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// Clippy doesn't understand it when we use a unit in our `check_null_ptr!()` maccro, even if we
// explicitly pattern match on that unit
use clap_sys::events::{
2022-03-02 10:29:50 +11:00
clap_event_header, clap_event_note, clap_event_param_mod, clap_event_param_value,
clap_input_events, clap_output_events, CLAP_CORE_EVENT_SPACE_ID, CLAP_EVENT_MIDI,
use clap_sys::ext::audio_ports::{
clap_audio_port_info, clap_plugin_audio_ports, CLAP_AUDIO_PORT_IS_MAIN, CLAP_EXT_AUDIO_PORTS,
use clap_sys::ext::audio_ports_config::{
clap_audio_ports_config, clap_plugin_audio_ports_config, CLAP_EXT_AUDIO_PORTS_CONFIG,
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
use clap_sys::ext::latency::{clap_host_latency, clap_plugin_latency, CLAP_EXT_LATENCY};
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
use clap_sys::ext::params::{
clap_param_info, clap_plugin_params, CLAP_EXT_PARAMS, CLAP_PARAM_IS_BYPASS,
use clap_sys::ext::state::{clap_plugin_state, CLAP_EXT_STATE};
use clap_sys::ext::thread_check::{clap_host_thread_check, CLAP_EXT_THREAD_CHECK};
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
use clap_sys::host::clap_host;
use clap_sys::id::{clap_id, CLAP_INVALID_ID};
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
use clap_sys::plugin::clap_plugin;
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
use clap_sys::process::{
use clap_sys::stream::{clap_istream, clap_ostream};
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
use crossbeam::atomic::AtomicCell;
use crossbeam::queue::ArrayQueue;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
2022-03-02 10:29:50 +11:00
use parking_lot::{RwLock, RwLockWriteGuard};
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
use std::cmp;
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::ffi::{c_void, CStr};
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, Ordering};
use std::thread::{self, ThreadId};
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
use super::context::WrapperProcessContext;
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
use super::descriptor::PluginDescriptor;
use super::util::ClapPtr;
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
use crate::buffer::Buffer;
use crate::event_loop::{EventLoop, MainThreadExecutor, TASK_QUEUE_CAPACITY};
use crate::param::internals::ParamPtr;
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
use crate::plugin::{BufferConfig, BusConfig, ClapPlugin, NoteEvent, ProcessStatus};
2022-03-03 02:25:30 +11:00
use crate::wrapper::state;
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
use crate::wrapper::util::{hash_param_id, process_wrapper, strlcpy};
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
/// Right now the wrapper adds its own bypass parameter.
/// TODO: Actually use this parameter.
pub const BYPASS_PARAM_ID: &str = "bypass";
lazy_static! {
pub static ref BYPASS_PARAM_HASH: u32 = hash_param_id(BYPASS_PARAM_ID);
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
pub struct Wrapper<P: ClapPlugin> {
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
// Keep the vtable as the first field so we can do a simple pointer cast
pub clap_plugin: clap_plugin,
/// The wrapped plugin instance.
plugin: RwLock<P>,
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
/// The current IO configuration, modified through the `clap_plugin_audio_ports_config`
/// extension.
current_bus_config: AtomicCell<BusConfig>,
/// The current buffer configuration, containing the sample rate and the maximum block size.
/// Will be set in `clap_plugin::activate()`.
current_buffer_config: AtomicCell<Option<BufferConfig>>,
/// Whether the plugin is currently bypassed. This is not yet integrated with the `Plugin`
/// trait.
bypass_state: AtomicBool,
/// The incoming events for the plugin, if `P::ACCEPTS_MIDI` is set.
/// TODO: Maybe load these lazily at some point instead of needing to spool them all to this
/// queue first
input_events: RwLock<VecDeque<NoteEvent>>,
/// The current latency in samples, as set by the plugin through the [ProcessContext]. uses the
/// latency extnesion
pub current_latency: AtomicU32,
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
/// Contains slices for the plugin's outputs. You can't directly create a nested slice form
/// apointer to pointers, so this needs to be preallocated in the setup call and kept around
/// between process calls. This buffer owns the vector, because otherwise it would need to store
/// a mutable reference to the data contained in this mutex.
pub output_buffer: RwLock<Buffer<'static>>,
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
/// Needs to be boxed because the plugin object is supposed to contain a static reference to
/// this.
plugin_descriptor: Box<PluginDescriptor<P>>,
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
// We'll query all of the host's extensions upfront
host_callback: ClapPtr<clap_host>,
clap_plugin_audio_ports_config: clap_plugin_audio_ports_config,
/// During initialization we'll ask `P` which bus configurations it supports. The host can then
/// use the audio ports config extension to choose a configuration. Right now we only query mono
/// and stereo configurations, with and without inputs, as well as the plugin's default input
/// and output channel counts if that does not match one of those configurations (to do the
/// least surprising thing).
