//! Implements an NSToolbar, which is one of those macOS niceties //! that makes it feel... "proper". //! //! UNFORTUNATELY, this is a very old and janky API. So... yeah. use std::cell::RefCell; use std::rc::Rc; use cocoa::base::{id, nil}; use cocoa::foundation::NSString; use objc_id::ShareId; use objc::{msg_send, sel, sel_impl}; use crate::constants::TOOLBAR_PTR; use crate::toolbar::class::register_toolbar_class; use crate::toolbar::handle::ToolbarHandle; use crate::toolbar::traits::ToolbarController; use crate::toolbar::types::{ToolbarDisplayMode, ToolbarSizeMode}; /// A wrapper for `NSToolbar`. Holds (retains) pointers for the Objective-C runtime /// where our `NSToolbar` and associated delegate live. pub struct Toolbar { /// A pointer that we "forget" until dropping this struct. This allows us to keep the retain /// count of things appropriate until the Toolbar is done. internal_callback_ptr: *const RefCell, /// An internal identifier used by the toolbar. We cache it here in case users want it. pub identifier: String, /// The Objective-C runtime controller (the toolbar, really - it does double duty). pub objc_controller: ToolbarHandle, /// The user supplied controller. pub controller: Rc> } impl Toolbar where T: ToolbarController + 'static { /// Creates a new `NSToolbar` instance, configures it appropriately, injects an `NSObject` /// delegate wrapper, and retains the necessary Objective-C runtime pointers. pub fn new>(identifier: S, controller: T) -> Self { let identifier = identifier.into(); let controller = Rc::new(RefCell::new(controller)); let internal_callback_ptr = { let cloned = Rc::clone(&controller); Rc::into_raw(cloned) }; let objc_controller = unsafe { let delegate_class = register_toolbar_class::(); let identifier = NSString::alloc(nil).init_str(&identifier); let alloc: id = msg_send![delegate_class, alloc]; let toolbar: id = msg_send![alloc, initWithIdentifier:identifier]; (&mut *toolbar).set_ivar(TOOLBAR_PTR, internal_callback_ptr as usize); let _: () = msg_send![toolbar, setDelegate:toolbar]; ShareId::from_ptr(toolbar) }; { let mut c = controller.borrow_mut(); (*c).did_load(ToolbarHandle(objc_controller.clone())); } Toolbar { internal_callback_ptr: internal_callback_ptr, identifier: identifier, objc_controller: ToolbarHandle(objc_controller), controller: controller } } /// Indicates whether the toolbar shows the separator between the toolbar and the main window /// contents. pub fn set_shows_baseline_separator(&self, shows: bool) { self.objc_controller.set_shows_baseline_separator(shows); } /// Sets the toolbar's display mode. pub fn set_display_mode(&self, mode: ToolbarDisplayMode) { self.objc_controller.set_display_mode(mode); } /// Sets the toolbar's size mode. pub fn set_size_mode(&self, mode: ToolbarSizeMode) { self.objc_controller.set_size_mode(mode); } /// Set whether the toolbar is visible or not. pub fn set_visible(&self, visibility: bool) { self.objc_controller.set_visible(visibility); } } impl Drop for Toolbar { /// A bit of extra cleanup for delegate callback pointers. /// Note: this currently doesn't check to see if it needs to be removed from a Window it's /// attached to. In theory this is fine... in practice (and in Rust) it might be wonky, so /// worth circling back on at some point. fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { let _ = Rc::from_raw(self.internal_callback_ptr); } } }