mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 23:07:49 +11:00
* . * more updates, much more to do soon. * hello world works again. * fix key interrupts. * remove the old book * don't forget timers. * we can just use search, duh. * cleanup * more bios * finished most mmio, finished bios. * dump some old macros that shouldn't have been pub to begin with. * Update README.md * for now, just make this a u16 * timers * fix hello_world * timer fix * docs on timers * block resetting work ram for now. * put preserves_flags on bios calls as appropriate * add a code page 437 tile sheet. * docs. * sound :( it's all bad but we'll fix it in 0.5 * move most backup files back into the lib. * CI might work now? * fix up non-serial examples. * oops, gotta check out the repo. * readme.
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629 lines
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//! The BIOS includes several System Call Functions which can be accessed by SWI
//! instructions.
//! * All BIOS functions clobber `r0`, `r1`, and `r3`.
//! * Some functions also use `r2` as an input register.
//! * All other registers are unaffected.
// Note(Lokathor): This makes intra-doc links work.
use crate::prelude::*;
/// (`swi 0x00`) Performs a "soft reset" of the device.
/// Loads `r14` based on the `u8` value at `0x0300_7FFA`:
/// * zero: `0x0800_0000` (ROM)
/// * non-zero: `0x0200_0000` (EWRAM)
/// Then resets the following memory and registers:
/// * `0x300_7E00` ..= `0x300_7FFF`: zeroed
/// * `r0` ..= `r12`: zeroed
/// * `sp_usr`: `0x300_7F00`
/// * `sp_irq`: `0x300_7FA0`
/// * `sp_svc`: `0x300_7FE0`
/// * `lr_svc`, `lr_irq` : zeroed
/// * `spsr_svc`, `spsr_irq`: zeroed
/// Then jumps to the `r14` address. This never returns.
pub unsafe fn SoftReset() -> ! {
asm!("swi 0x00", options(noreturn))
/// (`swi 0x01`) Resets RAM and/or IO registers
/// * Note that if the IWRAM flag is used it doesn't reset the final `0x200`
/// bytes of IWRAM. Instead, those bytes are reset during a call to the
/// [`SoftReset`] function.
/// * BIOS Bug: Data in `SIODATA32` is always destroyed, even if the `sio` flag
/// is not set.
pub unsafe fn RegisterRamReset(flags: crate::mmio_types::ResetFlags) {
asm!("swi 0x01",
inlateout("r0") flags.0 => _,
out("r1") _,
out("r3") _,
options(nomem, nostack, preserves_flags)
/// (`swi 0x02`) Halts the CPU until an interrupt request occurs.
/// The CPU is placed into low-power mode, while other parts (video, sound,
/// timers, serial, keypad) continue to operate. This mode only terminates when
/// one of the enabled interrupts is requested.
/// This halt state uses [`IE`] to determine what interrupts to allow, but the
/// [`IME`] value is ignored (interrupts can occur even if `IME` is `false`).
pub unsafe fn Halt() {
asm!("swi 0x02",
out("r0") _,
out("r1") _,
out("r3") _,
options(nomem, nostack, preserves_flags)
/// (`swi 0x03`) Puts the CPU in a *very* low power state.
/// While stopped, the CPU, Sound, Video, SIO-shift-clock, DMA, and Timers are
/// all disabled.
/// The system can return from this state only if there is an interrupt from the
/// Keypad, Game Pak, or General-Purpose-SIO.
/// Before calling Stop you are advised to disable the Video to reduce battery
/// usage, otherwise it just freezes.
pub unsafe fn Stop() {
asm!("swi 0x03",
out("r0") _,
out("r1") _,
out("r3") _,
options(nomem, nostack, preserves_flags)
/// (`swi 0x04`) "Interrupt Wait".
/// This is similar to [`Halt`], but when an interrupt does occur this function
/// will automatically return the CPU to halt state unless the interrupt is one
/// of the interrupt types specified by `flags`.