/// TODO: Support surround setups once a plugin needs taht
supported_bus_configs: Vec<BusConfig>,
clap_plugin_audio_ports: clap_plugin_audio_ports,
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
clap_plugin_latency: clap_plugin_latency,
host_latency: Option<ClapPtr<clap_host_latency>>,
clap_plugin_params: clap_plugin_params,
// These fiels are exactly the same as their VST3 wrapper counterparts.
/// The keys from `param_map` in a stable order.
param_hashes: Vec<u32>,
/// A mapping from parameter ID hashes (obtained from the string parameter IDs) to pointers to
/// parameters belonging to the plugin. As long as `plugin` does not get recreated, these
/// addresses will remain stable, as they are obtained from a pinned object.
param_by_hash: HashMap<u32, ParamPtr>,
/// The default normalized parameter value for every parameter in `param_ids`. We need to store
/// this in case the host requeries the parmaeter later. This is also indexed by the hash so we
/// can retrieve them later for the UI if needed.
param_defaults_normalized: HashMap<u32, f32>,
/// Mappings from string parameter indentifiers to parameter hashes. Useful for debug logging
/// and when storing and restoring plugin state.
param_id_to_hash: HashMap<&'static str, u32>,
/// The inverse mapping from [Self::param_by_hash]. This is needed to be able to have an
/// ergonomic parameter setting API that uses references to the parameters instead of having to
/// add a setter function to the parameter (or even worse, have it be completely untyped).
param_ptr_to_hash: HashMap<ParamPtr, u32>,
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
host_thread_check: Option<ClapPtr<clap_host_thread_check>>,
clap_plugin_state: clap_plugin_state,
/// A queue of tasks that still need to be performed. Because CLAP lets the plugin request a
/// host callback directly, we don't need to use the OsEventLoop we use in our other plugin
/// implementations. Instead, we'll post tasks to this queue, ask the host to call
/// [Self::on_main_thread] on the main thread, and then continue to pop tasks off this queue
/// there until it is empty.
tasks: ArrayQueue<Task>,
/// The ID of the main thread. In practice this is the ID of the thread that created this
/// object. If the host supports the thread check extension (and [Self::thread_check] thus
/// contains a value), then that extension is used instead.
main_thread_id: ThreadId,
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
/// Tasks that can be sent from the plugin to be executed on the main thread in a non-blocking
/// realtime safe way. Instead of using a random thread or the OS' event loop like in the Linux
/// implementation, this uses [clap_host::request_callback()] instead.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Task {
/// Inform the host that the latency has changed.
/// The types of CLAP parameter updates for events.
pub enum ClapParamUpdate {
/// Set the parameter to this plain value. In our wrapper the plain values are the normalized
/// values multiplied by the step count for discrete parameters.
/// Add a delta to the parameter's current plain value (so again, multiplied by the step size).
/// Because CLAP has this [clap_host::request_host_callback()] function, we don't need to use
/// `OsEventLoop` and can instead just request a main thread callback directly.
impl<P: ClapPlugin> EventLoop<Task, Wrapper<P>> for Wrapper<P> {
fn new_and_spawn(_executor: std::sync::Weak<Self>) -> Self {
panic!("What are you doing");
fn do_maybe_async(&self, task: Task) -> bool {
if self.is_main_thread() {
unsafe { self.execute(task) };
} else {
let success = self.tasks.push(task).is_ok();
if success {
// CLAP lets us use the host's event loop instead of having to implement our own
let host = &self.host_callback;
unsafe { (host.request_callback)(&**host) };
fn is_main_thread(&self) -> bool {
// If the host supports the thread check interface then we'll use that, otherwise we'll
// check if this is the same thread as the one that created the plugin instance.
