From 1da473338629c1fbdcadcffa7dde807edb9c4206 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lokathor <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 09:23:21 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] reg-backgrounds

 book/src/ch03/  |  19 ++
 book/src/ch03/ | 274 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 examples/              |  91 ++++++++-
 3 files changed, 381 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/book/src/ch03/ b/book/src/ch03/
index 54d9b78..f3c4e8a 100644
--- a/book/src/ch03/
+++ b/book/src/ch03/
@@ -99,6 +99,25 @@ The GBA also has two modes for palette access: 8-bits-per-pixel (8bpp) and
   palbank is to be used for that background or object (the screen entry data for
   backgrounds, and the object attributes for objects).
+### Transparency
+When a pixel within a background or object specifies index 0 as its palette
+entry it is treated as a transparent pixel. This means that in 8bpp mode there's
+only 255 actual color options (0 being transparent), and in 4bpp mode there's
+only 15 actual color options available within each palbank (the 0th entry of
+_each_ palbank is transparent).
+Individual backgrounds, and individual objects, each determine if they're 4bpp
+or 8bpp separately, so a given overall palette slot might map to a used color in
+8bpp and an unused/transparent color in 4bpp. If you're a palette wizard.
+Palette slot 0 of the overall background palette is used to determine the
+"backdrop" color. That's the color you see if no background or object ends up
+being rendered within a given pixel.
+Since display mode 3 and display mode 5 don't use the palette, they cannot
+benefit from transparency.
 ## Video RAM / VRAM
 * `0x6000000` to `0x6017FFF` (96k)
diff --git a/book/src/ch03/ b/book/src/ch03/
index 763aacd..8e2f154 100644
--- a/book/src/ch03/
+++ b/book/src/ch03/
@@ -1,2 +1,272 @@
-# Tiled Backgrounds
+# Regular Backgrounds
+So, backgrounds, they're cool. Why do we call the ones here "regular"
+backgrounds? Because there's also "affine" backgrounds. However, affine math
+stuff adds a complication, so for now we'll just work with regular backgrounds.
+The non-affine backgrounds are sometimes called "text mode" backgrounds by other
+To get your background image working you generally need to perform all of the
+following steps, though I suppose the exact ordering is up to you.
+## Tiled Video Modes
+When you want regular tiled display, you must use video mode 0 or 1.
+* Mode 0 allows for using all four BG layers (0 through 3) as regular
+  backgrounds.
+* Mode 1 allows for using BG0 and BG1 as regular backgrounds, BG2 as an affine
+  background, and BG3 not at all.
+* Mode 2 allows for BG2 and BG3 to be used as affine backgrounds, while BG0 and
+  BG1 cannot be used at all.
+We will not cover affine backgrounds in this chapter, so we will naturally be
+using video mode 0.
+## Get Your Palette Ready
+Background palette starts at `0x5000000` and is 256 `u16` values long. It'd
+potentially be possible declare a static array starting at a fixed address and
+use a linker script to make sure that it ends up at the right spot in the final
+program, but since we have to use volatile reads and writes with PALRAM anyway,
+we'll just reuse our `VolatilePtr` type. Something like this:
+pub const PALRAM_BG_BASE: VolatilePtr<u16> = VolatilePtr(0x500_0000 as *mut u16);
+pub fn bg_palette(slot: usize) -> u16 {
+  assert!(slot < 256);
+  PALRAM_BG_BASE.offset(slot as isize).read()
+pub fn set_bg_palette(slot: usize, color: u16) {
+  assert!(slot < 256);
+  PALRAM_BG_BASE.offset(slot as isize).write(color)
+As we discussed with the tile color depths, the palette can be utilized as a
+single block of palette values (`[u16; 256]`) or as 16 palbanks of 16 palette
+values each (`[[u16;16]; 16]`). This setting is assigned per background layer
+via IO register.
+## Get Your Tiles Ready
+Tile data is placed into charblocks. A charblock is always 16kb, so depending on
+color depth it will have either 256 or 512 tiles within that charblock.
