478 lines
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478 lines
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use bitflags::bitflags;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use std::str::FromStr;
/// The maximum number of bindings allowed in a shader.
pub const MAX_BINDINGS_COUNT: u32 = 16;
/// The maximum size of the push constant range.
pub const MAX_PUSH_BUFFER_SIZE: u32 = 128;
/// The type of a uniform.
#[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum UniformType {
/// A matrix of 4x4 floats (`mat4`).
/// A vector of 4 floats (`vec4`).
/// An unsigned integer (`uint`).
/// A signed integer (`int`).
/// A floating point number (`float`).
/// Unique semantics are builtin uniforms passed by the shader runtime
/// that are always available.
#[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum UniqueSemantics {
// mat4, MVP
/// The Model View Projection matrix for the frame.
MVP = 0,
// vec4, viewport size of current pass
/// The viewport size of the current pass.
Output = 1,
// vec4, viewport size of final pass
/// The viewport size of the final pass.
FinalViewport = 2,
// uint, frame count with modulo
/// The frame count, possibly with shader-defined modulo.
FrameCount = 3,
// int, frame direction
/// The frame direction.
FrameDirection = 4,
/// A user defined float parameter.
// float, user defined parameter, array
FloatParameter = 5,
impl UniqueSemantics {
/// Produce a `Semantic` for this `UniqueSemantics`.
pub const fn semantics(self) -> Semantic<UniqueSemantics, ()> {
Semantic {
semantics: self,
index: (),
/// Get the type of the uniform when bound.
pub const fn binding_type(&self) -> UniformType {
match self {
UniqueSemantics::MVP => UniformType::Mat4,
UniqueSemantics::Output => UniformType::Vec4,
UniqueSemantics::FinalViewport => UniformType::Vec4,
UniqueSemantics::FrameCount => UniformType::Unsigned,
UniqueSemantics::FrameDirection => UniformType::Signed,
UniqueSemantics::FloatParameter => UniformType::Float,
/// Texture semantics relate to input or output textures.
/// Texture semantics are used to relate both texture samplers and `*Size` uniforms.
#[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum TextureSemantics {
/// The original input of the filter chain.
Original = 0,
/// The input from the previous shader pass, or the input on the first shader pass.
Source = 1,
/// The input frames from previous frames.
OriginalHistory = 2,
/// The output from previous shader passes in the same frame.
PassOutput = 3,
/// The output from previous shader passes in the previous frame.
PassFeedback = 4,
/// A user provided lookup texture.
User = 5,
impl TextureSemantics {
pub(crate) const TEXTURE_SEMANTICS: [TextureSemantics; 6] = [
// originalhistory needs to come first, otherwise
// the name lookup implementation will prioritize Original
// when reflecting semantics.
/// Get the name of the size uniform for this semantics when bound.
pub fn size_uniform_name(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
TextureSemantics::Original => "OriginalSize",
TextureSemantics::Source => "SourceSize",
TextureSemantics::OriginalHistory => "OriginalHistorySize",
TextureSemantics::PassOutput => "PassOutputSize",
TextureSemantics::PassFeedback => "PassFeedbackSize",
TextureSemantics::User => "UserSize",
/// Get the name of the texture sampler for this semantics when bound.
pub fn texture_name(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
TextureSemantics::Original => "Original",
TextureSemantics::Source => "Source",
TextureSemantics::OriginalHistory => "OriginalHistory",
TextureSemantics::PassOutput => "PassOutput",
TextureSemantics::PassFeedback => "PassFeedback",
TextureSemantics::User => "User",
/// Returns whether or not textures of this semantics are indexed or unique.
/// Only Original and Source are unique, all other textures can be indexed.
pub fn is_indexed(&self) -> bool {
!matches!(self, TextureSemantics::Original | TextureSemantics::Source)
/// Produce a `Semantic` for this `TextureSemantics` of the given index.
pub const fn semantics(self, index: usize) -> Semantic<TextureSemantics> {
Semantic {
semantics: self,
pub(crate) struct TypeInfo {
pub size: u32,
pub columns: u32,
pub(crate) trait ValidateTypeSemantics<T> {
fn validate_type(&self, ty: &T) -> Option<TypeInfo>;
/// A unit of unique or indexed semantic.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Semantic<T, I = usize> {
/// The semantics of this unit.
