Allow BackgroundThread sharing between instances
This removes the need for every instance to have its own background thread.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 134 additions and 41 deletions
@ -102,6 +102,12 @@ version = "1.0.66"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "216261ddc8289130e551ddcd5ce8a064710c0d064a4d2895c67151c92b5443f6"
name = "anymap"
version = "0.12.1"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "33954243bd79057c2de7338850b85983a44588021f8a5fee574a8888c6de4344"
name = "approx"
version = "0.3.2"
@ -2601,6 +2607,7 @@ name = "nih_plug"
version = "0.0.0"
dependencies = [
"approx 0.5.1",
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ docs = []
nih_plug_derive = { path = "nih_plug_derive" }
anyhow = "1.0"
anymap = "0.12.1"
atomic_float = "0.1"
atomic_refcell = "0.1"
backtrace = "0.3.65"
@ -4,82 +4,167 @@
//! This is essentially a slimmed down version of the `LinuxEventLoop`.
use crossbeam::channel;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicIsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle};
use super::MainThreadExecutor;
use crate::util::permit_alloc;
/// See the module's documentation. This is a slimmed down version of the `LinuxEventLoop` that can
/// be used with other OS and plugin format specific event loop implementations.
pub(crate) struct BackgroundThread<T> {
/// A thread that act as our worker thread. When [`schedule_gui()`][Self::schedule_gui()] is
/// called, this thread will be woken up to execute the task on the executor. This is wrapped in
/// an `Option` so the thread can be taken out of it and joined when this struct gets dropped.
worker_thread: Option<JoinHandle<()>>,
/// A channel for waking up the worker thread and having it perform one of the tasks from
/// [`Message`].
tasks_sender: channel::Sender<Message<T>>,
/// See the module's documentation. This is a background thread that can be used to run tasks on.
/// The implementation shares a single thread between all of a plugin's instances hosted in the same
/// process.
pub(crate) struct BackgroundThread<T, E> {
/// The object that actually executes the task `T`. We'll send a weak reference to this to the
/// worker thread whenever a task needs to be executed. This allows multiple plugin instances to
/// share the same worker thread.
executor: Arc<E>,
/// A thread that act as our worker thread. When [`schedule()`][Self::schedule()] is called,
/// this thread will be woken up to execute the task on the executor. When the last worker
/// thread handle gets dropped the thread is shut down.
worker_thread: WorkerThreadHandle<T, E>,
/// A handle for the singleton worker thread. This lets multiple instances of the same plugin share
/// a worker thread, and when the last instance gets dropped the worker thread gets terminated.
struct WorkerThreadHandle<T, E> {
pub(self) tasks_sender: channel::Sender<Message<T, E>>,
/// The thread's reference count. Shared between all handles to the same thread. This is
/// decrased by one when the struct is dropped.
reference_count: Arc<AtomicIsize>,
/// The thread's join handle. Joined when the reference count reaches 0.
join_handle: Arc<Mutex<Option<JoinHandle<()>>>>,
/// A message for communicating with the worker thread.
enum Message<T> {
/// A new task for the event loop to execute.
/// Shut down the worker thread.
enum Message<T, E> {
/// A new task for the event loop to execute along with the executor that should execute the
/// task. A reference to the executor is sent alongside because multiple plugin instances may
/// share the same background thread.
Task((T, Weak<E>)),
/// Shut down the worker thread. Send when the last reference to the thread is dropped.
impl<T> BackgroundThread<T>
impl<T, E> BackgroundThread<T, E>
T: Send + 'static,
pub fn new_and_spawn<E>(executor: Arc<E>) -> Self
E: MainThreadExecutor<T> + 'static,
let (tasks_sender, tasks_receiver) = channel::bounded(super::TASK_QUEUE_CAPACITY);
pub fn get_or_create(executor: Arc<E>) -> Self {
Self {
// With our drop implementation we guarantee that this thread never outlives this struct
worker_thread: Some(
.spawn(move || worker_thread(tasks_receiver, Arc::downgrade(&executor)))
.expect("Could not spawn background worker thread"),
// The same worker thread can be shared by multiple instances. Lifecycle management
// happens through reference counting.
worker_thread: get_or_create_worker_thread(),
pub fn schedule(&self, task: T) -> bool {
// NOTE: This may check the current thread ID, which involves an allocation whenever this
// first happens on a new thread because of the way thread local storage works
permit_alloc(|| self.tasks_sender.try_send(Message::Task(task)).is_ok())
permit_alloc(|| {
.try_send(Message::Task((task, Arc::downgrade(&self.executor))))
impl<T> Drop for BackgroundThread<T> {
// Rust does not allow us to use the `T` and `E` type variable in statics, so this is a
// workaround to have a singleton that also works if for whatever reason there arem ultiple `T`
// and `E`s in a single process (won't happen with normal plugin usage, but sho knwos).
