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//! Implementation details for the parameter management.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use super::{Param, ParamFlags};
pub use nih_plug_derive::Params;
/// Re-export for use in the [`Params`] proc-macro.
pub use serde_json::from_str as deserialize_field;
/// Re-export for use in the [`Params`] proc-macro.
pub use serde_json::to_string as serialize_field;
/// Describes a struct containing parameters and other persistent fields.
/// This trait can be derived on a struct containing [`FloatParam`][super::FloatParam] and other
/// parameter fields. When deriving this trait, any of those parameter fields should have the `#[id
/// = "stable"]` attribute, where `stable` is an up to 6 character long string (to avoid collisions)
/// that will be used to identify the parameter internall so you can safely move it around and
/// rename the field without breaking compatibility with old presets.
/// The struct can also contain other fields that should be persisted along with the rest of the
/// preset data. These fields should be [`PersistentField`]s annotated with the `#[persist = "key"]`
/// attribute containing types that can be serialized and deserialized with
/// [Serde](https://serde.rs/).
/// And finally when deriving this trait, it is also possible to inherit the parameters from other
/// `Params` objects by adding the `#[nested = "Group Name"]` attribute to those fields. These
/// groups will be displayed as a tree-like structure if your DAW supports it. Parameter IDs and
/// persisting keys still need to be **unique** when usting nested parameter structs. This currently
/// has the following caveats:
/// - Enforcing that parameter IDs and persist keys are unique does not work across nested structs.
/// - Deserializing persisted fields will give false positives about fields not existing.
/// Take a look at the example gain plugin to see how this should be used.
/// # Safety
/// This implementation is safe when using from the wrapper because the plugin's returned `Params`
/// object lives in an `Arc`, and the wrapper also holds a reference to this `Arc`.
pub unsafe trait Params: 'static + Send + Sync {
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/// Create a mapping from unique parameter IDs to parameter pointers along with the name of the
/// group/unit/module they are in, as a `(param_id, param_ptr, group)` triple. The order of the
/// `Vec` determines the display order in the (host's) generic UI. The group name is either an
/// empty string for top level parameters, or a slash/delimited `"Group Name 1/Group Name 2"` if
/// this `Params` object contains nested child objects. All components of a group path must
/// exist or you may encounter panics. The derive macro does this for every parameter field
/// marked with `#[id = "stable"]`, and it also inlines all fields from nested child `Params`
/// structs marked with `#[nested = "Group Name"]` while prefixing that group name before the
/// parameter's originanl group name. Dereferencing the pointers stored in the values is only
/// valid as long as this object is valid.
/// # Note
/// This uses `String` even though for the `Params` derive macro `&'static str` would have been
/// fine to be able to support custom reusable Params implemnetations.
fn param_map(&self) -> Vec<(String, ParamPtr, String)>;
/// Serialize all fields marked with `#[persist = "stable_name"]` into a hash map containing
/// JSON-representations of those fields so they can be written to the plugin's state and
/// recalled later. This uses [`serialize_field()`] under the hood.
fn serialize_fields(&self) -> HashMap<String, String> {
/// Restore all fields marked with `#[persist = "stable_name"]` from a hashmap created by
/// [`serialize_fields()`][Self::serialize_fields()]. All of thse fields should be wrapped in a
/// [`PersistentField`] with thread safe interior mutability, like an `RwLock` or a `Mutex`.
/// This gets called when the plugin's state is being restored. This uses [deserialize_field()]
/// under the hood.
fn deserialize_fields(&self, serialized: &HashMap<String, String>) {}
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/// Internal pointers to parameters. This is an implementation detail used by the wrappers for type
/// erasure.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Hash)]
pub enum ParamPtr {
FloatParam(*mut super::FloatParam),
IntParam(*mut super::IntParam),
BoolParam(*mut super::BoolParam),
/// Since we can't encode the actual enum here, this inner parameter struct contains all of the
/// relevant information from the enum so it can be type erased.
EnumParam(*mut super::enums::EnumParamInner),
// These pointers only point to fields on structs kept in an `Arc<dyn Params>`, and the caller
// always needs to make sure that dereferencing them is safe. To do that the plugin wrappers will
// keep references to that `Arc` around for the entire lifetime of the plugin.
unsafe impl Send for ParamPtr {}
unsafe impl Sync for ParamPtr {}
/// The functinoality needed for persisting a field to the plugin's state, and for restoring values
/// when loading old state.
/// TODO: Modifying these fields (or any parameter for that matter) should mark the plugin's state
/// as dirty.
pub trait PersistentField<'a, T>: Send + Sync
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a>,
fn set(&self, new_value: T);
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R;
/// Generate a [`ParamPtr`] function that forwards the function call to the underlying `Param`. We
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/// can't have an `.as_param()` function since the return type would differ depending on the
/// underlying parameter type, so instead we need to type erase all of the functions individually.
macro_rules! param_ptr_forward(
(pub unsafe fn $method:ident(&self $(, $arg_name:ident: $arg_ty:ty)*) $(-> $ret:ty)?) => {
/// Calls the corresponding method on the underlying [`Param`] object.
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/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this [`ParamPtr`] was created
/// for is still alive.
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pub unsafe fn $method(&self $(, $arg_name: $arg_ty)*) $(-> $ret)? {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::BoolParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
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// XXX: Is there a way to combine these two? Hygienic macros don't let you call `&self` without
// it being defined in the macro.
