all sorts of new bios

This commit is contained in:
Lokathor 2018-12-16 20:55:02 -07:00
parent c892ac9681
commit 71a2de023f
2 changed files with 335 additions and 277 deletions

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@ -228,280 +228,12 @@ pub fn div_rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
I _hope_ this all makes sense by now.
# BIOS Function Definitions
## All The BIOS Functions
What follows is one entry for every BIOS call function, sorted by `swi` value
(which also _kinda_ sorts them into themed groups too).
As for a full list of all the specific BIOS functions and their use, you should
check the `gba::bios` module within the `gba` crate. There's just so many of
them that enumerating them all here wouldn't serve much purpose.
All functions here are marked with `#[inline(always)]`, which I wouldn't
normally bother with, but the compiler can't see that the ASM we use is
immediately a second function call, so we want to be very sure that it gets
inlined as much as possible. You should probably be using Link Time Optimization
in your release mode GBA games just to get that extra boost, but
`#[inline(always)]` will help keep debug builds going at a good speed too.
The entries here in the book are basically just copy pasting the source for each
function from the `gba::bios` module of the crate. The actual asm invocation
itself is uninteresting, but I've attempted to make the documentation for each
function clear and complete.
## CPU Control / Reset
### Soft Reset (0x00)
/// (`swi 0x00`) SoftReset the device.
/// This function does not ever return.
/// Instead, it clears the top `0x200` bytes of IWRAM (containing stacks, and
/// BIOS IRQ vector/flags), re-initializes the system, supervisor, and irq stack
/// pointers (new values listed below), sets `r0` through `r12`, `LR_svc`,
/// `SPSR_svc`, `LR_irq`, and `SPSR_irq` to zero, and enters system mode. The
/// return address is loaded into `r14` and then the function jumps there with
/// `bx r14`.
/// * sp_svc: `0x300_7FE0`
/// * sp_irq: `0x300_7FA0`
/// * sp_sys: `0x300_7F00`
/// * Zero-filled Area: `0x300_7E00` to `0x300_7FFF`
/// * Return Address: Depends on the 8-bit flag value at `0x300_7FFA`. In either
/// case execution proceeds in ARM mode.
/// * zero flag: `0x800_0000` (ROM), which for our builds means that the
/// `crt0` program to execute (just like with a fresh boot), and then
/// control passes into `main` and so on.
/// * non-zero flag: `0x200_0000` (RAM), This is where a multiboot image would
/// go if you were doing a multiboot thing. However, this project doesn't
/// support multiboot at the moment. You'd need an entirely different build
/// pipeline because there's differences in header format and things like
/// that. Perhaps someday, but probably not even then. Submit the PR for it
/// if you like!
/// ## Safety
/// This functions isn't ever unsafe to the current iteration of the program.
/// However, because not all memory is fully cleared you theoretically could
/// threaten the _next_ iteration of the program that runs. I'm _fairly_
/// convinced that you can't actually use this to force purely safe code to
/// perform UB, but such a scenario might exist.
pub unsafe fn soft_reset() -> ! {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x00"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
### Register / RAM Reset (0x01)
/// (`swi 0x01`) RegisterRamReset.
/// Clears the portions of memory given by the `flags` value, sets the Display
/// Control Register to `0x80` (forced blank and nothing else), then returns.
/// * Flag bits:
/// 0) Clears the 256k of EWRAM (don't use if this is where your function call
/// will return to!)
/// 1) Clears the 32k of IWRAM _excluding_ the last `0x200` bytes (see also:
/// the `soft_reset` function).
/// 2) Clears all Palette data.
/// 3) Clears all VRAM.
/// 4) Clears all OAM (reminder: a zeroed obj isn't disabled!)
/// 5) Reset SIO registers (resets them to general purpose mode)
/// 6) Reset Sound registers
/// 7) Reset all IO registers _other than_ SIO and Sound
/// **Bug:** The least significant byte of `SIODATA32` is always zeroed, even if
/// bit 5 was not enabled. This is sadly a bug in the design of the GBA itself.
