//! The main Todos window toolbar. Contains a button to enable adding a new task. use cacao::appkit::toolbar::{ItemIdentifier, Toolbar, ToolbarDelegate, ToolbarDisplayMode, ToolbarItem}; use cacao::button::Button; use crate::storage::{dispatch_ui, Message}; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TodosToolbar(ToolbarItem); impl Default for TodosToolbar { fn default() -> Self { TodosToolbar({ let mut item = ToolbarItem::new("AddTodoButton"); item.set_title("Add Todo"); item.set_button(Button::new("+ New")); item.set_action(|| { dispatch_ui(Message::OpenNewTodoSheet); }); item }) } } impl ToolbarDelegate for TodosToolbar { const NAME: &'static str = "TodosToolbar"; fn did_load(&mut self, toolbar: Toolbar) { toolbar.set_display_mode(ToolbarDisplayMode::IconOnly); } fn allowed_item_identifiers(&self) -> Vec<ItemIdentifier> { vec![ItemIdentifier::Custom("AddTodoButton")] } fn default_item_identifiers(&self) -> Vec<ItemIdentifier> { vec![ItemIdentifier::Custom("AddTodoButton")] } // We only have one item, so we don't care about the identifier. fn item_for(&self, _identifier: &str) -> &ToolbarItem { &self.0 } }