mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 23:07:49 +11:00
Add RNG (#142)
* Add random * Add GBA random example * switch macro_export to pub(crate) * rename u32_to_u32 macro * remove useless pub use * Comment out extra u32 to u16 macro * Comment random_color example * formatting * More commenting * Add/fix some docs * Fix some doc links * Remove use of u64 - Halve bit widths where u64 was used * Add Gen32::next_color()
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 474 additions and 5 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
use gba::prelude::*;
fn panic(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
// This kills the emulation with a message if we're running inside an
// emulator we support (mGBA or NO$GBA), or just crashes the game if we
// aren't.
//fatal!("{}", info);
loop {
/// Performs a busy loop until VBlank starts.
/// This is very inefficient, and please keep following the lessons until we
/// cover how interrupts work!
pub fn spin_until_vblank() {
while VCOUNT.read() < 160 {}
/// Performs a busy loop until VDraw starts.
/// This is very inefficient, and please keep following the lessons until we
/// cover how interrupts work!
pub fn spin_until_vdraw() {
while VCOUNT.read() >= 160 {}
pub fn main() -> ! {
const SETTING: DisplayControl = DisplayControl::new().with_display_mode(3).with_display_bg2(true);
// Create default RNG
let mut rng = RNG::default();
let mut px: usize = 0;
let mut py: usize = 0;
let mut color;
loop {
// Generate color from RNG
color = rng.next_color();
// now we wait
// Draw pixels to screen
mode3::bitmap_xy(px, py).write(color);
mode3::bitmap_xy(px, py + 1).write(color);
mode3::bitmap_xy(px + 1, py).write(color);
mode3::bitmap_xy(px + 1, py + 1).write(color);
// Increment x and y, wrap as needed
px += 2;
if px >= mode3::WIDTH {
px = 0;
py += 2;
if py >= mode3::HEIGHT {
py = 0;
// now we wait again
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::save::*;
pub use crate::save::*;
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
pub use crate::sync::*;
pub use crate::sync::*;
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
pub use crate::random::*;
pub mod mmio_types;
pub mod mmio_types;
@ -58,6 +60,8 @@ pub mod save;
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
pub mod debugging;
pub mod debugging;
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
pub mod random;
extern "C" {
extern "C" {
/// This marks the end of the `.data` and `.bss` sections in IWRAM.
/// This marks the end of the `.data` and `.bss` sections in IWRAM.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
//! Module for random number generation
//! This module provides functions and utilites for randomly generated values
//! # Usage
//! ```rust
//! use gba::random::RNG;
//! let mut rng = RNG::seed(123, 321);
//! let x = rng.next_u32();
//! ```
macro_rules! make_jump_lcgX {
($(#[$attr:meta])* $f:ident, $u:ty) => {
/// Gives the state `delta` steps from now in `log(delta)` time.
const fn $f(mut delta: $u, state: $u, mult: $u, inc: $u) -> $u {
let mut cur_mult: $u = mult;
let mut cur_plus: $u = inc;
let mut acc_mult: $u = 1;
let mut acc_plus: $u = 0;
while delta > 0 {
if (delta & 1) > 0 {
acc_mult = acc_mult.wrapping_mul(cur_mult);
acc_plus = acc_plus.wrapping_mul(cur_mult).wrapping_add(cur_plus);
cur_plus = cur_mult.wrapping_add(1).wrapping_mul(cur_plus);
cur_mult = cur_mult.wrapping_mul(cur_mult);
delta /= 2;
mod gen32;
pub use gen32::*;
mod pcg32;
pub use pcg32::*;
mod bounded_rand;
pub use bounded_rand::*;
mod algorithms;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
/// Advances a PCG with 32 bits of state.
