
use core::mem::size_of;

fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
  loop {}

fn main(_argc: isize, _argv: *const *const u8) -> isize {
  unsafe {
    DISPCNT.write(MODE3 | BG2);

  let mut px = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
  let mut py = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
  let mut color = rgb16(31, 0, 0);

  loop {
    // read the input for this frame
    let this_frame_keys = key_input();

    // adjust game state and wait for vblank
    px += 2 * this_frame_keys.column_direction() as isize;
    py += 2 * this_frame_keys.row_direction() as isize;

    // draw the new game and wait until the next frame starts.
    unsafe {
      if px < 0 || py < 0 || px == SCREEN_WIDTH || py == SCREEN_HEIGHT {
        // out of bounds, reset the screen and position.
        color = color.rotate_left(5);
        px = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
        py = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
      } else {
        let color_here = mode3_read_pixel(px, py);
        if color_here != 0 {
          // crashed into our own line, reset the screen
          color = color.rotate_left(5);
        } else {
          // draw the new part of the line
          mode3_draw_pixel(px, py, color);
          mode3_draw_pixel(px, py + 1, color);
          mode3_draw_pixel(px + 1, py, color);
          mode3_draw_pixel(px + 1, py + 1, color);

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct VolatilePtr<T>(pub *mut T);
impl<T> VolatilePtr<T> {
  pub unsafe fn read(&self) -> T {
  pub unsafe fn write(&self, data: T) {
    core::ptr::write_volatile(self.0, data);
  pub unsafe fn offset(self, count: isize) -> Self {

pub const DISPCNT: VolatilePtr<u16> = VolatilePtr(0x04000000 as *mut u16);
pub const MODE3: u16 = 3;
pub const BG2: u16 = 0b100_0000_0000;

pub const VRAM: usize = 0x600_0000;
pub const SCREEN_WIDTH: isize = 240;
pub const SCREEN_HEIGHT: isize = 160;

pub const fn rgb16(red: u16, green: u16, blue: u16) -> u16 {
  blue << 10 | green << 5 | red

pub unsafe fn mode3_clear_screen(color: u16) {
  let color = color as u32;
  let bulk_color = color << 16 | color;
  let mut ptr = VolatilePtr(VRAM as *mut u32);
  for _ in 0..SCREEN_HEIGHT {
    for _ in 0..(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) {
      ptr = ptr.offset(1);

pub unsafe fn mode3_draw_pixel(col: isize, row: isize, color: u16) {
  VolatilePtr(VRAM as *mut u16).offset(col + row * SCREEN_WIDTH).write(color);

pub unsafe fn mode3_read_pixel(col: isize, row: isize) -> u16 {
  VolatilePtr(VRAM as *mut u16).offset(col + row * SCREEN_WIDTH).read()

pub const KEYINPUT: VolatilePtr<u16> = VolatilePtr(0x400_0130 as *mut u16);

/// A newtype over the key input state of the GBA.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct KeyInputSetting(u16);

/// A "tribool" value helps us interpret the arrow pad.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum TriBool {
  Minus = -1,
  Neutral = 0,
  Plus = 1,

pub fn key_input() -> KeyInputSetting {
  unsafe { KeyInputSetting(KEYINPUT.read() ^ 0b0000_0011_1111_1111) }

pub const KEY_A: u16 = 1 << 0;
pub const KEY_B: u16 = 1 << 1;
pub const KEY_SELECT: u16 = 1 << 2;
pub const KEY_START: u16 = 1 << 3;
pub const KEY_RIGHT: u16 = 1 << 4;
pub const KEY_LEFT: u16 = 1 << 5;
pub const KEY_UP: u16 = 1 << 6;
pub const KEY_DOWN: u16 = 1 << 7;
pub const KEY_R: u16 = 1 << 8;
pub const KEY_L: u16 = 1 << 9;

impl KeyInputSetting {
  pub fn contains(&self, key: u16) -> bool {
    (self.0 & key) != 0

