This doesn't cause an API break in the C API but we don't actually make an attempt to verify that it's safe to access any of the device contexts.
36 lines
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36 lines
1.2 KiB
use crate::hello_triangle::physicaldevice::find_queue_family;
use crate::hello_triangle::vulkan_base::VulkanBase;
use ash::prelude::VkResult;
use ash::vk;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub struct VulkanCommandPool {
_pool: vk::CommandPool,
_device: Arc<ash::Device>,
pub buffers: Vec<vk::CommandBuffer>,
impl VulkanCommandPool {
pub fn new(base: &VulkanBase, frames_in_flight: u32) -> VkResult<VulkanCommandPool> {
let indices = find_queue_family(&base.instance, base.physical_device);
let create_info = vk::CommandPoolCreateInfo::builder()
unsafe {
let pool = base.device.create_command_pool(&create_info, None)?;
let buffer_info = vk::CommandBufferAllocateInfo::builder()
let buffers = base.device.allocate_command_buffers(&buffer_info)?;
Ok(VulkanCommandPool {
_pool: pool,
_device: base.device.clone(),