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
match &self.host_thread_check {
Some(thread_check) => unsafe { (thread_check.is_main_thread)(&*self.host_callback) },
None => thread::current().id() == self.main_thread_id,
impl<P: ClapPlugin> MainThreadExecutor<Task> for Wrapper<P> {
unsafe fn execute(&self, task: Task) {
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
// This function is always called from the main thread, from [Self::on_main_thread].
match task {
Task::LatencyChanged => match &self.host_latency {
Some(host_latency) => (host_latency.changed)(&*self.host_callback),
None => nih_debug_assert_failure!("Host does not support the latency extension"),
impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
pub fn new(host_callback: *const clap_host) -> Self {
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
let plugin_descriptor = Box::new(PluginDescriptor::default());
let host_callback = unsafe { ClapPtr::new(host_callback) };
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
let host_latency =
unsafe { query_host_extension::<clap_host_latency>(&host_callback, CLAP_EXT_LATENCY) };
let host_thread_check = unsafe {
query_host_extension::<clap_host_thread_check>(&host_callback, CLAP_EXT_THREAD_CHECK)
let mut wrapper = Self {
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
clap_plugin: clap_plugin {
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
// This needs to live on the heap because the plugin object contains a direct
// reference to the manifest as a value. We could share this between instances of
// the plugin using an `Arc`, but this doesn't consume a lot of memory so it's not a
// huge deal.
desc: plugin_descriptor.clap_plugin_descriptor(),
// We already need to use pointer casts in the factory, so might as well continue
// doing that here
plugin_data: ptr::null_mut(),
init: Self::init,
destroy: Self::destroy,
activate: Self::activate,
deactivate: Self::deactivate,
start_processing: Self::start_processing,
stop_processing: Self::stop_processing,
process: Self::process,
get_extension: Self::get_extension,
on_main_thread: Self::on_main_thread,
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
plugin: RwLock::new(P::default()),
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
current_bus_config: AtomicCell::new(BusConfig {
num_input_channels: P::DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS,
num_output_channels: P::DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS,
current_buffer_config: AtomicCell::new(None),
bypass_state: AtomicBool::new(false),
input_events: RwLock::new(VecDeque::with_capacity(512)),
current_latency: AtomicU32::new(0),
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
output_buffer: RwLock::new(Buffer::default()),
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
clap_plugin_audio_ports_config: clap_plugin_audio_ports_config {
count: Self::ext_audio_ports_config_count,
get: Self::ext_audio_ports_config_get,
select: Self::ext_audio_ports_config_select,
supported_bus_configs: Vec::new(),
clap_plugin_audio_ports: clap_plugin_audio_ports {
count: Self::ext_audio_ports_count,
get: Self::ext_audio_ports_get,
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
clap_plugin_latency: clap_plugin_latency {
get: Self::ext_latency_get,
clap_plugin_params: clap_plugin_params {
count: Self::ext_params_count,
get_info: Self::ext_params_get_info,
get_value: Self::ext_params_get_value,
value_to_text: Self::ext_params_value_to_text,
text_to_value: Self::ext_params_text_to_value,
flush: Self::ext_params_flush,
param_hashes: Vec::new(),
param_by_hash: HashMap::new(),
param_defaults_normalized: HashMap::new(),
param_id_to_hash: HashMap::new(),
param_ptr_to_hash: HashMap::new(),
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
clap_plugin_state: clap_plugin_state {
save: Self::ext_state_save,
load: Self::ext_state_load,
tasks: ArrayQueue::new(TASK_QUEUE_CAPACITY),
main_thread_id: thread::current().id(),
// Query all sensible bus configurations supported by the plugin. We don't do surround or
// anything beyond stereo right now.
for num_output_channels in [1, 2] {
for num_input_channels in [0, num_output_channels] {
let bus_config = BusConfig {
if wrapper.plugin.read().accepts_bus_config(&bus_config) {
// In the off chance that the default config specified by the plugin is not in the above
// list, we'll try that as well.
