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synced 2025-02-23 23:07:49 +11:00
fixed point stuff
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 520 additions and 66 deletions
@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/reference/introduction.html) to see
if they cover it. You can mostly ignore that big scary red banner at the top,
things are a lot better documented than they make it sound.
If you need help trying to fiddle your math down as hard as you can, there are
resources such as the [Bit Twiddling
Hacks](https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html) page.
As to GBA related lore, Ketsuban and I didn't magically learn this all from
nowhere, we read various technical manuals and guides ourselves and then
distilled those works oriented around C and C++ into a book for Rust.
@ -166,14 +166,6 @@ can just use a macro and invoke it once per type. Guess what we're gonna do.
macro_rules! fixed_point_methods {
($t:ident) => {
impl<F: Unsigned> Fx<$t, F> {
/// Gives 0 for this type.
pub fn zero() -> Self {
Fx {
num: 0,
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Gives the smallest positive non-zero value.
pub fn precision() -> Self {
Fx {
@ -185,7 +177,7 @@ macro_rules! fixed_point_methods {
/// Makes a value with the integer part shifted into place.
pub fn from_int_part(i: $t) -> Self {
Fx {
num: i << F::to_u8(),
num: i << F::U8,
phantom: PhantomData,
@ -201,28 +193,34 @@ fixed_point_methods! {i32}
fixed_point_methods! {u32}
Now _you'd think_ that those can all be `const`, but at the moment you can't
have a `const` function with a bound on any trait other than `Sized`, so they
have to be normal functions.
Now _you'd think_ that those can be `const`, but at the moment you can't have a
`const` function with a bound on any trait other than `Sized`, so they have to
be normal functions.
Also, we're doing something a little interesting there with `from_int_part`. We
can take our `F` type and get it as a value instead of a type using `to_u8`.
can take our `F` type and get its constant value. There's other associated
constants if we want it in other types, and also non-const methods if you wanted
that for some reason (maybe passing it as a closure function? dunno).
## Casting Values
## Casting Base Values
Next, once we have a value in one type, we need to be able to move it into
another type. A particular `Fx` type is a base number type and a fractional
count, so there's two ways we might want to move it.
Next, once we have a value in one base type we will need to be able to move it
into another base type. Unfortunately this means we gotta use the `as` operator,
which requires a concrete source type and a concrete destination type. There's
no easy way for us to make it generic here.
For casting the base type it's a little weird. Because there's so many number
types, and we can't be generic about them when using `as`, we'd have to make
like 30 functions (6 base number types we're using, times 5 target number types
you could cast to). Instead, we'll write it just once, and let the user pass a
closure that does the cast.
We could let the user use `into_raw`, cast, and then do `from_raw`, but that's
error prone because they might change the fractional bit count accidentally.
This means that we have to write a function that does the casting while
perfectly preserving the fractional bit quantity. If we wrote one function for
each conversion it'd be like 30 different possible casts (6 base types that we
support, and then 5 possible target types). Instead, we'll write it just once in
a way that takes a closure, and let the user pass a closure that does the cast.
The compiler should merge it all together quite nicely for us once optimizations
kick in.
We can put this as part of the basic impl block that `from_raw` and `into_raw`
are part of. If can avoid having code inside a macro we'll do it just because
macros are messy.
This code goes outside the macro. I want to avoid too much code in the macro if
we can, it's a little easier to cope with I think.
/// Casts the base type, keeping the fractional bit quantity the same.
@ -234,25 +232,317 @@ macros are messy.
It's... not the best to have to pass in the casting operation like that.
Hopefully we won't have to use it much.
It's horrible and ugly, but Rust is just bad at numbers sometimes.
Also we might want to change the amount of fractional bits in a number. Oh,
gosh, this one is kinda complicated.
## Adjusting Fractional Part
## Addition / Subtraction
In addition to the base value we might want to change our fractional bit
quantity. This is actually easier that it sounds, but it also requires us to be
tricky with the generics. We can actually use some typenum type level operators
## Multiplication / Division
This code goes inside the macro: we need to be able to use the left shift and
right shift, which is easiest when we just use the macro's `$t` as our type. We
could alternately put a similar function outside the macro and be generic on `T`
having the left and right shift operators by using a `where` clause. As much as
I'd like to avoid too much code being generated by macro, I'd _even more_ like
to avoid generic code with huge and complicated trait bounds. It comes down to
style, and you gotta decide for yourself.
