use crate::filter_pass::FilterPassMeta; use crate::scaling; use librashader_common::{ImageFormat, Size}; use librashader_presets::{Scale2D, ScaleFactor, ScaleType, Scaling}; use num_traits::AsPrimitive; use std::ops::Mul; pub trait ViewportSize where T: Mul + Copy + 'static, f32: AsPrimitive, { /// Produce a `Size` scaled with the input scaling options. fn scale_viewport(self, scaling: Scale2D, viewport: Size) -> Size; } impl ViewportSize for Size where T: Mul + Copy + 'static, f32: AsPrimitive, { fn scale_viewport(self, scaling: Scale2D, viewport: Size) -> Size where T: Mul + Copy + 'static, f32: AsPrimitive, { scaling::scale(scaling, self, viewport) } } pub trait MipmapSize { /// Calculate the number of mipmap levels for a given size. fn calculate_miplevels(self) -> T; fn scale_mipmap(self, miplevel: T) -> Size; } impl MipmapSize for Size { fn calculate_miplevels(self) -> u32 { let mut size = std::cmp::max(self.width, self.height); let mut levels = 0; while size != 0 { levels += 1; size >>= 1; } levels } fn scale_mipmap(self, miplevel: u32) -> Size { let scaled_width = std::cmp::max(self.width >> miplevel, 1); let scaled_height = std::cmp::max(self.height >> miplevel, 1); Size::new(scaled_width, scaled_height) } } fn scale(scaling: Scale2D, source: Size, viewport: Size) -> Size where T: Mul + Copy + 'static, f32: AsPrimitive, { let width = match scaling.x { Scaling { scale_type: ScaleType::Input, factor, } => source.width * factor, Scaling { scale_type: ScaleType::Absolute, factor, } => factor.into(), Scaling { scale_type: ScaleType::Viewport, factor, } => viewport.width * factor, }; let height = match scaling.y { Scaling { scale_type: ScaleType::Input, factor, } => source.height * factor, Scaling { scale_type: ScaleType::Absolute, factor, } => factor.into(), Scaling { scale_type: ScaleType::Viewport, factor, } => viewport.height * factor, }; Size { width: width.round().as_(), height: height.round().as_(), } } /// Trait for owned framebuffer objects that can be scaled. pub trait ScaleFramebuffer { type Error; type Context; /// Scale the framebuffer according to the provided parameters, returning the new size. fn scale( &mut self, scaling: Scale2D, format: ImageFormat, viewport_size: &Size, source_size: &Size, should_mipmap: bool, context: &Self::Context, ) -> Result, Self::Error>; /// Scale framebuffers with default context. #[inline(always)] fn scale_framebuffers

( source_size: Size, viewport_size: Size, output: &mut [Self], feedback: &mut [Self], passes: &[P], callback: Option<&mut dyn FnMut(usize, &P, &Self, &Self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>>, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> where Self: Sized, Self::Context: Default, P: FilterPassMeta, { scale_framebuffers_with_context_callback::( source_size, viewport_size, output, feedback, passes, &Self::Context::default(), callback, ) } /// Scale framebuffers with user provided context. #[inline(always)] fn scale_framebuffers_with_context

( source_size: Size, viewport_size: Size, output: &mut [Self], feedback: &mut [Self], passes: &[P], context: &Self::Context, callback: Option<&mut dyn FnMut(usize, &P, &Self, &Self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>>, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> where Self: Sized, P: FilterPassMeta, { scale_framebuffers_with_context_callback::( source_size, viewport_size, output, feedback, passes, context, callback, ) } } /// Scale framebuffers according to the pass configs, source and viewport size /// passing a context into the scale function and a callback for each framebuffer rescale. #[inline(always)] fn scale_framebuffers_with_context_callback( source_size: Size, viewport_size: Size, output: &mut [F], feedback: &mut [F], passes: &[P], context: &C, mut callback: Option<&mut dyn FnMut(usize, &P, &F, &F) -> Result<(), E>>, ) -> Result<(), E> where F: ScaleFramebuffer, P: FilterPassMeta, { assert_eq!(output.len(), feedback.len()); let mut iterator = passes.iter().enumerate().peekable(); let mut target_size = source_size; while let Some((index, pass)) = { let should_mipmap = iterator .peek() .map_or(false, |(_, p)| p.config().mipmap_input); let next_size = output[index].scale( pass.config().scaling.clone(), pass.get_format(), &viewport_size, &target_size, should_mipmap, context, )?; feedback[index].scale( pass.config().scaling.clone(), pass.get_format(), &viewport_size, &target_size, should_mipmap, context, )?; target_size = next_size; if let Some(callback) = callback.as_mut() { callback(index, pass, &output[index], &feedback[index])?; } } Ok(()) }