From 35cf7ffc1d3878a8d2b18ff5471284d19a62f00b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robbert van der Helm <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 21:12:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Implement IComponent

 src/wrapper/ | 155 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 147 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/wrapper/ b/src/wrapper/
index 35f9e5bd..8490fffe 100644
--- a/src/wrapper/
+++ b/src/wrapper/
@@ -14,25 +14,164 @@
 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 // along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+use std::ffi::c_void;
 use std::marker::PhantomData;
 use std::mem;
-use std::pin::Pin;
-use vst3_com::base::{kInvalidArgument, kResultFalse, kResultOk};
 // Alias needed for the VST3 attribute macro
 use vst3_sys as vst3_com;
-use vst3_sys::base::tresult;
-use vst3_sys::base::{IPluginFactory, IPluginFactory2, IPluginFactory3};
+use vst3_sys::base::{kInvalidArgument, kNoInterface, kResultFalse, kResultOk, tresult, TBool};
+use vst3_sys::base::{IPluginBase, IPluginFactory, IPluginFactory2, IPluginFactory3};
+use vst3_sys::vst::IComponent;
 use vst3_sys::VST3;
-use crate::plugin::Plugin;
-use crate::wrapper::util::strlcpy;
+use crate::plugin::{BusConfig, Plugin};
+use crate::wrapper::util::{strlcpy, u16strlcpy};
 /// Re-export for the wrapper.
 pub use vst3_sys::sys::GUID;
 pub struct Wrapper<P: Plugin> {
-    plugin: Pin<Box<P>>,
+    plugin: P,
+    current_bus_config: BusConfig,
+impl<P: Plugin> Wrapper<P> {
+    pub fn new() -> Box<Self> {
+        Self::allocate(
+            P::default(),
+            // Some hosts, like the current version of Bitwig and Ardour at the time of writing,
+            // will try using the plugin's default not yet initialized bus arrangement. Because of
+            // that, we'll always initialize this configuration even before the host requests a
+            // channel layout.
+            BusConfig {
+                num_input_channels: P::DEFAULT_NUM_INPUTS,
+                num_output_channels: P::DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUTS,
+            },
+        )
+    }
+impl<P: Plugin> IPluginBase for Wrapper<P> {
+    unsafe fn initialize(&self, _context: *mut c_void) -> tresult {
+        // We currently don't need or allow any initialization logic
+        kResultOk
+    }
+    unsafe fn terminate(&self) -> tresult {
+        kResultOk
+    }
+impl<P: Plugin> IComponent for Wrapper<P> {
+    unsafe fn get_controller_class_id(&self, _tuid: *mut vst3_sys::IID) -> tresult {
+        // We won't separate the edit controller to keep the implemetnation a bit smaller
+        kNoInterface
+    }
+    unsafe fn set_io_mode(&self, _mode: vst3_sys::vst::IoMode) -> tresult {
+        // This would need to integrate with the GUI, which we currently don't have
+        kResultOk
+    }
+    unsafe fn get_bus_count(
+        &self,
+        type_: vst3_sys::vst::MediaType,
+        _dir: vst3_sys::vst::BusDirection,
+    ) -> i32 {
+        // All plugins currently only have a single input and a single output bus
+        match type_ {
+            x if x == vst3_com::vst::MediaTypes::kAudio as i32 => 1,
+            _ => 0,
+        }
+    }
+    unsafe fn get_bus_info(
+        &self,
+        type_: vst3_sys::vst::MediaType,
+        dir: vst3_sys::vst::BusDirection,
+        index: i32,
+        info: *mut vst3_sys::vst::BusInfo,
+    ) -> tresult {
+        match type_ {
+            t if t == vst3_com::vst::MediaTypes::kAudio as i32 => {
+                *info = mem::zeroed();
+                let info = &mut *info;
+                info.media_type = vst3_com::vst::MediaTypes::kAudio as i32;
+                info.bus_type = vst3_com::vst::BusTypes::kMain as i32;
+                info.flags = vst3_com::vst::BusFlags::kDefaultActive as u32;
+                match (dir, index) {
+                    (d, 0) if d == vst3_com::vst::BusDirections::kInput as i32 => {
+                        info.direction = vst3_com::vst::BusDirections::kInput as i32;
+                        info.channel_count = self.current_bus_config.num_input_channels as i32;
+                        u16strlcpy(&mut, "Input");
+                        kResultOk
+                    }
+                    (d, 0) if d == vst3_com::vst::BusDirections::kOutput as i32 => {
+                        info.direction = vst3_com::vst::BusDirections::kOutput as i32;
+                        info.channel_count = self.current_bus_config.num_output_channels as i32;
+                        u16strlcpy(&mut, "Output");
+                        kResultOk
+                    }
+                    _ => kInvalidArgument,
+                }
+            }
+            _ => kInvalidArgument,
+        }
+    }
+    unsafe fn get_routing_info(
+        &self,
+        in_info: *mut vst3_sys::vst::RoutingInfo,
+        out_info: *mut vst3_sys::vst::RoutingInfo,
+    ) -> tresult {
+        *out_info = mem::zeroed();
+        let in_info = &*in_info;
+        let out_info = &mut *out_info;
+        match (in_info.media_type, in_info.bus_index) {
+            (t, 0) if t == vst3_sys::vst::MediaTypes::kAudio as i32 => {
+                out_info.media_type = vst3_sys::vst::MediaTypes::kAudio as i32;
+                out_info.bus_index = in_info.bus_index;
+       =;
+                kResultOk
+            }
+            _ => kInvalidArgument,
+        }
+    }
+    unsafe fn activate_bus(
+        &self,
+        type_: vst3_sys::vst::MediaType,
+        _dir: vst3_sys::vst::BusDirection,
+        index: i32,
+        _state: vst3_sys::base::TBool,
+    ) -> tresult {
+        // We don't need any special handling here
+        match (type_, index) {
+            (t, 0) if t == vst3_sys::vst::MediaTypes::kAudio as i32 => kResultOk,
+            _ => kInvalidArgument,
+        }
+    }
+    unsafe fn set_active(&self, _state: TBool) -> tresult {
+        // We don't need any special handling here
+        kResultOk
+    }
+    unsafe fn set_state(&self, _state: *mut c_void) -> tresult {
+        // TODO: Implemnt state saving and restoring
+        kResultFalse
+    }
+    unsafe fn get_state(&self, _state: *mut c_void) -> tresult {
+        // TODO: Implemnt state saving and restoring
+        kResultFalse
+    }
 // TODO: Implement the rest