/// Changes the fractional bit quantity, keeping the base type the same.
pub fn adjust_fractional_bits<Y: Unsigned + IsEqual<F, Output = False>>(self) -> Fx<$t, Y> {
let leftward_movement: i32 = Y::to_i32() - F::to_i32();
Fx {
num: if leftward_movement > 0 {
self.num << leftward_movement
} else {
self.num >> (-leftward_movement)
phantom: PhantomData,
There's a few things at work. First, we introduce `Y` as the target number of
fractional bits, and we _also_ limit it that the target bits quantity can't be
the same as we already have using a type-level operator. If it's the same as we
started with, why are you doing the cast at all?
Now, once we're sure that the current bits and target bits aren't the same, we
compute `target - start`, and call this our "leftward movement". Example: if
we're targeting 8 bits and we're at 4 bits, we do 8-4 and get +4 as our leftward
movement. If the leftward_movement is positive we naturally shift our current
value to the left. If it's not positive then it _must_ be negative because we
eliminated 0 as a possibility using the type-level operator, so we shift to the
right by the negative value.
## Addition, Subtraction, Shifting, Negative, Comparisons
From here on we're getting help from [this blog
post](https://spin.atomicobject.com/2012/03/15/simple-fixed-point-math/) by [Job
Vranish](https://spin.atomicobject.com/author/vranish/), so thank them if you
learn something.
I might have given away the game a bit with those `derive` traits on our fixed
point type. For a fair number of operations you can use the normal form of the
op on the inner bits as long as the fractional parts have the same quantity.
This includes equality and ordering (which we derived) as well as addition,
subtraction, and bit shifting (which we need to do ourselves).
This code can go outside the macro, with sufficient trait bounds.
impl<T: Add<Output = T>, F: Unsigned> Add for Fx<T, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, rhs: Fx<T, F>) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: self.num + rhs.num,
phantom: PhantomData,
The bound on `T` makes it so that `Fx<T, F>` can be added any time that `T` can
be added to its own type with itself as the output. We can use the exact same
pattern for `Sub`, `Shl`, `Shr`, and `Neg`. With enough trait bounds, we can do
impl<T: Sub<Output = T>, F: Unsigned> Sub for Fx<T, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, rhs: Fx<T, F>) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: self.num - rhs.num,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<T: Shl<u32, Output = T>, F: Unsigned> Shl<u32> for Fx<T, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn shl(self, rhs: u32) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: self.num << rhs,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<T: Shr<u32, Output = T>, F: Unsigned> Shr<u32> for Fx<T, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn shr(self, rhs: u32) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: self.num >> rhs,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<T: Neg<Output = T>, F: Unsigned> Neg for Fx<T, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn neg(self) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: -self.num,
phantom: PhantomData,
Unfortunately, for `Shl` and `Shr` to have as much coverage on our type as it
does on the base type (allowing just about any right hand side) we'd have to do
another macro, but I think just `u32` is fine. We can always add more later if
we need.
We could also implement `BitAnd`, `BitOr`, `BitXor`, and `Not`, but they don't
seem relevent to our fixed point math use, and this section is getting long
already. Just use the same general patterns if you want to add it in your own
programs. Shockingly, `Rem` also works directly if you want it, though I don't
forsee us needing floating point remainder. Also, the GBA can't do hardware
division or remainder, and we'll have to work around that below when we
implement `Div` (which maybe we don't need, but it's complex enough I should
show it instead of letting people guess).
**Note:** In addition to the various `Op` traits, there's also `OpAssign`
variants. Each `OpAssign` is the same as `Op`, but takes `&mut self` instead of
`self` and then modifies in place instead of producing a fresh value. In other
words, if you want both `+` and `+=` you'll need to do the `AddAssign` trait
too. It's not the worst thing to just write `a = a+b`, so I won't bother with
showing all that here. It's pretty easy to figure out for yourself if you want.