pub semantics: T,
/// The index of the semantic if not unique.
pub index: I,
bitflags! {
/// The pipeline stage for which a uniform is bound.
pub struct BindingStage: u8 {
const NONE = 0b00000000;
const VERTEX = 0b00000001;
const FRAGMENT = 0b00000010;
/// Reflection information for the Uniform Buffer
pub struct UboReflection {
/// The binding point for this UBO.
pub binding: u32,
/// The size of the UBO buffer. UBO sizes returned by reflection is always aligned to a 16 byte boundary.
pub size: u32,
/// The mask indicating for which stages the UBO should be bound.
pub stage_mask: BindingStage,
/// Reflection information for the Push Constant Block
pub struct PushReflection {
/// The size of the Push Constant range. The size returned by reflection is always aligned to a 16 byte boundary.
pub size: u32,
/// The mask indicating for which stages the Push Constant range should be bound.
pub stage_mask: BindingStage,
/// The offset of a uniform member.
/// A uniform can be bound to **either** the UBO, or as a Push Constant. Binding
/// the same variable name to both locations will result in indeterminate results.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct MemberOffset {
/// The offset of the uniform member within the UBO.
pub ubo: Option<usize>,
/// The offset of the uniform member within the Push Constant range.
pub push: Option<usize>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// The block where a uniform member is located.
pub enum UniformMemberBlock {
/// The offset is for a UBO.
/// The offset is for a push constant block.
impl UniformMemberBlock {
/// A list of valid member block types.
pub const TYPES: [UniformMemberBlock; 2] =
[UniformMemberBlock::Ubo, UniformMemberBlock::PushConstant];
impl MemberOffset {
pub(crate) fn new(off: usize, ty: UniformMemberBlock) -> Self {
match ty {
UniformMemberBlock::Ubo => MemberOffset {
ubo: Some(off),
push: None,
UniformMemberBlock::PushConstant => MemberOffset {
ubo: None,
push: Some(off),
pub fn offset(&self, ty: UniformMemberBlock) -> Option<usize> {
match ty {
UniformMemberBlock::Ubo => self.ubo,
UniformMemberBlock::PushConstant => self.push,
pub(crate) fn offset_mut(&mut self, ty: UniformMemberBlock) -> &mut Option<usize> {
match ty {
UniformMemberBlock::Ubo => &mut self.ubo,
UniformMemberBlock::PushConstant => &mut self.push,
/// Reflection information about a non-texture related uniform variable.
pub struct VariableMeta {
// this might bite us in the back because retroarch keeps separate UBO/push offsets.. eh
/// The offset of this variable uniform.
pub offset: MemberOffset,
/// The size of the uniform.
pub size: u32,
/// The name of the uniform.
pub id: String,
/// Reflection information about a texture size uniform variable.
pub struct TextureSizeMeta {
// this might bite us in the back because retroarch keeps separate UBO/push offsets..
/// The offset of this size uniform.
pub offset: MemberOffset,
/// The mask indicating for which stages the texture size uniform should be bound.
pub stage_mask: BindingStage,
/// The name of the uniform.
pub id: String,
/// Reflection information about texture samplers.
pub struct TextureBinding {
/// The binding index of the texture.
pub binding: u32,
/// Reflection information about a shader.
pub struct ShaderReflection {
/// Reflection information about the UBO for this shader.
pub ubo: Option<UboReflection>,
/// Reflection information about the Push Constant range for this shader.
pub push_constant: Option<PushReflection>,
/// Metadata about the bindings required for this shader.
pub meta: BindingMeta,
/// Metadata about a uniform variable.
pub trait UniformMeta {
/// The offset of this uniform.
fn offset(&self) -> MemberOffset;
/// The name of this uniform in the shader.
fn id(&self) -> &str;
impl UniformMeta for VariableMeta {
fn offset(&self) -> MemberOffset {
fn id(&self) -> &str {
impl UniformMeta for TextureSizeMeta {
fn offset(&self) -> MemberOffset {
fn id(&self) -> &str {
/// A trait for maps that can return texture semantic units.
pub trait TextureSemanticMap {
/// Get the texture semantic for the given variable name.
