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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic
Since there is no stable release yet, the changes are organized per day in
reverse chronological order. The main purpose of this document in its current
state is to list breaking changes.
## [2023-05-13]
### Fixed
- Removed the `Default` bound from the `SysExMessage::Buffer` type. This was a
leftover from an older design.
2023-05-01 05:28:23 +10:00
## [2023-04-30]
2023-05-14 06:38:57 +10:00
### Changed
2023-05-01 05:28:23 +10:00
- Added debug assertions to make sure parameter ranges are valid. The minimum
value must always be lower than the maximum value and they cannot be equal.
## [2023-04-27]
### Changed
- The `v2s_f32_rounded()` formatter now avoids returning negative zero values
for roundtripping reasons since -0.0 and 0.0 correspond to the same normalized
## [2023-04-24]
### Breaking changes
- `Plugin::editor()` and `Plugin::task_executor()` now take `&mut self` instead
of `&self` to make it easier to move data into these functions without
involving interior mutability.
### Changed
- The `Plugin` trait's documentation has been updated to better clarify the
structure and to more explicitly mention that the non-lifecycle methods are
called once immediately after creating the plugin object.
### Fixed
- The logger now uses the correct local time offset on Linux instead of
defaulting to UTC due to some implementation details of the underlying `time`
- The buffer changes from March 31st broke the sample accurate automation
feature. This has now been fixed.
## [2023-04-22]
### Added
- CLAP plugins can optionally declare pages of [remote
so DAWs can more automatically map pages of the plugin's parameters to
hardware controllers. This is currently a draft extension, so until the
extension is finalized host support may break at any moment.
### Changed
2023-04-23 00:09:37 +10:00
- The CLAP version has been updated to 1.1.8.
- The prelude module now also re-exports the following:
- The `PluginApi` num.
- The `Transport` struct.
2023-04-23 00:09:37 +10:00
### Fixed
- The upgrade to CLAP 1.1.8 caused NIH-plug to switch from the draft version of
the voice info extension to the final version, fixing voice stacking with
recent versions of Bitwig.
## [2023-04-05]
### Breaking changes
- The `nih_debug_assert*!()` macros are now upgraded to regular panicking
`debug_assert!()` macros during tests.
- `SmoothingStyle::for_oversampling_factor()` has been removed in favor of a new
mechanism that allows the smmoothers to be aware of oversampling. A new
`Smoothingstyle::OversamplingAware(oversampling_times, style)` can be used to
wrap another `Smoothingstyle` to make it aware of an oversampling amount that
can change at runtime. The `oversampling_times` is an `Arc<AtomicF32>` that
indicates the current oversampling amount. This makes it possible to link
multiple parameters to the same oversampling amount, have different sets of
parameters run at different effective sample rates, and automatically update
those oversampling amounts/sample rate multipliers from a parameter callback.
- As a consequence of the above change, `Smoothingstyle` is no longer `Copy`
since the `OversamplingAware` smoothing style contain an
`Arc<Smoothingstyle>`. It can still be `Clone`d.
2023-04-22 22:43:28 +10:00
### Changed
- The prelude module now also re-exports the `AtomicF32` type since it's needed
to use the new `Smoothingstyle::OversamplingAware`.
## [2023-04-01]
### Fixed
- Auxiliary output buffers are now always zeroed out in case the host didn't do
this for us. This was a regression from before 2023-03-31.
## [2023-03-31]
### Changed
- Buffer management has been completely rewritten so it can be shared among all
of NIH-plug's backends. This should not result in any noticeable changes, but
it should reduce the chances of backend-specific bugs when it comes to
interacting with audio buffers and it will make it simpler to implement buffer
management for new plugin APIs.
### Fixed
- When a main IO audio buffers has more output channels than input channels, the
excess output channels are now correctly filled with zeroes instead of
containing whatever data was left in the host's output buffers. As part of
this change NIH-plug's buffer management has been refactored to reuse the same
logic in all of its wrappers.