## Multiplication
This is where things get more interesting. When we have two numbers `A` and `B`
they really stand for `(a*f)` and `(b*f)`. If we write `A*B` then we're really
writing `(a*f)*(b*f)`, which can be rewritten as `(a*b)*2f`, and now it's
obvious that we have one more `f` than we wanted to have. We have to do the
multiply of the inner value and then divide out the `f`. We divide by `1 <<
bit_count`, so if we have 8 fractional bits we'll divide by 256.
The catch is that, when we do the multiply we're _extremely_ likely to overflow
our base type with that multiplication step. Then we do that divide, and now our
result is basically nonsense. We can avoid this to some extent by casting up to
a higher bit type, doing the multiplication and division at higher precision,
and then casting back down. We want as much precision as possible without being
too inefficient, so we'll always cast up to 32-bit (on a 64-bit machine you'd
cast up to 64-bit instead).
Naturally, any signed value has to be cast up to `i32` and any unsigned value
has to be cast up to `u32`, so we'll have to handle those separately.
Also, instead of doing an _actual_ divide we can right-shift by the correct
number of bits to achieve the same effect. _Except_ when we have a signed value
that's negative, because actual division truncates towards zero and
right-shifting truncates towards negative infinity. We can get around _this_ by
flipping the sign, doing the shift, and flipping the sign again (which sounds
silly but it's so much faster than doing an actual division).
Also, again signed values can be annoying, because if the value _just happens_
to be `i32::MIN` then when you negate it you'll have... _still_ a negative
value. I'm not 100% on this, but I think the correct thing to do at that point
is to give `$t::MIN` as out output num value.
Did you get all that? Good, because this is involves casting, we will need to
implement it three times, which calls for another macro.
macro_rules! fixed_point_signed_multiply {
($t:ident) => {
impl<F: Unsigned> Mul for Fx<$t, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, rhs: Fx<$t, F>) -> Self::Output {
let pre_shift = (self.num as i32).wrapping_mul(rhs.num as i32);
if pre_shift < 0 {
if pre_shift == core::i32::MIN {
Fx {
num: core::$t::MIN,
phantom: PhantomData,
} else {
Fx {
num: (-((-pre_shift) >> F::U8)) as $t,
phantom: PhantomData,
} else {
Fx {
num: (pre_shift >> F::U8) as $t,
phantom: PhantomData,
fixed_point_signed_multiply! {i8}
fixed_point_signed_multiply! {i16}
fixed_point_signed_multiply! {i32}
macro_rules! fixed_point_unsigned_multiply {
($t:ident) => {
impl<F: Unsigned> Mul for Fx<$t, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, rhs: Fx<$t, F>) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: ((self.num as u32).wrapping_mul(rhs.num as u32) >> F::U8) as $t,
phantom: PhantomData,
fixed_point_unsigned_multiply! {u8}
fixed_point_unsigned_multiply! {u16}
fixed_point_unsigned_multiply! {u32}
## Division
Division is similar to multiplication, but reversed. Which makes sense. This
time `A/B` gives `(a*f)/(b*f)` which is `a/b`, one _less_ `f` than we were
As with the multiplication version of things, we have to up-cast our inner value
as much a we can before doing the math, to allow for the most precision
The snag here is that the GBA has no division or remainder. Instead, the GBA has
a BIOS function you can call to do `i32/i32` division.
This is a potential problem for us though. If we have some unsigned value, we
need it to fit within the positive space of an `i32` _after the multiply_ so
that we can cast it to `i32`, call the BIOS function that only works on `i32`
values, and cast it back to its actual type.
* If you have a u8 you're always okay, even with 8 floating bits.
* If you have a u16 you're okay even with a maximum value up to 15 floating
bits, but having a maximum value and 16 floating bits makes it break.
* If you have a u32 you're probably going to be in trouble all the time.
So... ugh, there's not much we can do about this. For now we'll just have to
suffer some.