/// If you set `discard_current_flags` then any pending interrupts are cleared
/// and this function will wait until a new flag is set. Otherwise the function
/// will return immediately if you request a wait for an interrupt that's
/// already pending.
/// When handling an interrupt through this function you must perform the normal
/// acknowledgement using [`IRQ_ACKNOWLEDGE`] and **also** acknowledge using
/// **Caution:** This function automatically also sets [`IME`] to `true`.
pub unsafe fn IntrWait(discard_current_flags: bool, flags: crate::mmio_types::InterruptFlags) {
// Note(Lokathor): we don't mark this preserves_flags because the user's IRQ
// handler gets called which might end up trashing the flags.
asm!("swi 0x03",
inlateout("r0") discard_current_flags as u8 => _,
inlateout("r1") flags.0 => _,
out("r3") _,
options(nomem, nostack)
/// (`swi 0x05`) "VBlank Interrupt Wait"
/// Waits for the next VBlank interrupt.
/// This function is just shorthand for the following:
/// ```no_run
/// # use crate::prelude::*;
/// const VBLANK_IRQ: InterruptFlags = InterruptFlags::new().with_vblank(true);
/// IntrWait(true, VBLANK_IRQ)
/// ```
/// See [`IntrWait`]
/// **Note:** Because this uses `IntrWait`, [`IME`] will be set to `true`
pub unsafe fn VBlankIntrWait() {
// Note(Lokathor): we don't mark this preserves_flags because the user's IRQ
// handler gets called which might end up trashing the flags.
"swi 0x05",
out("r0") _,
out("r1") _,
out("r3") _,
options(nomem, nostack)
/// (`swi 0x06`) Performs `i32` division.
/// **Outputs:** `(n/d, n%d, (n/d).unsigned_abs())`
pub fn Div(number: i32, denominator: core::num::NonZeroI32) -> (i32, i32, u32) {
let d: i32;
let m: i32;
let abs_d: u32;
unsafe {
asm!("swi 0x06",
inlateout("r0") number => d,
inlateout("r1") denominator.get() => m,
lateout("r3") abs_d,
options(pure, nomem, nostack, preserves_flags),
(d, m, abs_d)
/// (`swi 0x08`) Square root of an integer value.
/// To obtain as much fraction as possible, shift the input left by 2N bits to
/// get an output that is left shifted by N bits.
/// * sqrt(2) => 0
/// * sqrt(2 << 30) => 1.41421 << 15
pub fn Sqrt(number: u32) -> u16 {
let output: u32;
unsafe {
asm!("swi 0x08",
inlateout("r0") number => output,
out("r1") _,
out("r3") _,
options(pure, nomem, nostack, preserves_flags),
output as u16
/// (`swi 0x09`) Arc tangent
/// The input and output have 14 fractional bits.
pub fn ArcTan(tan: i16) -> i16 {
let output;
unsafe {
asm!("swi 0x09",
inlateout("r0") tan => output,
out("r1") _,
out("r3") _,
options(pure, nomem, nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x0A`) Arc tangent 2
/// * The inputs have 14 fractional bits.
/// * The output range is `0 ..= u16::MAX`, reprisenting a portion of 2 PI.
pub fn ArcTan2(x: i16, y: i16) -> u16 {
let output;
unsafe {
asm!("swi 0x0A",
inlateout("r0") x => output,
in("r1") y,
out("r3") _,
options(pure, nomem, nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x0B`) Quickly copy/fill some memory.
/// * `src`: points to either `u16` or `u32` data.
/// * `dst`: points to the same type of data.
/// * `len_mode`: bitfield value:
/// * bits 0 ..= 20: the number of elements to copy/fill.
/// * bit 24: enable for fill, otherwise this is a copy.
/// * bit 26: enable for `u32` at a time, otherwise this uses `u16` at a time.