+Charblocks 0, 1, 2, and 3 are all for background tiles. That's a maximum of 2048
+tiles for backgrounds, but as you'll see in a moment a particular tilemap entry
+can't even index that high. Instead, each background layer is assigned a
+"character base block", and then tilemap entries index relative to the character
+base block of that background layer.
+Now, if you want to move in a lot of tile data you'll probably want to use a DMA
+routine, or at least write a function like memcopy32 for fast `u32` copying from
+ROM into VRAM. However, for now, and because we're being very explicit since
+this is our first time doing it, we'll write it as functions for individual tile
+reads and writes.
+The math works like indexing a pointer, except that we have two sizes we need to
+go by. First you take the base address for VRAM (`0x600_0000`), then add the
+size of a charblock (16kb) times the charblock you want to place the tile
+within, and then you add the index of the tile slot you're placing it into times
+the size of that type of tile. Like this:
+pub fn bg_tile_4pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize) -> Tile4bpp {
+  assert!(base_block < 4);
+  assert!(tile_index < 512);
+  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock4bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile4bpp>() * tile_index;
+  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile4bpp).read()
+pub fn set_bg_tile_4pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize, tile: Tile4bpp) {
+  assert!(base_block < 4);
+  assert!(tile_index < 512);
+  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock4bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile4bpp>() * tile_index;
+  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile4bpp).write(tile)
+pub fn bg_tile_8pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize) -> Tile8bpp {
+  assert!(base_block < 4);
+  assert!(tile_index < 256);
+  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock8bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile8bpp>() * tile_index;
+  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile8bpp).read()
+pub fn set_bg_tile_8pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize, tile: Tile8bpp) {
+  assert!(base_block < 4);
+  assert!(tile_index < 256);
+  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock8bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile8bpp>() * tile_index;
+  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile8bpp).write(tile)
+For bulk operations, you'd do the exact same math to get your base destination
+pointer, and then you'd get the base source pointer for the tile you're copying
+out of ROM, and then you'd do the bulk copy for the correct number of `u32`
+values that you're trying to move (8 per tile moved for 4bpp, or 16 per tile
+moved for 8bpp).
+**GBA Limitation Note:** on a modern PC (eg: `x86` or `x86_64`) you're probably
+used to index based loops and iterator based loops being the same speed. The CPU
+has the ability to do a "fused multiply add", so the base address of the array
+plus desired index * size per element is a single CPU operation to compute. It's
+slightly more complicated if there's arrays within arrays like there are here,
+but with normal arrays it's basically the same speed to index per loop cycle as
+it is to take a base address and then add +1 offset per loop cycle. However, the
+GBA's CPU _can't do any of that_. On the GBA, there's a genuine speed difference
+between looping over indexes and then indexing each loop (slow) compared to
+using an iterator that just stores an internal pointer and does +1 offset per
+loop until it reaches the end (fast). The repeated indexing itself can by itself
+be an expensive step. If you've got a slice of data to process, be sure to go
+over it with `.iter()` and `.iter_mut()` if you can, instead of looping by
+index. This is Rust and all, so probably you were gonna do that anyway, but just
+a heads up.
+## Get your Tilemap ready
+I believe that at one point I alluded to a tilemap existing. Well, just as the
+tiles are arranged into charblocks, the data describing what tile to show in
+what location is arranged into a thing called a **screenblock**.
+A screenblock is placed into VRAM the same as the tile data charblocks. Starting
+at the base of VRAM (`0x600_0000`) there are 32 slots for the screenblock array.
+Each screenblock is 2048 bytes (`0x800`). Naturally, if our tiles are using up
+charblock space within VRAM and our tilemaps are using up screenblock space
+within the same VRAM... well it would just be a _disaster_ if they ran in to
+each other. Once again, it's up to you as the programmer to determine how much
+space you want to devote to each thing. Each complete charblock uses up 8
+screenblocks worth of space, but you don't have to fill a complete charblock
+with tiles, so you can be very fiddly with how you split the memory.
