207 lines
7 KiB
207 lines
7 KiB
//! Implements `FileSelectPanel`, which allows the user to select files for processing and hands you
//! urls to work with. It currently doesn't implement _everything_ necessary, but it's functional
//! enough for general use.
use std::path::PathBuf;
use block::ConcreteBlock;
use objc::runtime::Object;
use objc::{class, msg_send, sel, sel_impl};
use objc_id::ShareId;
use crate::filesystem::enums::ModalResponse;
use crate::foundation::{id, nil, NSInteger, NSString, NO, NSURL, YES};
#[cfg(feature = "appkit")]
use crate::appkit::window::{Window, WindowDelegate};
pub struct FileSelectPanel {
/// The internal Objective C `NSOpenPanel` instance.
pub panel: ShareId<Object>,
/// The internal `NSObject` that routes delegate callbacks around.
pub delegate: ShareId<Object>,
/// Whether the user can choose files. Defaults to `true`.
pub can_choose_files: bool,
/// Whether the user can choose directories. Defaults to `false`.
pub can_choose_directories: bool,
/// When the value of this property is true, dropping an alias on the panel or asking
/// for filenames or URLs returns the resolved aliases. The default value of this property
/// is true. When this value is false, selecting an alias returns the alias instead of the
/// file or directory it represents.
pub resolves_aliases: bool,
/// When the value of this property is true, the user may select multiple items from the
/// browser. Defaults to `false`.
pub allows_multiple_selection: bool
impl Default for FileSelectPanel {
fn default() -> Self {
impl FileSelectPanel {
/// Creates and returns a `FileSelectPanel`, which holds pointers to the Objective C runtime for
/// instrumenting the dialog.
pub fn new() -> Self {
FileSelectPanel {
panel: unsafe {
let cls = class!(NSOpenPanel);
let x: id = msg_send![cls, openPanel];
delegate: unsafe { ShareId::from_ptr(msg_send![class!(NSObject), new]) },
can_choose_files: true,
can_choose_directories: false,
resolves_aliases: true,
allows_multiple_selection: true
pub fn set_delegate(&mut self) {}
/// Sets whether files can be chosen by the user.
pub fn set_can_choose_files(&mut self, can_choose: bool) {
unsafe {
let _: () = msg_send![&*self.panel, setCanChooseFiles:match can_choose {
true => YES,
false => NO
self.can_choose_files = can_choose;
/// Set the message text displayed in the panel.
pub fn set_message<S: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, message: S) {
unsafe {
let message = NSString::new(message.as_ref());
let _: () = msg_send![&*self.panel, setMessage:&*message];
/// Sets whether the user can choose directories.
pub fn set_can_choose_directories(&mut self, can_choose: bool) {
unsafe {
let _: () = msg_send![&*self.panel, setCanChooseDirectories:match can_choose {
true => YES,
false => NO
self.can_choose_directories = can_choose;
/// Sets whether the panel resolves aliases.
pub fn set_resolves_aliases(&mut self, resolves: bool) {
unsafe {
let _: () = msg_send![&*self.panel, setResolvesAliases:match resolves {
true => YES,
false => NO
self.resolves_aliases = resolves;
/// Sets whether the panel allows multiple selections.
pub fn set_allows_multiple_selection(&mut self, allows: bool) {
unsafe {
let _: () = msg_send![&*self.panel, setAllowsMultipleSelection:match allows {
true => YES,
false => NO
self.allows_multiple_selection = allows;
/// Shows the panel as a modal.
/// Note that this clones the underlying `NSOpenPanel` pointer. This is theoretically safe as
/// the system runs and manages that in another process, and we're still abiding by the general
/// retain/ownership rules here.
/// This is offered for scenarios where you don't necessarily have a Window (e.g, a shell
/// script) or can't easily pass one to use as a sheet.
pub fn show<F>(&self, handler: F)
F: Fn(Vec<NSURL>) + 'static
let panel = self.panel.clone();
let completion = ConcreteBlock::new(move |result: NSInteger| {
let response: ModalResponse = result.into();
handler(match response {
ModalResponse::Ok => get_urls(&panel),
_ => Vec::new()
unsafe {
let _: () = msg_send![&*self.panel, beginWithCompletionHandler:completion.copy()];
/// As panels descend behind the scenes from `NSWindow`, we can call through to close it.
/// You should really prefer to utilize sheets to display panels; this is offered as a
/// convenience for rare cases where you might need to retain a panel and close it later on.
pub fn close(&self) {
unsafe {
let _: () = msg_send![&*self.panel, close];
/// Shows the panel as a modal. Currently, this method accepts `Window`s which use a delegate.
/// If you're using a `Window` without a delegate, you may need to opt to use the `show()`
/// method.
/// Note that this clones the underlying `NSOpenPanel` pointer. This is theoretically safe as
/// the system runs and manages that in another process, and we're still abiding by the general
/// retain/ownership rules here.
pub fn begin_sheet<T, F>(&self, window: &Window<T>, handler: F)
F: Fn(Vec<NSURL>) + 'static
let panel = self.panel.clone();
let completion = ConcreteBlock::new(move |result: NSInteger| {
let response: ModalResponse = result.into();
handler(match response {
ModalResponse::Ok => get_urls(&panel),
_ => Vec::new()
unsafe {
let _: () = msg_send![&*self.panel, beginSheetModalForWindow:&*window.objc completionHandler:completion.copy()];
/// Retrieves the selected URLs from the provided panel.
/// This is currently a bit ugly, but it's also not something that needs to be the best thing in
/// the world as it (ideally) shouldn't be called repeatedly in hot spots.
/// (We mostly do this to find the sweet spot between Rust constructs and necessary Foundation
/// interaction patterns)
fn get_urls(panel: &Object) -> Vec<NSURL> {
unsafe {
let urls: id = msg_send![&*panel, URLs];
let count: usize = msg_send![urls, count];
.map(|index| NSURL::retain(msg_send![urls, objectAtIndex: index]))