mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 23:07:49 +11:00
more BIOS
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 473 additions and 73 deletions
@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ An output constraint starts with a symbol:
Followed by _either_ the letter `r` (if you want LLVM to pick the register to
Followed by _either_ the letter `r` (if you want LLVM to pick the register to
use) or curly braces around a specific register (if you want to pick).
use) or curly braces around a specific register (if you want to pick).
* The binding can be any 32-bit sized binding in scope (`i32`, `u32`, `isize`,
* The binding can be any single 32-bit or smaller value.
`usize`, etc).
* If your binding has bit pattern requirements ("must be non-zero", etc) you are
* If your binding has bit pattern requirements ("must be non-zero", etc) you are
responsible for upholding that.
responsible for upholding that.
* If your binding type will try to `Drop` later then you are responsible for it
* If your binding type will try to `Drop` later then you are responsible for it
@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ This is a similar comma separated list.
An input constraint doesn't have the symbol prefix, you just pick either `r` or
An input constraint doesn't have the symbol prefix, you just pick either `r` or
a named register with curly braces around it.
a named register with curly braces around it.
* An input binding must be 32-bit sized.
* An input binding must be a single 32-bit or smaller value.
* An input binding _should_ be a type that is `Copy` but this is not an absolute
* An input binding _should_ be a type that is `Copy` but this is not an absolute
requirement. Having the input be read is semantically similar to using
requirement. Having the input be read is semantically similar to using
`core::ptr::read(&binding)` and forgetting the value when you're done.
`core::ptr::read(&binding)` and forgetting the value when you're done.
@ -167,12 +166,11 @@ Failure to define all of your clobbers can cause UB.
### Options
### Options
There's only one option we'd care to specify, and we don't even always need it.
There's only one option we'd care to specify. That option is "volatile".
That option is "volatile".
Just like with a function call, LLVM will skip a block of asm if it doesn't see
Just like with a function call, LLVM will skip a block of asm if it doesn't see
that any outputs from the asm were used later on. A lot of our BIOS calls will
that any outputs from the asm were used later on. Nearly every single BIOS call
need to be declared "volatile" because to LLVM they don't seem to do anything.
(other than the math operations) will need to be marked as "volatile".
@ -190,15 +188,8 @@ to invoke. If you're in 16-bit code you use the value directly, and if you're in
### Example BIOS Function: Division
### Example BIOS Function: Division
The GBA doesn't have hardware division. You have to do it in software.
For our example we'll use the division function, because GBATEK gives very clear
instructions on how each register is used with that one:
We could potentially implement this in Rust (we might get around to trying that,
I was even sent [a link to a
that I promptly did not actually read right away), or you can call the BIOS to
do it for you and trust that big N did a good enough job.
GBATEK gives a fairly clear explanation of our inputs and outputs:
Signed Division, r0/r1.
Signed Division, r0/r1.
@ -214,7 +205,7 @@ The function usually gets caught in an endless loop upon division by zero.
The math folks tell me that the `r1` value should be properly called the
The math folks tell me that the `r1` value should be properly called the
"remainder" not the "modulus". We'll go with that for our function, doesn't hurt
"remainder" not the "modulus". We'll go with that for our function, doesn't hurt
to use the correct names. The function itself is an assert against dividing by
to use the correct names. Our Rust function has an assert against dividing by
`0`, then we name some bindings _without_ giving them a value, we make the asm
`0`, then we name some bindings _without_ giving them a value, we make the asm
call, and then return what we got.
call, and then return what we got.
@ -235,4 +226,282 @@ pub fn div_rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
I _hope_ this makes sense by now.
I _hope_ this all makes sense by now.
# BIOS Function Definitions
What follows is one entry for every BIOS call function, sorted by `swi` value
(which also _kinda_ sorts them into themed groups too).
All functions here are marked with `#[inline(always)]`, which I wouldn't
normally bother with, but the compiler can't see that the ASM we use is
immediately a second function call, so we want to be very sure that it gets
inlined as much as possible. You should probably be using Link Time Optimization
in your release mode GBA games just to get that extra boost, but
`#[inline(always)]` will help keep debug builds going at a good speed too.
The entries here in the book are basically just copy pasting the source for each
function from the `gba::bios` module of the crate. The actual asm invocation
itself is uninteresting, but I've attempted to make the documentation for each
function clear and complete.
## CPU Control / Reset
### Soft Reset (0x00)
/// (`swi 0x00`) SoftReset the device.
/// This function does not ever return.
/// Instead, it clears the top `0x200` bytes of IWRAM (containing stacks, and
/// BIOS IRQ vector/flags), re-initializes the system, supervisor, and irq stack
/// pointers (new values listed below), sets `r0` through `r12`, `LR_svc`,
/// `SPSR_svc`, `LR_irq`, and `SPSR_irq` to zero, and enters system mode. The
/// return address is loaded into `r14` and then the function jumps there with
/// `bx r14`.