/// ## Safety
/// It is generally a safe operation to suddenly clear any part of the GBA's
/// memory, except in the case that you were executing out of IWRAM and clear
/// that. If you do that you return to nothing and have a bad time.
pub unsafe fn register_ram_reset(flags: u8) {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x01"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(flags)
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
//TODO(lokathor): newtype this flag business.
### Halt (0x02)
### Stop / Sleep (0x03)
### Interrupt Wait (0x04)
### VBlank Interrupt Wait (0x05)
## Math
For the math functions to make sense you'll want to be familiar with the fixed
point math concepts from the [Fixed Only](../01-quirks/ section
of the Quirks chapter.
### Div (0x06)
/// (`swi 0x06`) Software Division and Remainder.
/// ## Panics
/// If the denominator is 0.
pub fn div_rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
assert!(denominator != 0);
let div_out: i32;
let rem_out: i32;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x06"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(div_out), "={r1}"(rem_out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(numerator), "{r1}"(denominator)
:/* CLO */ "r3"
:/* OPT */
(div_out, rem_out)
/// As `div_rem`, but keeping only the `div` part.
pub fn div(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> i32 {
div_rem(numerator, denominator).0
/// As `div_rem`, but keeping only the `rem` part.
pub fn rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> i32 {
div_rem(numerator, denominator).1
### DivArm (0x07)
This is exactly like Div, but with the input arguments swapped. It ends up being
exactly 3 cycles slower than normal Div because it swaps the input arguments to
the positions that Div is expecting ("move r0 -> r3, mov r1 -> r0, mov r3 ->
r1") and then goes to the normal Div function.
You can basically forget about this function. It's for compatibility with other
ARM software conventions, which we don't need. Just use normal Div.
### Sqrt (0x08)
/// (`swi 0x08`) Integer square root.
/// If you want more fractional precision, you can shift your input to the left
/// by `2n` bits to get `n` more bits of fractional precision in your output.
pub fn sqrt(val: u32) -> u16 {
let out: u16;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x08"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(val)
:/* CLO */ "r1", "r3"
:/* OPT */
### ArcTan (0x09)
/// (`swi 0x09`) Gives the arctangent of `theta`.
/// The input format is 1 bit for sign, 1 bit for integral part, 14 bits for
/// fractional part.
/// Accuracy suffers if `theta` is less than `-pi/4` or greater than `pi/4`.
pub fn atan(theta: i16) -> i16 {
let out: i16;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x09"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(theta)
:/* CLO */ "r1", "r3"
:/* OPT */
### ArcTan2 (0x0A)
/// (`swi 0x0A`) Gives the atan2 of `y` over `x`.
/// The output `theta` value maps into the range `[0, 2pi)`, or `0 .. 2pi` if
/// you prefer Rust's range notation.
/// `y` and `x` use the same format as with `atan`: 1 bit for sign, 1 bit for
/// integral, 14 bits for fractional.
pub fn atan2(y: i16, x: i16) -> u16 {
let out: u16;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x0A"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(out)
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(x), "{r1}"(y)
:/* CLO */ "r3"
:/* OPT */
## Memory Modification
### CPU Set (0x08)
### CPU Fast Set (0x0C)
### Get BIOS Checksum (0x0D)
### BG Affine Set (0x0E)
### Obj Affine Set (0x0F)
## Decompression
### BitUnPack (0x10)
### LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite8bit (0x11)
### LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite16bit (0x12)
### HuffUnCompReadNormal (0x13)
### RLUnCompReadNormalWrite8bit (0x14)
### RLUnCompReadNormalWrite16bit (0x15)
### Diff8bitUnFilterWrite8bit (0x16)
### Diff8bitUnFilterWrite16bit (0x17)
### Diff16bitUnFilter (0x18)
## Sound
### SoundBias (0x19)
### SoundDriverInit (0x1A)
### SoundDriverMode (0x1B)
### SoundDriverMain (0x1C)
### SoundDriverVSync (0x1D)
### SoundChannelClear (0x1E)
### MidiKey2Freq (0x1F)
### SoundWhatever0 (0x20)
### SoundWhatever1 (0x21)
### SoundWhatever2 (0x22)
### SoundWhatever3 (0x23)
### SoundWhatever4 (0x24)
### MultiBoot (0x25)
### HardReset (0x26)
### CustomHalt (0x27)
### SoundDriverVSyncOff (0x28)
### SoundDriverVSyncOn (0x29)
### SoundGetJumpList (0x2A)
Which is not to say that we'll never cover any BIOS functions in this book!