- Any outstanding VST3 output events are now sent to the host during a parameter
2023-03-22 04:13:59 +11:00
## [2023-03-21]
### Changed
- The logger now always shows the module in debug builds to make it easier to
know where logging messages are sent from. Previously this was only done for
the debug and trace message levels.
- The logger now filters out the `Mapped XXXX font faces in YYYms.` messages
from cosmic text in release builds as this is unnecessary noise for end users.
- `nih_plug_vizia`: `ParamButton`'s active color was made much lighter to make
the text more readable, and the hover state has been fixed.
## [2023-03-18]
### Added
- `nih_plug_vizia`: Added a `GuiContextEvent::Resize` event. The plugin can emit
this to trigger a resize to its current size, as specified by its
`ViziaState`'s size callback. This can be used to declaratively resize a
plugin GUI and it removes some potential surface for making mistakes in the
process. See `GuiContextEvent::Resize`'s documentation for an example.
## [2023-03-17]
### Added
- Added a `NoteEvent::channel()` method to get an event's channel, if it has
any. ([#62](https://github.com/robbert-vdh/nih-plug/pull/62))
## [2023-03-07]
This document is now also used to keep track of non-breaking changes.
2023-03-08 07:22:15 +11:00
### Breaking changes
- The way window sizes work in `ViziaState` has been reworked to be more
predictable and reliable. Instead of creating a `ViziaState` with a predefined
size and then tracking the window's current size in that object, `ViziaState`
now takes a callback that returns the window's current logical size. This can
be used to compute the window's current size based on the plugin's state. The
result is that window sizes always match the plugin's current state and
recalling an old incorrect size is no longer possible.
### Added
- Debug builds now include debug assertions that detect incorrect use of the
`GuiContext`'s parameter setting methods.
## [2023-02-28]
### Breaking changes
- `ViziaState::from_size()` now takes a third boolean argument to control
whether the window's size is persisted or not. This avoids a potential bug
where an old window size is recalled after the plugin's GUI's size has changed
in an update to the plugin.
## [2023-02-20]
### Breaking changes
- The way audio IO layouts are configured has changed completely to align better
with NIH-plug's current and future supported plugin API backends. Rather than
defining a default layout and allowing the host/backend to change the channel
counts by polling the `Plugin::accepts_bus_config()` function, the plugin now
explicitly enumerates all supported audio IO layouts in a declarative fashion.
This change gives the plugin more options for defining alternative audio port
layouts including layouts with variable numbers of channels and ports, while
simultaneously removing ambiguities and behavior that was previously governed
by heuristics.
All types surrounding bus layouts and port names have changed slightly to
accommodate this change. Take a look at the updated examples for more details
on how this works. The `Plugin::AUDIO_IO_LAYOUTS` field's documentation also
contains an example for how to initialize the layouts slice.
- As a result of the above change, NIH-plug's standalones no longer have
`--input` and `--output` command line arguments to change the number of input
and output channels. Instead, they now have an `--audio-layout` option that
lets the user select an audio layout from the list of available layouts by
index. `--audio-layout=help` can be used to list those layouts.
## [2023-02-01]
### Breaking changes
- The `Vst3Plugin::VST3_CATEGORIES` string constant has been replaced by a
`Vst3Plugin::VST3_SUBCATEGORIES` constant of type `&[Vst3SubCategory]`.
`Vst3SubCategory` is an enum containing all of VST3's predefined categories,
and it behaves similarly to the `ClapFeature` enum used for CLAP plugins. This
makes defining subcategories for VST3 plugins easier and less error prone.