/// * sp_svc: `0x300_7FE0`
/// * sp_irq: `0x300_7FA0`
/// * sp_sys: `0x300_7F00`
/// * Zero-filled Area: `0x300_7E00` to `0x300_7FFF`
/// * Return Address: Depends on the 8-bit flag value at `0x300_7FFA`. In either
/// case execution proceeds in ARM mode.
/// * zero flag: `0x800_0000` (ROM), which for our builds means that the
/// `crt0` program to execute (just like with a fresh boot), and then
/// control passes into `main` and so on.
/// * non-zero flag: `0x200_0000` (RAM), This is where a multiboot image would
/// go if you were doing a multiboot thing. However, this project doesn't
/// support multiboot at the moment. You'd need an entirely different build
/// pipeline because there's differences in header format and things like
/// that. Perhaps someday, but probably not even then. Submit the PR for it
/// if you like!
/// ## Safety
/// This functions isn't ever unsafe to the current iteration of the program.
/// However, because not all memory is fully cleared you theoretically could
/// threaten the _next_ iteration of the program that runs. I'm _fairly_
/// convinced that you can't actually use this to force purely safe code to
/// perform UB, but such a scenario might exist.
pub unsafe fn soft_reset() -> ! {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x00"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
### Register / RAM Reset (0x01)
/// (`swi 0x01`) RegisterRamReset.
/// Clears the portions of memory given by the `flags` value, sets the Display
/// Control Register to `0x80` (forced blank and nothing else), then returns.
/// * Flag bits:
/// 0) Clears the 256k of EWRAM (don't use if this is where your function call
/// will return to!)
/// 1) Clears the 32k of IWRAM _excluding_ the last `0x200` bytes (see also:
/// the `soft_reset` function).
/// 2) Clears all Palette data.
/// 3) Clears all VRAM.
/// 4) Clears all OAM (reminder: a zeroed obj isn't disabled!)
/// 5) Reset SIO registers (resets them to general purpose mode)
/// 6) Reset Sound registers
/// 7) Reset all IO registers _other than_ SIO and Sound
/// **Bug:** The least significant byte of `SIODATA32` is always zeroed, even if
/// bit 5 was not enabled. This is sadly a bug in the design of the GBA itself.
/// ## Safety
/// It is generally a safe operation to suddenly clear any part of the GBA's
/// memory, except in the case that you were executing out of IWRAM and clear
/// that. If you do that you return to nothing and have a bad time.
pub unsafe fn register_ram_reset(flags: u8) {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x01"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(flags)
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
//TODO(lokathor): newtype this flag business.
### Halt (0x02)
### Stop / Sleep (0x03)
### Interrupt Wait (0x04)
### VBlank Interrupt Wait (0x05)
## Math
For the math functions to make sense you'll want to be familiar with the fixed
point math concepts from the [Fixed Only](../01-quirks/02-fixed_only.md) section
of the Quirks chapter.
### Div (0x06)
/// (`swi 0x06`) Software Division and Remainder.
/// ## Panics
/// If the denominator is 0.
pub fn div_rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
assert!(denominator != 0);
let div_out: i32;
let rem_out: i32;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x06"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(div_out), "={r1}"(rem_out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(numerator), "{r1}"(denominator)
:/* CLO */ "r3"
:/* OPT */
(div_out, rem_out)
/// As `div_rem`, but keeping only the `div` part.
pub fn div(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> i32 {
div_rem(numerator, denominator).0
/// As `div_rem`, but keeping only the `rem` part.
pub fn rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> i32 {
div_rem(numerator, denominator).1
### DivArm (0x07)
This is exactly like Div, but with the input arguments swapped. It ends up being
exactly 3 cycles slower than normal Div because it swaps the input arguments to
the positions that Div is expecting ("move r0 -> r3, mov r1 -> r0, mov r3 ->
r1") and then goes to the normal Div function.
You can basically forget about this function. It's for compatibility with other
ARM software conventions, which we don't need. Just use normal Div.
### Sqrt (0x08)
/// (`swi 0x08`) Integer square root.
/// If you want more fractional precision, you can shift your input to the left
/// by `2n` bits to get `n` more bits of fractional precision in your output.
pub fn sqrt(val: u32) -> u16 {
let out: u16;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x08"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(val)
:/* CLO */ "r1", "r3"
:/* OPT */
### ArcTan (0x09)
/// (`swi 0x09`) Gives the arctangent of `theta`.
/// The input format is 1 bit for sign, 1 bit for integral part, 14 bits for
/// fractional part.