  pub fn difference(&self, other: KeyInputSetting) -> KeyInputSetting {
    KeyInputSetting(self.0 ^ other.0)

  pub fn column_direction(&self) -> TriBool {
    if self.contains(KEY_RIGHT) {
    } else if self.contains(KEY_LEFT) {
    } else {

  pub fn row_direction(&self) -> TriBool {
    if self.contains(KEY_DOWN) {
    } else if self.contains(KEY_UP) {
    } else {

pub const VCOUNT: VolatilePtr<u16> = VolatilePtr(0x0400_0006 as *mut u16);

pub fn vcount() -> u16 {
  unsafe { VCOUNT.read() }

pub fn wait_until_vblank() {
  while vcount() < SCREEN_HEIGHT as u16 {}

pub fn wait_until_vdraw() {
  while vcount() >= SCREEN_HEIGHT as u16 {}

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct Tile4bpp {
  data: [u32; 8],

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct Tile8bpp {
  data: [u32; 16],

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Charblock4bpp {
  data: [Tile4bpp; 512],

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Charblock8bpp {
  data: [Tile8bpp; 256],

pub const PALRAM_BG_BASE: VolatilePtr<u16> = VolatilePtr(0x500_0000 as *mut u16);

pub fn bg_palette(slot: usize) -> u16 {
  assert!(slot < 256);
  PALRAM_BG_BASE.offset(slot as isize).read()

pub fn set_bg_palette(slot: usize, color: u16) {
  assert!(slot < 256);
  PALRAM_BG_BASE.offset(slot as isize).write(color)

pub fn bg_tile_4pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize) -> Tile4bpp {
  assert!(base_block < 4);
  assert!(tile_index < 512);
  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock4bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile4bpp>() * tile_index;
  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile4bpp).read()

pub fn set_bg_tile_4pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize, tile: Tile4bpp) {
  assert!(base_block < 4);
  assert!(tile_index < 512);
  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock4bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile4bpp>() * tile_index;
  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile4bpp).write(tile)

pub fn bg_tile_8pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize) -> Tile8bpp {
  assert!(base_block < 4);
  assert!(tile_index < 256);
  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock8bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile8bpp>() * tile_index;
  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile8bpp).read()

pub fn set_bg_tile_8pp(base_block: usize, tile_index: usize, tile: Tile8bpp) {
  assert!(base_block < 4);
  assert!(tile_index < 256);
  let address = VRAM + size_of::<Charblock8bpp>() * base_block + size_of::<Tile8bpp>() * tile_index;
  VolatilePtr(address as *mut Tile8bpp).write(tile)

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct RegularScreenblock {
  data: [RegularScreenblockEntry; 32 * 32],

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct RegularScreenblockEntry(u16);

impl RegularScreenblockEntry {
  pub fn tile_id(self) -> u16 {
    self.0 & 0b11_1111_1111
  pub fn set_tile_id(&mut self, id: u16) {
    self.0 &= !0b11_1111_1111;
    self.0 |= id;
  pub fn horizontal_flip(self) -> bool {
    (self.0 & (1 << 0xA)) > 0
  pub fn set_horizontal_flip(&mut self, bit: bool) {
    if bit {
      self.0 |= 1 << 0xA;
    } else {
      self.0 &= !(1 << 0xA);
  pub fn vertical_flip(self) -> bool {
    (self.0 & (1 << 0xB)) > 0
  pub fn set_vertical_flip(&mut self, bit: bool) {
    if bit {
      self.0 |= 1 << 0xB;
    } else {
      self.0 &= !(1 << 0xB);
  pub fn palbank_index(self) -> u16 {
    self.0 >> 12
  pub fn set_palbank_index(&mut self, palbank_index: u16) {
    self.0 &= 0b1111_1111_1111;
    self.0 |= palbank_index;