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synced 2025-01-11 11:31:31 +11:00
hardware memory map!
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ That's enough about the general concept of memory mapped hardware, let's get to
some GBA specifics. The GBA has the following sections in its memory map.
* Internal Work RAM (IWRAM)
* External Work RAM (EWRAM)
* Internal Work RAM (IWRAM)
* IO Registers
* Palette RAM (PALRAM)
* Video RAM (VRAM)
@ -82,11 +82,15 @@ this information is also available in GBATEK, mostly in their [memory
map](http://www.akkit.org/info/gbatek.htm#gbamemorymap) section (though somewhat
spread through the rest of the document too).
Though I'm going to list the location range of each memory space below, most of
the hardware locations are actually mirrored at several points throughout the
address space.
### BIOS
* **Location:** `0x0` to `0x3FFF` (16k)
* **Location:** `0x0` to `0x3FFF`
* **Bus:** 32-bit
* **Access:** Protected read-only (see text).
* **Access:** Memory protected read-only (see text).
* **Wait Cycles:** None
The "basic input output system". This contains a grab bag of utilities that do
@ -98,63 +102,278 @@ but costly.
As a side note, not only is BIOS memory read only, but it's memory protected so
that you can't even read from bios memory unless the system is currently
executing a function that's in bios memory. There's actually a bug in one bios
call that lets you read the bytes of the rest of the bios (if you really want),
but a normal `read_volatile` won't do the trick.
executing a function that's in bios memory. If you try then the system just
gives back a nonsensical value that's not really what you asked for. If you
really want to know what's inside, there's actually a bug in one bios call
(`MidiKey2Freq`) that lets you read the bios section one byte at a time.
### Internal Work RAM (IWRAM)
Also, there's not just one bios! Of course there's the official bios from
Nintendo that's used on actual hardware, but since that's code instead of
hardware it's protected by copyright. Since a bios is needed to run a GBA
emulator properly, people have come up with their own open source versions or
they simply make the emulator special case the bios and act _as if_ the function
call had done the right thing.
* **Location:** .
* **Bus:** .
* **Access:** .
* **Wait Cycles:** .
* The [TempGBA](https://github.com/Nebuleon/TempGBA) repository has an easy to
look at version written in assembly. It's API and effects are close enough to
the Nintendo version that most games will run just fine.
* You can also check out the [mGBA
bios](https://github.com/mgba-emu/mgba/blob/master/src/gba/bios.c) if you want
to see the C version of what various bios functions are doing.
### External Work RAM (EWRAM)
* **Location:** .
* **Bus:** .
* **Access:** .
* **Wait Cycles:** .
* **Location:** `0x200_0000` to `0x203_FFFF` (256k)
* **Bus:** 16-bit
* **Access:** Read-write, any size.
* **Wait Cycles:** 2
The external work ram is a sizable amount of space, but the 2 wait cycles per
access and 16-bit bus mean that you should probably think of it as being a
"heap" to avoid putting things in if you don't have to.
The GBA itself doesn't use this for anything, so any use is totally up to you.
At the moment, the linker script and `crt0.s` files provided with the `gba`
crate also have no defined use for the EWRAM, so it's 100% on you to decide how
you wanna use them.
(Note: There is an undocumented control register that lets you adjust the wait
cycles on EWRAM. Using it, you can turn EWRAM from the default 2 wait cycles
down to 1. However, not all GBA-like things support it. The GBA and GBA SP do,
the GBA Micro and DS do not. Emulators might or might not depending on the
particular emulator. See the [GBATEK system
control](https://problemkaputt.de/gbatek.htm#gbasystemcontrol) page for a full
description of that register, though probably only once you've read more of this
tutorial book and know how to make sense of IO registers and such.)
### Internal Work RAM (IWRAM)
* **Location:** `0x300_0000` to `0x300_7FFF` (32k)
* **Bus:** 32-bit
* **Access:** Read-write, any size.
* **Wait Cycles:** 0
This is where the "fast" memory for general purposes lives. By default the
system uses the 256 _bytes_ starting at `0x300_7F00` _and up_ for system and
interrupt purposes, while Rust's program stack starts at that same address _and
goes down_ from there.
Even though your stack exists in this space, it's totally reasonable to use the
bottom parts of this memory space for whatever quick scratch purposes, same as
EWRAM. 32k is fairly huge, and the stack going down from the top and the scratch
data going up from the bottom are unlikely to hit each other. If they do you
were probably well on your way to a stack overflow anyway.
The linker script and `crt0.s` file provided with the `gba` crate use the bottom
of IWRAM to store the `.data` and `.bss` [data
segments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_segment). That's where your global
variables get placed (both `static` and `static mut`). The `.data` segment holds
any variable that's initialized to non-zero, and the `.bss` section is for any
variable initialized to zero. When the GBA is powered on, some code in the
`crt0.s` file runs and copies the initial `.data` values into place within IWRAM
(all of `.bss` starts at 0, so there's no copy for those variables).