/// Accuracy suffers if `theta` is less than `-pi/4` or greater than `pi/4`.
pub fn atan(theta: i16) -> i16 {
let out: i16;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x09"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(theta)
:/* CLO */ "r1", "r3"
:/* OPT */
### ArcTan2 (0x0A)
/// (`swi 0x0A`) Gives the atan2 of `y` over `x`.
/// The output `theta` value maps into the range `[0, 2pi)`, or `0 .. 2pi` if
/// you prefer Rust's range notation.
/// `y` and `x` use the same format as with `atan`: 1 bit for sign, 1 bit for
/// integral, 14 bits for fractional.
pub fn atan2(y: i16, x: i16) -> u16 {
let out: u16;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x0A"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(x), "{r1}"(y)
:/* CLO */ "r3"
:/* OPT */
## Memory Modification
### CPU Set (0x08)
### CPU Fast Set (0x0C)
### Get BIOS Checksum (0x0D)
### BG Affine Set (0x0E)
### Obj Affine Set (0x0F)
## Decompression
### BitUnPack (0x10)
### LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite8bit (0x11)
### LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite16bit (0x12)
### HuffUnCompReadNormal (0x13)
### RLUnCompReadNormalWrite8bit (0x14)
### RLUnCompReadNormalWrite16bit (0x15)
### Diff8bitUnFilterWrite8bit (0x16)
### Diff8bitUnFilterWrite16bit (0x17)
### Diff16bitUnFilter (0x18)
## Sound
### SoundBias (0x19)
### SoundDriverInit (0x1A)
### SoundDriverMode (0x1B)
### SoundDriverMain (0x1C)
### SoundDriverVSync (0x1D)
### SoundChannelClear (0x1E)
### MidiKey2Freq (0x1F)
### SoundWhatever0 (0x20)
### SoundWhatever1 (0x21)
### SoundWhatever2 (0x22)
### SoundWhatever3 (0x23)
### SoundWhatever4 (0x24)
### MultiBoot (0x25)
### HardReset (0x26)
### CustomHalt (0x27)
### SoundDriverVSyncOff (0x28)
### SoundDriverVSyncOn (0x29)
### SoundGetJumpList (0x2A)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
//! This module contains wrappers for all GBA BIOS function calls.
//! A GBA BIOS call has significantly more overhead than a normal function call,
//! so think carefully before using them too much.
//! The actual content of each function here is generally a single inline asm
//! instruction to invoke the correct BIOS function (`swi x`, with `x` being
//! whatever value is necessary for that function). Some functions also perform
//! necessary checks to save you from yourself, such as not dividing by zero.
/// (`swi 0x00`) SoftReset the device.
/// This function does not ever return.
/// Instead, it clears the top `0x200` bytes of IWRAM (containing stacks, and
/// BIOS IRQ vector/flags), re-initializes the system, supervisor, and irq stack
/// pointers (new values listed below), sets `r0` through `r12`, `LR_svc`,
/// `SPSR_svc`, `LR_irq`, and `SPSR_irq` to zero, and enters system mode. The
/// return address is loaded into `r14` and then the function jumps there with
/// `bx r14`.
/// * sp_svc: `0x300_7FE0`
/// * sp_irq: `0x300_7FA0`
/// * sp_sys: `0x300_7F00`
/// * Zero-filled Area: `0x300_7E00` to `0x300_7FFF`
/// * Return Address: Depends on the 8-bit flag value at `0x300_7FFA`. In either
/// case execution proceeds in ARM mode.
/// * zero flag: `0x800_0000` (ROM), which for our builds means that the
/// `crt0` program to execute (just like with a fresh boot), and then
/// control passes into `main` and so on.
/// * non-zero flag: `0x200_0000` (RAM), This is where a multiboot image would
/// go if you were doing a multiboot thing. However, this project doesn't
/// support multiboot at the moment. You'd need an entirely different build
/// pipeline because there's differences in header format and things like
/// that. Perhaps someday, but probably not even then. Submit the PR for it
/// if you like!
/// ## Safety
/// This functions isn't ever unsafe to the current iteration of the program.
/// However, because not all memory is fully cleared you theoretically could
/// threaten the _next_ iteration of the program that runs. I'm _fairly_
/// convinced that you can't actually use this to force purely safe code to
/// perform UB, but such a scenario might exist.
pub unsafe fn soft_reset() -> ! {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x00"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x01`) RegisterRamReset.
/// Clears the portions of memory given by the `flags` value, sets the Display
/// Control Register to `0x80` (forced blank and nothing else), then returns.
/// * Flag bits:
/// 0) Clears the 256k of EWRAM (don't use if this is where your function call
/// will return to!)