/// All pointers must be aligned to the appropriate type, and also valid for the
/// appropriate element count.
pub unsafe fn CpuSet(src: *const core::ffi::c_void, dst: *mut core::ffi::c_void, len_mode: u32) {
asm!("swi 0x0B",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
in("r2") len_mode,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x0C`) Quickly copy/fill some memory (most faster!)
/// * `src` points to the data source.
/// * `dst` points to the data destination.
/// * `len_mode`: bitfield value:
/// * bits 0 ..= 20: the number of `u32` to copy/fill.
/// * bit 24: enable for fill, otherwise this is a copy.
/// All pointers must be aligned. The length must be a multiple of 8.
pub unsafe fn CpuFastSet(src: *const u32, dst: *mut u32, len_mode: u32) {
asm!("swi 0x0C",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
in("r2") len_mode,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
pub struct BgAffineSetSrc {
/// 8-bit fraction
pub origin_center_x: i32,
/// 8-bit fraction
pub origin_center_y: i32,
pub display_center_x: i16,
pub display_center_y: i16,
/// 8-bit fraction
pub scale_ratio_x: i16,
/// 8-bit fraction
pub scale_ratio_y: i16,
/// 8-bit fraction, range 0 to u16::MAX
pub angle_of_rotation: u16,
pub struct BgAffineSetDst {
pub pa: i16,
pub pb: i16,
pub pc: i16,
pub pd: i16,
pub start_x_coordinate: i32,
pub start_y_coordinate: i32,
/// (`swi 0x0E`) Calculates BG affine data.
/// * `src`: Points to the start of a slice of [`BgAffineSetSrc`]
/// * `dst`: Points to the start of a slice of [`BgAffineSetDst`]
/// * `count`: The number of elements to process from `src` to `dst`.
/// Both pointers must be aligned and valid for the length given.
pub unsafe fn BgAffineSet(src: *const BgAffineSetSrc, dst: *mut BgAffineSetDst, count: usize) {
asm!("swi 0x0E",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
in("r2") count,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
pub struct ObjAffineSetSrc {
/// 8-bit fraction
pub scale_ratio_x: i16,
/// 8-bit fraction
pub scale_ratio_y: i16,
/// 8-bit fraction, range 0 to u16::MAX
pub angle: u16,
/// (`swi 0x0F`) Calculates OBJ affine data.
/// Unlike with [`BgAffineSet`], this can optionally write the output data
/// directly into OAM (see below).
/// * `src`: points to the start of a slice of [`ObjAffineSetSrc`] values.
/// * `dst`: points to the start of the output location (`pa`).
/// * `count`: The number of `src` values to process to `dst`.
/// * `out_param_offset`: the number of bytes between *each field* of the output
/// data.
/// * Specify 2 if you want to output to an `[i16; 4]` or similar.
/// * Specify 8 if you want to output directly to OAM.
/// The pointers must be valid for the count given, and aligned.
pub unsafe fn ObjAffineSet(
src: *const ObjAffineSetSrc,
dst: *mut i16,
count: usize,
out_param_offset: usize,
) {
asm!("swi 0x0F",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
in("r2") count,
in("r3") out_param_offset,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
pub struct UnpackInfo {
pub source_data_len_bytes: u16,
/// Supports 1, 2, 4, or 8 bit source elements.
pub source_unit_bit_width: u8,
/// Supports 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 destination elements.
pub destination_unit_bit_width: u8,
/// This field combines two purposes:
/// * bits 0 ..= 30: this value is added to all non-zero source units.
/// * bit 31: if this is set, add the above to all zero source units.
pub data_offset: u32,
/// (`swi 0x10`) Used to undo bit packing.
/// * `src`: The start of the source bytes.
/// * `dst`: The start of the destination.
/// * `info`: Describes the unpacking to perform.
/// All pointers must be valid for the correct memory spans and aligned.
pub unsafe fn BitUnPack(src: *const u8, dst: *mut u32, info: &UnpackInfo) {
asm!("swi 0x10",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
in("r2") info,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x11`) LZ77 Decompression with 8-bit output.