## [2023-01-31]
### Breaking changes
- NIH-plug has gained support MIDI SysEx in a simple, type-safe, and
realtime-safe way. This sadly does mean that every `Plugin` instance now needs
to define a `SysExMessage` type definition and constructor function as Rust
does not yet support defaults for associated types (Rust issue
type SysExMessage = ();
- As the result of the above change, `NoteEvent` is now parameterized by a
`SysExMessage` type. There is a new `PluginNoteEvent<P>` type synonym that can
be parameterized by a `Plugin` to make using this slightly less verbose.
## [2023-01-12]
### Breaking changes
- The Vizia dependency has been updated. This updated version uses a new text
rendering engine, so there are a couple breaking changes:
- The names for some of Vizia's fonts have changed. The constants and font
registration functions in `nih_plug_vizia::assets` and
`nih_plug_vizia::vizia_assets` still have the same name, but all uses of the
`font` CSS property and `.font()` view modifier will have to be changed.
- Metrics for rendered text have change slightly. Most notably the height and
vertical positioning of text is slightly different, so you may have to
adjust your layout slightly accordingly.
## [2023-01-11]
### Breaking changes
- `Editor::param_values_changes()` is no longer called from the audio thread and
thus no longer needs to be realtime safe.
- A new `Editor::param_value_changed(id, normalized_value)` method has been
added. This is used to notify the plugin of changes to individual parameters.
- A similar new `Editor::param_modulation_changed(id, modulation_offset)` is
used to inform the plugin of a parameter's new monophonic modulation offset.
## [2023-01-06]
### Breaking changes
- The threads used for the `.schedule_gui()` and `.schedule_background()`
methods are now shared between all instances of a plugin. This makes
`.schedule_gui()` on Linux behave more like it does on Windows and macOS, and
there is now only a single background thread instead of each instance spawning
their own thread.
## [2023-01-05]
### Breaking changes
- `Buffer::len()` has been renamed to `Buffer::samples()` to make this less
- `Block::len()` has been renamed to `Block::samples()`.
## [2022-11-17]
### Breaking changes
- The `Params` derive macro now also properly supports persistent fields in
`#[nested]` parameter structs. This takes `#[nested(id_prefix = "...")]` and
`#[nested(array)]` into account to allow multiple copies of a persistent
field. This may break existing usages as serialized field data without a
matching preffix or suffix is no longer passed to the child object.
## [2022-11-17]
### Breaking changes
- The order of `#[nested]` parameters in the parameter list now always follows
the declaration order instead of nested parameters being ordered below regular
2022-11-09 08:03:26 +11:00
## [2022-11-08]
### Breaking changes
2022-11-09 08:03:26 +11:00
- The `Param::{next_previous}{_step,_normalized_step}()` functions now take an
additional boolean argument to indicate that the range must be finer. This is
used for floating point parameters to chop the range up into smaller segments
when using Shift+scroll.
## [2022-11-07]
### Breaking changes
- `Param::plain_value()` and `Param::normalized_value()` have been renamed to
`Param::modulated_plain_value()` and `Param::modulated_normalized_value()`.
These functions are only used when creating GUIs, so this shouldn't break any
other plugin code. This change was made to make it extra clear that these
values do include monophonic modulation, as it's very easy to mistakenly use
the wrong value when handling user input in GUI widgets.
## [2022-11-06]
### Breaking changes
- `nih_plug_vizia::create_vizia_editor_without_theme()` has been removed, and
`nih_plug_vizia::create_vizia_editor()` has gained a new argument to specify
what amount of theming to apply. This can now also be used to completely
disable all theming include Vizia's built-in theme.
- `nih_plug_vizia::create_vizia_editor()` no longer registers any fonts by
default. Even when those fonts are not used, they will still be embedded in
the binary, increasing its size by several megabytes. Instead, you can now
register individual fonts by calling the
`nih_plug_vizia::assets::register_*()` functions. This means that you _must_
call `nih_plug_vizia::assets::register_noto_sans_light()` for the default
theming to work. All of the plugins in this repo also use
`nih_plug_vizia::assets::register_noto_sans_thin()` as a title font.
