2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle;
use std::any::Any;
use std::ffi::{c_void, CStr};
use std::mem;
use std::sync::Arc;
2022-02-17 06:41:00 +11:00
use vst3_com::utils::SharedVstPtr;
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
use vst3_sys::base::{kInvalidArgument, kResultFalse, kResultOk, tresult, TBool};
2022-02-17 06:41:00 +11:00
use vst3_sys::gui::{IPlugFrame, IPlugView};
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
use vst3_sys::VST3;
use super::inner::WrapperInner;
2022-02-17 06:43:53 +11:00
use super::util::{ObjectPtr, VstPtr};
2022-03-04 04:29:37 +11:00
use crate::plugin::{Editor, ParentWindowHandle, Vst3Plugin};
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
// Alias needed for the VST3 attribute macro
use vst3_sys as vst3_com;
// Window handle type constants missing from vst3-sys
const VST3_PLATFORM_HWND: &str = "HWND";
const VST3_PLATFORM_HIVIEW: &str = "HIView";
const VST3_PLATFORM_NSVIEW: &str = "NSView";
const VST3_PLATFORM_UIVIEW: &str = "UIView";
const VST3_PLATFORM_X11_WINDOW: &str = "X11EmbedWindowID";
2022-03-04 09:05:01 +11:00
/// The plugin's [`IPlugView`] instance created in [`IEditController::create_view()`] if `P` has an
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
/// editor. This is managed separately so the lifetime bounds match up.
2022-03-01 05:21:14 +11:00
pub(crate) struct WrapperView<P: Vst3Plugin> {
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
inner: Arc<WrapperInner<P>>,
editor: Arc<dyn Editor>,
editor_handle: RwLock<Option<Box<dyn Any>>>,
2022-02-17 06:41:00 +11:00
/// The `IPlugFrame` instance passed by the host during `IPlugView::set_frame`.
pub plug_frame: RwLock<Option<VstPtr<dyn IPlugFrame>>>,
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
2022-03-01 05:21:14 +11:00
impl<P: Vst3Plugin> WrapperView<P> {
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
pub fn new(inner: Arc<WrapperInner<P>>, editor: Arc<dyn Editor>) -> Box<Self> {
2022-02-17 06:41:00 +11:00
Self::allocate(inner, editor, RwLock::new(None), RwLock::new(None))
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
2022-03-01 05:21:14 +11:00
impl<P: Vst3Plugin> IPlugView for WrapperView<P> {
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
#[cfg(all(target_family = "unix", not(target_os = "macos")))]
unsafe fn is_platform_type_supported(&self, type_: vst3_sys::base::FIDString) -> tresult {
let type_ = CStr::from_ptr(type_);
match type_.to_str() {
Ok(type_) if type_ == VST3_PLATFORM_X11_WINDOW => kResultOk,
_ => {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Invalid window handle type: {:?}", type_);
#[cfg(all(target_os = "macos"))]
unsafe fn is_platform_type_supported(&self, type_: vst3_sys::base::FIDString) -> tresult {
let type_ = CStr::from_ptr(type_);
match type_.to_str() {
Ok(type_) if type_ == VST3_PLATFORM_NSVIEW => kResultOk,
_ => {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Invalid window handle type: {:?}", type_);
#[cfg(all(target_os = "windows"))]
unsafe fn is_platform_type_supported(&self, type_: vst3_sys::base::FIDString) -> tresult {
let type_ = CStr::from_ptr(type_);
match type_.to_str() {
Ok(type_) if type_ == VST3_PLATFORM_HWND => kResultOk,
_ => {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Invalid window handle type: {:?}", type_);
unsafe fn attached(&self, parent: *mut c_void, type_: vst3_sys::base::FIDString) -> tresult {
let mut editor_handle = self.editor_handle.write();
if editor_handle.is_none() {
let type_ = CStr::from_ptr(type_);
let handle = match type_.to_str() {
#[cfg(all(target_family = "unix", not(target_os = "macos")))]
Ok(type_) if type_ == VST3_PLATFORM_X11_WINDOW => {
2022-02-08 07:58:59 +11:00
let mut handle = raw_window_handle::XcbHandle::empty();
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
handle.window = parent as usize as u32;
#[cfg(all(target_os = "macos"))]
Ok(type_) if type_ == VST3_PLATFORM_NSVIEW => {
2022-02-08 07:58:59 +11:00
let mut handle = raw_window_handle::AppKitHandle::empty();
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
handle.ns_view = parent;
2022-02-08 07:58:59 +11:00
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
#[cfg(all(target_os = "windows"))]
Ok(type_) if type_ == VST3_PLATFORM_HWND => {
2022-02-08 07:58:59 +11:00
let mut handle = raw_window_handle::Win32Handle::empty();
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
handle.hwnd = parent;
2022-02-08 07:58:59 +11:00
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
_ => {
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Unknown window handle type: {:?}", type_);
return kInvalidArgument;
2022-03-04 02:33:41 +11:00
*editor_handle = Some(self.editor.spawn(
ParentWindowHandle { handle },
2022-02-17 06:43:53 +11:00
*self.inner.plug_view.write() = Some(ObjectPtr::from(self));
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
} else {
2022-03-04 04:29:37 +11:00
"Host tried to attach editor while the editor is already attached"
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
unsafe fn removed(&self) -> tresult {
let mut editor_handle = self.editor_handle.write();
if editor_handle.is_some() {
2022-02-17 06:43:53 +11:00
*self.inner.plug_view.write() = None;
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
*editor_handle = None;
2022-02-17 06:43:53 +11:00
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
} else {
2022-03-04 04:29:37 +11:00
nih_debug_assert_failure!("Host tried to remove the editor without an active editor");
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
unsafe fn on_wheel(&self, _distance: f32) -> tresult {
// We'll let the plugin use the OS' input mechamisms because not all DAWs (or very few
// actually) implement these functions
unsafe fn on_key_down(
_key: vst3_sys::base::char16,
_key_code: i16,
_modifiers: i16,
) -> tresult {
unsafe fn on_key_up(
_key: vst3_sys::base::char16,
_key_code: i16,
_modifiers: i16,
) -> tresult {
unsafe fn get_size(&self, size: *mut vst3_sys::gui::ViewRect) -> tresult {
*size = mem::zeroed();
let (width, height) = self.editor.size();
let size = &mut *size;
size.left = 0;
size.right = width as i32;
size.top = 0;
size.bottom = height as i32;
unsafe fn on_size(&self, _new_size: *mut vst3_sys::gui::ViewRect) -> tresult {
// TODO: Implement resizing
unsafe fn on_focus(&self, _state: TBool) -> tresult {
2022-02-17 06:41:00 +11:00
unsafe fn set_frame(&self, frame: *mut c_void) -> tresult {
// The correct argument type is missing from the bindings
let frame: SharedVstPtr<dyn IPlugFrame> = mem::transmute(frame);
match frame.upgrade() {
Some(frame) => *self.plug_frame.write() = Some(frame.into()),
None => *self.plug_frame.write() = None,
2022-02-07 04:46:16 +11:00
unsafe fn can_resize(&self) -> tresult {
// TODO: Implement resizing
unsafe fn check_size_constraint(&self, rect: *mut vst3_sys::gui::ViewRect) -> tresult {
// TODO: Add this with the resizing
if (*rect).right - (*rect).left > 0 && (*rect).bottom - (*rect).top > 0 {
} else {