//! This example showcases setting up a basic application and window delegate. //! Window Delegate's give you lifecycle methods that you can respond to. use cacao::appkit::{App, AppDelegate}; use cacao::appkit::menu::{Menu, MenuItem}; use cacao::appkit::window::{Window, WindowConfig, WindowDelegate}; struct BasicApp { window: Window<MyWindow> } impl AppDelegate for BasicApp { fn did_finish_launching(&self) { App::set_menu(vec![ Menu::new("", vec![ MenuItem::Services, MenuItem::Separator, MenuItem::Hide, MenuItem::HideOthers, MenuItem::ShowAll, MenuItem::Separator, MenuItem::Quit ]), Menu::new("File", vec![ MenuItem::CloseWindow ]), Menu::new("View", vec![ MenuItem::EnterFullScreen ]), Menu::new("Window", vec![ MenuItem::Minimize, MenuItem::Zoom, MenuItem::Separator, MenuItem::new("Bring All to Front") ]) ]); App::activate(); self.window.show(); } fn should_terminate_after_last_window_closed(&self) -> bool { true } } #[derive(Default)] struct MyWindow; impl WindowDelegate for MyWindow { const NAME: &'static str = "MyWindow"; fn did_load(&mut self, window: Window) { window.set_minimum_content_size(400., 400.); window.set_title("A Basic Window!?"); } fn will_close(&self) { println!("Closing now!"); } fn will_move(&self) { println!("Will move..."); } fn did_move(&self) { println!("Did move..."); } fn will_resize(&self, width: f64, height: f64) -> (f64, f64) { println!("Resizing to: {} {}", width, height); (width, height) } } fn main() { App::new("com.test.window-delegate", BasicApp { window: Window::with(WindowConfig::default(), MyWindow::default()) }).run(); }