fn get_texture_semantic(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Semantic<TextureSemantics>>;
impl TextureSemanticMap for FxHashMap<String, UniformSemantic> {
fn get_texture_semantic(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Semantic<TextureSemantics>> {
match self.get(name) {
None => {
if let Some(semantics) = TextureSemantics::TEXTURE_SEMANTICS
.find(|f| name.starts_with(f.size_uniform_name()))
if semantics.is_indexed() {
let index = &name[semantics.size_uniform_name().len()..];
let Ok(index) = usize::from_str(index) else {
return None;
return Some(Semantic {
semantics: *semantics,
} else if name == semantics.size_uniform_name() {
return Some(Semantic {
semantics: *semantics,
index: 0,
Some(UniformSemantic::Unique(_)) => None,
Some(UniformSemantic::Texture(texture)) => Some(*texture),
impl TextureSemanticMap for FxHashMap<String, Semantic<TextureSemantics>> {
fn get_texture_semantic(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Semantic<TextureSemantics>> {
match self.get(name) {
None => {
if let Some(semantics) = TextureSemantics::TEXTURE_SEMANTICS
.find(|f| name.starts_with(f.texture_name()))
if semantics.is_indexed() {
let index = &name[semantics.texture_name().len()..];
let Ok(index) = usize::from_str(index) else {return None};
return Some(Semantic {
semantics: *semantics,
} else if name == semantics.texture_name() {
return Some(Semantic {
semantics: *semantics,
index: 0,
Some(texture) => Some(*texture),
/// A trait for maps that can return unique semantic units.
pub trait UniqueSemanticMap {
/// Get the unique semantic for the given variable name.
fn get_unique_semantic(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Semantic<UniqueSemantics, ()>>;
impl UniqueSemanticMap for FxHashMap<String, UniformSemantic> {
fn get_unique_semantic(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Semantic<UniqueSemantics, ()>> {
match self.get(name) {
// existing uniforms in the semantic map have priority
None => match name {
"MVP" => Some(Semantic {
semantics: UniqueSemantics::MVP,
index: (),
"OutputSize" => Some(Semantic {
semantics: UniqueSemantics::Output,
index: (),
"FinalViewportSize" => Some(Semantic {
semantics: UniqueSemantics::FinalViewport,
index: (),
"FrameCount" => Some(Semantic {
semantics: UniqueSemantics::FrameCount,
index: (),
"FrameDirection" => Some(Semantic {
semantics: UniqueSemantics::FrameDirection,
index: (),
_ => None,
Some(UniformSemantic::Unique(variable)) => Some(*variable),
Some(UniformSemantic::Texture(_)) => None,
/// Semantic assignment of a shader uniform to filter chain semantics.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum UniformSemantic {
/// A unique semantic.
Unique(Semantic<UniqueSemantics, ()>),
/// A texture related semantic.
/// The runtime provided maps of uniform and texture variables to filter chain semantics.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ShaderSemantics {
/// A map of uniform names to filter chain semantics.
pub uniform_semantics: FxHashMap<String, UniformSemantic>,
/// A map of texture names to filter chain semantics.
pub texture_semantics: FxHashMap<String, Semantic<TextureSemantics>>,
/// The binding of a uniform after the shader has been linked.
/// Used in combination with [`MemberOffset`](crate::reflect::semantics::MemberOffset) to keep track
/// of semantics at each frame pass.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub enum UniformBinding {
/// A user parameter (`float`) binding.
/// A known semantic binding.
/// A texture size (`float4`) binding.
impl From<UniqueSemantics> for UniformBinding {
fn from(value: UniqueSemantics) -> Self {
impl From<Semantic<TextureSemantics>> for UniformBinding {
fn from(value: Semantic<TextureSemantics>) -> Self {
/// Reflection metadata about the various bindings for this shader.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct BindingMeta {
/// A map of parameter names to uniform binding metadata.
pub parameter_meta: FxHashMap<String, VariableMeta>,
/// A map of unique semantics to uniform binding metadata.
pub unique_meta: FxHashMap<UniqueSemantics, VariableMeta>,
/// A map of texture semantics to texture binding points.
pub texture_meta: FxHashMap<Semantic<TextureSemantics>, TextureBinding>,
/// A map of texture semantics to texture size uniform binding metadata.
pub texture_size_meta: FxHashMap<Semantic<TextureSemantics>, TextureSizeMeta>,