rt(wgpu): wip filter chain logic

This commit is contained in:
chyyran 2024-01-31 00:55:37 -05:00 committed by Ronny Chan
parent 32148cdff4
commit 10358b4966

View file

@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use librashader_common::{ImageFormat, Size};
use librashader_common::{ImageFormat, Size, Viewport};
use librashader_reflect::back::wgsl::WgslCompileOptions;
use librashader_runtime::framebuffer::FramebufferInit;
use librashader_runtime::render_target::RenderTarget;
use librashader_runtime::scaling::ScaleFramebuffer;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use wgpu::{CommandBuffer, CommandEncoder, Device, Queue, TextureFormat};
use wgpu::{BindGroupEntry, CommandBuffer, CommandEncoder, Device, Queue, TextureAspect, TextureFormat};
use crate::draw_quad::DrawQuad;
use crate::error;
@ -58,24 +58,17 @@ pub struct FilterChainWGPU {
pub struct FilterMutable {
pub passes_enabled: usize,
pub(crate) parameters: FxHashMap<String, f32>,
pub(crate) struct FilterCommon {
// pub(crate) luts: FxHashMap<usize, LutTexture>,
// pub samplers: SamplerSet,
// pub(crate) draw_quad: DrawQuad,
pub output_textures: Box<[Option<InputImage>]>,
pub feedback_textures: Box<[Option<InputImage>]>,
pub history_textures: Box<[Option<InputImage>]>,
// pub config: FilterMutable,
// pub device: Arc<ash::Device>,
// pub(crate) internal_frame_count: usize,
luts: FxHashMap<usize, LutTexture>,
samplers: SamplerSet,
config: FilterMutable,
internal_frame_count: i32,
draw_quad: DrawQuad,
pub luts: FxHashMap<usize, LutTexture>,
pub samplers: SamplerSet,
pub config: FilterMutable,
pub internal_frame_count: i32,
pub(crate) draw_quad: DrawQuad,
device: Arc<Device>,
@ -219,6 +212,7 @@ impl FilterChainWGPU {
Ok(FilterPass {
// device: vulkan.device.clone(),
compiled: wgsl,
@ -228,6 +222,8 @@ impl FilterChainWGPU {
// // ubo_ring,
// frames_in_flight,
// texture_heap: [],
// sampler_heap: [],
@ -237,5 +233,95 @@ impl FilterChainWGPU {
pub fn frame(&mut self,
input: wgpu::Texture,
viewport: &Viewport<OwnedImage>,
cmd: wgpu::CommandEncoder,
frame_count: usize,
) -> error::Result<()> {
let max = std::cmp::min(self.passes.len(), self.common.config.passes_enabled);
let passes = &mut self.passes[0..max];
// if let Some(options) = &options {
// if options.clear_history {
// for history in &mut self.history_framebuffers {
// history.clear(cmd);
// }
// }
// }
if passes.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
let original_image_view = input.create_view(&wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor {
label: Some("original_image_view"),
format: Some(input.format()),
dimension: Some(wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2),
aspect: TextureAspect::All,
base_mip_level: 1,
mip_level_count: None,
base_array_layer: 1,
array_layer_count: None,
let filter = passes[0].config.filter;
let wrap_mode = passes[0].config.wrap_mode;
// update history
for (texture, image) in self
*texture = Some(image.as_input(filter, wrap_mode));
let original = InputImage {
image: input.clone(),
view: original_image_view,
filter_mode: filter,
mip_filter: filter,
let mut source = original.clone();
// swap output and feedback **before** recording command buffers
&mut self.output_framebuffers,
&mut self.feedback_framebuffers,
// rescale render buffers to ensure all bindings are valid.
&mut self.output_framebuffers,
&mut self.feedback_framebuffers,
Some(&mut |index: usize,
pass: &FilterPass,
output: &OwnedImage,
feedback: &OwnedImage| {
// refresh inputs
self.common.feedback_textures[index] =
Some(feedback.as_input(pass.config.filter, pass.config.wrap_mode));
self.common.output_textures[index] =
Some(output.as_input(pass.config.filter, pass.config.wrap_mode));
let passes_len = passes.len();
let (pass, last) = passes.split_at_mut(passes_len - 1);
let frame_direction = options.map_or(1, |f| f.frame_direction);