// TODO: find a numerics book that tells us how to do `u32/u32` divisions.
macro_rules! fixed_point_signed_division {
($t:ident) => {
impl<F: Unsigned> Div for Fx<$t, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn div(self, rhs: Fx<$t, F>) -> Self::Output {
let mul_output: i32 = (self.num as i32).wrapping_mul(1 << F::U8);
let divide_result: i32 = crate::bios::div(mul_output, rhs.num as i32);
Fx {
num: divide_result as $t,
phantom: PhantomData,
fixed_point_signed_division! {i8}
fixed_point_signed_division! {i16}
fixed_point_signed_division! {i32}
macro_rules! fixed_point_unsigned_division {
($t:ident) => {
impl<F: Unsigned> Div for Fx<$t, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn div(self, rhs: Fx<$t, F>) -> Self::Output {
let mul_output: i32 = (self.num as i32).wrapping_mul(1 << F::U8);
let divide_result: i32 = crate::bios::div(mul_output, rhs.num as i32);
Fx {
num: divide_result as $t,
phantom: PhantomData,
fixed_point_unsigned_division! {u8}
fixed_point_unsigned_division! {u16}
fixed_point_unsigned_division! {u32}
## Trigonometry
TODO: look up tables! arcbits!
## Just Using A Crate
If you feel too intimidated by all of this then I'll suggest to you that the
[fixed](https://crates.io/crates/fixed) crate seems to be the best crate
available for fixed point math.
If, after seeing all that, and seeing that I still didn't even cover every
possible trait impl that you might want for all the possible types... if after
all that you feel too intimidated, then I'll cave a bit on your behalf and
suggest to you that the [fixed](https://crates.io/crates/fixed) crate seems to
be the best crate available for fixed point math.
_I have not tested its use on the GBA myself_.
It's just my recommendation from looking at the docs of the various options
available, if you really wanted to just have a crate for it.
@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
//! whatever value is necessary for that function). Some functions also perform
//! necessary checks to save you from yourself, such as not dividing by zero.
//TODO: ALL functions in this module should have `if cfg!(test)` blocks. The
//functions that never return must panic, the functions that return nothing
//should just do so, and the math functions should just return the correct math
//I guess.
/// (`swi 0x00`) SoftReset the device.
/// This function does not ever return.
@ -175,17 +180,21 @@ pub fn vblank_interrupt_wait() {
pub fn div_rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
assert!(denominator != 0);
let div_out: i32;
let rem_out: i32;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x06"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(div_out), "={r1}"(rem_out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(numerator), "{r1}"(denominator)
:/* CLO */ "r3"
:/* OPT */
if cfg!(test) {
(numerator / denominator, numerator % denominator)
} else {
let div_out: i32;
let rem_out: i32;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x06"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(div_out), "={r1}"(rem_out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(numerator), "{r1}"(denominator)
:/* CLO */ "r3"
:/* OPT */
(div_out, rem_out)
(div_out, rem_out)
/// As `div_rem`, keeping only the `div` output.
@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
//! Module for fixed point math types and operations.
use core::{convert::From, marker::PhantomData};
use typenum::{marker_traits::Unsigned, U8};
use core::{
ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Shl, Shr, Sub},
use typenum::{consts::False, marker_traits::Unsigned, type_operators::IsEqual, U8};
/// Fixed point `T` value with `F` fractional bits.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ impl<T, F: Unsigned> Fx<T, F> {
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Unwraps the inner value.
pub fn into_raw(self) -> T {
@ -35,17 +39,59 @@ impl<T, F: Unsigned> Fx<T, F> {
impl<T: Add<Output = T>, F: Unsigned> Add for Fx<T, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, rhs: Fx<T, F>) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: self.num + rhs.num,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<T: Sub<Output = T>, F: Unsigned> Sub for Fx<T, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, rhs: Fx<T, F>) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: self.num - rhs.num,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<T: Shl<u32, Output = T>, F: Unsigned> Shl<u32> for Fx<T, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn shl(self, rhs: u32) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: self.num << rhs,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<T: Shr<u32, Output = T>, F: Unsigned> Shr<u32> for Fx<T, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn shr(self, rhs: u32) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: self.num >> rhs,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<T: Neg<Output = T>, F: Unsigned> Neg for Fx<T, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn neg(self) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: -self.num,
phantom: PhantomData,
macro_rules! fixed_point_methods {
($t:ident) => {
impl<F: Unsigned> Fx<$t, F> {
/// Gives 0 for this type.