macro_rules! pcg_core_state32 {
($state:expr, $inc:expr) => {
pub(crate) use pcg_core_state32;
/// Generates u32 from u32 state
macro_rules! pcg_rxs_m_xs_u32_to_u32 {
($state: expr) => {{
$state ^= ($state >> (4 + ($state >> 28) as u32)).wrapping_mul(277803737u32);
$state ^ ($state >> 22)
pub(crate) use pcg_rxs_m_xs_u32_to_u32;
// Alternative for u32 to u16
// macro_rules! pcg_xsh_rr_u32_to_u16 {
// ($state: expr) => {
// ((($state ^ ($state >> 18)) >> 11) as u16).rotate_right($state >> 27) as u16
// };
// }
// pub(crate) use pcg_xsh_rr_u32_to_u16;
/// Generates u16 from u32 state
macro_rules! pcg_xsh_rs_u32_to_u16 {
($state: expr) => {
(($state ^ ($state >> 6)) >> (6 + ($state >> 29))) as u16
pub(crate) use pcg_xsh_rs_u32_to_u16;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
use super::*;
/// Stores the values to sample a number in `0 .. N`
/// Making one of these performs a division operation. In comparison,
/// [`Gen32::next_bounded`] will avoid needing to do a division much of the
/// time. Thus, unless you need to sample repeatedly from a specific bounded
/// range, simply calling `next_bounded` directly might be more efficient.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct BoundedRandU16 {
/// number of possible outputs. outputs will be in `0 .. count`
count: u16,
/// Multiplication threshold thing.
/// <https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.10941>
threshold: u16,
impl BoundedRandU16 {
/// Constructs a new `BoundedRandU32`.
/// ## Panics
/// If the count is 0.
pub const fn new(count: u16) -> Self {
let threshold = count.wrapping_neg() % count;
Self { count, threshold }
/// Constructs a new `BoundedRandU32`, or `None` on failure.
/// ## Failure
/// If the count is 0.
pub const fn try_new(count: u16) -> Option<Self> {
if count > 0 {
} else {
/// The number of possible outputs.
pub const fn count(self) -> u16 {
/// Given a `u32`, place it into this bounded range.
/// ## Failure
/// * If the value is such that it doesn't fit evenly it is rejected.
pub const fn place_in_range(self, val: u16) -> Option<u16> {
let mul: u32 = (val as u32).wrapping_mul(self.count as u32);
let low_part: u16 = mul as u16;
if low_part < self.threshold {
} else {
//debug_assert!(((mul >> 32) as u32) < self.count());
Some((mul >> 16) as u16)
/// Given a gen, sample from the gen until `place_in_range` succeeds.
pub fn sample<G: Gen32 + ?Sized>(self, gen: &mut G) -> u16 {
loop {
if let Some(output) = self.place_in_range(gen.next_u16()) {
return output;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
use core::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use crate::mmio_types::Color;
/// A Generator with 32 bits of output per step.
pub trait Gen32 {
/// Generates the next 32 bits of output.
fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32;
/// Generates the next 16-bits of output
fn next_u16(&mut self) -> u16;
/// Produces a `Color`
fn next_color(&mut self) -> Color {
Color(self.next_u16() & 0b0111111111111111)
/// Produce a `bool`
fn next_bool(&mut self) -> bool {
(self.next_u32() as i32) < 0
/// Produce a `u8`
fn next_u8(&mut self) -> u8 {
(self.next_u16() >> 8) as u8
/// Produce a `u64`
fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 {
let l = self.next_u32() as u64;
let h = self.next_u32() as u64;
h << 32 | l
/// Gives a value within `0 .. B`
/// This is often more efficient than making a
/// [`BoundedRandU32`](crate::random::BoundedRandU32) if you don't need to use a
/// specific bound value more than once.