+Each screenblock is composed of a series of _screenblock entry_ values, which
+describe what tile index to use and if the tile should be flipped and what
+palbank it should use (if any). Because both regular backgrounds and affine
+backgrounds are composed of screenblocks with entries, and because the affine
+background has a smaller format for screenblock entries, we'll name
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct RegularScreenblock {
+  data: [RegularScreenblockEntry; 32 * 32],
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub struct RegularScreenblockEntry(u16);
+So, with one entry per tile, a single screenblock allows for 32x32 tiles worth of
+The format of a regular screenblock entry is quite simple compared to some of
+the IO register stuff:
+* 10 bits for tile index (base off of the character base block of the background)
+* 1 bit for horizontal flip
+* 1 bit for vertical flip
+* 4 bits for picking which palbank to use (if 4bpp, otherwise it's ignored)
+impl RegularScreenblockEntry {
+  pub fn tile_id(self) -> u16 {
+    self.0 & 0b11_1111_1111
+  }
+  pub fn set_tile_id(&mut self, id: u16) {
+    self.0 &= !0b11_1111_1111;
+    self.0 |= id;
+  }
+  pub fn horizontal_flip(self) -> bool {
+    (self.0 & (1 << 0xA)) > 0
+  }
+  pub fn set_horizontal_flip(&mut self, bit: bool) {
+    if bit {
+      self.0 |= 1 << 0xA;
+    } else {
+      self.0 &= !(1 << 0xA);
+    }
+  }
+  pub fn vertical_flip(self) -> bool {
+    (self.0 & (1 << 0xB)) > 0
+  }
+  pub fn set_vertical_flip(&mut self, bit: bool) {
+    if bit {
+      self.0 |= 1 << 0xB;
+    } else {
+      self.0 &= !(1 << 0xB);
+    }
+  }
+  pub fn palbank_index(self) -> u16 {
+    self.0 >> 12
+  }
+  pub fn set_palbank_index(&mut self, palbank_index: u16) {
+    self.0 &= 0b1111_1111_1111;
+    self.0 |= palbank_index;
+  }
+Now, at either 256 or 512 tiles per charblock, you might be thinking that with a
+10 bit index you can index past the end of one charblock and into the next.
+You'd be right, mostly.
+As long as you stay within the background memory region for charblocks (that is,
+0 through 3), then it all works out. However, if you try to get the background
+rendering to reach outside of the background charblocks you'll get an
+implementation defined result. It's not the dreaded "undefined behavior" we're
+often worried about in programming, but the results _are_ determined by what
+you're running the game on. With real hardware, you get a bizarre result
+(basically another way to put garbage on the screen). If you use an emulator it
+might or might not allow for you to do this, it's up to the emulator writers.
+## Set Your IO Registers
+Instead of being just a single IO register to learn about this time, there's two
+separate groups of related registers.
+### Background Control
+* BG0CNT (`0x400_0008`): BG0 Control
+* BG1CNT (`0x400_000A`): BG1 Control
+* BG2CNT (`0x400_000C`): BG2 Control
+* BG3CNT (`0x400_000E`): BG3 Control
+Each of these are a read/write `u16` location. This is where we get to all of
+the important details that we've been putting off.
+TODO: don't put it off any longer!
+### Background Offset
+* BG0HOFS (`0x400_0010`): BG0 X-Offset
+* BG0VOFS (`0x400_0012`): BG0 Y-Offset
+* BG1HOFS (`0x400_0014`): BG1 X-Offset
+* BG1VOFS (`0x400_0016`): BG1 Y-Offset
+* BG2HOFS (`0x400_0018`): BG2 X-Offset
+* BG2VOFS (`0x400_001A`): BG2 Y-Offset
+* BG3HOFS (`0x400_001C`): BG3 X-Offset
+* BG3VOFS (`0x400_001E`): BG3 Y-Offset
+Each of these are a _write only_ `u16` location. Bits 0 through 8 are used, so
+the offsets can be 0 through 511. They also only apply in regular backgrounds.
+If a background is in an affine state then you'll use different IO registers to
+control it (discussed in a later chapter).