let default_bus_config = BusConfig {
num_input_channels: P::DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS,
num_output_channels: P::DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS,
if !wrapper.supported_bus_configs.contains(&default_bus_config)
&& wrapper
// This is a mapping from the parameter IDs specified by the plugin to pointers to thsoe
// parameters. Since the object returned by `params()` is pinned, these pointers are safe to
// dereference as long as `wrapper.plugin` is alive
let param_map = wrapper.plugin.read().params().param_map();
let param_ids = wrapper.plugin.read().params().param_ids();
"The wrapper already adds its own bypass parameter"
// Only calculate these hashes once, and in the stable order defined by the plugin
let param_id_hashes_ptrs: Vec<_> = param_ids
.filter_map(|id| {
let param_ptr = param_map.get(id)?;
Some((id, hash_param_id(id), param_ptr))
wrapper.param_hashes = param_id_hashes_ptrs
.map(|&(_, hash, _)| hash)
wrapper.param_by_hash = param_id_hashes_ptrs
.map(|&(_, hash, ptr)| (hash, *ptr))
wrapper.param_defaults_normalized = param_id_hashes_ptrs
.map(|&(_, hash, ptr)| (hash, unsafe { ptr.normalized_value() }))
wrapper.param_id_to_hash = param_id_hashes_ptrs
.map(|&(id, hash, _)| (*id, hash))
wrapper.param_ptr_to_hash = param_id_hashes_ptrs
.map(|(_, hash, ptr)| (*ptr, hash))
2022-03-01 04:27:57 +11:00
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
fn make_process_context(&self) -> WrapperProcessContext<'_, P> {
WrapperProcessContext {
plugin: self,
input_events_guard: self.input_events.write(),
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
/// Convenience function for setting a value for a parameter as triggered by a VST3 parameter
/// update. The same rate is for updating parameter smoothing.
/// # Note
/// These values are CLAP plain values, which include a step count multiplier for discrete
/// parameter values.
pub fn update_plain_value_by_hash(
hash: u32,
update: ClapParamUpdate,
sample_rate: Option<f32>,
) -> bool {
if hash == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH {
match update {
ClapParamUpdate::PlainValueSet(clap_plain_value) => self
.store(clap_plain_value >= 0.5, Ordering::SeqCst),
ClapParamUpdate::PlainValueMod(clap_plain_mod) => {
if clap_plain_mod > 0.0 {
self.bypass_state.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst)
} else if clap_plain_mod < 0.0 {
self.bypass_state.store(false, Ordering::SeqCst)
} else if let Some(param_ptr) = self.param_by_hash.get(&hash) {
let normalized_value = match update {
ClapParamUpdate::PlainValueSet(clap_plain_value) => {
clap_plain_value as f32 / unsafe { param_ptr.step_count() }.unwrap_or(1) as f32
ClapParamUpdate::PlainValueMod(clap_plain_mod) => {
let current_normalized_value = unsafe { param_ptr.normalized_value() };
+ (clap_plain_mod as f32
/ unsafe { param_ptr.step_count() }.unwrap_or(1) as f32)
// Also update the parameter's smoothing if applicable
match (param_ptr, sample_rate) {
(_, Some(sample_rate)) => unsafe {
param_ptr.update_smoother(sample_rate, false);
_ => unsafe { param_ptr.set_normalized_value(normalized_value) },
} else {
/// Handle an incoming CLAP event. You must clear [Self::input_events] first before calling this
/// from the process function.
2022-03-02 10:29:50 +11:00
/// To save on mutex operations when handing MIDI events, the lock guard for the input events
/// need to be passed into this function.
pub unsafe fn handle_event(
event: *const clap_event_header,
input_events: &mut RwLockWriteGuard<VecDeque<NoteEvent>>,
) {
let raw_event = &*event;
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
match (raw_event.space_id, raw_event.type_) {
// TODO: Implement the event filter
// TODO: Handle sample accurate parameter changes, possibly in a similar way to the
// smoothing
let event = &*(event as *const clap_event_param_value);
self.current_buffer_config.load().map(|c| c.sample_rate),
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
let event = &*(event as *const clap_event_param_mod);
self.current_buffer_config.load().map(|c| c.sample_rate),
2022-03-02 10:29:50 +11:00
let event = &*(event as *const clap_event_note);
input_events.push_back(NoteEvent::NoteOn {
timing: raw_event.time,
channel: event.channel as u8,
note: event.key as u8,
velocity: (event.velocity * 127.0).round() as u8,
let event = &*(event as *const clap_event_note);
input_events.push_back(NoteEvent::NoteOff {
timing: raw_event.time,
channel: event.channel as u8,
note: event.key as u8,
velocity: (event.velocity * 127.0).round() as u8,
// TODO: Implement pressure and other expressions along with MIDI CCs
// TODO: Implement raw MIDI handling once we add CCs
// TODO: Make sure this only gets logged in debug mode
_ => nih_log!(
"Unhandled CLAP event type {} for namespace {}",
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn init(_plugin: *const clap_plugin) -> bool {