/// ## Panics
/// * If the input is 0.
fn next_bounded(&mut self, b: u16) -> u16 {
assert!(b != 0, "Gen32::next_bounded> Bound must be non-zero.");
let mut x = self.next_u16() as u32;
let mut mul = (b as u32).wrapping_mul(x);
let mut low = mul as u16;
if low < b {
let threshold = b.wrapping_neg() % b;
while low < threshold {
x = self.next_u32() as u32;
mul = (b as u32).wrapping_mul(x);
low = mul as u16;
let high = (mul >> 16) as u16;
/// Gets a value out of the slice given (by copy).
/// * The default impl will not pick past index `u16::MAX`.
fn pick<T>(&mut self, buf: &[T]) -> T
Self: Sized,
T: Copy,
let end: u16 = saturating_usize_as_u16(buf.len());
/// Gets a value out of the slice given (by shared ref).
/// * The default impl will not pick past index `u16::MAX`.
fn pick_ref<'b, T>(&mut self, buf: &'b [T]) -> &'b T
Self: Sized,
let end: u16 = saturating_usize_as_u16(buf.len());
/// Gets a value out of the slice given (by unique ref).
/// * The default impl will not pick past index `u16::MAX`.
fn pick_mut<'b, T>(&mut self, buf: &'b mut [T]) -> &'b mut T
Self: Sized,
let end: u16 = saturating_usize_as_u16(buf.len());
&mut buf[usize::try_from(self.next_bounded(end)).unwrap()]
/// Shuffles a slice in `O(len)` time.
/// * The default impl shuffles only the first `u16::MAX` elements.
fn shuffle<T>(&mut self, buf: &mut [T])
Self: Sized,
// Note(Lokathor): The "standard" Fisher-Yates shuffle goes backward from
// the end of the slice, but this version allows us to access memory forward
// from the start to the end, so that we play more nicely with the
// fetch-ahead of most modern CPUs.
let mut possibility_count: u16 = buf.len().try_into().unwrap_or(u16::max_value());
let mut this_index: usize = 0;
let end = buf.len() - 1;
while this_index < end {
let offset = self.next_bounded(possibility_count) as usize;
buf.swap(this_index, this_index + offset);
possibility_count -= 1;
this_index += 1;
// Asserts that `Gen32` is an object-safe trait.
const _: [&mut dyn Gen32; 0] = [];
/// Converts the `usize` into a `u16`, or gives `u16::MAX` if that wouldn't fit.
const fn saturating_usize_as_u16(val: usize) -> u16 {
if val <= u16::MAX as usize {
val as u16
} else {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
use super::{algorithms::*, Gen32};
/// A default seed for any PCG.
/// Truncate to fit, as necessary.
pub const DEFAULT_PCG_SEED: u128 = 201526561274146932589719779721328219291;
/// A default `inc` for any PCG.
/// Truncate to fit, as necessary.
pub const DEFAULT_PCG_INC: u128 = 34172814569070222299;
// Other multipliers: 0xffffffff0e703b65 0xf2fc5985
const PCG_MULTIPLIER_32: u32 = 0xf13283ad;
make_jump_lcgX!(jump_lcg32, u32);
/// A [permuted congruential
/// generator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permuted_congruential_generator)
/// with 32 bits of output per step.
/// * Generally you should create new generator values with the
/// [`seed`](Self::seed) constructor. This will shuffle around the inputs
/// somewhat, so it will work alright even with "boring" input values like
/// `seed(0,0)` or whatever.
/// * If you want to exactly save/restore a generator use the `Into` and `From`
/// impls to convert the generator into and from a `[u32; 2]`.
/// * The methods on this type are quite minimal. You're expected to use the
/// [`Gen32`] trait to provide most of the useful operations.
/// Full list of methods can be found in the [`Gen32`] trait
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct RNG {
/// 32 bit state, which is used to generate the ouput
state: u32,
/// `inc` used when advancing the state forward
inc: u32,
impl RNG {
/// Seed a new generator.
