
248 lines
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//! Implements a WebView, which wraps a number of different classes/delegates/controllers into one
//! useful interface. This encompasses...
//! - `WKWebView`
//! - `WKUIDelegate`
//! - `WKScriptMessageHandler`
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use objc_id::ShareId;
use objc::runtime::Object;
use objc::{class, msg_send, sel, sel_impl};
use crate::foundation::{id, YES, NO, CGRect, NSString};
use crate::geometry::Rect;
use crate::layout::{Layout, LayoutAnchorX, LayoutAnchorY, LayoutAnchorDimension};
pub mod actions;
pub mod enums;
pub(crate) mod class;
use class::{register_webview_class, register_webview_delegate_class};
//pub(crate) mod process_pool;
pub mod traits;
pub use traits::WebViewDelegate;
pub mod config;
pub use config::WebViewConfig;
pub(crate) static WEBVIEW_DELEGATE_PTR: &str = "rstWebViewDelegatePtr";
fn allocate_webview(
mut config: WebViewConfig,
objc_delegate: Option<&Object>
) -> id {
unsafe {
// Not a fan of this, but we own it anyway, so... meh.
let handlers = std::mem::take(&mut config.handlers);
let configuration = config.into_inner();
if let Some(delegate) = &objc_delegate {
// Technically private!
#[cfg(feature = "webview-downloading")]
let process_pool: id = msg_send![configuration, processPool];
#[cfg(feature = "webview-downloading")]
let _: () = msg_send![process_pool, _setDownloadDelegate:*delegate];
let content_controller: id = msg_send![configuration, userContentController];
for handler in handlers {
let name = NSString::new(&handler);
let _: () = msg_send![content_controller, addScriptMessageHandler:*delegate name:name];
let zero: CGRect = Rect::zero().into();
let webview_alloc: id = msg_send![register_webview_class(), alloc];
let webview: id = msg_send![webview_alloc, initWithFrame:zero configuration:configuration];
let _: () = msg_send![webview, setWantsLayer:YES];
let _: () = msg_send![webview, setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO];
if let Some(delegate) = &objc_delegate {
let _: () = msg_send![webview, setNavigationDelegate:*delegate];
let _: () = msg_send![webview, setUIDelegate:*delegate];
pub struct WebView<T = ()> {
/// A pointer to the Objective-C runtime view controller.
pub objc: ShareId<Object>,
/// We need to store the underlying delegate separately from the `WKWebView` - this is a where
/// we do so.
pub objc_delegate: Option<ShareId<Object>>,
/// An internal callback pointer that we use in delegate loopbacks. Default implementations
/// don't require this.
pub(crate) internal_callback_ptr: Option<*const RefCell<T>>,
/// A pointer to the delegate for this view.
pub delegate: Option<Rc<RefCell<T>>>,
/// A pointer to the Objective-C runtime top layout constraint.
pub top: LayoutAnchorY,
/// A pointer to the Objective-C runtime leading layout constraint.
pub leading: LayoutAnchorX,
/// A pointer to the Objective-C runtime trailing layout constraint.
pub trailing: LayoutAnchorX,
/// A pointer to the Objective-C runtime bottom layout constraint.
pub bottom: LayoutAnchorY,
/// A pointer to the Objective-C runtime width layout constraint.
pub width: LayoutAnchorDimension,
/// A pointer to the Objective-C runtime height layout constraint.
pub height: LayoutAnchorDimension,
/// A pointer to the Objective-C runtime center X layout constraint.
pub center_x: LayoutAnchorX,
/// A pointer to the Objective-C runtime center Y layout constraint.