// We don't need any special initialization
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn destroy(plugin: *const clap_plugin) {
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
Box::from_raw(plugin as *mut Self);
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn activate(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
sample_rate: f64,
_min_frames_count: u32,
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
max_frames_count: u32,
) -> bool {
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin);
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
let bus_config = wrapper.current_bus_config.load();
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
let buffer_config = BufferConfig {
sample_rate: sample_rate as f32,
max_buffer_size: max_frames_count,
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
// Befure initializing the plugin, make sure all smoothers are set the the default values
for param in wrapper.param_by_hash.values() {
param.update_smoother(buffer_config.sample_rate, true);
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
if wrapper.plugin.write().initialize(
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
&mut wrapper.make_process_context(),
) {
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
// Preallocate enough room in the output slices vector so we can convert a `*mut *mut
// f32` to a `&mut [&mut f32]` in the process call
wrapper.output_buffer.write().with_raw_vec(|output_slices| {
output_slices.resize_with(bus_config.num_output_channels as usize, || &mut [])
// Also store this for later, so we can reinitialize the plugin after restoring state
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
} else {
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn deactivate(_plugin: *const clap_plugin) {
// We currently don't do anything here
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn start_processing(_plugin: *const clap_plugin) -> bool {
// We currently don't do anything here
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn stop_processing(_plugin: *const clap_plugin) {
// We currently don't do anything here
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn process(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
process: *const clap_process,
) -> clap_process_status {
check_null_ptr!(CLAP_PROCESS_ERROR, plugin, process);
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
// Panic on allocations if the `assert_process_allocs` feature has been enabled, and make
// sure that FTZ is set up correctly
process_wrapper(|| {
// We need to handle incoming automation and MIDI events. Since we don't support sample
// accuration automation yet and there's no way to get the last event for a parameter,
2022-03-02 10:29:50 +11:00
// we'll process every incoming event.
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
let process = &*process;
if !process.in_events.is_null() {
2022-03-02 10:38:25 +11:00
let mut input_events = wrapper.input_events.write();
2022-03-02 10:29:50 +11:00
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
let num_events = ((*process.in_events).size)(&*process.in_events);
for event_idx in 0..num_events {
let event = ((*process.in_events).get)(&*process.in_events, event_idx);
2022-03-02 10:38:25 +11:00
wrapper.handle_event(event, &mut input_events);
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
// I don't think this is a thing for CLAP since there's a dedicated flush function, but
// might as well protect against this
// TOOD: Send the output events when doing a flush
if process.audio_outputs_count == 0 || process.frames_count == 0 {
nih_log!("CLAP process call event flush");
// The setups we suppport are:
// - 1 input bus
// - 1 output bus
// - 1 input bus and 1 output bus
process.audio_inputs_count <= 1 && process.audio_outputs_count <= 1,
"The host provides more than one input or output bus"
// Right now we don't handle any auxiliary outputs
"Null pointers passed for audio outputs in process function",
2022-03-02 09:50:10 +11:00
let audio_outputs = &*process.audio_outputs;
let num_output_channels = audio_outputs.channel_count as usize;
// This vector has been preallocated to contain enough slices as there are output
// channels
// TODO: The audio buffers have a latency field, should we use those?
// TODO: Like with VST3, should we expose some way to access or set the silence/constant
// flags?
let mut output_buffer = wrapper.output_buffer.write();
output_buffer.with_raw_vec(|output_slices| {
nih_debug_assert_eq!(num_output_channels, output_slices.len());
for (output_channel_idx, output_channel_slice) in
// SAFETY: These pointers may not be valid outside of this function even though
// their lifetime is equal to this structs. This is still safe because they are
// only dereferenced here later as part of this process function.
