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// Copyright 2022-2022 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
//! muda is a Menu Utilities library for Desktop Applications.
//! # Platforms supported:
//! - Windows
//! - macOS
//! - Linux (gtk Only)
//! # Platform-specific notes:
//! - On Windows, accelerators don't work unless the win32 message loop calls
//! [`TranslateAcceleratorW`](https://docs.rs/windows-sys/latest/windows_sys/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/fn.TranslateAcceleratorW.html).
//! See [`Menu::init_for_hwnd`](https://docs.rs/muda/latest/muda/struct.Menu.html#method.init_for_hwnd) for more details
//! # Dependencies (Linux Only)
//! `gtk` is used for menus and `libxdo` is used to make the predfined `Copy`, `Cut`, `Paste` and `SelectAll` menu items work. Be sure to install following packages before building:
//! #### Arch Linux / Manjaro:
//! ```sh
//! pacman -S gtk3 xdotool
//! ```
//! #### Debian / Ubuntu:
//! ```sh
//! sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libxdo-dev
//! ```
//! # Example
//! Create the menu and add your items
//! ```no_run
//! # use muda::{Menu, Submenu, MenuItem, accelerator::{Code, Modifiers, Accelerator}, PredefinedMenuItem};
//! let menu = Menu::new();
//! let menu_item2 = MenuItem::new("Menu item #2", false, None);
//! let submenu = Submenu::with_items(
//! "Submenu Outer",
//! true,
//! &[
//! &MenuItem::new(
//! "Menu item #1",
//! true,
//! Some(Accelerator::new(Some(Modifiers::ALT), Code::KeyD)),
//! ),
//! &PredefinedMenuItem::separator(),
//! &menu_item2,
//! &MenuItem::new("Menu item #3", true, None),
//! &PredefinedMenuItem::separator(),
//! &Submenu::with_items(
//! "Submenu Inner",
//! true,
//! &[
//! &MenuItem::new("Submenu item #1", true, None),
//! &PredefinedMenuItem::separator(),
//! &menu_item2,
//! ],
//! ),
//! ],
//! );
//! ```
//! Then Add your root menu to a Window on Windows and Linux Only or use it
//! as your global app menu on macOS
//! ```no_run
//! # let menu = muda::Menu::new();
//! # let window_hwnd = 0;
//! # #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
//! # let gtk_window = gtk::ApplicationWindow::builder().build();
//! // --snip--
//! #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
//! menu.init_for_hwnd(window_hwnd);
//! #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
//! menu.init_for_gtk_window(>k_window);
//! #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
//! menu.init_for_nsapp();
//! ```
//! # Context menus (Popup menus)
//! You can also use a [`Menu`] or a [`Submenu`] show a context menu.
//! ```no_run
//! use muda::ContextMenu;
//! # let menu = muda::Menu::new();
//! # let window_hwnd = 0;
//! # #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
//! # let gtk_window = gtk::ApplicationWindow::builder().build();
//! # #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
//! # let nsview = 0 as *mut objc::runtime::Object;
//! // --snip--
//! let x = 100.0;
//! let y = 120.0;
//! #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
//! menu.show_context_menu_for_hwnd(window_hwnd, x, y);
//! #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
//! menu.show_context_menu_for_gtk_window(>k_window, x, y);
//! #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
//! menu.show_context_menu_for_nsview(nsview, x, y);
//! ```
//! # Processing menu events
//! You can use [`MenuEvent::receiver`] to get a reference to the [`MenuEventReceiver`]
//! which you can use to listen to events when a menu item is activated
//! ```no_run
//! # use muda::MenuEvent;
//! #
//! # let save_item: muda::MenuItem = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
//! if let Ok(event) = MenuEvent::receiver().try_recv() {
//! match event.id {
//! id if id == save_item.id() => {
//! println!("Save menu item activated");
//! },
//! _ => {}
//! }
//! }
//! ```
use crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, Receiver, Sender};
use once_cell::sync::{Lazy, OnceCell};
pub mod accelerator;
mod check_menu_item;
mod error;
mod icon_menu_item;
mod menu;
mod menu_item;
mod platform_impl;
mod predefined;
mod submenu;
mod util;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
extern crate objc;
pub use self::error::*;
pub use check_menu_item::CheckMenuItem;
pub use icon_menu_item::IconMenuItem;
pub use menu::Menu;
pub mod icon;
pub use menu_item::MenuItem;
pub use predefined::{AboutMetadata, PredefinedMenuItem};
pub use submenu::Submenu;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum MenuItemType {
impl Default for MenuItemType {
fn default() -> Self {
/// A trait that defines a generic item in a menu, which may be one of [MenuItemType]
/// # Safety
/// This trait is ONLY meant to be implemented internally.