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref HANDLE_MAP: Mutex<anymap::Map<dyn anymap::any::Any + Send + 'static>> =
impl<T, E> Clone for WorkerThreadHandle<T, E> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
tasks_sender: self.tasks_sender.clone(),
reference_count: self.reference_count.clone(),
join_handle: self.join_handle.clone(),
impl<T, E> Drop for WorkerThreadHandle<T, E> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// If the host for whatever reason instantiates and destroys a plugin at the same time from
// different threads, we need to make sure this doesn't do anything weird.
let _handle_map = HANDLE_MAP.lock();
// The thread is shut down and joined when the last handle is dropped
if self.reference_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) == 1 {
.expect("Failed while sending worker thread shutdown request");
if let Some(join_handle) = self.worker_thread.take() {
let join_handle = self
.expect("The thread has already been joined");
join_handle.join().expect("Worker thread panicked");
/// Either acquire a handle for an existing worker thread or create one if it does not yet exists.
/// This allows multiple plugin instances to share a worker thread. Reference counting happens
/// automatically as part of this function and `WorkerThreadHandle`'s lifecycle.
fn get_or_create_worker_thread<T, E>() -> WorkerThreadHandle<T, E>
T: Send + 'static,
E: MainThreadExecutor<T> + 'static,
// The map entry contains both the thread's reference count
// NOTE: This uses `AtomicIsize` for a reason. The `HANDLE_MAP` also holds a reference to this
// thread handle, and its `Drop` implementation will also fire if the
// `Option<WorkerThreadHandle<T, E>>` is ever overwritten. This will cause the reference
// count to become -1 which is fine.
let mut handle_map = HANDLE_MAP.lock();
let (reference_count, worker_thread_handle) = handle_map
.entry::<(Arc<AtomicIsize>, Option<WorkerThreadHandle<T, E>>)>()
.or_insert_with(|| (Arc::new(AtomicIsize::new(0)), None));
// When this is the first reference to the worker thread, the thread is (re)initialized
if reference_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst) <= 0 {
let (tasks_sender, tasks_receiver) = channel::bounded(super::TASK_QUEUE_CAPACITY);
let join_handle = thread::Builder::new()
.spawn(move || worker_thread(tasks_receiver))
.expect("Could not spawn background worker thread");
// This needs special handling if `worker_thread_handle` was already a `Some` value because
// the `Drop` will decrease the reference count when it gets overwritten. There may be a
// better alternative to this.
if worker_thread_handle.is_some() {
reference_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
*worker_thread_handle = Some(WorkerThreadHandle {
reference_count: reference_count.clone(),
join_handle: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(join_handle))),
/// The worker thread used in [`EventLoop`] that executes incoming tasks on the event loop's
/// executor.
fn worker_thread<T, E>(tasks_receiver: channel::Receiver<Message<T>>, executor: Weak<E>)
fn worker_thread<T, E>(tasks_receiver: channel::Receiver<Message<T, E>>)
T: Send,
E: MainThreadExecutor<T>,
loop {
match tasks_receiver.recv() {
Ok(Message::Task(task)) => match executor.upgrade() {
Ok(Message::Task((task, executor))) => match executor.upgrade() {
Some(e) => e.execute(task, true),
None => {
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ where
Self {
executor: executor.clone(),
background_thread: BackgroundThread::new_and_spawn(executor),
background_thread: BackgroundThread::get_or_create(executor),
loop_source: LoopSourceWrapper(loop_source),
_callback_data: callback_data,
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ where
message_window: window,
message_window_class_name: class_name,
background_thread: BackgroundThread::new_and_spawn(executor),
background_thread: BackgroundThread::get_or_create(executor),
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ pub struct Wrapper<P: ClapPlugin> {
main_thread_id: ThreadId,
/// A background thread for running tasks independently from the host'main GUI thread. Useful
/// for longer, blocking tasks. Initialized later as it needs a reference to the wrapper.
background_thread: AtomicRefCell<Option<BackgroundThread<Task<P>>>>,
background_thread: AtomicRefCell<Option<BackgroundThread<Task<P>, Self>>>,
/// Tasks that can be sent from the plugin to be executed on the main thread in a non-blocking
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ impl<P: ClapPlugin> Wrapper<P> {
// Same with the background thread
*wrapper.background_thread.borrow_mut() =
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