*output_channel_slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
*(audio_outputs.data32 as *mut *mut f32).add(output_channel_idx),
process.frames_count as usize,
// Most hosts process data in place, in which case we don't need to do any copying
// ourselves. If the pointers do not alias, then we'll do the copy here and then the
// plugin can just do normal in place processing.
if !process.audio_inputs.is_null() {
// We currently don't support sidechain inputs
let audio_inputs = &*process.audio_inputs;
let num_input_channels = audio_inputs.channel_count as usize;
num_input_channels <= num_output_channels,
"Stereo to mono and similar configurations are not supported"
for input_channel_idx in 0..cmp::min(num_input_channels, num_output_channels) {
let output_channel_ptr =
*(audio_outputs.data32 as *mut *mut f32).add(input_channel_idx);
let input_channel_ptr = *(audio_inputs.data32).add(input_channel_idx);
if input_channel_ptr != output_channel_ptr {
process.frames_count as usize,
let mut plugin = wrapper.plugin.write();
let mut context = wrapper.make_process_context();
match plugin.process(&mut output_buffer, &mut context) {
ProcessStatus::Error(err) => {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Process error: {}", err);
ProcessStatus::Tail(_) => CLAP_PROCESS_CONTINUE,
ProcessStatus::KeepAlive => CLAP_PROCESS_CONTINUE,
// TODO: Handle parameter outputs/automation
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn get_extension(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
id: *const c_char,
) -> *const c_void {
check_null_ptr!(ptr::null(), plugin, id);
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
// TODO: Implement the following extensions:
// - gui
// - the non-freestanding GUI extensions depending on the platform
let id = CStr::from_ptr(id);
if id == CStr::from_ptr(CLAP_EXT_AUDIO_PORTS_CONFIG) {
&wrapper.clap_plugin_audio_ports_config as *const _ as *const c_void
} else if id == CStr::from_ptr(CLAP_EXT_AUDIO_PORTS) {
&wrapper.clap_plugin_audio_ports as *const _ as *const c_void
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
} else if id == CStr::from_ptr(CLAP_EXT_LATENCY) {
&wrapper.clap_plugin_latency as *const _ as *const c_void
} else if id == CStr::from_ptr(CLAP_EXT_PARAMS) {
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
&wrapper.clap_plugin_params as *const _ as *const c_void
} else if id == CStr::from_ptr(CLAP_EXT_STATE) {
&wrapper.clap_plugin_state as *const _ as *const c_void
} else {
nih_log!("Host tried to query unknown extension {:?}", id);
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
2022-03-01 05:16:03 +11:00
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn on_main_thread(plugin: *const clap_plugin) {
check_null_ptr!((), plugin);
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
// [Self::do_maybe_async] posts a task to the queue and asks the host to call this function
// on the main thread, so once that's done we can just handle all requests here
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
while let Some(task) = wrapper.tasks.pop() {
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_audio_ports_config_count(plugin: *const clap_plugin) -> u32 {
check_null_ptr!(0, plugin);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
wrapper.supported_bus_configs.len() as u32
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_audio_ports_config_get(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
index: u32,
config: *mut clap_audio_ports_config,
) -> bool {
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin, config);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
match wrapper.supported_bus_configs.get(index as usize) {
Some(bus_config) => {
let name = match bus_config {
BusConfig {
num_input_channels: _,
num_output_channels: 1,
} => String::from("Mono"),
BusConfig {
num_input_channels: _,
num_output_channels: 2,
} => String::from("Stereo"),
BusConfig {
} => format!("{num_input_channels} inputs, {num_output_channels} outputs"),
let input_port_type = match bus_config.num_input_channels {
_ => ptr::null(),
let output_port_type = match bus_config.num_output_channels {
_ => ptr::null(),
*config = std::mem::zeroed();
let config = &mut *config;
config.id = index;
strlcpy(&mut config.name, &name);
config.input_channel_count = bus_config.num_input_channels;
config.input_port_type = input_port_type;
config.output_channel_count = bus_config.num_output_channels;
config.output_port_type = output_port_type;
None => {
"Host tried to query out of bounds audio port config {}",
