//! This example implements a basic macOS Calculator clone. It showcases: //! //! - A single-window app //! - Button handling //! - Autolayout //! - Message dispatching //! - Global key/event handling //! //! It does not attempt to be a good calculator, and does not implement the //! extended Calculator view. use std::sync::RwLock; use cacao::appkit::{App, AppDelegate}; use cacao::appkit::window::{Window, WindowConfig, TitleVisibility}; use cacao::appkit::{Event, EventMask, EventMonitor}; use cacao::color::Color; use cacao::notification_center::Dispatcher; use cacao::view::View; mod button_row; mod calculator; mod content_view; use content_view::CalculatorView; struct CalculatorApp { window: Window, content: View, key_monitor: RwLock> } impl AppDelegate for CalculatorApp { fn did_finish_launching(&self) { App::activate(); // Event Monitors need to be started after the App has been activated. // We use an RwLock here, but it's possible this entire method can be // &mut self and you wouldn't need these kinds of shenanigans. //self.start_monitoring(); self.window.set_title("Calculator"); self.window.set_background_color(Color::rgb(49,49,49)); self.window.set_title_visibility(TitleVisibility::Hidden); self.window.set_titlebar_appears_transparent(true); self.window.set_movable_by_background(true); self.window.set_autosave_name("CacaoCalculatorExampleWindow"); self.window.set_content_view(&self.content); self.window.show(); } fn should_terminate_after_last_window_closed(&self) -> bool { true } } impl Dispatcher for CalculatorApp { type Message = String; fn on_ui_message(&self, message: Self::Message) { if let Some(delegate) = &self.content.delegate { delegate.render_update(message); } } } impl CalculatorApp { /// Monitor for key presses, and dispatch if they match an action /// we're after. pub fn start_monitoring(&self) { let mut lock = self.key_monitor.write().unwrap(); *lock = Some(Event::local_monitor(EventMask::KeyDown, |evt| { let characters = evt.characters(); println!("{}", characters); //use calculator::{dispatch, Msg}; /*match characters.as_ref() { "0" => dispatch(Msg::Push(0)), "1" => dispatch(Msg::Push(1)), "2" => dispatch(Msg::Push(2)), "3" => dispatch(Msg::Push(3)), "4" => dispatch(Msg::Push(4)), "5" => dispatch(Msg::Push(5)), "6" => dispatch(Msg::Push(6)), "7" => dispatch(Msg::Push(7)), "8" => dispatch(Msg::Push(8)), "9" => dispatch(Msg::Push(9)), "+" => dispatch(Msg::Add), "-" => dispatch(Msg::Subtract), "*" => dispatch(Msg::Multiply), "/" => dispatch(Msg::Divide), "=" => dispatch(Msg::Equals), "%" => dispatch(Msg::Mod), "c" => dispatch(Msg::Clear), "." => dispatch(Msg::Decimal), _ => {} }*/ None })); } } fn main() { let mut config = WindowConfig::default(); config.set_initial_dimensions(100., 100., 240., 300.); App::new("com.example.calculator", CalculatorApp { window: Window::new(config), content: View::with(CalculatorView::new()), key_monitor: RwLock::new(None) }).run(); }