pub center_y: LayoutAnchorY
impl Default for WebView {
fn default() -> Self {
impl WebView {
pub fn new(config: WebViewConfig) -> Self {
let view = allocate_webview(config, None);
WebView {
internal_callback_ptr: None,
delegate: None,
objc_delegate: None,
top: LayoutAnchorY::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, topAnchor] }),
leading: LayoutAnchorX::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, leadingAnchor] }),
trailing: LayoutAnchorX::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, trailingAnchor] }),
bottom: LayoutAnchorY::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, bottomAnchor] }),
width: LayoutAnchorDimension::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, widthAnchor] }),
height: LayoutAnchorDimension::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, heightAnchor] }),
center_x: LayoutAnchorX::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, centerXAnchor] }),
center_y: LayoutAnchorY::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, centerYAnchor] }),
objc: unsafe { ShareId::from_ptr(view) },
impl<T> WebView<T> where T: WebViewDelegate + 'static {
/// Initializes a new WebView with a given `WebViewDelegate`. This enables you to respond to events
/// and customize the view as a module, similar to class-based systems.
pub fn with(config: WebViewConfig, delegate: T) -> WebView<T> {
let delegate = Rc::new(RefCell::new(delegate));
let internal_callback_ptr = {
let cloned = Rc::clone(&delegate);
let objc_delegate = unsafe {
let objc_delegate: id = msg_send![register_webview_delegate_class::<T>(), new];
(&mut *objc_delegate).set_ivar(WEBVIEW_DELEGATE_PTR, internal_callback_ptr as usize);
let view = allocate_webview(config, Some(&objc_delegate));
let mut view = WebView {
internal_callback_ptr: Some(internal_callback_ptr),
delegate: None,
objc_delegate: Some(objc_delegate),
top: LayoutAnchorY::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, topAnchor] }),
leading: LayoutAnchorX::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, leadingAnchor] }),
trailing: LayoutAnchorX::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, trailingAnchor] }),
bottom: LayoutAnchorY::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, bottomAnchor] }),
width: LayoutAnchorDimension::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, widthAnchor] }),
height: LayoutAnchorDimension::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, heightAnchor] }),
center_x: LayoutAnchorX::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, centerXAnchor] }),
center_y: LayoutAnchorY::new(unsafe { msg_send![view, centerYAnchor] }),
objc: unsafe { ShareId::from_ptr(view) },
let mut delegate = delegate.borrow_mut();
view.delegate = Some(delegate);
impl<T> WebView<T> {
/// An internal method that returns a clone of this object, sans references to the delegate or
/// callback pointer. We use this in calling `did_load()` - implementing delegates get a way to
/// reference, customize and use the view but without the trickery of holding pieces of the
/// delegate - the `View` is the only true holder of those.
pub(crate) fn clone_as_handle(&self) -> WebView {
WebView {
internal_callback_ptr: None,
delegate: None,
leading: self.leading.clone(),
trailing: self.trailing.clone(),
bottom: self.bottom.clone(),
width: self.width.clone(),
height: self.height.clone(),
center_x: self.center_x.clone(),
center_y: self.center_y.clone(),
objc: self.objc.clone(),
objc_delegate: None
/// Given a URL, instructs the WebView to load it.
// @TODO: Make this take Url instead? Fine for testing now I suppose.
pub fn load_url(&self, url: &str) {
let url = NSString::new(url);
unsafe {
let u: id = msg_send![class!(NSURL), URLWithString:url.into_inner()];
let request: id = msg_send![class!(NSURLRequest), requestWithURL:u];
let _: () = msg_send![&*self.objc, loadRequest:request];
impl<T> Layout for WebView<T> {
/// Returns the Objective-C object used for handling the view heirarchy.
fn get_backing_node(&self) -> ShareId<Object> {
/// Currently, this is a noop. Theoretically there is reason to support this, but in practice
/// I've never seen it needed... but am open to discussion.
fn add_subview<V: Layout>(&self, _: &V) {}
impl<T> std::fmt::Debug for WebView<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "WebView ({:p})", self)
impl<T> Drop for WebView<T> {
/// A bit of extra cleanup for delegate callback pointers.
fn drop(&mut self) {
/*println!("... {}", self.delegate.is_some());
if let Some(delegate) = &self.delegate {
println!("Strong count: {}", Rc::strong_count(&delegate));
if Rc::strong_count(&delegate) == 1 {
let _ = unsafe {