/// Used to create a new random number generator.
pub const fn seed(seed: u32, inc: u32) -> Self {
let inc = (inc << 1) | 1;
let mut state = pcg_core_state32!(0_u32, inc);
state = state.wrapping_add(seed);
state = pcg_core_state32!(state, inc);
Self { state, inc }
/// Gets the next 32-bits of output.
pub fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
// LLVM do the instruction-level parallelism plz ;_;
let out = pcg_rxs_m_xs_u32_to_u32!(self.state);
self.state = pcg_core_state32!(self.state, self.inc);
/// Gets the next 16-bits of output.
pub fn next_u16(&mut self) -> u16 {
let out = pcg_xsh_rs_u32_to_u16!(self.state);
self.state = pcg_core_state32!(self.state, self.inc);
/// Jumps the generator by `delta` steps forward.
/// The generator sequence loops, so if you want to go "backwards" you can
/// just subtract the number of steps you want to go back from `u32::MAX` and
/// jump by that amount.
pub fn jump(&mut self, delta: u32) {
self.state = jump_lcg32(delta, self.state, PCG_MULTIPLIER_32, self.inc);
impl Gen32 for RNG {
fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
fn next_u16(&mut self) -> u16 {
impl Default for RNG {
fn default() -> Self {
impl From<[u32; 2]> for RNG {
fn from([state, inc]: [u32; 2]) -> Self {
Self { state, inc }
impl From<RNG> for [u32; 2] {
fn from(pcg: RNG) -> Self {
[pcg.state, pcg.inc]
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
//! Then, call [`set_timer_for_timeout`] to set the timer you intend to use to
//! Then, call [`set_timer_for_timeout`] to set the timer you intend to use to
//! track the timeout that prevents errors with the save media from hanging your
//! track the timeout that prevents errors with the save media from hanging your
//! game. For more information on GBA timers, see the
//! game. For more information on GBA timers, see the
//! [`timers`](`crate::io::timers`) module's documentation.
//! [`timers`](`crate::mmio_types::TimerControl`) module's documentation.
//! ```rust
//! ```rust
//! # use gba::save;
//! # use gba::save;
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ impl SaveAccess {
self.access.verify(offset, buffer)
self.access.verify(offset, buffer)
/// Returns whether this save media requires the use of [`prepare_write`].
/// Returns whether this save media requires the use of [`SaveAccess::prepare_write`].
pub fn requires_prepare_write(&self) -> bool {
pub fn requires_prepare_write(&self) -> bool {
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ impl Timeout {
/// Returns whether a number of milliseconds has passed since the last call
/// Returns whether a number of milliseconds has passed since the last call
/// to [`start`].
/// to [`Timeout::start()`].
pub fn is_timeout_met(&self, check_ms: u16) -> bool {
pub fn is_timeout_met(&self, check_ms: u16) -> bool {
self.active && check_ms * 17 < self.timer_l.read()
self.active && check_ms * 17 < self.timer_l.read()
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ unsafe fn transfer<T: Copy>(dst: *mut T, src: *const T) {
/// variable.
/// variable.
/// This type only works with owned values. If you need to work with borrows,
/// This type only works with owned values. If you need to work with borrows,
/// consider using [`Mutex`] instead.
/// consider using [`super::Mutex`] instead.
/// ## Performance
/// ## Performance
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ unsafe fn transfer<T: Copy>(dst: *mut T, src: *const T) {
/// dangerous as disabling IRQs can cause your program to miss out on important
/// dangerous as disabling IRQs can cause your program to miss out on important
/// interrupts such as V-Blank.
/// interrupts such as V-Blank.
/// Consider using [`Mutex`] instead if you need to use a large amount of
/// Consider using [`super::Mutex`] instead if you need to use a large amount of
/// operations that would cause IRQs to be disabled. Also consider using
/// operations that would cause IRQs to be disabled. Also consider using
/// `#[repr(align(4))]` to force proper alignment for your type.
/// `#[repr(align(4))]` to force proper alignment for your type.
pub struct Static<T> {
pub struct Static<T> {
Add table
Reference in a new issue