If you have no global variables at all, then you don't need to worry about those
details, but if you do have some global variables then you can use the _address
of_ the `__bss_end` symbol defined in the top of the `gba` crate as a marker for
where it's safe for you to start using IWRAM without overwriting your globals.
### IO Registers
* **Location:** .
* **Bus:** .
* **Access:** .
* **Wait Cycles:** .
* **Location:** `0x400_0000` to `0x400_03FE`
* **Bus:** 32-bit
* **Access:** different for each IO register
* **Wait Cycles:** 0
The IO Registers are where most of the magic happens, and it's where most of the
variety happens too. Each IO register is a specific width, usually 16-bit but
sometimes 32-bit. Most of them are fully read/write, but some of them are read
only or write only. Some of them have individual bits that are read only even
when the rest of the register is writable. Some of them can be written to, but
the write doesn't change the value you read back, it sets something else.
The IO registers are how you control every bit of hardware besides the CPU
itself. Reading the buttons, setting display modes, enabling timers, all of that
goes through different IO registers. Actually, even a few parts of the CPU's
operation can be controlled via IO register.
We'll go over IO registers more in the next section, including a few specific
registers, and then we'll constantly encounter more IO registers as we explore
each new topic through the rest of the book.
### Palette RAM (PALRAM)
* **Location:** .
* **Bus:** .
* **Access:** .
* **Wait Cycles:** .
* **Location:** `0x500_0000` to `0x500_03FF` (1k)
* **Bus:** 16-bit
* **Access:** Read any, single bytes mirrored (see text).
* **Wait Cycles:** Video Memory Wait (see text)
This is where the GBA stores color palette data. There's 256 slots for
Background color, and then 256 slots for Object color.
GBA colors are 15 bits each, with five bits per channel and the highest bit
being totally ignored, so we store them as `u16` values:
Of note is the fact that the 256 palette slots can be viewed in two different
ways. There's two different formats for images in video memory: "8 bit per
pixel" (8bpp) and "4 bit per pixel mode" (4bpp).
* **8bpp:** Each pixel in the image is 8 bits and indexes directly into the full
256 entry palette array. An index of 0 means that pixel should be transparent,
so there's 255 possible colors.
* **4bpp:** Each pixel in the image is 4 bits and indexes into a "palbank" of 16
colors within the palette data. Some exterior control selects the palbank to
be used. An index of 0 still means that the pixel should be transparent, so
there's 15 possible colors.
Different images can use different modes all at once, as long as you can fit all
the colors you want to use into your palette layout.
PALRAM can't be written to in individual bytes. This isn't normally a problem at
all, because you wouldn't really want to write half of a color entry anyway. If
you do try to write a single byte then it gets "mirrored" into both halves of
the `u16` that would be associated with that address. For example, if you tried
to write `0x01u8` to either `0x500_0000` or `0x500_0001` then you'd actually
_effectively_ be writing `0x0101u16` to `0x500_0000`.
PALRAM follows what we'll call the "Video Memory Wait" rule: If you to access
the memory during a vertical blank or horizontal blank period there's 0 wait
cycles, and if you try to access the memory while the display controller is
drawing there is a 1 cycle wait inserted _if_ the display controller was using
that memory at that moment.
### Video RAM (VRAM)
* **Location:** .
* **Bus:** .
* **Access:** .
* **Wait Cycles:** .
* **Location:** `0x600_0000` to `0x601_7FFF` (96k or 64k+32k depending on mode)
* **Bus:** 16-bit
* **Access:** Read any, single bytes _sometimes_ mirrored (see text).
* **Wait Cycles:** Video Memory Wait (see text)
Video RAM is the memory for what you want the display controller to be
displaying. The GBA actually has 6 different display modes (numbered 0 through
5), and depending on the mode you're using the layout that you should imagine
VRAM having changes. Because there's so much involved here, I'll leave more
precise details to the following sections which talk about how to use VRAM in
each mode.
VRAM can't be written to in individual bytes. If you try to write a single byte
to background VRAM the byte gets mirrored like with PALRAM, and if you try with
object VRAM the write gets ignored entirely. Exactly what address ranges those
memory types are depends on video mode, but just don't bother with individual
byte writes to VRAM. If you want to change a single byte of data (and you might)
then the correct style is to read the full `u16`, mask out the old data, mask in
your new value, and then write the whole `u16`.
VRAM follows the same "Video Memory Wait" rule that PALRAM has.
### Object Attribute Memory (OAM)
* **Location:** .
* **Bus:** .
* **Access:** .
* **Wait Cycles:** .
* **Location:** `0x700_0000` to `0x700_03FF` (1k)
* **Bus:** 32-bit
* **Access:** Read any, single bytes no effect (see text).