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_audio_ports_config_select(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
config_id: clap_id,
) -> bool {
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
// We use the vector indices for the config ID
match wrapper.supported_bus_configs.get(config_id as usize) {
Some(bus_config) => {
None => {
"Host tried to select out of bounds audio port config {}",
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_audio_ports_count(plugin: *const clap_plugin, is_input: bool) -> u32 {
// TODO: Implement sidechain nputs and auxiliary outputs
check_null_ptr!(0, plugin);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
let bus_config = wrapper.current_bus_config.load();
match (
) {
(true, 0, _) => 0,
// This should not be possible, however
(false, _, 0) => 0,
_ => 1,
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_audio_ports_get(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
index: u32,
is_input: bool,
info: *mut clap_audio_port_info,
) -> bool {
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin, info);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
const INPUT_ID: u32 = 0;
const OUTPUT_ID: u32 = 1;
// Even if we don't report having ports when the number of channels are 0, might as well
// handle them here anyways in case we do need to always report them in the future
match index {
0 => {
let current_bus_config = wrapper.current_bus_config.load();
let channel_count = if is_input {
} else {
// When we add sidechain inputs and auxiliary outputs this would need some changing
let stable_id = if is_input { INPUT_ID } else { OUTPUT_ID };
let pair_stable_id = if is_input && current_bus_config.num_output_channels > 0 {
} else if !is_input && current_bus_config.num_input_channels > 0 {
} else {
let port_type_name = if is_input { "Input" } else { "Output" };
let name = match channel_count {
1 => format!("Mono {port_type_name}"),
2 => format!("Stereo {port_type_name}"),
2022-03-03 02:25:30 +11:00
n => format!("{n} channel {port_type_name}"),
let port_type = match channel_count {
_ => ptr::null(),
*info = std::mem::zeroed();
let info = &mut *info;
info.id = stable_id;
strlcpy(&mut info.name, &name);
info.channel_count = channel_count;
info.port_type = port_type;
info.in_place_pair = pair_stable_id;
_ => {
"Host tried to query information for out of bounds audio port {} (input: {})",
2022-03-03 10:46:49 +11:00
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_latency_get(plugin: *const clap_plugin) -> u32 {
check_null_ptr!(0, plugin);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_params_count(plugin: *const clap_plugin) -> u32 {
check_null_ptr!(0, plugin);
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
// NOTE: We add a bypass parameter ourselves on index `plugin.param_hashes.len()`, so
// these indices are all off by one
wrapper.param_hashes.len() as u32 + 1
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_params_get_info(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
param_index: i32,
param_info: *mut clap_param_info,
) -> bool {
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin, param_info);
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
// Parameter index `self.param_ids.len()` is our own bypass parameter
if param_index < 0 || param_index > wrapper.param_hashes.len() as i32 {
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
return false;
*param_info = std::mem::zeroed();
// TODO: We don't use the cookies at this point. In theory this would be faster than the ID
// hashmap lookup, but for now we'll stay consistent with the VST3 implementation.
let param_info = &mut *param_info;
if param_index == wrapper.param_hashes.len() as i32 {
param_info.id = *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH;
param_info.cookie = ptr::null_mut();
strlcpy(&mut param_info.name, "Bypass");
strlcpy(&mut param_info.module, "");
param_info.min_value = 0.0;
param_info.max_value = 1.0;
param_info.default_value = 0.0;
} else {
let param_hash = &wrapper.param_hashes[param_index as usize];
let default_value = &wrapper.param_defaults_normalized[param_hash];
let param_ptr = &wrapper.param_by_hash[param_hash];
let step_count = param_ptr.step_count();
param_info.id = *param_hash;
param_info.flags = if step_count.is_some() {
} else {
param_info.cookie = ptr::null_mut();
strlcpy(&mut param_info.name, param_ptr.name());
strlcpy(&mut param_info.module, "");
// We don't use the actual minimum and maximum values here because that would not scale
// with skewed integer ranges. Instead, just treat all parameters as `[0, 1]` normalized
// paramters multiplied by the step size.