// TODO(amrbashir): first person to replace this trait with an enum while keeping `Menu.append_items`
// taking mix of types (`MenuItem`, `CheckMenuItem`, `Submenu`...etc) in the same call, gets a cookie.
pub unsafe trait MenuItemExt {
/// Get the type of this menu entry
fn type_(&self) -> MenuItemType;
/// Casts this menu entry to [`Any`](std::any::Any).
/// You can use this to get the concrete underlying type
/// when calling [`Menu::items`] or [`Submenu::items`] by calling [`downcast_ref`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/any/trait.Any.html#method.downcast_ref-1)
/// ## Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use muda::{Submenu, MenuItem};
/// let submenu = Submenu::new("Submenu", true);
/// let item = MenuItem::new("Text", true, None);
/// submenu.append(&item);
/// // --snip--
/// let item = &submenu.items()[0];
/// let item = item.as_any().downcast_ref::<MenuItem>().unwrap();
/// item.set_text("New text")
/// ````
fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn std::any::Any + 'static);
/// Returns the id associated with this menu entry
fn id(&self) -> u32;
pub trait ContextMenu {
/// Get the popup [`HMENU`] for this menu.
/// [`HMENU`]: windows_sys::Win32::UI::WindowsAndMessaging::HMENU
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn hpopupmenu(&self) -> windows_sys::Win32::UI::WindowsAndMessaging::HMENU;
/// Shows this menu as a context menu inside a win32 window.
/// `x` and `y` are relative to the window's top-left corner.
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn show_context_menu_for_hwnd(&self, hwnd: isize, x: f64, y: f64);
/// Attach the menu subclass handler to the given hwnd
/// so you can recieve events from that window using [MenuEvent::receiver]
/// This can be used along with [`ContextMenu::hpopupmenu`] when implementing a tray icon menu.
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn attach_menu_subclass_for_hwnd(&self, hwnd: isize);
/// Remove the menu subclass handler from the given hwnd
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn detach_menu_subclass_from_hwnd(&self, hwnd: isize);
/// Shows this menu as a context menu inside a [`gtk::ApplicationWindow`]
/// `x` and `y` are relative to the window's top-left corner.
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn show_context_menu_for_gtk_window(&self, w: >k::ApplicationWindow, x: f64, y: f64);
/// Get the underlying gtk menu reserved for context menus.
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn gtk_context_menu(&self) -> gtk::Menu;
/// Shows this menu as a context menu for the specified `NSView`.
/// The menu will be shown at the coordinates of the current event
/// (the click which triggered the menu to be shown).
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
fn show_context_menu_for_nsview(&self, view: cocoa::base::id, x: f64, y: f64);
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
fn ns_menu(&self) -> *mut std::ffi::c_void;
/// Describes a menu event emitted when a menu item is activated
pub struct MenuEvent {
/// Id of the menu item which triggered this event
pub id: u32,
/// A reciever that could be used to listen to menu events.
pub type MenuEventReceiver = Receiver<MenuEvent>;
type MenuEventHandler = Box<dyn Fn(MenuEvent) + Send + Sync + 'static>;
static MENU_CHANNEL: Lazy<(Sender<MenuEvent>, MenuEventReceiver)> = Lazy::new(unbounded);
static MENU_EVENT_HANDLER: OnceCell<Option<MenuEventHandler>> = OnceCell::new();
impl MenuEvent {
/// Gets a reference to the event channel's [`MenuEventReceiver`]
/// which can be used to listen for menu events.
/// ## Note
/// This will not receive any events if [`MenuEvent::set_event_handler`] has been called with a `Some` value.
pub fn receiver<'a>() -> &'a MenuEventReceiver {
/// Set a handler to be called for new events. Useful for implementing custom event sender.
/// ## Note
/// Calling this function with a `Some` value,
/// will not send new events to the channel associated with [`MenuEvent::receiver`]
pub fn set_event_handler<F: Fn(MenuEvent) + Send + Sync + 'static>(f: Option<F>) {
if let Some(f) = f {
let _ = MENU_EVENT_HANDLER.set(Some(Box::new(f)));
} else {
let _ = MENU_EVENT_HANDLER.set(None);
pub(crate) fn send(event: MenuEvent) {
if let Some(handler) = MENU_EVENT_HANDLER.get_or_init(|| None) {
} else {
let _ = MENU_CHANNEL.0.send(event);