- Additionally, the Vizia fork has been updated to not register _any_ default
fonts for the same reason. If you previously relied on Vizia's default Roboto
font, then you must now call `nih_plug_vizia::vizia_assets::register_roboto()`
at the start of your process function.
## [2022-10-23]
### Breaking changes
- `nih_plug_vizia` has been updated. Widgets with custom drawing code will need
to be updated because of changes in Vizia itself.
## [2022-10-22]
### Breaking changes
- The `Editor` trait and the `ParentWindowHandle` struct have been moved from
`nih_plug::plugin` to a new `nih_plug::editor` module. If you only use the
prelude module then you won't need to change anything.
- The `nih_plug::context` module has been split up into
`nih_plug::context::init`, `nih_plug::context::process`, and
`nih_plug::context::gui` to make it clearer which structs go with which
context. You again don't have to change anything if you use the prelude.
- NIH-plug has gained support for asynchronously running background tasks in a
simple, type-safe, and realtime-safe way. This sadly does mean that every
`Plugin` instance now needs to define a `BackgroundTask` type definition and
constructor function as Rust does not yet support defaults for associated
types (Rust issue [#29661](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/29661)):
type BackgroundTask = ();
- The `&mut impl InitContext` argument to `Plugin::initialize()` needs to be
changed to `&mut impl InitContext<Self>`.
- The `&mut impl ProcessContext` argument to `Plugin::process()` needs to be
changed to `&mut impl ProcessContext<Self>`.
- The `Plugin::editor()` method now also takes a
`_async_executor: AsyncExecutor<Self>` parameter.
## [2022-10-20]
### Breaking changes
- Some items have been moved out of `nih_plug::param::internals`. The main
`Params` trait is now located under `nih_plug::param`, and the
`PersistentTrait` trait, implementations, and helper functions are now part of
a new `nih_plug::param::persist` module. Code importing the `Params` trait
through the prelude module doesn't need to be changed.
- The `nih_plug::param` module has been renamed to `nih_plug::params`. Code that
only uses the prelude module doesn't need to be changed.
- The `create_egui_editor()` function from `nih_plug_egui` now also takes a
build closure to apply initialization logic to the egui context.
- `Editor` and the editor handle returned by `Editor::spawn` now only require
`Send` and no longer need `Sync`. This is not a breaking change, but it might
be worth being aware of.
- Similar to the above change, `Plugin` also no longer requires `Sync`.
## [2022-10-13]
### Breaking changes
- The `#[nested]` parameter attribute has gained super powers and has its syntax
changed. It can now automatically handle many situations that previously
required custom `Params` implementations to have multiple almost identical
copies of a parameter struct. The current version supports both fields with
unique parameter ID prefixes, and arrays of parameter objects. See the
trait for more information on the new syntax.
## [2022-09-22]
### Breaking changes
2022-09-23 03:52:11 +10:00
- `nih_plug_vizia` has been updated. Custom widgets will need to be updated
because of changes Vizia itself.
- `nih_plug_egui` has been updated from egui 0.17 to egui 0.19.
## [2022-09-06]
### Breaking changes
- Parameter values are now accessed using `param.value()` instead of
`param.value`, with `param.value()` being an alias for the existing
`param.plain_value()` function. The old approach, while perfectly safe in
practice, was technically unsound because it used mutable pointers to
parameters that may also be simultaneously read from in an editor GUI. With
this change the parameters now use actual relaxed atomic stores and loads to
avoid mutable aliasing, which means the value fields are now no longer
directly accessible.
## [2022-09-04]
### Breaking changes
- `Smoother::next_block_mapped()` and `Smoother::next_block_exact_mapped()` have
been redesigned. They now take an index of the element being generated and the
float representation of the smoothed value. This makes it easier to use them
for modulation, and it makes it possible to smoothly modulate integers and
other stepped parameters. Additionally, the mapping functions are now also
called for every produced value, even if the smoother has already finished
smoothing and is always producing the same value.