/// 1) Clears the 32k of IWRAM _excluding_ the last `0x200` bytes (see also:
/// the `soft_reset` function).
/// 2) Clears all Palette data.
/// 3) Clears all VRAM.
/// 4) Clears all OAM (reminder: a zeroed obj isn't disabled!)
/// 5) Reset SIO registers (resets them to general purpose mode)
/// 6) Reset Sound registers
/// 7) Reset all IO registers _other than_ SIO and Sound
/// **Bug:** The least significant byte of `SIODATA32` is always zeroed, even if
/// bit 5 was not enabled. This is sadly a bug in the design of the GBA itself.
/// ## Safety
/// It is generally a safe operation to suddenly clear any part of the GBA's
/// memory, except in the case that you were executing out of IWRAM and clear
/// that. If you do that you return to nothing and have a bad time.
pub unsafe fn register_ram_reset(flags: u8) {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x01"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(flags)
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
//TODO(lokathor): newtype this flag business.
/// (`swi 0x06`) Software Division and Remainder.
/// ## Panics
/// If the denominator is 0.
pub fn div_rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
assert!(denominator != 0);
let div_out: i32;
let rem_out: i32;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x06"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(div_out), "={r1}"(rem_out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(numerator), "{r1}"(denominator)
:/* CLO */ "r3"
:/* OPT */
(div_out, rem_out)
/// As `div_rem`, but keeping only the `div` part.
pub fn div(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> i32 {
div_rem(numerator, denominator).0
/// As `div_rem`, but keeping only the `rem` part.
pub fn rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> i32 {
div_rem(numerator, denominator).1
/// (`swi 0x08`) Integer square root.
/// If you want more fractional precision, you can shift your input to the left
/// by `2n` bits to get `n` more bits of fractional precision in your output.
pub fn sqrt(val: u32) -> u16 {
let out: u16;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x08"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(val)
:/* CLO */ "r1", "r3"
:/* OPT */
/// (`swi 0x09`) Gives the arctangent of `theta`.
/// The input format is 1 bit for sign, 1 bit for integral part, 14 bits for
/// fractional part.
/// Accuracy suffers if `theta` is less than `-pi/4` or greater than `pi/4`.
pub fn atan(theta: i16) -> i16 {
let out: i16;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x09"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(theta)
:/* CLO */ "r1", "r3"
:/* OPT */
/// (`swi 0x0A`) Gives the atan2 of `y` over `x`.
/// The output `theta` value maps into the range `[0, 2pi)`, or `0 .. 2pi` if
/// you prefer Rust's range notation.
/// `y` and `x` use the same format as with `atan`: 1 bit for sign, 1 bit for
/// integral, 14 bits for fractional.
pub fn atan2(y: i16, x: i16) -> u16 {
let out: u16;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x0A"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(x), "{r1}"(y)
:/* CLO */ "r3"
:/* OPT */
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(not(test), feature(asm))]
#![cfg_attr(not(test), feature(asm))]
//! This crate helps you write GBA ROMs.
//! This crate helps you write GBA ROMs.
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
pub mod core_extras;
pub mod core_extras;
pub(crate) use crate::core_extras::*;
pub(crate) use crate::core_extras::*;
pub mod bios;
pub mod io_registers;
pub mod io_registers;
pub mod video_ram;
pub mod video_ram;
@ -37,57 +40,3 @@ pub(crate) use crate::video_ram::*;
pub const fn rgb16(red: u16, green: u16, blue: u16) -> u16 {
pub const fn rgb16(red: u16, green: u16, blue: u16) -> u16 {
blue << 10 | green << 5 | red
blue << 10 | green << 5 | red
/// BIOS Call: Div (GBA SWI 0x06).
/// Gives just the DIV output of `numerator / denominator`.
/// # Panics
/// If `denominator` is 0.
pub fn div(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> i32 {
div_rem(numerator, denominator).0
/// BIOS Call: Div (GBA SWI 0x06).
/// Gives just the MOD output of `numerator / denominator`.
/// # Panics
/// If `denominator` is 0.
pub fn rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> i32 {
div_rem(numerator, denominator).1
/// BIOS Call: Div (GBA SWI 0x06).
/// Gives both the DIV and REM output of `numerator / denominator`.
/// # Panics
/// If `denominator` is 0.
pub fn div_rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
assert!(denominator != 0);
let div_out: i32;
let mod_out: i32;
unsafe {
asm!(/* assembly template */ "swi 0x06"
:/* output operands */ "={r0}"(div_out), "={r1}"(mod_out)
:/* input operands */ "{r0}"(numerator), "{r1}"(denominator)
:/* clobbers */ "r3"
:/* options */
(div_out, mod_out)
(numerator / denominator, numerator % denominator)
Add table
Reference in a new issue