Instead, we'll simply mention them when whenever they're relevent to the task at
hand (such as sound or waiting for vblank).

View file

@ -89,6 +89,84 @@ pub unsafe fn register_ram_reset(flags: u8) {
//TODO(lokathor): newtype this flag business.
/// (`swi 0x02`) Halts the CPU until an interrupt occurs.
/// Components _other than_ the CPU continue to function. Halt mode ends when
/// any enabled interrupt triggers.
pub fn halt() {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x02"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x03`) Stops the CPU as well as most other components.
/// Stop mode must be stopped by an interrupt, but can _only_ be stopped by a
/// Keypad, Game Pak, or General-Purpose-SIO interrupt.
/// Before going into stop mode you should manually disable video and sound (or
/// they will continue to consume power), and you should also disable any other
/// optional externals such as rumble and infra-red.
pub fn stop() {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x03"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x04`) "IntrWait", similar to halt but with more options.
/// * The first argument controls if you want to ignore all current flags and
/// wait until a new flag is set.
/// * The second argument is what flags you're waiting on (same format as the
/// IE/IF registers).
/// If you're trying to handle more than one interrupt at once this has less
/// overhead than calling `halt` over and over.
/// When using this routing your interrupt handler MUST update the BIOS
/// Interrupt Flags `0x300_7FF8` in addition to the usual interrupt
/// acknowledgement.
pub fn interrupt_wait(ignore_current_flags: bool, target_flags: u16) {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x04"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(ignore_current_flags), "{r1}"(target_flags)
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
//TODO(lokathor): newtype this flag business.
/// (`swi 0x05`) "VBlankIntrWait", VBlank Interrupt Wait.
/// This is as per `interrupt_wait(true, 1)` (aka "wait for a new vblank"). You
/// must follow the same guidelines that `interrupt_wait` outlines.
pub fn vblank_interrupt_wait() {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x04"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ "r0", "r1" // both set to 1 by the routine
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x06`) Software Division and Remainder.
/// ## Panics
@ -110,18 +188,22 @@ pub fn div_rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
(div_out, rem_out)
/// As `div_rem`, but keeping only the `div` part.
/// As `div_rem`, keeping only the `div` output.
pub fn div(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> i32 {
div_rem(numerator, denominator).0
/// As `div_rem`, but keeping only the `rem` part.
/// As `div_rem`, keeping only the `rem` output.
pub fn rem(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> i32 {
div_rem(numerator, denominator).1
// (`swi 0x07`): We deliberately don't implement this one. It's the same as DIV
// but with reversed arguments, so it just runs 3 cycles slower as it does the
// swap.
/// (`swi 0x08`) Integer square root.
/// If you want more fractional precision, you can shift your input to the left
@ -180,3 +262,247 @@ pub fn atan2(y: i16, x: i16) -> u16 {
/// (`swi 0x0B`) "CpuSet", `u16` memory copy.
/// * `count` is the number of `u16` values to copy (20 bits or less)
/// * `fixed_source` argument, if true, turns this copying routine into a
/// filling routine.
/// ## Safety
/// * Both pointers must be aligned
pub unsafe fn cpu_set16(src: *const u16, dest: *mut u16, count: u32, fixed_source: bool) {
let control = count + ((fixed_source as u32) << 24);
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x0B"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(src), "{r1}"(dest), "{r2}"(control)
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x0B`) "CpuSet", `u32` memory copy/fill.
/// * `count` is the number of `u32` values to copy (20 bits or less)
/// * `fixed_source` argument, if true, turns this copying routine into a
/// filling routine.
/// ## Safety
/// * Both pointers must be aligned
pub unsafe fn cpu_set32(src: *const u32, dest: *mut u32, count: u32, fixed_source: bool) {
let control = count + ((fixed_source as u32) << 24) + (1 << 26);
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x0B"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(src), "{r1}"(dest), "{r2}"(control)
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x0C`) "CpuFastSet", copies memory in 32 byte chunks.