/// Arguments
/// * `src`: pointer to the source region. The source region is prefixed with a
/// `u32` bitfield value that describes the decompression to perform. It's
/// then followed by the byte sequence to decompress.
/// * Prefix value: `output_data_size << 8 | (1 << 4) | (0)`
/// * Flags: 1 byte that specifies the types of the next 8 blocks (MSB to
/// LSB).
/// * Blocks:
/// * (0) Literal: Copy 1 byte from the source to the output.
/// * (1) Back Reference: Repeat `N+3` bytes from `BACK+1` bytes earlier in
/// the output. This uses the next two bytes from the source to describe
/// the back reference:
/// * first byte bits 0 ..= 3: most significant bits of `BACK`
/// * first byte bits 4 ..= 7: `N`
/// * second byte: least significant bits of `BACK`
/// * (So each `N` is 3 bits, and each `BACK` is 12 bits.)
/// * After 8 blocks there's another flag and then another 8 blocks.
/// * The overall size of the source data should be a multiple of 4 (pad with
/// 0 as necessary).
/// * `dst`: pointer to the destination region.
/// All pointers must be valid for the correct memory spans and aligned.
pub unsafe fn LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite8bit(src: *const u32, dst: *mut u8) {
asm!("swi 0x11",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x12`) LZ77 Decompression with 16-bit output.
/// This is largely as per [`LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite8bit`], but each output is
/// 16-bits, which means that `BACK` values of 0 will corrupt the process. This
/// puts a small constraint on the data compressor, but doesn't really affect
/// you when you're using this function to decompress some already-compressed data.
/// All pointers must be valid for the correct memory spans and aligned.
pub unsafe fn LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite16bit(src: *const u32, dst: *mut u16) {
asm!("swi 0x12",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x13`) Decompresses Huffman-encoded data.
/// * `src`: The source buffer. There's a `u32` header, a huffman tree, and then
/// a compressed bitstream.
/// * header (4 bytes): `(output_byte_count << 8) | (2 << 4) |
/// data_unit_bit_size`, the output bit size per data unit can be 4 or 8.
/// * tree size (1 byte): the number of bytes in the tree table.
/// * tree table (up to 255 bytes): a list of 8-bit nodes, starting with the
/// root node.
/// * root node and non-data child nodes (1 byte):
/// * bits 0 ..= 5: offset to next child node.
/// * next_child0: (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2
/// * next_child1: as above +1
/// * bit 6: node1 end flag (1 = next node is data)
/// * bit 7: node0 end flag (1 = next node is data)
/// * data nodes (1 byte):
/// * the literal value to output. If the output unit size is less than 8
/// bits at a time the upper bits of the literal should be 0.
/// * compressed bitstream (stored as a series of `u32` values). The node bits
/// are stored in each `u32` starting from the high bit.
/// * `dst`: The output buffer.
/// All pointers must be valid for the correct memory spans and aligned.
pub unsafe fn HuffUnCompReadNormal(src: *const u32, dst: *mut u32) {
asm!("swi 0x13",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x14`) Expands run-length compressed data, outputting as 8-bit units.
/// * `src`: The source buffer. There's a `u32` header, and then a loop of
/// "flag" and then "data" bytes until the end of the stream.
/// * header (4 bytes): `(output_byte_count << 8) | (3 << 4) | 0`
/// * flag byte:
/// * bits 0 ..= 6: expanded data length, uncompressed N-1, compressed N-3.
/// * bit 7: 0=uncompressed, 1=compressed
/// * data byte: N uncompressed bytes or 1 compressed byte repeated N times.
/// * `dst`: The output buffer.
/// All pointers must be valid for the correct memory spans and aligned.
pub unsafe fn RLUnCompReadNormalWrite8bit(src: *const u32, dst: *mut u8) {
asm!("swi 0x14",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x15`) Expands run-length compressed data, outputting as 16-bit units.
/// This is like [`RLUnCompReadNormalWrite8bit`] but outputs in 16-bit units, so
/// it's suitable for use with VRAM.
