- Added basic animation support, via NSAnimationContext proxy objects.
These can be used to animate layout constraints and alpha values,
- Fixed a bug in ListView where the underlying NSTableView would not
redraw the full correct virtual height in some conditions.
- Added safe layout guide support to some views.
- Added a new trait to buffer ObjC object access for view and control
types. This is the supertrait of the Layout and Control traits.
- Added a Control trait, which implements various NSControl pieces.
- Added a Select control, which is a Select-ish HTML dropdown lookalike.
- Added NSURL support, which is one of the few types to expose here.
- Filesystem and pasteboard types now work with NSURLs. Users who need
pathbufs can use the provided conversion method on NSURL.
- Fixed a bug where some Window and ViewController types could wind up
in a double-init scenario.
- Adds support for NSSplitViewController.
- Reworks NSMenu support to be cleaner with enum variants.
- Reworks the Foundation underpinnings to be a bit safer and more clear
in how they're used and passed around.
- Changes to docs structure for push towards v0.1.
- Examples updated to account for changes.
- Reconfigured subclass creation, as there was a
subtle-but-big-when-it-hit bug in the prior method where bridge
callbacks would lose context of the appropriate delegate when calling
the trait method. The new approach found in `src/foundation/class.rs`
maps and caches subclass creation, and subclasses are now more
apparent when debugging from the Objective-C side as we can carry
their intended name/usage through. Not applied to all yet, but
- Cleaned up a number of linter warnings that had grown over time.
- Delegate traits now require an associated const `NAME`, which is used
for subclass creation.
- (macOS) Toolbars now supported setting selected items, which is
typically used in preferences screens.
- (macOS) Windows now support setting the toolbar display style. On Big
Sur, this works as intended - it's a noop on older OS's that don't
support it.
- Support for system icons for macOS preferences windows.
Still a bit to go to flesh this all out, but it's getting there - at
which point then iOS supoort can be folded in easier.
- Filesystem Save/Open panels can return PathBuf's instead of Url's,
which feels more native to Rust.
- Support for drawing into an Image context with Core Graphics.
- ListView swipe-to-reveal action support.
- Experimental ListView cell reuse support.
- Updates to QuickLook to also support PathBuf's.
- Added support for basic Cursor management.
- Added support for NSWindow cancelOperation: callbacks. It's not...
perfect, but it works as a discrete hook.
- Added support for NSProgressIndicator.
- Properly forward Error types from QuickLook generation calls, and
future-proof the ThumbnailQuality enum.
- Add support for configuring Label line break mode.
- Added support for Image
- Added a QuickLook feature, to enable thumbnail generation.
- Added support for NSButton.
- Fixed a bug where App activation under Big Sur would leave menus
without the ability to be used.
- Added the ability for Buttons and ToolbarItems to execute callbacks.
- Added support for Labels and TextFields.
- Added support for MenuItems to have callbacks as well.
- Preliminary ListView support; you have to cache your ListViewRow items
yourself for the time being, but it works.
- Animation support for ListView operations.
- Support for ScrollViews.
- Helpers for dispatching actions to the main thread (for UI work).
- Updated the Dispatcher trait to make thread handling simpler.
- Basic font support.