//! This module does one specific thing: register a custom `NSView` class that's... brought to the //! modern era. //! //! I kid, I kid. //! //! It just enforces that coordinates are judged from the top-left, which is what most people look //! for in the modern era. It also implements a few helpers for things like setting a background //! color, and enforcing layer backing by default. use std::sync::Once; use objc::declare::ClassDecl; use objc::runtime::{Class, Object, Sel, BOOL}; use objc::{class, msg_send, sel, sel_impl}; use objc_id::Id; use crate::dragdrop::DragInfo; use crate::foundation::{id, load_or_register_class, nil, NSUInteger, NO, YES}; use crate::utils::load; use crate::view::{ViewDelegate, BACKGROUND_COLOR, VIEW_DELEGATE_PTR}; /// Enforces normalcy, or: a needlessly cruel method in terms of the name. You get the idea though. extern "C" fn enforce_normalcy(_: &Object, _: Sel) -> BOOL { return YES; } /// Called when a drag/drop operation has entered this view. extern "C" fn dragging_entered(this: &mut Object, _: Sel, info: id) -> NSUInteger { let view = load::(this, VIEW_DELEGATE_PTR); view.dragging_entered(DragInfo { info: unsafe { Id::from_ptr(info) } }) .into() } /// Called when a drag/drop operation has entered this view. extern "C" fn prepare_for_drag_operation(this: &mut Object, _: Sel, info: id) -> BOOL { let view = load::(this, VIEW_DELEGATE_PTR); match view.prepare_for_drag_operation(DragInfo { info: unsafe { Id::from_ptr(info) } }) { true => YES, false => NO } } /// Called when a drag/drop operation has entered this view. extern "C" fn perform_drag_operation(this: &mut Object, _: Sel, info: id) -> BOOL { let view = load::(this, VIEW_DELEGATE_PTR); match view.perform_drag_operation(DragInfo { info: unsafe { Id::from_ptr(info) } }) { true => YES, false => NO } } /// Called when a drag/drop operation has entered this view. extern "C" fn conclude_drag_operation(this: &mut Object, _: Sel, info: id) { let view = load::(this, VIEW_DELEGATE_PTR); view.conclude_drag_operation(DragInfo { info: unsafe { Id::from_ptr(info) } }); } /// Called when a drag/drop operation has entered this view. extern "C" fn dragging_exited(this: &mut Object, _: Sel, info: id) { let view = load::(this, VIEW_DELEGATE_PTR); view.dragging_exited(DragInfo { info: unsafe { Id::from_ptr(info) } }); } /// Called for layer updates. extern "C" fn update_layer(this: &Object, _: Sel) { unsafe { let background_color: id = *this.get_ivar(BACKGROUND_COLOR); if background_color != nil { let layer: id = msg_send![this, layer]; let cg: id = msg_send![background_color, CGColor]; let _: () = msg_send![layer, setBackgroundColor: cg]; } } } /// Injects an `NSView` subclass. This is used for the default views that don't use delegates - we /// have separate classes here since we don't want to waste cycles on methods that will never be /// used if there's no delegates. pub(crate) fn register_view_class() -> *const Class { static mut VIEW_CLASS: *const Class = 0 as *const Class; static INIT: Once = Once::new(); INIT.call_once(|| unsafe { let superclass = class!(NSView); let mut decl = ClassDecl::new("RSTView", superclass).unwrap(); decl.add_method(sel!(isFlipped), enforce_normalcy as extern "C" fn(&Object, _) -> BOOL); decl.add_method(sel!(updateLayer), update_layer as extern "C" fn(&Object, _)); decl.add_method(sel!(wantsUpdateLayer), enforce_normalcy as extern "C" fn(&Object, _) -> BOOL); decl.add_ivar::(BACKGROUND_COLOR); VIEW_CLASS = decl.register(); }); unsafe { VIEW_CLASS } } /// Injects an `NSView` subclass, with some callback and pointer ivars for what we /// need to do. pub(crate) fn register_view_class_with_delegate(instance: &T) -> *const Class { load_or_register_class("NSView", instance.subclass_name(), |decl| unsafe { // A pointer to the ViewDelegate instance on the Rust side. // It's expected that this doesn't move. decl.add_ivar::(VIEW_DELEGATE_PTR); decl.add_ivar::(BACKGROUND_COLOR); decl.add_method(sel!(updateLayer), update_layer as extern "C" fn(&Object, _)); decl.add_method(sel!(wantsUpdateLayer), enforce_normalcy as extern "C" fn(&Object, _) -> BOOL); decl.add_method(sel!(isFlipped), enforce_normalcy as extern "C" fn(&Object, _) -> BOOL); // Drag and drop operations (e.g, accepting files) decl.add_method( sel!(draggingEntered:), dragging_entered:: as extern "C" fn(&mut Object, _, _) -> NSUInteger ); decl.add_method( sel!(prepareForDragOperation:), prepare_for_drag_operation:: as extern "C" fn(&mut Object, _, _) -> BOOL ); decl.add_method( sel!(performDragOperation:), perform_drag_operation:: as extern "C" fn(&mut Object, _, _) -> BOOL ); decl.add_method( sel!(concludeDragOperation:), conclude_drag_operation:: as extern "C" fn(&mut Object, _, _) ); decl.add_method( sel!(draggingExited:), dragging_exited:: as extern "C" fn(&mut Object, _, _) ); }) }