pub fn zero() -> Self {
Fx {
num: 0,
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Gives the smallest positive non-zero value.
pub fn precision() -> Self {
Fx {
@ -57,19 +103,22 @@ macro_rules! fixed_point_methods {
/// Makes a value with the integer part shifted into place.
pub fn from_int_part(i: $t) -> Self {
Fx {
num: i << F::to_u8(),
num: i << F::U8,
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Gives the raw inner value.
pub fn into_inner(&self) -> $t {
/// Changes the fractional bit quantity, keeping the base type the same.
pub fn change_bit_quantity<N: Unsigned>(&self) -> Fx<$t, N> {
pub fn adjust_fractional_bits<Y: Unsigned + IsEqual<F, Output = False>>(self) -> Fx<$t, Y> {
let leftward_movement: i32 = Y::to_i32() - F::to_i32();
Fx {
num: if leftward_movement > 0 {
self.num << leftward_movement
} else {
self.num >> (-leftward_movement)
phantom: PhantomData,
@ -82,5 +131,96 @@ fixed_point_methods! {u16}
fixed_point_methods! {i32}
fixed_point_methods! {u32}
macro_rules! fixed_point_signed_multiply {
($t:ident) => {
impl<F: Unsigned> Mul for Fx<$t, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, rhs: Fx<$t, F>) -> Self::Output {
let pre_shift = (self.num as i32).wrapping_mul(rhs.num as i32);
if pre_shift < 0 {
if pre_shift == core::i32::MIN {
Fx {
num: core::$t::MIN,
phantom: PhantomData,
} else {
Fx {
num: (-((-pre_shift) >> F::U8)) as $t,
phantom: PhantomData,
} else {
Fx {
num: (pre_shift >> F::U8) as $t,
phantom: PhantomData,
fixed_point_signed_multiply! {i8}
fixed_point_signed_multiply! {i16}
fixed_point_signed_multiply! {i32}
macro_rules! fixed_point_unsigned_multiply {
($t:ident) => {
impl<F: Unsigned> Mul for Fx<$t, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, rhs: Fx<$t, F>) -> Self::Output {
Fx {
num: ((self.num as u32).wrapping_mul(rhs.num as u32) >> F::U8) as $t,
phantom: PhantomData,
fixed_point_unsigned_multiply! {u8}
fixed_point_unsigned_multiply! {u16}
fixed_point_unsigned_multiply! {u32}
macro_rules! fixed_point_signed_division {
($t:ident) => {
impl<F: Unsigned> Div for Fx<$t, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn div(self, rhs: Fx<$t, F>) -> Self::Output {
let mul_output: i32 = (self.num as i32).wrapping_mul(1 << F::U8);
let divide_result: i32 = crate::bios::div(mul_output, rhs.num as i32);
Fx {
num: divide_result as $t,
phantom: PhantomData,
fixed_point_signed_division! {i8}
fixed_point_signed_division! {i16}
fixed_point_signed_division! {i32}
macro_rules! fixed_point_unsigned_division {
($t:ident) => {
impl<F: Unsigned> Div for Fx<$t, F> {
type Output = Self;
fn div(self, rhs: Fx<$t, F>) -> Self::Output {
let mul_output: i32 = (self.num as i32).wrapping_mul(1 << F::U8);
let divide_result: i32 = crate::bios::div(mul_output, rhs.num as i32);
Fx {
num: divide_result as $t,
phantom: PhantomData,
fixed_point_unsigned_division! {u8}
fixed_point_unsigned_division! {u16}
fixed_point_unsigned_division! {u32}
/// Alias for an `i16` fixed point value with 8 fractional bits.
pub type fx8_8 = Fx<i16, U8>;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(not(test), feature(asm))]
@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ pub mod builtins;
pub mod fixed;
pub mod bios;
pub mod core_extras;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
@echo off
echo -------
echo -------
set Wildcard=*.rs
findstr -s -n -i -l "TODO" %Wildcard%
echo -------
echo -------
Add table
Reference in a new issue