Self;
write!(&mut vk_macros_file, "{}", macros_code).expect("Unable to write vk/macros.rs");
write!(&mut vk_features_file, "{}", feature_code).expect("Unable to write vk/features.rs");
write!(&mut vk_definitions_file, "{}", definition_code)
.expect("Unable to write vk/definitions.rs");
write!(&mut vk_enums_file, "{}", enum_code).expect("Unable to write vk/enums.rs");
write!(&mut vk_bitflags_file, "{}", bitflags_code).expect("Unable to write vk/bitflags.rs");
write!(&mut vk_constants_file, "{}", constants_code).expect("Unable to write vk/constants.rs");
write!(&mut vk_extensions_file, "{}", extension_code)
.expect("Unable to write vk/extensions.rs");
&mut vk_feature_extensions_file,
.expect("Unable to write vk/feature_extensions.rs");
write!(&mut vk_const_debugs_file, "{}", const_debugs)
.expect("Unable to write vk/const_debugs.rs");
write!(&mut vk_aliases_file, "{}", aliases).expect("Unable to write vk/aliases.rs");
write!(&mut vk_rs_file, "{} {}", vk_rs_clippy_lints, vk_rs_code)
.expect("Unable to write vk.rs");
let vk_include = vk_headers_dir.join("include");
let mut bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
vk_include.to_str().expect("Valid UTF8 string")
.expect("Valid UTF8 string")
let (header_includes, header_types) = extract_native_types(&spec2);
for (_name, path) in header_includes {
let path = if path == "vk_platform.h" {
// Fix broken path, https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs/pull/1538
} else {
bindings = bindings.header(path.to_str().expect("Valid UTF8 string"));
for typ in header_types {
bindings = bindings.allowlist_type(typ);
.expect("Unable to generate native bindings")
.expect("Couldn't write native bindings!");