(pub unsafe fn $method:ident(&mut self $(, $arg_name:ident: $arg_ty:ty)*) $(-> $ret:ty)?) => {
/// Calls the corresponding method on the underlying [`Param`] object.
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/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this [`ParamPtr`] was created
/// for is still alive.
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pub unsafe fn $method(&mut self $(, $arg_name: $arg_ty)*) $(-> $ret)? {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::BoolParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).$method($($arg_name),*),
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impl ParamPtr {
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn name(&self) -> &str);
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param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn unit(&self) -> &'static str);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn normalized_value(&self) -> f32);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn unmodulated_normalized_value(&self) -> f32);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn default_normalized_value(&self) -> f32);
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param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn step_count(&self) -> Option<usize>);
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param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn previous_normalized_step(&self, from: f32) -> f32);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn next_normalized_step(&self, from: f32) -> f32);
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param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn set_normalized_value(&self, normalized: f32));
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param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn update_smoother(&self, sample_rate: f32, reset: bool));
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn initialize_block_smoother(&mut self, max_block_size: usize));
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param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn normalized_value_to_string(&self, normalized: f32, include_unit: bool) -> String);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn string_to_normalized_value(&self, string: &str) -> Option<f32>);
param_ptr_forward!(pub unsafe fn flags(&self) -> ParamFlags);
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// These functions involve casts since the plugin formats only do floating point types, so we
// can't generate them with the macro:
/// Get the parameter's plain, unnormalized value, converted to a float. Useful in conjunction
/// with [`preview_plain()`][Self::preview_plain()] to compare a snapped discrete value to a
/// parameter's current snapped value without having to do a back and forth conversion using
/// normalized values.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this `ParamPtr` was created for is
/// still alive.
pub unsafe fn plain_value(&self) -> f32 {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).plain_value(),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).plain_value() as f32,
ParamPtr::BoolParam(p) => (**p).normalized_value(),
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).plain_value() as f32,
/// Get the parameter's plain, unnormalized value, converted to a float, before any monophonic
/// host modulation has been applied. This is useful for handling modulated parameters for CLAP
/// plugins in Bitwig in a way where the actual parameter does not move in the GUI while the
/// parameter is being modulated. You can also use this to show the difference between the
/// unmodulated value and the current value. Useful in conjunction with
/// [`preview_plain()`][Self::preview_plain()] to compare a snapped discrete value to a
/// parameter's current snapped value without having to do a back and forth conversion using
/// normalized values.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this `ParamPtr` was created for is
/// still alive.
pub unsafe fn unmodulated_plain_value(&self) -> f32 {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).unmodulated_plain_value(),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).unmodulated_plain_value() as f32,
ParamPtr::BoolParam(p) => (**p).unmodulated_normalized_value(),
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).unmodulated_plain_value() as f32,
/// Get the parameter's default value as a plain, unnormalized value, converted to a float.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this `ParamPtr` was created for is
/// still alive.
pub unsafe fn default_plain_value(&self) -> f32 {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).default_plain_value(),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).default_plain_value() as f32,
ParamPtr::BoolParam(p) => (**p).normalized_value(),
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).default_plain_value() as f32,
/// Get the normalized value for a plain, unnormalized value, as a float. Used as part of the
/// wrappers.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this `ParamPtr` was created for is
/// still alive.
pub unsafe fn preview_normalized(&self, plain: f32) -> f32 {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).preview_normalized(plain),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).preview_normalized(plain as i32),
ParamPtr::BoolParam(_) => plain,
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).preview_normalized(plain as i32),
/// Get the plain, unnormalized value for a normalized value, as a float. Used as part of the
/// wrappers.
/// # Safety
/// Calling this function is only safe as long as the object this `ParamPtr` was created for is
/// still alive.
pub unsafe fn preview_plain(&self, normalized: f32) -> f32 {
match &self {
ParamPtr::FloatParam(p) => (**p).preview_plain(normalized),
ParamPtr::IntParam(p) => (**p).preview_plain(normalized) as f32,
ParamPtr::BoolParam(_) => normalized,
ParamPtr::EnumParam(p) => (**p).preview_plain(normalized) as f32,
impl<'a, T> PersistentField<'a, T> for std::sync::RwLock<T>
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync,
fn set(&self, new_value: T) {
*self.write().expect("Poisoned RwLock on write") = new_value;
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R,
f(&self.read().expect("Poisoned RwLock on read"))
impl<'a, T> PersistentField<'a, T> for parking_lot::RwLock<T>
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync,
fn set(&self, new_value: T) {
*self.write() = new_value;
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R,
impl<'a, T> PersistentField<'a, T> for std::sync::Mutex<T>
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync,
fn set(&self, new_value: T) {
*self.lock().expect("Poisoned Mutex") = new_value;
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R,
f(&self.lock().expect("Poisoned Mutex"))
macro_rules! impl_persistent_field_parking_lot_mutex {
($ty:ty) => {
impl<'a, T> PersistentField<'a, T> for $ty
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync,
fn set(&self, new_value: T) {
*self.lock() = new_value;
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R,
impl<'a, T> PersistentField<'a, T> for atomic_refcell::AtomicRefCell<T>
T: serde::Serialize + serde::Deserialize<'a> + Send + Sync,
fn set(&self, new_value: T) {
*self.borrow_mut() = new_value;
fn map<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: Fn(&T) -> R,