## [2022-08-19]
### Breaking changes
- Standalones now use the plugin's default input and output channel counts
instead of always defaulting to two inputs and two outputs.
- `Plugin::DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS` and `Plugin::DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS` have been
renamed to `Plugin::DEFAULT_INPUT_CHANNELS` and
`Plugin::DEFAULT_OUTPUT_CHANNELS` respectively to avoid confusion as these
constants only affect the main input and output.
2022-07-20 04:18:45 +10:00
## [2022-07-18]
### Breaking changes
2022-07-20 04:18:45 +10:00
- `IntRange` and `FloatRange` no longer have min/max methods and instead have
next/previous step methods. This is for better compatibility with the new
reversed ranges.
## [2022-07-06]
### Breaking changes
- There are new `NoteEvent::PolyModulation` and `NoteEvent::MonoAutomation`
events as part of polyphonic modulation support for CLAP plugins.
- The block smoothing API has been reworked. Instead of `Smoother`s having their
2022-07-07 04:54:27 +10:00
own built-in block buffer, you now need to provide your own mutable slice for
the smoother to fill. This makes the API easier to understand, more flexible,
2022-07-07 04:54:27 +10:00
and it allows cloning smoothers without worrying about allocations.In
addition, the new implementation is much more efficient when the smoothing
period has ended before or during the block.
## [2022-07-05]
### Breaking changes
- The `ClapPlugin::CLAP_HARD_REALTIME` constant was moved to the general
2022-07-07 04:54:27 +10:00
`Plugin` trait as `Plugin::HARD_REALTIME_ONLY`, and best-effort support for
VST3 has been added.
## [2022-07-04]
### Breaking changes
constants from the `ClapPlugin` are now optional and have the type
`Option<&'static str>` instead of `&'static str`.
- Most `NoteEvent` variants now have an additional `voice_id` field.
- There is a new `NoteEvent::VoiceTerminated` event a plugin can send to let the
host know a voice has been terminated. This needs to be output by CLAP plugins
that support polyphonic modulation.
- There is a new `NoteEvent::Choke` event the host can send to a plugin to let
it know that it should immediately terminate all sound associated with a voice
or a key.
## [2022-07-02]
### Breaking changes
- The `Params::serialize_fields()` and `Params::deserialize_fields()` methods
and the `State` struct now use `BTreeMap`s instead of `HashMap`s so the order
is consistent the plugin's state to JSON multiple times. These things are part
of NIH-plug's internals, so unless you're implementing the `Params` trait by
hand you will not notice any changes.
## [2022-06-01]
### Breaking changes
- The `ClapPlugin::CLAP_FEATURES` field now uses an array of `ClapFeature`
values instead of `&'static str`s. CLAP 0.26 contains many new predefined
features, and the existing ones now use dashes instead of underscores. Custom
features are still possible using `ClapFeature::Custom`.
## [2022-05-27]
### Breaking changes
- `Plugin::process()` now takes a new `aux: &mut AuxiliaryBuffers` parameter.
This was needed to allow auxiliary (sidechain) inputs and outputs.
- The `Plugin::initialize()` method now takes a `&mut impl InitContext` instead
of a `&mut impl ProcessContext`.
## [2022-05-22]
### Breaking changes
- The current processing mode is now stored in `BufferConfig`. Previously this
could be fetched through a function on the `ProcessContext`, but this makes
more sense as it remains constant until a plugin is deactivated. The
`BufferConfig` now contains a field for the minimum buffer size that may or
may not be set depending on the plugin API.
- Previously calling `param.non_automatable()` when constructing a parameter
also made the parameter hidden. Hiding a parameter is now done through
`param.hide()`, while `param.non_automatable()` simply makes it so that the
parameter can only be changed manually and not through automation or
## ...
Who knows what happened at this point!