language: rust sudo: false cache: - cargo rust: - nightly before_script: - rustup component add rust-src - rustup component add clippy - (test -x $HOME/.cargo/bin/cargo-install-update || cargo install cargo-update) - (test -x $HOME/.cargo/bin/cargo-xbuild || cargo install cargo-xbuild) - (test -x $HOME/.cargo/bin/cargo-make || cargo install cargo-make) - (test -x $HOME/.cargo/bin/mdbook || cargo install mdbook) - cargo install-update -a script: # Obtain the devkitPro tools, using `target/` as a temp directory - mkdir -p target - cd target - wget - sudo dpkg -i devkitpro-pacman.deb - sudo dkp-pacman -Sy - sudo dkp-pacman -Syu - sudo dkp-pacman -S -v --noconfirm gba-tools devkitARM - export PATH="$PATH:/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM/bin" - export PATH="$PATH:/opt/devkitpro/tools/bin" - cd .. # Run all verificaions, both debug and release - cargo clippy - cargo clippy --release - cargo test --no-fail-fast --lib - cargo test --no-fail-fast --lib --release - cargo test --no-fail-fast --tests - cargo test --no-fail-fast --tests --release # Let cargo make take over the rest - cargo make justrelease # Test build the book so that a failed book build kills this run - cd book && mdbook build deploy: provider: pages skip-cleanup: true github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN target-branch: master keep-history: true name: DocsBot verbose: true on: branch: master