/// All pointers must be valid for the correct memory spans and aligned.
pub unsafe fn RLUnCompReadNormalWrite16bit(src: *const u32, dst: *mut u16) {
asm!("swi 0x15",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x16`) Performs an "unfilter" on 8-bit data units.
/// An unfiltering converts a starting value and a series of delta values into
/// the appropriate totals.
/// * Filtered: 10, +1, +1, +1, +1, +5, +5, ...
/// * Unfiltered: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 24, ...
/// This is not itself a compression technique, but it's far easier to compress
/// the filtered form of data in some cases, so this is often used in
/// *combination* with other compression techniques.
/// Arguments
/// * `src`: pointer to the source region. The source region is prefixed with a
/// `u32` bitfield value that describes the unfiltering to perform. It's then
/// followed by the bytes to unfilter.
/// * Prefix value: `element_count << 8 | (8 << 4) | (1)`
/// * `dst`: pointer to the destination region.
/// Note that, because this uses 8-bit writes, it cannot output correctly to
/// VRAM.
/// The source pointer must be aligned to 4 (the header is read as a `u32`), and
/// both pointers must be valid for the correct span:
/// * `src`: `element_count` + 4 bytes
/// * `dst`: `element_count` bytes
pub unsafe fn Diff8bitUnFilterWrite8bit(src: *const u8, dst: *mut u32) {
asm!("swi 0x16",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x17`) Performs an "unfilter" on 8-bit data units, using 16-bit
/// output.
/// This is *very close* to [`Diff8bitUnFilterWrite8bit`] except that the output
/// is 16-bits per element.
/// Arguments
/// * `src`: pointer to the source region. The source region is prefixed with a
/// `u32` bitfield value that describes the unfiltering to perform. It's then
/// followed by the bytes to unfilter.
/// * Prefix value: `element_count << 8 | (8 << 4) | (1)`
/// * `dst`: pointer to the destination region.
/// Because this outputs with 16-bit writes, it is suitable for use with VRAM.
/// The source pointer must be aligned to 4 (the header is read as a `u32`), and
/// both pointers must be valid for the correct span:
/// * `src`: `element_count` + 4 bytes
/// * `dst`: `element_count` * 2 bytes
pub unsafe fn Diff8bitUnFilterWrite16bit(src: *const u8, dst: *mut u16) {
asm!("swi 0x17",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
/// (`swi 0x18`) Performs an "unfilter" on 16-bit data units.
/// This is *very close* to [`Diff8bitUnFilterWrite8bit`] except that the output
/// is 16-bits per element and the prefix is different.
/// Arguments
/// * `src`: pointer to the source region. The source region is prefixed with a
/// `u32` bitfield value that describes the unfiltering to perform. It's then
/// followed by the bytes to unfilter.
/// * Prefix value: `element_count << 8 | (8 << 4) | (2)`
/// * `dst`: pointer to the destination region.
/// Because this outputs with 16-bit writes, it is suitable for use with VRAM.
/// The source pointer must be aligned to 4 (the header is read as a `u32`), and
/// both pointers must be valid for the correct span:
/// * `src`: (`element_count` * 2) + 4 bytes
/// * `dst`: `element_count` * 2 bytes
pub unsafe fn Diff16bitUnFilter(src: *const u16, dst: *mut u16) {
asm!("swi 0x18",
in("r0") src,
in("r1") dst,
out("r3") _,
options(nostack, preserves_flags),
// TODO: MidiKey2Freq (1F)
// TODO: SoundBias (19)
// TODO: SoundChannelClear (1E)
// TODO: SoundDriverInit (1A)
// TODO: SoundDriverMain (1C)
// TODO: SoundDriverMode (1B)
// TODO: SoundDriverVSync (1D)
// TODO: MultiBoot (25)
// TODO: SoundDriverVSyncOff (28)
// TODO: SoundDriverVSyncOn (29)