/// * The `count` value is the number of `u32` values to transfer (20 bits or
/// less), and it's rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8 words.
/// * The `fixed_source` argument, if true, turns this copying routine into a
/// filling routine.
/// ## Safety
/// * Both pointers must be aligned
pub unsafe fn cpu_fast_set(src: *const u32, dest: *mut u32, count: u32, fixed_source: bool) {
let control = count + ((fixed_source as u32) << 24);
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x0C"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(src), "{r1}"(dest), "{r2}"(control)
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x0C`) "GetBiosChecksum" (Undocumented)
/// Though we usually don't cover undocumented functionality, this one can make
/// it into the crate.
/// The function computes the checksum of the BIOS data. You should get either
/// `0xBAAE_187F` (GBA / GBA SP) or `0xBAAE_1880` (DS in GBA mode). If you get
/// some other value I guess you're probably running on an emulator that just
/// broke the fourth wall.
pub fn get_bios_checksum() -> u32 {
let out: u32;
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x0D"
:/* OUT */ "={r0}"(out)
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ // none
// TODO: these things will require that we build special structs
/// (`swi 0x19`) "SoundBias", adjusts the volume level to a new level.
/// This increases or decreases the current level of the `SOUNDBIAS` register
/// (with short delays) until at the new target level. The upper bits of the
/// register are unaffected.
/// The final sound level setting will be `level` * `0x200`.
pub fn sound_bias(level: u32) {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x19"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(level)
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x1B`) "SoundDriverMode", sets the sound driver operation mode.
/// The `mode` input uses the following flags and bits:
/// * Bits 0-6: Reverb value
/// * Bit 7: Reverb Enable
/// * Bits 8-11: Simultaneously-produced channel count (default=8)
/// * Bits 12-15: Master Volume (1-15, default=15)
/// * Bits 16-19: Playback Frequency Index (see below, default=4)
/// * Bits 20-23: "Final number of D/A converter bits (8-11 = 9-6bits, def. 9=8bits)" TODO: what the hek?
/// * Bits 24 and up: Not used
/// The frequency index selects a frequency from the following array:
/// * 0: 5734
/// * 1: 7884
/// * 2: 10512
/// * 3: 13379
/// * 4: 15768
/// * 5: 18157
/// * 6: 21024
/// * 7: 26758
/// * 8: 31536
/// * 9: 36314
/// * 10: 40137
/// * 11: 42048
pub fn sound_driver_mode(mode: u32) {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x1B"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ "{r0}"(mode)
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
//TODO(lokathor): newtype this mode business.
/// (`swi 0x1C`) "SoundDriverMain", main of the sound driver
/// You should call `SoundDriverVSync` immediately after the vblank interrupt
/// fires.
/// "After that, this routine is called after BG and OBJ processing is
/// executed." --what?
pub fn sound_driver_main() {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x1C"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x1D`) "SoundDriverVSync", resets the sound DMA.
/// The timing is critical, so you should call this _immediately_ after the
/// vblank interrupt (every 1/60th of a second).
pub fn sound_driver_vsync() {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x1D"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x1E`) "SoundChannelClear", clears the direct sound channels and stops
/// the sound.
/// "This function may not operate properly when the library which expands the
/// sound driver feature is combined afterwards. In this case, do not use it."
/// --what?
pub fn sound_channel_clear() {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x1E"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x28`) "SoundDriverVSyncOff", disables sound
/// If you can't use vblank interrupts to ensure that `sound_driver_vsync` is
/// called every 1/60th of a second for any reason you must use this function to
/// stop sound DMA. Otherwise the DMA will overrun its buffer and cause random
/// noise.
pub fn sound_driver_vsync_off() {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x28"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"
/// (`swi 0x29`) "SoundDriverVSyncOn", enables sound that was stopped by
/// `sound_driver_vsync_off`.
/// Restarts sound DMA system. After restarting the sound you must have a vblank
/// interrupt followed by a `sound_driver_vsync` within 2/60th of a second.
pub fn sound_driver_vsync_on() {
unsafe {
asm!(/* ASM */ "swi 0x29"
:/* OUT */ // none
:/* INP */ // none
:/* CLO */ // none
:/* OPT */ "volatile"