# Mini GL "Framebuffer" [![Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/mini_gl_fb.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/mini_gl_fb) [![Docs.rs](https://docs.rs/mini_gl_fb/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/mini_gl_fb) Provides an easy way to draw a window from a pixel buffer. OpenGL alternative to other easy framebuffer libraries. Designed to be dead simple and easy to remember when you just want to get something on the screen ASAP! ```rust extern crate mini_gl_fb; fn main() { let mut fb = mini_gl_fb::gotta_go_fast("Hello world!", 800.0, 600.0); let buffer = vec![[128u8, 0, 0, 255]; 800 * 600]; fb.update_buffer(&buffer); fb.persist(); } ``` `fb.update_buffer` can be called as many times as you like and will redraw the screen each time. You can bring your own timing mechanism, whether it's just `sleep(ms)` or something more sophisticated. # Get full access to glutin for custom event handling You can also "breakout" and get access to the underlying glutin window while still having easy setup: ```rust let mut fb = mini_gl_fb::gotta_go_fast("Hello world!", 800.0, 600.0); let GlutinBreakout { mut events_loop, gl_window, mut fb, } = fb.glutin_breakout(); fb.update_buffer(/*...*/); ``` # Other features - Black and white rendering, specifying one byte per pixel - Hardware accelerated buffer scaling (window and buffer can have different sizes) - Exposes a function for creating a context with glutin in one line - Exposes a function for creating a VAO, VBO, quad, and blank texture in one line - If you don't want to use glutin you can **bring your own context** too! See the [docs](https://docs.rs/mini_gl_fb/) for more info. # Planned Features Listed in rough order of importance and ease (which are surprisingly correlated here!). - Shader playground. Add a method for using shadertoy-like fragment shaders to be applied to your submitted pixel data. - Some built in managed ways of getting interactivity, possibly such as a functional reactive style draw function that renders based on a provided Store struct. Other simpler alternatives include automatically drawing after running some event handlers and some methods for drawing at intervals (fixed/dynamic delta time). - Fully replace and customize the vertex, geometry, and fragment shader, including adding your own uniforms (but probably not adding any vertex attributes). - Support for more textures, possibly actual OpenGL framebuffers for complex sequences of post processing. I am undecided on whether this is appropriate for this library.