* **Wait Cycles:** Video Memory Wait (see text)
This part of memory controls the "Objects" (OBJ) on the screen. An object is
_similar to_ the concept of a "sprite". However, because of an object's size
limitations, a single sprite might require more than one object to be drawn
properly. In general, if you want to think in terms of sprites at all, you
should think of sprites as being a logical / programming concept, and objects as
being a hardware concept.
While VRAM has the _image_ data for each object, this part of memory has the
_control_ data for each object. An objects "attributes" describe what part of
the VRAM to use, where to place is on the screen, any special graphical effects
to use, all that stuff. Each object has 6 bytes of attribute data (arranged as
three `u16` values), and there's a total of 128 objects (indexed 0 through 127).
But 6 bytes each times 128 entries out of 1024 bytes leaves us with 256 bytes
left over. What's the other space used for? Well, it's a little weird, but after
every three `u16` object attribute fields there's one `i16` "affine parameter"
field mixed in. It takes four such fields to make a complete set of affine
parameters (a 2x2 matrix), so we get a total of 32 affine parameter entries
across all of OAM. "Affine" might sound fancy but it just means a transformation
where anything that started parallel stays parallel after the transform. The
affine parameters can be used to scale, rotate, and/or skew a background or
object as it's being displayed on the screen. It takes more computing power than
the non-affine display, so you can't display as many different things at once
when using the affine modes.
OAM can't ever be written to with individual bytes. The write just has no effect
at all.
OAM follows the same "Video Memory Wait" rule that PALRAM has, **and** you can
also only freely access OAM during a horizontal blank if you set a special
"HBlank Interval Free" bit in one of the IO registers (the "Display Control"
register, which we'll talk about next lesson). The reason that you might _not_
want to set that bit is because when it's enabled you can't draw as many objects
at once. You don't lose the use of an exact number of objects, you actually lose
the use of a number of display adapter drawing cycles. Since not all objects
take the same number of cycles to render, it depends on what you're drawing.
GBATEK [has the details](https://problemkaputt.de/gbatek.htm#lcdobjoverview) if
you want to know precisely.
### Game Pak ROM (ROM)
* **Location:** .
* **Bus:** .
* **Access:** .
* **Wait Cycles:** .
* **Location:** Special (max of 32MB)
* **Bus:** 16-bit
* **Access:** Special
* **Wait Cycles:** Special
This is where your actual game is located! As you might guess, since each
cartridge is different, the details here depend quite a bit on the cartridge
that you use for your game. Even a simple statement like "you can't write to the
ROM region" isn't true for some carts if they have FlashROM.
The _most important_ thing to concern yourself with when considering the ROM
portion of memory is the 32MB limit. That's compiled code, images, sound,
everything put together. The total has to stay under 32MB.
The next most important thing to consider is that 16-bit bus. It means that we
compile our programs using "Thumb state" code instead of "ARM state" code.
Details about this can be found in the GBA Assembly section of the book, but
just be aware that there's two different types of assembly on the GBA. You can
switch between them, but the default for us is always Thumb state.
Another detail which you actually _don't_ have to think about much, but that you
might care if you're doing precise optimization, is that the ROM address space
is actually mirrored across three different locations:
* `0x800_0000` to `0x9FF_FFFF`: Wait State 0
* `0xA00_0000` to `0xBFF_FFFF`: Wait State 1
* `0xC00_0000` to `0xDFF_FFFF`: Wait State 2
These _don't_ mean 0, 1, and 2 wait cycles, they mean the wait cycles associated
with ROM mirrors 0, 1, and 2. On some carts the game will store different parts
of the data into different chips that are wired to be accessible through
different parts of the mirroring. The actual wait cycles used are even
configurable via an IO register called the
[WAITCNT](https://problemkaputt.de/gbatek.htm#gbasystemcontrol) ("Wait Control",
I don't know why C programmers have to give everything the worst names it's not
1980 any more).
### Save RAM (SRAM)
* **Location:** .
* **Bus:** .
* **Access:** .
* **Wait Cycles:** .
* **Location:** Special (max of 64k)
* **Bus:** 8-bit
* **Access:** Special
* **Wait Cycles:** Special
The Save RAM is also part of the cart that you've got your game on, so it also
depends on your hardware.
SRAM _starts_ at `0xE00_0000` and you can save up to however much the hardware
supports, to a maximum of 64k. However, you can only read and write SRAM one
_byte_ at a time. What's worse, while you can _write_ to SRAM using code
executing anywhere, you can only _read_ with code that's executing out of either
Internal or External Work RAM, not from with code that's executing out of ROM.
This means that you need to copy the code for doing the read into some scratch
space (either at startup or on the fly, doesn't matter) and call that function
you've carefully placed. It's a bit annoying, but soon enough a routine for it
all will be provided in the `gba` crate and we won't have to worry too much
about it.
(TODO: Provide the routine that I just claimed we would provide.)
Reference in a new issue