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
param_info.min_value = 0.0;
// Stepped parameters are unnormalized float parameters since there's no separate step
// range option
// TODO: This should probably be encapsulated in some way so we don't forget about this in one place
// TODO: Like with VST3, this won't actually do the correct thing with skewed stepped parameters
2022-03-01 11:54:04 +11:00
param_info.max_value = step_count.unwrap_or(1) as f64;
param_info.default_value = *default_value as f64 * step_count.unwrap_or(1) as f64;
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_params_get_value(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
param_id: clap_id,
value: *mut f64,
) -> bool {
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin, value);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
if param_id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH {
*value = if wrapper.bypass_state.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
} else {
} else if let Some(param_ptr) = wrapper.param_by_hash.get(&param_id) {
// TODO: As explained above, this may do strange things with skewed discrete parameters
*value =
param_ptr.normalized_value() as f64 * param_ptr.step_count().unwrap_or(1) as f64;
} else {
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_params_value_to_text(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
param_id: clap_id,
value: f64,
display: *mut c_char,
size: u32,
) -> bool {
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin, display);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
let dest = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(display, size as usize);
if param_id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH {
if value > 0.5 {
strlcpy(dest, "Bypassed")
} else {
strlcpy(dest, "Not Bypassed")
} else if let Some(param_ptr) = wrapper.param_by_hash.get(&param_id) {
// CLAP does not have a separate unit, so we'll include the unit here
2022-03-02 10:04:33 +11:00
value as f32 / param_ptr.step_count().unwrap_or(1) as f32,
} else {
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_params_text_to_value(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
param_id: clap_id,
display: *const c_char,
value: *mut f64,
) -> bool {
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin, display, value);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
let display = match CStr::from_ptr(display).to_str() {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => return false,
if param_id == *BYPASS_PARAM_HASH {
let normalized_valeu = match display {
"Bypassed" => 1.0,
"Not Bypassed" => 0.0,
_ => return false,
*value = normalized_valeu;
} else if let Some(param_ptr) = wrapper.param_by_hash.get(&param_id) {
let normalized_value = match param_ptr.string_to_normalized_value(display) {
Some(v) => v as f64,
None => return false,
2022-03-02 10:04:33 +11:00
*value = normalized_value * param_ptr.step_count().unwrap_or(1) as f64;
} else {
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_params_flush(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
in_: *const clap_input_events,
out: *const clap_output_events,
) {
check_null_ptr!((), plugin);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
if !in_.is_null() {
2022-03-02 10:38:25 +11:00
let mut input_events = wrapper.input_events.write();
2022-03-02 10:29:50 +11:00
let num_events = ((*in_).size)(&*in_);
for event_idx in 0..num_events {
let event = ((*in_).get)(&*in_, event_idx);
2022-03-02 10:38:25 +11:00
wrapper.handle_event(event, &mut input_events);
// TODO: Handle automation/outputs
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_state_save(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
stream: *mut clap_ostream,
) -> bool {
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin, stream);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
2022-03-03 02:25:30 +11:00
let serialized = state::serialize(
match serialized {
Ok(serialized) => {
// CLAP does not provide a way to tell how much data there is left in a stream, so
// we need to prepend it to our actual state data.
let length_bytes = (serialized.len() as u64).to_le_bytes();
let num_length_bytes_written = ((*stream).write)(
length_bytes.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
length_bytes.len() as u64,
2022-03-03 02:25:30 +11:00
let num_bytes_written = ((*stream).write)(
serialized.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
serialized.len() as u64,
nih_debug_assert_eq!(num_length_bytes_written as usize, length_bytes.len());
2022-03-03 02:25:30 +11:00
nih_debug_assert_eq!(num_bytes_written as usize, serialized.len());
Err(err) => {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Could not save state: {}", err);
unsafe extern "C" fn ext_state_load(
plugin: *const clap_plugin,
stream: *mut clap_istream,
) -> bool {
2022-03-03 02:25:30 +11:00
check_null_ptr!(false, plugin, stream);
let wrapper = &*(plugin as *const Self);
// CLAP does not have a way to tell how much data there is left in a stream, so we've
// prepended the size in front of our JSON state
let mut length_bytes = [0; 8];
let num_length_bytes_read = ((*stream).read)(
length_bytes.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
length_bytes.len() as u64,
nih_debug_assert_eq!(num_length_bytes_read as usize, length_bytes.len());
let length = u64::from_le_bytes(length_bytes);
let mut read_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(length as usize);
let num_bytes_read = ((*stream).read)(
read_buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
length as u64,
nih_debug_assert_eq!(num_bytes_read as u64, length);
read_buffer.set_len(length as usize);
2022-03-03 02:25:30 +11:00
let success = state::deserialize(
if !success {
return false;
// Reinitialize the plugin after loading state so it can respond to the new parameter values
let bus_config = wrapper.current_bus_config.load();
if let Some(buffer_config) = wrapper.current_buffer_config.load() {
&mut wrapper.make_process_context(),
2022-03-01 04:55:33 +11:00
/// Convenience function to query an extennsion from the host.
/// # Safety
/// The extension type `T` must match the extension's name `name`.
unsafe fn query_host_extension<T>(
host_callback: &ClapPtr<clap_host>,
name: *const c_char,
) -> Option<ClapPtr<T>> {
let extension_ptr = (host_callback.get_extension)(&**host_callback, name);
if !extension_ptr.is_null() {
Some(ClapPtr::new(extension_ptr as *const T))
} else {