+The offset that you assign determines the pixel offset of the display area
+relative to the start of the background scene, as if the screen was a camera
+looking at the scene. In other words, as a BG X offset value increases, you can
+think of it as the camera moving to the right, or as that background moving to
+the left. Like when mario walks toward the goal. Similarly, when a BG Y offset
+increases the camera is moving down, or the background is moving up, like when
+mario falls down from a high platform.
+Depending on how much the background is scrolled and the size of the background,
+it will loop.
+## Mosaic
+TODO: talk about mosaic? It's just one small side step, and you can set it with
+a register we just talked about, so might as well.
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
index 4aa9167..923d55f 100644
--- a/examples/
+++ b/examples/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+use core::mem::size_of;
 fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
   loop {}
@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ pub const DISPCNT: VolatilePtr<u16> = VolatilePtr(0x04000000 as *mut u16);
 pub const MODE3: u16 = 3;
 pub const BG2: u16 = 0b100_0000_0000;
-pub const VRAM: usize = 0x06000000;
+pub const VRAM: usize = 0x600_0000;
 pub const SCREEN_WIDTH: isize = 240;
 pub const SCREEN_HEIGHT: isize = 160;
@@ -197,3 +199,90 @@ pub struct Charblock4bpp {
 pub struct Charblock8bpp {
   data: [Tile8bpp; 256],
+pub const PALRAM_BG_BASE: VolatilePtr<u16> = VolatilePtr(0x500_0000 as *mut u16);
+pub fn bg_palette(slot: usize) -> u16 {
+  assert!(slot < 256);
+  PALRAM_BG_BASE.offset(slot as isize).read()
+pub fn set_bg_palette(slot: usize, color: u16) {
+  assert!(slot < 256);
+  PALRAM_BG_BASE.offset(slot as isize).write(color)
+pub fn bg_tile_4pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize) -> Tile4bpp {
+  assert!(base_block < 4);
+  assert!(tile_index < 512);
+  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock4bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile4bpp>() * tile_index;
+  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile4bpp).read()
+pub fn set_bg_tile_4pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize, tile: Tile4bpp) {
+  assert!(base_block < 4);
+  assert!(tile_index < 512);
+  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock4bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile4bpp>() * tile_index;
+  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile4bpp).write(tile)
+pub fn bg_tile_8pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize) -> Tile8bpp {
+  assert!(base_block < 4);
+  assert!(tile_index < 256);
+  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock8bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile8bpp>() * tile_index;
+  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile8bpp).read()
+pub fn set_bg_tile_8pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize, tile: Tile8bpp) {
+  assert!(base_block < 4);
+  assert!(tile_index < 256);
+  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock8bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile8bpp>() * tile_index;
+  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile8bpp).write(tile)
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct RegularScreenblock {
+  data: [RegularScreenblockEntry; 32 * 32],
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub struct RegularScreenblockEntry(u16);
+impl RegularScreenblockEntry {
+  pub fn tile_id(self) -> u16 {
+    self.0 & 0b11_1111_1111
+  }
+  pub fn set_tile_id(&mut self, id: u16) {
+    self.0 &= !0b11_1111_1111;
+    self.0 |= id;
+  }
+  pub fn horizontal_flip(self) -> bool {
+    (self.0 & (1 << 0xA)) > 0
+  }
+  pub fn set_horizontal_flip(&mut self, bit: bool) {
+    if bit {
+      self.0 |= 1 << 0xA;
+    } else {
+      self.0 &= !(1 << 0xA);
+    }
+  }
+  pub fn vertical_flip(self) -> bool {
+    (self.0 & (1 << 0xB)) > 0
+  }
+  pub fn set_vertical_flip(&mut self, bit: bool) {
+    if bit {
+      self.0 |= 1 << 0xB;
+    } else {
+      self.0 &= !(1 << 0xB);
+    }
+  }
+  pub fn palbank_index(self) -> u16 {
+    self.0 >> 12
+  }
+  pub fn set_palbank_index(&mut self, palbank_index: u16) {
+    self.0 &= 0b1111_1111_1111;
+    self.0 |= palbank_index;
+  }